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Everything posted by RedJed

  1. RedJed

    OAO Impact Special Thread

    Ideally I think if they could keep Impact on Sat nights as one hour and then be given one 2 hour special a month (preferably very close before their ppvs) that would be pretty cool, much like WWE used to do back in the early 90s with their USA specials they did to build as a final shot to their ppvs (anyone remember Surivor Series Showdown, etc?) With that said, I think Spike should, though, allow TNA a second one hour show now, which would be a Heat show in essense. They need 2 hours at least a week right now to weed through things better, but I do like the one hour "60 minute adrenaline rush" gimmick they got going there. They just have too much to cram into an hour though at the current rate. Long term, when things start really hitting on all cylanders, I think they could do Impact one hour (even keep it Sat nights) and then a second show each week on Mondays with 2 hours, but that will take time and probably a larger roster overall.
  2. RedJed

    NOTLD to be remade yet again

    Actually, they ARE doing a remake of Day of the Dead, I just saw something on it the other day. I believe its from Universal also, perhaps the same who did the Dawn remake.
  3. RedJed

    Phantasm Sphere : The Complete Collection

    Yeah, other than possible copyright issues or something, there is really no reason why we shouldnt be able to get these sets here in the states. Between this one, the Hellraiser one, and that impressive complete Halloween box set, I'm starting to finally consider a region free player.
  4. RedJed

    Phantasm Sphere : The Complete Collection

    Goddamn, this looks fantastic. Where can I get a region free DVD player for cheap again??!!!
  5. RedJed

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday Thread

    I feel like I'm still on an extended acid trip from yesterday's Raw with hearing Styles pimp out a WWE ppv here........whoa........
  6. RedJed

    Joey Styles is at Taboo Tuesday

    They just broadcasted Styles coming out to do announcing with Lawler on Heat - what a first match to call - Venis/Benjamin v. Kerwin/Stryker?!!
  7. RedJed

    Jake 'The Snake' Roberts DVD

    I picked up the DVD earlier at Best Buy and they must be using that same case for the DVD/Mini-book combo as perhaps the rumored 3 disc set at FYE or whatever it is from, as the box holding the stuff itself on the back says the runnning time is 8.5 hours and when you look at the DVD itself inside the box, the running time total is only 6 hours or something. Confusing.
  8. RedJed

    Austin Walks Out Again

    Again, you're ignoring the fact that they're dicking him around about hiring his best friend back. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not overlooking that fact...but also can't overlook the fact this isn't the first time he's taken his ball and went home because they won't play ball the way he wants. I tend to take him a little less seriously like that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Cmon man - its not that they wont play ball the way "he wants," its the principle that they bait him back into storylines to play into the Ross storyline (which logically should lead to Ross returning and naturally, Austin beating Coach), and then go and then job him out instead, when there is no question they should not be doing so considering the Ross situation and in that this is his first match in years and you dont drop the ball like that, no fuckin way. Plus ITS COACH he would be doing the job for. It's the simple principle, and additionally, Vince should know better from all of the dealings with Austin in the past that you can't expect him to put up with this - its like kicking someone in the nuts and not expecting them to at least squint. The fact that he has left before (and when he left, it was understandable terms for the most part) should be reason enough for a situation like this to not happen again. Vince should know better.
  9. RedJed

    Joey Styles is at Taboo Tuesday

    Wow -- just WOW. The last 48 hours in this company has been like someone is on a drug bender - really fucking up some shit, not making any sense whatsoever in your desicions, not showing any perspective whatsover, hurting some people that mean something to you, and then when you sober up and reality hits, you realized how bad you fucked up and how you have to do something, ANYTHING, to help the situation. So now appears to be the beginning of the backlash of the past few days with this move. It appears not only is Vince finally figuring out that, hey, he needs a play by play guy for the ppv since your current guy is IN A FREAKING MATCH but additionally, they have appeared to realize Coach just isnt cut out for almost nothing at all other than perhaps a third man on an annoucing team at the very most. If he shows some fire tonight, even though there is many within the company who politically probably dont want him there, I hope Vince is man enough to admit that Styles is worth keeping in the spot, or at very best, put him alongside a returning Jim Ross and then keep Lawler, put him more back as more of a heel commentator, and GET THE FUCK RID OF COACH. Styles/Lawler/Ross would be a much needed spark in the Raw announcing. Coach is better off probably, at this point, just being a manager or something, if that.
  10. RedJed

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/31/05

    I usually wouldnt post someone else's thoughts on a particular show, but just read the Raw review over at the Observer site and this Todd Martin guy is just about dead on with the show and, as a whole, the company's state right now. "Again, this show was not without positives, as they did build up tomorrows PPV pretty well. It will be interesting to see how that does in buys. I thought last year would do well because it had some positives going for it, but ultimately the day of the week and the uncertainty of the matches led to a bad buy rate. They have eliminated the latter problem, and we will see how this years show does. While not everything was a disaster, this whole show more than any in a while epitomized a promotion that is falling apart. The core has been rotten for a long while, but rarely has it seemed so publicly obvious. The promotion is in turmoil. Quality performers and professionals are leaving. The people they are bringing in are untalented or unready. The talent evaluators are doing an awful job. The promotion, which had just a few years ago almost all of the marketable talent in the United States, now is filled with people who dont belong on national television. They have the talentless guys who are big because they take lots of steroids, the talented guys who are saddled with awful gimmicks that prevent them from succeeding, and the talented guys who they use as jobbers. TNA may actually have a more talented roster. With TNA showing signs of making it, I expect more people to look to get out. This is exactly what happened to WCW. As the promotion went down, the people with talent left to WWF, because WWF actually gave opportunities to people with talent and the booking was competent. Now its the exact opposite. WWE performers arent given a chance to get over, and the booking protects almost no one. People like Jay Reso and Chris Irvine arent going to put up with that crap if they have a fiscally viable alternative, just like Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn and Eddy Guerrero in early 2000. These arent the only problems. Just look at the champions tonight. One was totally rejected by the audience. The other was completely buried by a crappy announcer and a grossly obese, broken down near 50-year-old. I have all the respect in the world for Vader, who is one of the best big men in the history of the business. But it is pathetic that they would let him beat up their world champion looking like he did. The only conclusion I can come to is that they brought in a guy who is 48 and hasnt wrestled regularly for four years sight unseen. Thats insane. Moreover, this whole problem came about because they brought back Steve Austin without even telling him what he was doing, and then wanted him to lose his first match in years to Jonathan Coachman. Why would Steve Austin want to be a part of such idiocy? And why would you want to do that in the first place? Then youve got a promotion which for the past month has just been hotshotting whatever they can think of. There is no discipline, no stability, and no greater philosophy. This reminds me of the October 1995 In Your House. After the card failed on so many levels, and the promotion felt in serious problem, Vince McMahon threw a fit in front of the audience after the show went off the air. Things started to get better after that. They put the title on Bret Hart and then Shawn Michaels. They started the attitude era with Kevin Nash mouthing motherfucker after a brawl at Survivor Series 1995. Eventually Steve Austin got over. WWE has the infrastructure to be successful. They still have more than enough talent. They have all the connections. They have some people that understand the business, and they could have many more if they wanted them. But first they have to realize they have a problem, and make a number of fundamental changes. I go into the sorts of changes they need to make every week here, but it is really very simple. World Wrestling Entertainment is a professional wrestling company. The people in charge of the wrestling end need to understand professional wrestling. There is a reason the people that do are so god damn pissed off at the promotion. WWE spent 15 years taking over the wrestling business in this country, and then when they seized control, they turned it over to incompetents who neither understand nor respect the business. And their arrogance has insulated them from valid criticism from the inside and the outside. Much of this criticism isnt from people who hate WWE. I love WWE. I want a strong WWE, so its only natural I get pissed off when the promotion destroys itself from within. Wake the fuck up, Vince."
  11. RedJed

    What happened to horror movies on Halloween?

    Yeah they had NOES 3 and Pumpkinhead on HDNet Movies tonite, not a bad double feature at all!
  12. RedJed

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/31/05

    I swear someone slipped me a few hits of acid tonite as that was one of the most fucked up trainwrecks of Raw I have ever seen. Almost like a show you would have a confusing nonsensical dream about. Seeing the returns of Goldust for no good reason (well I think I know why - they'll move him to Smackdown in an attempt at a small program with Batista - hmmm who's suggestion could THAT have been? Dusty?) and Vader as some sort of faction with Coachman just makes me wonder who Coach is all blowing within the company to get this sort of upper card star treatment when the guy obviously is not a viable option for an active worker, much less an option for suitable announcer even at this point. If this is just some weak way to generate new opponents for Batista on Smackdown (if they are not going to turn Eddy back heel), you have got to be fucking kidding me. Vader needs some serious conditioning training NOW to even likely work a match currently. Anyway you slice it, there is absolutely NOTHING to gain from even hotshotting Batista-Coach. They would have been just better off flat out canceling the match altogether with Austin out of it. No wait, I forget the company feels Coach must be a draw *sigh* And the audience didnt even really pop for Batista. So many wrong things upon an already huge mistake of fucking with Austin and Ross and now it comes to this - damaging the already struggling champ on the "other side" just so your main boy and upcoming star in the booth can get some airtime on the ppv, not just announcing but working a fucking match with the champ of the other show with ZERO reasoning or building up. Amazing. Anyone else on the damn Raw brand would be a better opponent for Batista if they insist on needlessly giving up on the brand split or making an exception "this time" - hell, why don't they just say fuck it while we are at it and do a unification match w/ Cena v. Batista at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble? Might as well if they are going to be tossing off shit like this for a theoretical buck. The Cena-HBK match, in retrospect, shouldnt have occured as one could have called that crowd response, especially on an already draining and confusing show. Cena's legs as being the Raw champ are starting to really fall out thanks to nobody but the writing's own fault. Just a wow kind of show in that the errors were just so vast one doesnt even know where to start at. Horrid build to a ppv I was planning on getting but now am most definately not feeling any need to bother with. I cant even remember what Foley did tonite, if anything.
  13. RedJed

    Austin Walks Out Again

    The JR skit was the prime example. That was done because Vince wanted to tell the fans and Jim Ross that he thinks they have their head up their asses. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Supposedly, the "head up your ass" line was also in direct line with what Vince would actually say to Ross when he would speak up in creative meetings about certain issues. So said Meltzer in the latest issue. I think the fact that we got McMahons back on TV means they are back an extremely blinded way of looking at the writing as of late, more than even usual which is a huge fact within itself. But before they could at least book somewhat "from the outside" but now the emphasis first and foremost is not just Vince and Steph writing their own shit, but the writers know their job is to write what they would think Vince/Steph want. So what do you think is going to happen in such a fucked up situation that WWE writing has found itself now? There in lies probably the deepest problem right now, and a possible explanation to the complete madness going on Raw right now. Dont blame Austin one bit for this mess - he had every right to when he was just being notified of this finish TODAY and for all we know, he may have been under the pretense (or bad assumption) that he was going over, and he was "working" the storyline under the understanding that this was all to lead to Ross coming back. This stuff with Austin has two levels - first, it obviously is a move that isn't good for business anyway you look at it (same reason why Hogan jobbing to HBK wouldnt have been either) and second, for the horseshit booking against Ross in the past few weeks, supposed to be geared to generate heat for a return, the payoff here should have been a no-brainer - it would lead to Austin winning much like he would be put over Bischoff back in 03 in those "matches" and the hotshotted writing of Ross being fired (that has been a clear mistake of a move anyway you slice it) would have been taken care of in the honor of doing "whats best for business." What they cant seem to also grasp is the lack of respect they are giving to a guy like Austin, who has been in so many ups and downs with the company that there shouldnt have even been a question here what to do - you give them (marks) the payoff of getting an Austin squash match/beatdown of glorified joke of a jobber (just like Bischoff) and not a rehash of an angle that went nowhere the first time with Austin fired again, just like two years ago. Plus add an oh-so stale McMahon-Austin feud that they are apparently trying to draw heat against now years and years past it's prime and its just mind boggling what kind of apparently thought-out desicions are being done lately that is just begging WWE to really start losing off another chunk of the already not-so patient remaining fanbase. There is mistakes upon mistakes with the whole Austin return here that ultimately none of this stuff should have happened in the first place and it should have never come to this. Vince should be grateful Austin walked out, as it saved them the opportunity to not fuck something up so much that they would regret it in the long run.
  14. RedJed

    Horror Update

    So when DOES Feast come out in theatres? I've been waiting for that film for months. Heard it had it's US debut a few weeks ago in Chicago actually.
  15. RedJed

    Christian Quits the WWE

    Ok so I gotta speculate here - IF he does go to TNA, one would think an initial Styles-Christian feud might work. I could just see Styles working a match and all of a sudden the Styles entrance music blares and out comes Christian wearing the same coat so similar to Styles, giving the impression someone is copying him, and then off comes the hood and its Christian. Would be a first cool impression of sorts.
  16. RedJed

    Christian Quits the WWE

    Exactly. I was never high on the guy until earlier this year when he really started to click on the mic, and he had a couple more memorable matches than usual. WWE totally and utterly dropped the ball on him with the push he was anticipated to get around the time the draft occured. Instead he got punked in whatever kind of feud that was with Cena, got punked by Batista as well, and then jobs to JBL right off the bat in his first Smackdown match. Since then saying he's been stuck in midcard hell is an understatement. I know he had been bitching quite vocally on his role right now and I can then see how WWE then takes the shitty route and basically forces him to either accept his role or get out. Glad he took the latter route since I think he will be extremely over in TNA, and will probably be there sooner than later.
  17. RedJed

    Sunday Taping - Smackdown/Velocity Spoilers

    Other than a Ken Kennedy squash, the results make sense according to last week's show. I would imagine they will do some skits/segments with the minis, etc, as well. Long/Bisch and Orton/Piper are both matches lined up for Survivor Series, BTW. Wouldnt be surprised to see them book a Benoit/Booker match for the US title also.
  18. RedJed

    iMPACT 10/29 thread

    I still don't get why Dutt went over @ BFG. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think the company is really high on him at this point and I think its warranted. He's stepped up his ringwork solidly recently and is starting to connect with the fans more than I've ever seen him in his TNA run. I consider him in the same position as Sabin or Bentley at this point versus an x division startup like Aries, Strong, etc.
  19. RedJed

    iMPACT 10/29 thread

    SPOILERS There was some stuff in the Observer this week stating the original ending to the Nash-Jarrett match at BFG was going to be a Raven heel turn, siding with Jarrett apparently and starting up a Nash-Raven feud. That makes me think they were going to work in a storyline from that explaining the heel turn in that Raven's girl would be Gail Kim and the alliance with her and Jarrett would have Raven join up with that crew somewhat. We'll see what happens but I am betting they still go this direction (Raven aligning with Jarrett and going soft because of "his girl") and I can't say I am really feeling it particularly either. The show overall this week was solid for sure. That tag match with Styles was real good for a one hour show. Strong looked tremendous in there, just about everyone did in fact but Strong did stand out, even in having to do the job. One of those shows this week where overall it just went extremely quick.
  20. RedJed

    Final Destination 3 poster

    I remember hearing a rumor months ago that this film was either filmed or will be released at some point in 3-D. That might make it a little more bearable, if true. Preview made it look ok but nothing too exciting. Doesnt seem to even be a direct sequal more than it's just a third film in the series with a whole new crew altogether.
  21. RedJed

    Boxoffice Report oct. 28th-30th

    Havent been following the box office numbers much in the past few months, but I saw a very bizzare film called Stay earlier today at Mall of America (not sure if I even recommend it or not as its such a complete clusterfuck, but in an enticing way) and shocked to not see it in the top ten, as I believe it just came out not too recently.
  22. RedJed

    SAW II

    Pretty much in the consensus here that this was a damn good follow up to the original, maybe even better than the original itself. Interesting plot turns and such and I'll be interested to see where they go with a likely third one. SPOILERS (kind of) At the end there, what I thought would have been a nice addition, since they still had the dead bodies in the same room as in the original film, they should have shown/explained what happened to the Elwes character from the first one since they did bring him up a few times in the film. The assumption is that Jigsaw got to him after the end of the first movie... Other than that, they covered alot of backstory of sorts in the movie, playing into the original film, which is good to see from a movie I didnt expect that much out of in terms of that. Writing was exceptional for a horror film, in that sense.
  23. RedJed

    Jerry Jarrett at WWE Headquarters.

    HUH??!! More info please...... I can't even beging to speculate what this is about. Jarrett stepping in a WWE office makes me wonder what the hell his role in TNA is these days.
  24. RedJed

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    So the big question is - how many of the Deluxe versions had comics in them and how much can I get for selling one of such comics off Ebay in due time?? ?
  25. RedJed

    Santa's Slay...

    I must be a sucker for these kind of weird premise horror/comedy/parody movies, as I fucking loved this and am surely getting this on DVD when its released in a few months. Probably some gore and other general stuff they had to cut for TV. Goldberg was way better in this than I ever expected, funny/charismatic on the Casino Cinema show too. Never thought he had it in him! This had a weird vibe kind of similar to Gremlins in some ways......