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Everything posted by RedJed

  1. Isn't the new GM supposed to be announced on Monday? I swear they were talking about that on this past Raw. Sans with the Angle announcement that was actually an entire commericial in itself on Monday. How they can flip flop and have this little direction (assuming both of those things are now dropped for Monday) is pretty bad. This stuff about the Bret DVD is out of nowhere too. There HAS to be some point to it other than just having Vince commenting on it.
  2. Ok one last time here and then I am done as you tend to go in circles with things and generally anyone coming across as a know-it-all (as you are clearly doing) doesnt deserve any further attention if you arent even going to be a part of thought provoking discussion and instead it's that "I am right and everyone else is wrong." What was your point to be here if this is all you are going to do and that is a rhetorical question. You consistently continue to not even ackowledge comments and points that are valid within the people who are posting here, its much like that you are responding at a selective basis. Hogan, under your same context of what a "pro wrestler" is would not categorize him as such. Thats whats so annoying about this - you spout off about stuff, contradict yourself continuously on points, people call you out on it, you ignore them or make no sense in your response and then you go BACK to the same shit in a circle. It makes no sense. Depending on the criteria, yes, Daniels is better than Angle. It's all dependant on the criteria and under your criteria of what makes a person "better" than another, Daniels would be better than Angle. Styles sells better than any WWE wrestler? Not even sure who or when that was said. Again, I'm missing where all of us have stated there is more psychology in the X division than WWE. YOU'RE the one saying there is NONE and doing the generalizing (thats been the whole problem here from the start - you came in acting like a know-it-all and immediately also throwing out personal attacks), so dont throw that on someone else here. You need to maybe re-read some posts on things as you clearly arent understanding, much less accepting any part of it might hold some validity than, any opposite opinion of your own, and - of course, your opinion is apparently supposed to be taken by all of us as fact - just because you are a worker? That makes no sense. Again, absudity as its finest. If you want to just quickly draw conclusions on all of us, go ahead, but your narrow minded view of the business will not get you far, much less a token of respect or understanding here. I think it's pretty funny that you are critisizing all of us for the same thing you are doing too - ie "thinking their opinions are better than other fans" - if you cant see the hypocrisy in that statement you made...well......WOW. I dont think many of us are actually dreaming to be in the business as a worker. So because we are not, that makes us envious of you huh? Give me a break. We'd all respect your opinions much more if you 1) dont personally attack 2) draw conclusions and generalize so much 3) back up your arguments much stronger than you are doing.
  3. Amen to that. This is what this guy doesnt get - instead he wants to categorize all of us as blind marks of the X division when I dont think a single one of us has even stated such. Its absudity as it's finest.
  4. RedJed

    The War

    I believe TNA has a Monday Night slot for mid Feb IIRC - perfect time for War Games possibly?? Lets hope so as that would be a good idea to impliment in that timeslot. Otherwise if they hold off on the obvious (War Games) for Lockdown, thats ALOT of waiting, til April. Raven most definately should be on the face side, in the least. Killings wouldnt be a bad idea either. Monte Brown might be the guy that is set up as the tweener who ends up going to the other side at some point. We will see but this is actually not a bad angle for TNA standards as they have a solid direction in the upper card right now with this.
  5. RedJed

    King Kong

    Can anyone fill me in on the first 10 minutes of the film? The local piece of shit theatre fucked up and after the previews aired, they turned the lights back on and the screen went dark, like it was over. We all sat there forever and 10 minutes later it came back up - only it had already started. To make it worse, the theatre actually refused to give a full discount on the film afterwards, claiming they did in fact start it at the beginning of the film and not 10 minutes into it although everyone saw otherwise. UGH! Probably the last time I go to a film there since its a run down theatre anyway with shit sound, chairs that are broken (and have plastic wrapping over them for months before they actually fix them), and staff that dont have a clue how to run a theatre. I wouldnt think it would be very hard.
  6. I never said I even thought the X division is "a really good thing" - its just pure ignorance to dismiss it as worthless wrestling fodder or whatever you are trying to say. So by the same token, you are saying that all lucha libre is in fact, worthless. If you think the X division is spotty and choreographed, most lucha is way worse. And to say lucha libre isnt pro wrestling is really fucking wrong. The meaning of this topic......is going RIGHT over your head. To be honest, pro wrestling is a variable deal in that SO MANY aspects and forms of such can be successful and work for people. Its an individual basis in what you prefer AND what does get over with the masses. You seem to think that is HAS to stand simply on the drama factor and that is simply just not the case. I think many of us here have proven that. You never explain fully WHY it has to stand on a drama basis for apparently it to work. Thats because IT DOESNT. You're acting like pro wrestling is this cut and dry thing, when its the farthest thing from it. Again, you seem to continue post after post with generalizations so I might as well give up....I will say this though, for every two X division guys who might not be worth a shit (lets say Dutt and Bentley) there is one of three who you are really missing the point on (Daniels). I guess thats what you get for generalizing things....
  7. World title match: Batista v. Brock Lesnar (I know it probably wont happen but still....) WWE title match: Cena v. Edge "Dream match": Hogan v. Austin ( I cant lie, I want to see it) "Dream match 2" Orton v. Rock (battle of third gen stars) Interpromotional match: RVD v. Rey Misterio Foley (with an ECW group led by Heyman) v. HHH (with all McMahons as heels) in some sort of hardcore deal Benoit v. Taker Angle v. Michaels in some sort of el finale match (perhaps ladder?)
  8. Can you PLEASE stop generalizing everything? First off, lets go to the statement that "every wrestler is doing the same 'X division style'" - thats bullshit. Do you even watch TNA? Makes me wonder when you can't seperate each match as it's own. Thats as stupid as saying every WWE workers does the same style, which they don't. Yes, some X division workers have a character and YES, they can cut good promos. Again I go back to the absurd statement that Daniels can't cut a promo. Complete and utter bullshit and if you would actually watch TNA consistently (which you cant be doing so with these general-laced statements). And AGAIN to further another generalized statement that all X division workers dont use psychology - what is it going to take for you to realize, plain and simple, is it NOT true? WATCH Joe-Styles for just ONE example of many to offset that opinion. It's like you arent even reading what we are all saying here, and just repeating yourself over and over again when you've been disproved inaccurate on your portayal of the X division. Your first and last problem is your consistent generalizations on things. Have an open mind on things and you'll learn to enjoy the sport you apparently love much more.
  9. RedJed

    Tim White's "Suicide" skit

    I didnt find myself offended by the segment more than it just was badly put together and the idea was absurd at best, in that White would kill himself off camera and then Matthews would just stand there like a fucking idiot, and then to follow up that horrible attempt at drama, Matthews continues to stand there and make weird facials, not even indicative of that someone just killed themselves in front of him, but more like he just saw a disgusting thing of some sort. It was all very weird and generally, stupid. Whoever produced or directed that segment needs a serious cut in pay. To make it even worse, there was hardly any follow up from the angle afterwards (I couldnt believe how trivial it all was to the announcers) and it killed the crowd for the CW match. Talk about a failure on so many levels. I dont know if the idea was to leave what happened open-ended or what (considering we never saw anything), but the point of the whole segment (to show how the HIAC can affect people apparently?) seemed to fall apart completely when it was so poorly put together its not even remotely entertaining or interesting.
  10. The big thing out of this topic now is that, like another person stated, apparently Daniels has zero to poor mic skills?!! Since when??!! He's pretty solid on promos if you ask me.
  11. RedJed

    The Chronicles of Narnia

    Someone told me the CGI scenes in the film are very "fake" looking and dont compare to other CGI-laden films like LOTR, etc. Any opinions on that? Did the (apparently bad) CGI hurt the overall experience? They told me something that since the battles and big scenes that were CGI were filmed in more of a brighter context, it showed it was more obvious digital effects.
  12. RedJed

    King Kong

    I'm really surprised about the numbers. Is Kong on as many screeens as, say, the last LOTR? Just curious if perhaps it might have something to do with it being a 3 hour film, and not having as many showings per day and if its not on as many screens as some of the other past blockbusters..well.......yeah, I know, its a stretch. I'm 99.9% sure the movie is all over everywhere and on a mass number of screens. Honestly, the low numbers might have, more than anything, to do with this not coming out as close to the holiday as some other blockbusters have. Its not like any college, high school, or grade school kids are already off yet this week, maybe this upcoming week though. So I would expect a pretty strong re-surgence with Kong Xmas weekend. Here in town, they have it going on three screens at the local theater BUT each screen only shows 3 times a day. I have a freebie ticket for the film, but was figuring I should wait til Sunday to go check it out - to let the crowds die down. Guess I dont have to worry about that now!
  13. Kawada doesn't wrestle 3 or 4 times every week does he? Do you think he will still be the same if he was getting headdropped 10 times a week whole year? I think not. Kawada most certainly works 3-4 dates a year, since he is not under contract to any certain organization. Even if he was, he would still be working 3-4 dates a week though for AJPW. That point from Coffey definately holds some major credence on the topic here.
  14. RedJed

    Armageddon Predictions

    I'm in the minority here, but to me, this doesnt sound like a bad ppv lineup at all really, especially considering it's Smackdown and this brand has had issues with decent lineups on paper all year long. NWO, GAB, Judgment Day and No Mercy all had much weaker lineups going into the ppv than this. Still probably not going to buy it but might at least be interested enough that I'll go find it for free at a local bar or something. HIAC: Orton has to go over here considering they want him as their next champ, apparently. Might be a stretch, but I could see Orton taking a big bump, basically selling it like he's done, and then just as Taker is about to win, out comes Boogeyman to start a feud with him and Taker. Think deja-vu of sorts as this would be a similar formula they did for the first HIAC (Michaels gets ass kicked pretty much entire match, is about to lose, but wins via screwjob). Batista/Rey v. Show/Kane: Match should have been hyped up much better than it was and given the circumstances, they really could have made this a tag title match that would merge the belts together and whoever would win, that specific brand would get the tag belts. Knowing how the booking is lately (hotshotting alot) they very well might add that stip during the pre-show or something. Rey/Batista should be going over here considering there is zero steam on this feud and I would imagine Batista/Rey are going to stay a team for awhile now with the injury Batista is nursing. Plus Raw doesnt need any tag belts at this point since there are virtually zero teams around there, and Kane and Show seem to be headed to seperate singles feuds down the road. Booker/Benoit: Benoit has to win this, losing would just bury him. All of their matches so far have been very solid, so this should be around the same line, if not a little better than usual. Possible MOTN if HIAC doesnt click. MNM/Mexis: Looking forward to this match, could be good. MNM wins to get some heat back from the title loss. Kash/Juvi: Dont think they have ever worked against each other, dont remember anything in TNA at least. Might be good if you give them 10-15 minutes (which may be possible since there is only 6 matches on here and a virtual squash w/ Lashley match) and if both stray away from typical WWE style. Could see a title change here. Hardy/JBL: Not a bad match for just being thrown on a ppv. Could see this feud going longer than just this one match, likely some sort of schmoz finish with Hardy losing. Lashley v. Regal/Burchall: Basic squash, we all know who will win. Hoping this bury job on the tag team here means they might get a title run from Batista/Rey losing them to Regal/Burchall down the road.
  15. RedJed

    Armageddon Predictions

    Well they had Sylvan getting grossed out and complaining about Boogeyman after his squash tonight v. Nunzio. So I bet that'll be on the ppv too.
  16. RedJed

    TNA Year end Awards.

    Finisher of the year: Pounce Knockout of the year: Traci X-Division star of the year: Samoa Joe Tag Team of the year: The Naturals Who to watch in 2006: Christian Memorable Moment of the year: Raven wins the world title Match of the year: Styles vs. Joe Feud of the year: Styles vs. Daniels Mr. TNA MVP 2005: AJ Styles
  17. RedJed

    News on T4 and TV Series

    Yup, it was an episode of Freddy's Nightmares, and actually was the pilot episode, IIRC. Another side tid-bit on that, I think it was directed by Tobe Hooper. Wasn't too bad but didnt give the backstory justice since it was done in 30-40 minutes time.
  18. RedJed

    News on T4 and TV Series

    Considering New Line openly admits the Elm Street franchise put them on the proverbial map, AND there has been rumored rumblings of a prequal for a good year now at least, I think it's very possible this will happen with a NOES prequal, especially if damn near every other franchise is either remaking their original films, etc. There is a market for it, and it would succeed, maybe even more than a Freddy v. Jason sequal. Speaking of that, has anyone gotten any followup on that 3 way dance with Myers, Jason, and Freddy beyond that small brief report? I havent heard anything else reported on it with the net lately..... I am surprised if that does in fact happen, as the proposed FvJ sequal has gone through many changes already in a few years time. Plus the Halloween franchise is owned by Dimension Films, but with all of the changes within that company, as well as Akkad now RIP, maybe the franchise is going to work with New Line instead? If I had a choice in the manner, I would much rather see a straight Freddy v. Jason sequal with no others involved, other than maybe Pinhead. Actually a Pinhead v. Myers film might not be so bad either.
  19. RedJed

    WWE Tryouts

    Alot of this "realism" talk towards Amy about how she cant realistically do this and that is kind of pointless, guys. I'm sure she knows the logistics of things as being a "smart" fan entails. Let her follow her dream - there isnt a need to downgrade her potential at the expense of trying to "tell it to her like it is." She knows the reality of things currently but that still doesnt mean she can still try her damndest to get somewhere. You never know what the business, or WWE for that matter, will want in the future. Look at that whole Zack Gowen thing, for christ's sakes. WWE may primarily be hiring women who are more cosmetically there than talent-wise, but who knows, Vince may want something completely different down the road. Another thing not mentioned is that down the road, if you ever got a wild urge, I am betting, especially if you do tremendous in college, there may be strong potential down the road in Japan. Their women's scene is all but nonexistent at the moment, but I would imagine as years pass here, something has got to give with that. And there would be where you could really get over, exhibiting your athletics with other girls just like you who WANT to bust their ass and not take the easy road into the business (through just trying to get in on the T & A factor).
  20. All I'm going to say is this - if you think the X division is just spot after spot with no purpose and zero pychology, PLEASE check out Styles/Joe from last weekend.
  21. RedJed

    TNA Spoilers

    Ugh, these spoilers sound pretty boring and bland. They really need to start turning the heat up in creative if they want to make a dent in those ratings. Its like they are content with a .8 so dont see the need to bother?!! It's just frustrating as the roster currently has so much potential, and effort is given towards ppvs and angles during the ppv and then it appears there is no follow up (although it might be just backstage segments done that the crowd hasnt seen yet). Whatever the case, the match listings are pretty weak overall and I was expecting much more, esp with the New Years deal and with Sting. So the midnight match on New Years is AMW v. AJ/Daniels? Did they really even do a segment to build a friendship with Daniels and AJ? This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about. The Jarrett shit on the show sounds awful as well. I'm not feeling this back and forth shit with Brown and Jarrett when its clear this is not the direction they are going with in a feud with those two, so why continue to bother having Brown now go BACK and align with Jarrett? Its so counterproductive in the big scheme of things. Final Resolution main event sounds quite boring actually and should be promoted on a pimped out Impact special instead. So is the old committee structure pretty much done or what, as this seems like its Jarrett definately has more hold of the booking again now sadly.
  22. I think the Konnan-led gang heel squad is going to work really well. Homicide involved in a HUGE plus and I believe there was talk of Apolo being involved too as a sort of big man/bodyguard role in the faction. All in all, this would be be great fodder for not only an intial re-teaming of a NAO reunion against Konnan/Homicide but also Killings will be a big component here, as this hopefully all leads to him being as a strong solo act as a face, probably starting with him baiting Konnan at the tapings into leading him into a false sense of security and then turning on Konnan much like Konnan did to the "James Gang." From there, you then lead to Homicide coming in during the next show taping (lets assume Truth breaks away from Konnan at the show to air this Sat and then the next week Cide shows up) and then it just builds from there to likely a six man at the next ppv with Konnan/Cide/Apolo v. James Gang/Truth.
  23. RedJed

    TNA Turning Point

    Lots of variable opinions here. Makes for good discussion as long as there is no flame wars or someone accusing others of being marks towards the promotion or certain workers just because their opinion is different. I guess I'll be the first to say it - I thought this was, top to bottom, the most solid ppv TNA has done since they started the monthly ppvs. There was purpose to even the lamest match in 4LK v. Team Canada with a solid turn by Konnan after the match. Raven-Kanyon was a letdown in terms of time given to the match as I felt there could have been so much more there and instead it was more like a glorified squash match somewhat. But they followed up with Zbysko losing it after the match, so at least that (lame) angle is being moved ahead faster than expected. PLEASE give us Raven v. Sting for the world title, TNA. Alot to be said on that Christian-Brown finish. I gotta say that if thats the best he can do right now, Monte Brown does need to be developed much more before he hits main event level. TNA made the best move there for the time being. Now its just a question when Christian will get a title shot. They may do a long title chase with Christian, possibly. Wouldnt be surprised if he doesnt get the belt for at least 6 months, maybe at the Anniversary show. Joe-Styles was pretty fucking amazing anyway you slice it. I cant fathom anyone marking this anything below **** really but thats just me. It just seemed to have such a great flow and psychology, chuck full of holy shit moves, almost to the point where you feel exhausted just watching the match after it was over. Only a handful of TNA matches have really done this right, as most are highspots just all over the place with no rhyme or reason, but this worked beautifully. The shitkicking AJ was taking built some great heat when he started fighting back (and keep in mind Joe is basically a face even though he's booked as a heel so that makes it even that more impressive) - it really added a variable not seen too often, at least in TNA bouts. I'm usually not all for no-selling big moves, but when AJ kind of "hulked up" there during that one part of the match, it just made sense into what they were going for in that the finish was that much more tremendous and emotional. Much better than the first match with these guys and I havent really figured out if this was better than the 3 way at Unbreakable. My first reaction, until I see both again, is that it probably was. For garbage style I thought Sabu-Abyss was quite acceptable stuff. It didnt have the same flow as the Monsters Ball match did, but I think served its purpose just fine. I mean, fuck, it was a barbed wire match - is anyone expecting anything else other than the obvious (spots into the barbed wire)? I sure wasnt. The "Basebrawl" match was also a tad better than I thought it was going to be, going into it. Helped out things that you had Damon and AJ actually playing a part in the finish, but Sabin and Dutt, and even David fuckin Young all looked really solid here. Tables match was alright but a pretty anticlimactic finish. What the hell happened to Storm? And what was with that weird sequence where D-Von was going to be put through a table with a 3-D and something just went wrong? Maybe that had something to do with Storm's supposed serious injury. Jarrett-Rhino was certainly better than I thought it was going to be, but it was certainly full of just abotu every smoke and mirror you could get. The Team Canada run-ins were extremely weak though. The bump Jarrett took through the entrance, though, was of course botched a bit (table didnt break) but I think that made that bump that much better. Me and a friend were laughing our asses off at Jarrett taking crazy bumps like that - couldnt happen to a more deserving worker! To these guys credit though, they worked a match that ended up with some seriously strong near falls, even to the point where I thought Rhino, for a few seconds, might actually get the belt again. The finish was seen from a mile away though, and TNA needs to strive to get away from finishes like this, as they are so uncreative it just kills the enjoyment of the entire match when you have such a weak finish like that. Seems to be all too commonplace with Jarrett title matches too, so I'm sure its not just coincidence. They really shouldnt have done what they did with the Sting thing either at the end like that. The rumors were leaked big time, as evident by the crowd chanting Stings name before anything even happened, and since I would imagine TNA should have known this, they should have at the very least had Sting show up there to even just stand around starting at Jarrett from the top of the arena or something. Shit, they could have even done THAT without him being there. So a really shitty ending to a really good show, all in all.
  24. RedJed

    Impact special rating

    Thats been the EXACT main issue with TNA throughout the years. They never would really advertise much at all to let people know they are even around. This was really bad during the weekly ppv time - their scope of promotion on them was their website and ppv crawlers on the ppv channels, and that was about it. It seems like they were making steps in solid promotional moves when they did the first Thurs special, as well as Bound for Glory in general, but after that, its now kind of been null and void.
  25. To add to what everyone had also said, their CEO Frank Dickerson is out of the company supposedly after a power struggle with Jarrett, which now Jarrett has apparently won. VERY sad to say but it looks like Jarrett has gotten the power back. Not particularly looking forward to the future lately with this company. With that said, if this "big name" news is true, its a decent pickup and it could be a strong move as long as its done right. Which is hopeful at best at this point! I can't see anything beyond Sting-Jarrett though (which is a mistake) with Sting probably getting a title run ASAP (I wouldnt even doubt a title switch on the New Years at Midnight show - this ties into the 2006 verbage) which, of course, shit-cans Christians and/or Monte Browns potential title runs soon unfortunately. The only good out of this is that Jarrett will likely job the belt out relatively quickly in hopes of a long term Sting title run getting over with the masses. This was the initial plan of action for TNA to impliment back when Randy Savage appeared. Sting was supposed to be their surprise guy to show up at their first 3 hour ppv last Nov and then soon after lead to a Sting-Jarrett match with Sting going over.