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Everything posted by RedJed

  1. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    Unfortunately I think Matt has basically become his own biggest fan, which, if he doesnt get that in check, is going to ruin any future he has as a potential star. There is no question the guy has talent but if he continues to keep "working" everything that is/was presumed "real" then it's going nowhere.
  2. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    As much as Matt came off kind of weird on the show, almost bitter and jealous acting (I think its clear he must still have some feelings for her) Lita came off really bad I thought, very heartless, completely bitchy in a very unattractive way and equally in her own little world as much as Matt was. So Matt cuts some parts that sound liek a typical worked promo, so did Lita when bringing up how she "loves her boyfriend, Edge."
  3. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    She also seemed VERY uncomfortable during the whole thing just by her body language - either she's a great actress (which she's not) or she didnt expect Hardy to call in, etc.
  4. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    Just watched the Byte This show - interesting mix of work and shoot comments, pretty wild stuff there. Definately recommend everyone checking this out. Lita made little sense in her excuses why she did what she did.
  5. RedJed

    Backlash on Terrorist Angle

    Wow yeah that "statement" by WWE is a complete contradiction of terms when you think about it.
  6. RedJed

    Backlash on Terrorist Angle

    Had to post another gem of a newsbit that is continuing to make WWE look even worse report after report and article after article. They would be best to not look at this as any sort of positive press and stop making quotes to these reporters!! It's just digging them deeper into a bad PR hole. --The WWE terrorism storyline is currently the lead story on TVGuide.com. The main headline at the moment on the site is a picture of Muhammad Hassan with the headline, "Breaking News: UPN comes under fire for terror-like Smackdown stunt." The highlight of the story is this line: "Meanwhile, WWE spokesman Gary Davis is urging viewers to tune in this Thursday to see how the plot 'gets straightened out.' If you don't, then the terrorists will have won." From pwtorch.com
  7. RedJed

    Charlie Haas Interview

    -- Both guys were shocked because they thought there were angles that could've been done. Charlie mentioned he wanted to be traded to RAW to feud with Shelton because that would be something. James says, "That'd make sense." Charlie says, "That's the problem. It would've made sense." It really is a shame they never got to do that program. Shelton should have been traded to Smackdown and then in due time, Haas turns heel (On Holly) and you go from there to build a Shelton-Haas program long term. -- Another angle would've been to have Charlie challenge Kurt Angle in his invitational and last the full 3 minutes. Kurt would then jump him and cut off Russ' arm bands. Charlie says that should've been done because they want real life, it doesn't get more deep or real than that. Interesting storyline there, and again, it would just make too much sense -- Charlie said he and Chris Benoit pushed for an angle over who is the most technical wrestler on Smackdown. "Evidentially, that didn't work." Charlie also says they could've just let them go longer with he and Hardcore Holly because they were getting over as a tag team and having good matches with MNM. "It was them who dropped the ball," says Charlie referring to the WWE. He is right about the Holly/Haas tag team, there was no reason Haas should have been on the cutting block when that was one of a very few number of tag teams that were actually getting over. All in all you got to feel sorry for the guy if you ask me, he brought forth good ideas and apparently paid the price for it. Sounds like he could be a viable part of TNA when the no compete clause ends.
  8. RedJed

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Announced for the Great American Bash: - Melina vs. Torrie in a Bra & Panties match. - MNM defending the tag titles against Heidenreich & Road Warrior Animal. - Christian vs. Booker T. - Orlando Jordan defending the U.S. Title against Chris Benoit. - Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan. - World Champion Batista vs. JBL. ---If thats the entire card, that's not strong at all. Desperately needs a Rey-Eddy gimmick match added to the card and something with the Mexicools/London/Etc.
  9. RedJed

    No Surrender

    That's already been debunked as a BS rumor. Overall, other than Joe/Sabin and Styles/Waltman, I am really not feeling this ppv at all. Of course I'll still order it though, hoping to eat some crow. That X Cup qualifying match looks weak as fuck on paper, didnt I see something like this on Impact just about every other week? I expect Naturals v. Team Canada, maybe a Roode-Hoyt rematch as well to round out the card. Rhyno appearing should be good though. I expect something with Jarrett, perhaps Jarrett v. Zach Gowen or something, or else just a segment with Jarrett and Rhyno perhaps. I expect most of the finishes to be pretty formulmatic, probably no real major chances taken here since they are still dark.
  10. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    I'm telling ya Jed, we'll all get the last laugh when he's canned again within a year... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hell, I wouldnt even be surprised if he gets released in 3-6 months. I think the steam is going to drop fast and hard on the Edge/Hardy program in due time and then what? Plus as time goes by, nobody is going to care about Hardy since that "real" connection he had with the fans (from the real life situation) will be gone and done.
  11. RedJed

    Backlash on Terrorist Angle

    Here is a gem of a quote from Kevin Dunn on the whole situation, from either the NY Post story or Variety... "We are firmly in the entertainment business, and that the plot, as edgy as it might have been, should be taken tongue-in-cheek." ----And this company wonders why investors and advertisers do not take them seriously?!!! What a ludicrous statement to make. How does anything with that angle have to do with anything "tongue-in-cheek?"
  12. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    All Hardy did there on that commentary was do a swerve to dispell a thought that he might actually show up on Raw, much like he is STILL doing AFTER the fact of the angle on Monday, by still suggesting he might show up on the TNA ppv. Its all just a swerve, nothing more. He's trying to work us all in believing shit like this, and it must still be apparently working for some of you. I was still believing some sort of possibilities last night (not that the fired people would come back though) but now I'm convinced this is 100% work and there isnt a chance that they released all of those guys just to swerve the fans. I have to say, though, I have a strong opinion on Hardy after he goes back to the company that just fired a best friend of his last week. I've said it before, I thought Hardy had much more of a backbone than that. Guess he threw his morals and values aside for the bottom dollar. Any commentary I see from him anymore is a load of shit to me though, as him trying to act "real" just doesnt fly anymore.
  13. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    I hate to shoot this down, but no way, no how. ROH isn't nearly big enough for it to make sense to the fans. I'd bet that maybe 3% of the audience even knows what ROH is, so no way WWE puts ROH guys out there to the sounds of crickets chirping and angles falling on their faces. WWE should just avoid any kind of Invasion/cross promotion type angles because they have shown they just flat out don't know how to do them correctly. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No way is there going to ever be a ROH invasion in WWE. People are playing up the ROH-WWE relationship way too far. In fact I dont think there IS a relationship, period.
  14. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    OK so its the next day after this, and from all reliable sources, it sounds like all of that last night was a complete work. Even though I still question WWE allowing Hardy to mention ROH on TV, I got to give creative all of the credit in the world for putting this together. If they really play the cards right, this angle could be HUGE in terms of long term changing the face of the industry in playing into more worked shoots down the road and generally, playing up on the IWC alot more than ever before. Russo at times certainly did it wrong, this here to me seems like this is the right way to do a worked shoot in general terms. It baited me hardcore with me questioning shoot or work all night long last night. It was just unreal, period. Now the problem is that I think Hardy is not going to get as over as he thinks he will by being back in WWE. Even though I am uber-excited to see how they build this program and then to see the Edge/Hardy matches, I think Hardy would have been best served in a ROH/TNA role as the outsider who got screwed and is going to be the next big wrestling star without WWE's help versus instead of going back to WWE and "selling out" to work off the real life situation. Now to save face, he is still working his bigger fans on his message board as well as the general IWC community by speculating he still might be on TNA this Sunday, etc. That is already coming back to bite him in the ass big time. The thing was that Hardy was getting so over with everyone because people thought he was "real" - they connected with the whole situation that was, I'm sure, legitimate but now its like Hardy turned all of that real emotional bond with his fans to decept everyone and is still continuing to do so. Its a sad state of affairs. While I think the feud will still be fun, I think Hardy will not get over from this after the feud is over and I wouldnt even put it past WWE to let him go again if it doesnt go as strong as they think it will. I know one thing - ROH fans are going to completely shit on him. I guess I just thought Hardy had more of a backbone than this. This is the same company who fired one of his best friends last week (unless thats a work, too). This is the same guy who went to great lengths to connect with his fans by the whole Edge/Lita situation. And now this is the same guy who is using that connection to play into a worked feud, even still decieving the public about it, acting like he's still not a WWE employee. One way or another, shit like this is why I love being a fan.
  15. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    Yeah I think I'm starting to chill out on the whole conspiricy theory but damn, it was fun while it lasted!! I still just think its so foolish and illogical to still be trying to pull a work over folks and hint at showing up on the TNA ppv Sunday. There could possibly be a way Hardy used leverage to not actually sign a new contract and basically just finish out his current contract tonite with a verbal promise of continuing the program if everything went ok (as in Edge didnt break script on Hardy, etc) - yes, I know, its another far fetched scheme but the WWE could have had a moment of fucking up and not have been as ready for Hardy breaking script by trusting him not to go into business for himself and agreeing to work the angle tonight to crush any momentum the TNA ppv would have had by still having it up in the air about a Hardy appearance this Sunday on there. So lets say they still didnt have a deal as of yesterday, they call up Hardy, knowing after Monday night, it would be that much harder to secure Hardy into anything, but if they could get him to start the angle tonight, his last night he's under some control from them, then it would give WWE more leverage to get him to sign a new deal. Maybe the agreement was Hardy would sign the new contract after the angle when it was determined that it was clear Edge and Hardy were mature enough to do the storyline without trying to legit fight each other or go into business for themselves personally. Like I said the main theory is WWE would have been comfortable working a little looser with Hardy than you thought they would tonite given that fact that they thought shooting this angle rushed would kill off any chance of a decent buyrate for No Surrender. Hardy on Raw tonight should have solidified the fact that there isnt a blue hell's chance of him appearing there on Sunday, but it hasnt. Instead Hardy MAY HAVE played to their falsehooded trust of the segment and Hardy worked the entire WWE in the process. Shit, I think I need some sleep...
  16. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    I'm not saying it was actually real, but what are the chances that Matt Hardy would have more than enough money to bail himself out, and had realized he would be going to jail and would need someone on hand to get him out quickly? I'm guessing he would be more prepared financially and from a predetermined standpoint than your friend of a friend. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dont think there should be a question if he really got arrested or not. It was obvious to me that those "cops" were indy wrestlers or something. However, assuming a long shot that after Hardy said "WWE can kiss my ass" everything was shoot (meaning Ace may have had the power to tell them to really shoot on Hardy if he broke script), what might have happened is Hardy legit just got kicked out of the building by the road agents and their "cops" and that's that - Hardy wont be back in WWE again and the company will try to downplay what happened tonight completely since it didnt follow script all the way through and since Hardy broke it, he's not coming back. I will say this, IF and its a big if, but if Hardy shows up Sunday, then something didnt go completely as planned tonight, as I dont think the WWE would go to lengths to work the business by allowing Hardy to show up on a TNA show. The REAL answer to the question here will be TNA's public comments on the situation - if they will try to play up a Hardy appearance as well. I'm sure the real story will come out sooner than Sunday anyway.
  17. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    This was just posted by Wade Keller at his site.... "I think Matt should feel bad for working his closest followers who are dedicated to him at his website. He didn't have to go as far as he did with his comments, which were written in the last few days and thus written with knowledge he was returning to WWE. I'm curious how he addresses them and explains himself. The only out I can imagine for him to save face with them is to say he got an offer he couldn't refuse Sunday and was flown in at the last second. That may also be true. We'll have to see as more details get flushed out. Or maybe he'll just stay in character and claim his run-in on Raw wasn't planned and hope they are willing to play along. If I'm being worked and any of the above facts aren't so, then Matt Hardy orchestrated a hell of a work on a number of people along the way and wasted a lot of people's time and emotions. There are too many indications along the way that make me doubt this was a work for long. My antenna has been up dating back to the taping of the DVD interview and before, so it's not as if I haven't been sniffing for signs of a work all along. Any smoke never led to any fires, and I've been diligent in checking out any possibilities. " ------I have to agree with things relating to his website folks and such. To be STILL then working them with these teases about still showing up on TNA this Sunday and such, I just dont get it. It's like you're lying to your very loyal fanbase, which is career suicide. People would be fine and everything if Hardy just said to his message board or whoever, "Yeah they gave me an offer I couldnt refuse" instead of working up upon what is apparently a work. If this was a work, even just turned to a work the last few days, one would think things would be more "wrapped up" here or making sense after what happened on Raw. Instead there is still very much a question when and where he is doing other appearances this week, and most importantly A TEASE TO SHOW UP IN TNA STILL. If this is all nothing more but Hardy trying to work everyone from top to bottom, Hardy has lost a ton of credibility in my eyes (especially not even a week after his friend Shannon Moore is fired!) and the backlash against this whole idea and where it could go might end up not what most expected, as in Hardy not getting over as much as one would expect due to a sellout type situation from the fans.
  18. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    Here I go again lol - just adding "what ifs" to the table...... I dont get what the point is for Hardy to moreless tease showing up Sunday at the TNA ppv still on that commentary he posted at his site tonight if this is all 100 percent work. Typical WWE fashion would make it clear that it all was a work and from this point on, not even allow Hardy certain indy dates and have him tease showing up on Sunday, conceivably helping TNA's buyrate? If it's just playing into the worked shoot, so be it, but I wouldnt think WWE, again, wouldnt want Hardy openly promoting other shows he will be at after the fact that the angle is/was shot for a storyline out of this. The argument against someone saying "well why didnt he talk about TNA on Raw" - well maybe he didnt get a chance before the "security" or "cops" as well as road agents tackled him down. I guess I'm just still not convinced Hardy didnt have plans to get a little revenge for himself out of baiting Vince and everyone else in the company by agreeing to work a storyline and then just go into business for himself tonight during that segment. This is the same company that just last week fired one of his close friends. Maybe part of this too is I'm giving Matt Hardy a little more credit here as a real person to not think he would go against what I thought was some real shit going down months ago and now just not play into the storyline with Edge/Lita, but also then agree to work canned heat against Laurintitus on screen, I dont think WWE is that smart to the internet to play us THAT much. But maybe this is a new day and age of the business that WWE has embraced. I'm certainly not doubting 99 percent of it was a work, its just that the ending there came off real weird and either they hit the angle perfect (which this is WWE here we are talking about, how often does that happens?!!) or else there was some real shit goin down at least with Johnny Ace and Hardy. Of course the argument with that is that the angle played upon that real heat, who knows. Call me skeptical on the PWInsider report until I hear the same from Keller or Meltzer, etc. This is the same site that reported Raven and 3LK are off the TNA roster at the moment and may be off Sunday's ppv. That's already apparently been debinked as BS. Yes, I know, I'm such a fucking mark right now.
  19. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    I'll leave comments later after I read through.... http://thematthardy.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=11803 HARDY'S COMMENTS POST-RAW If you guys are ready for a ride, jump the f*ck on. Well, I promised you all fireworks, so I hope I didn't disappoint. As of July 11th, 2005, my personal Independence Day, the Movement has begun-- and the Movement's purpose is two-fold. Purpose one--To never let anyone control what Matt Hardy says and does and thinks. Purpose two--To make Adam Copeland, Amy Dumas, and the WWE regret what they did to me, what they did to us. It's time for Matt Hardy to stand up for all the MFer's that have been chanting "We Want Matt", and "You Screwed Matt". Although you may not know this--you guys, the MFers, started the Movement months ago. I can now finally join the Movement because I am no longer controlled by the WWE. The McMahons, the Johnny Aces, and all of the WWE management can kiss my @$$. I did what I did tonight because for me to live with myself, Adam "Feces" Copeland must pay. I'm not going to let the WWE forget that they f*cked up when they released me instead of that scumbag home-wrecker. And Amy Dumas, you know what's it's like to have me as your closest ally--but you're gonna hate to see what it's like to have me as your worst enemy b*tch. Even though I didn't slash your tires FCF, slashed tires are going to be the least of your problems--Bank on it. A little message to the whore, the feces, and the horsesh*t "family" that is the WWE--Matt Hardy is like cancer, I don't go away and you won't find a cure. I thank EVERYONE that has supported me through thick and thin--I promise I will always be there for my MFers. I love you guys--and as I always say, without you, there is no me. I am going to turn a hugely negative situation into something that will benefit us. If you don't want to be able to predict what happens next, you're all in for a treat. P.S. - If you're thinking about pressing charges Vince, I got a couple bucks, I'll fight it. Besides, I think I might have some pixs and video from a camera phone that shows your officers Rodney Kinging my @$$. My wrist is cut from the handcuffs, and I would suggest that there was a little unnecessary roughness involved in kicking me out of your building. P.S.S. - And don't forget to catch Matt Hardy in action this Friday in Indiana, PA, this Saturday in Woodbridge, CT, and you never know where I'll show up on Sunday. And The Matt Hardy Show is so on... Matt "F*cking" Hardy
  20. RedJed

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    Few things to mention on what was undoubtably one of the best worked shoots in fucking ever. Part of me thinks this maybe, possibly, just didnt go as all was according to plan perhaps with Hardy getting unprofessional and not just going overboard on Edge physically, but broke the script near the end there? Its very true that Kevin Dunn would have and should have cut off the feed if it was turning straight shoot, but maybe they werent clued in on when it turned real shoot and the plan WAS to do an arrest angle but it just went overboard and overly physical regarding Hardy and Laurinitus? Hear me out here. It may be a thought of possibility that Hardy "went into business for himself" with some of the comments once he got on the mic and management MIGHT HAVE noticed he was being very stiff with Edge in the ring and some of the ending was legitimate shoot offset from a worked shoot with Johnny Ace freaking tackling Hardy down and the Hardy exchange of words with him when he got lifted up in the cuffs (think how the reality of Hogan-Russo went down, Russo went overboard - well maybe so did Hardy). So yeah there was a plan for Hardy to get arrested by "cops" but when he got out of hand for real, the road agents and "security" really used some force against him. Of course questioning some of this says whatever happened there worked, period. I still have serious doubts WWE would allow outright promotion of ROH also, which may have provoken a breaking of script of sorts by Laurinatus and Co. Yeah I know, I'm probably wrong here too - but how wild would this be to find out Hardy just fulfilled his last night in the company under his old contract, teased to the company a long term contract signing after this, NEVER signed the new contract, and now will work ROH, TNA, and everything else but WWE from this point on - so moreless swerved the WWE, got some stiff shots on Edge in what was moreless a legitimate looking fight as some sort of sweet revenge, and in the process added his value in wrestling up that many more notches? I know I know - I'm really stretching here! Just something to make discussion out of..like I said, the best way I can explain it is thinking Hogan-Russo situation, where it was planned to build a storyline, but Russo (and in this case, Hardy) went into business for himself. I'm sure the details will be all over the place soon. On a side note, did Spike ever miss censoring the f-bombs from Edge after the first Hardy attacks segment or what??!!
  21. RedJed

    The Future of Smackdown

    The plan is already to bring back SNME as part of the deal over to USA actually. It starts something this fall/winter.
  22. RedJed

    Using an HDMI connection

    Yeah you'll have an HDMI input channel, usually after a few component video input channels. The way my Toshiba has it is VID 1, VID 2, VID 3, COMP 1, COMP 2, and HDMI.
  23. RedJed

    The Bank Shot - July 9, 2005

    Fuck yeah, Super X Cup is coming back, smart move while they are dark to do this, as this is definately a thing catered to the IWC audience. Impact shows leading up to the Aug ppv should be very solid. Me thinks Hardy and Rhyno show up next Sunday...
  24. RedJed

    WWE News and Notes

    I won't expose the name(s) but I know for a fact some PWInsider.com staff frequent this board. So that is your answer right there.
  25. RedJed

    Rhyno headed to TNA!

    Good to hear he's in - Rhyno v. Jarrett on the ppv perhaps? I think a good starting point would be as a face v. either Jarrett and/or having a feud with Brown which would inevitably turn both guys in the process in due time, as Brown would be best fit as a face and Rhyno as a heel.