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Everything posted by RedJed
God that PWI report is sad to read. Dunn and/or McMahon have a strong knack (getting close to WCW levels if not already there) for not learning from the past. Do they really think the Invasion angle WORKED with it becoming basically WWE all over the place and everything and everyone else second rate? I'm still gonna give this ppv a chance since it could still turn out ok. We still got a few weeks to go and I would imagine there will be a lot of Heyman and other past ECW talent begging Vince to really do the right thing here. We'll see what happens. Also, I hope to high hell that this ppv outdraws Vengeance as that could cause a real nice shakeup within the company on what they think is working and what isnt.
I dont know how many times it has to be said, but Jarrett is at a loss of power currently in TNA. So out of power he in fact didnt get his way and lost the title to Styles (who he outright was refusing to do so until the day of the show but guess what, it happened) and so out of power they (Jarretts) are trying to get the people in their way of complete power again (Panda) out of the company with this whole NWA Ohio/Jim Duggan situation. In fact he had even fallen out of power slowly even when Rhodes was still booking. Do I need to document this via numerous news sources? Fuck, Meltzer, Keller, and the rest has been talking about it alot the past few weeks, as has any many other sites/sources. Whats your point anyway? Someone said shit like this would not be allowed anywhere but the TNA folder and I tend to agree with that sentiment.
All I'm going to say is this, Desperate Housewife - you are looking more and more like, again, the typical internet wrestling poster who gives all of us a bad rep, the more you post in this thread. You quite simply dont get what I was trying to state in my long winded post to you, instead just showing ass even more in your response. And now you're now attacking a reputable and unbiased website in PWInsider.com just because they run TNA ads and because you think they just constantly attack WWE? Get a fucking grip on yourself already. You're attacks on Carnivalz is ironic since you are attacking him for his blindness towards Jarrett, yet you are doing the same thing, only inversely. Gotta love when people are pots calling kettles black.
This would possibly be the best thing to happen to TNA. Without having the albatross from around their neck, they might have the opportunity to break through and become....well, not a contender with the WWE, but a potentially more successful promotion. Honestly, though, 10 million? Way to lowball it. Even Vince would probably pay more money than that for the company. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> While I think TNA is on a good direction currently, I agree that having the Jarretts out of the company would be a very good move, eliminating alot of the politics, as alot of the Jarrett supporters within the company (Mantel, Borash, etc) would likely jump ship with him too. Question is who else would leave with him, as it might see some legitimate talent leave with the Jarrett camp if that happens. Its a possibility. Yeah 10 million is slap in the face to Panda considering the amount of funds they have invested in this company. I dont blame them for no-selling the offer.
First, this has nothing to do with WWE folder OR even WWE for that matter. If anyone was blatantly negative all the time about the promotion though in ANY folder, you know what, it would be the same thing. It gets old beating a dead horse (you bitching and moaning about Jarrett ALL THE TIME and that Jarrett must equal everything TNA and because of that everything TNA must be by default horrible), especially when you very rarely even back up your comments with anything (I see more closed minded blanket statements from you more than anyone who has ever posted in this forum and that covers a long time) instead of what they have the potential to do OR are currently doing. So you think WWE programming is "nine billion times better" than TNA - thats great and you are entitled to your own opinion. But you have to understand that saying a asinine statement like that shows your ignorance and complete obliviousness to even give the product a chance and/or your biased love for WWE and WWE only. So what are you expecting to get for feedback other than the obvious here? Are you just coming in here to flame or start a flame war? Just trying to give you some perspective on things. I dont come to this board to just make small general statements like "I hope they die fast" - I guess I would think you are around here to get some interesting discussion going (otherwise why the fuck do all of us even post?), and as such by doing what you are doing (being consistently negative), you are making more people likely just tired of coming around here more than anything if they see people not even drawing into anything half decent for topics/conversations when they then see a person continuing to just piss on post after post with no real merit. Few questions - do you actually watch the TNA ppvs and/or did you see the last two weeks of Impact? You're telling me those are "nine billion times worse" than WWE huh? Do you understand that Jarrett is, in fact, at a loss of power currently in TNA? Do you understand he is not the champion anymore and if he had stroke still, he could have kept the title still? Do you understand he is not head booker and dare I say, hardly holds any serious stroke in the company anymore? So they misused Punk, Shelley, and others. WE KNOW THIS. BUT HOPEFULLY IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN WITH THE COMPANY GOING IN A NEW DIRECTION. Thats not me sticking up for TNA, its just matter of factly - it's stating the obvious and going on and on about it isnt going to make the past any better. So you dont believe in TNA, thats fine - but you make it so clear that even if TNA was flawless at any time or had a good show, you would not be able to accept that. Instead you would find the bad stuff first and foremost and then rail on it with little understanding behind it. It's the typical shit that wrestlers and other naysayers of the IWC bitch about - that people can't ever find the good things about something and instead harbor on the bad. You are clearly making that argument valid if you were considered the example of a wrestling "fan" they are talking about. I guess I look at things like this, when TNA deserves to be shit on, I'm all for it too, but when someone is constantly shitting on TNA or constantly praising them why are you even bothering to post? Acting ridiculously bitter about what TNA has done badly in the past can only go so far and when it has NOTHING to do with this thing about the NWA Ohio not buying TNA (which I would think you'd be thrilled about since that means the Jarretts chances of getting back control of the company is less than likely now) then thats when I have to finally say something about it. Please either add some more open minded substance to your posts or just get out of here.
My first thought (if its true that the Jarretts are aligned apparently with this guy) when I heard this guy talk about a new wrestling company in the fall is that I could easily see the Jarretts leaving TNA and starting up a new company with this guy.
Yeah lets hope they die a quick death even though they have the most promising booking committee right now and the old shits like DDP and Nash have been thrown to the side, making room for more talent to shine on a higher plateau. Yeah lets hope they die a quick death because Panda was smart and DIDNT even hardly acknowledge this fuckstick's proposal, who, might I add, is the guy along with Jim Duggan that is ALIGNED with the Jarretts. Yeah lets hope they die a quick death but not have an open mind that maybe, just MAYBE, Panda has taken notice of the past and learned from the mistakes and is now the moving force in this company, NOT the Jarretts, which means things are on the upswing. Yeah lets hope they die a quick death just basically because Jeff Jarrett is a part of the company, yeah yeah yeah!! Give a fucking break already with this - we get it, you think TNA is worthless. I hear ya that Jarrett has fucked up the company's past, but you are like the ultimate cynic - not even giving TNA a chance when they deserve it at times like these. Such blinded negativity is ridiculous.
I dont get that - wouldnt it make more sense for TNA to get the WGN deal (so they arent completely without TV until October) and then also try and get the Spike deal as well?
For one hour, I dont see the problem going head to head but for two hours, no way - not unless TNA was a three hour program every Monday. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I still think its madness. They are leagues behind the E. Only die hards and alienated WWE fans will watch TNA over RAW. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thing is that there are ALOT of alienated WWE fans who either still currently watch the product sporatically out of habit and/or just need a good excuse to go somewhere else. The argument about trying to get the old WCW base as well as the huge number WWE used to have (remember the days Raw used to get 7.X ratings and 9.X quarters??) isnt as valid as, say 2-3 years ago, but it's still plausable that if they put out a strong alterative to WWE (while people will be flipping through and seeing "another" wrestling show or maybe get turned back on to wrestling since its not WWE) that they could slowly generate some positive numbers, like perhaps a 2.0 rating in due time. Wishful thinking but I think its possible given the huge number of alienated fans out there not pro-WWE.
For one hour, I dont see the problem going head to head but for two hours, no way - not unless TNA was a three hour program every Monday.
That rumor sounds like BS - TNA would be uber foolish to compete both hours against Raw, even Jarrett himself has to know that. Plus as mentioned, WGN News at Nine is a staple on that network and I dont blame WGN for not wanting to change that up. All in all it just reeks of internet gossip from a less than reputable website. Having an unopposed hour before Raw is key to TNA's possible success on Monday nights, bottom line.
Thats a damn shame. I was hoping to see Eddy v. Malenko again after all these years, plus Benoit-Eddy, although it will likely be great, kind of doesnt make sense in terms of ECW past. Eddy v. Scorpio (who isnt as good as he used to be admittedly) and Benoit v. Sabu, now that would be a better pairing of workers on an ECW tribute show.
I cant tell if I'm in the minority or not, but I thought this was one of the worst Raws in at least 3 months or so. They had been on a decent roll for the most part even before Mania, but I guess a streak needs to end somewhere.
The only thing I can figure is they need to end this in a few weeks (take a few weeks of this crap off on Raw, put it on Heat, and then have another on Raw where it will end) with them having someone who is a new draft pick from Smackdown show up and beat the challenge (this would be a good way to introduce them to the Raw show much like Jericho is going to do with a new pick next week), then starting a ready made feud where the new Raw guy (maybe Charlie Haas?) can get a decent rub from going over a undefeated Masters. Then for the love of all that is good in the world, fucking give up on this Masters guy, WWE - he's one of more useless talents on the roster and needs to either be left on a secondary show or else brought back to OVW, or even (preferably) outright let go.
Yeah they are really building heat between them which has to mean a Brown turn. I certainly would have done the whole turn differently in the first place but still it is good to see it happen, as long as Brown then goes over Jarrett to lead to a title match with Styles later in the year, which will be $$$ if they do it right. Also, to be fair to JJ, he worked real hard in that tag and looked way better than usual workrate wise.
It's really a shame Impact is going dark now as I saw this week's show already (it was on late last night) and I thought it was pretty darn good. The main event had a "big" feel to it for sure.
Probably because the world doesn't revolve around New York City. Reaching 70% of the country in a constant, great timeslot on a channel that isn't preempted on a channel people watch is better than reaching 90% in a changing terrible timeslot that's frequently preempted and on a channel people don't watch. That would be true if you know, they weren't going head to head with the competition for half of the show. TNA's total viewers in NYC will be roughly 0%, because unless you have a dish, you won't get the show. It would be one thing to give up some small city like Milwaukee, it's kind of foolish to give up NYC. Hasn't it been proven that anywhere from 0.3-0.5 of SD's usual 3.0-3.2ish is strictly from NY when it's been pre-empted for baseball or football? I don't know, but it seems kind of silly to give up at least 10% of my audience for any reason. While you may have some valid points, comparing a cut of ratings that the WWE loses from their programming to TNA's possible in that area is an unvalid comparison. NYC is one of WWE's best markets and TNA, even if they were on the same channel pentration and time as WWE, would still not even have that much of a significant fanbase in that area in the first place. Does that make sense? I think something that needs to be addressed is that dish companies actually have really good penetration in most areas, so being on both DirecTV and Dish Network and at a good time is certainly an advantage.
By the way that is one fugly shot of Trinity.
Not too shabby looking at all - she doesnt look like your typical wrestling fan, much less wrestling owner.
No, because reaching 70% of the country in a great time slot on a network some people watch, at a time people are actually watching TV >>> reaching 90% of the country in a terrible time slot on a network people don't watch, at a time nobody is watching TV. Yeah it's weird, at first when I heard they might go to WGN I thought it was a horrible idea, but if they get primetime AND they dont have to pay for it, it will better serve them than the FSN thing in the long run as they wont bleed finances off paying to air the weekly show and I think WGN has enough penetration in the market (even though at this point it's a station that is just kind of there) that if the word of mouth with wrestling fans is big enough with TNA, in due time they COULD get some decent ratings off the show. But they'll have to be patient and WGN will have to do what they can as well to get the word spread that the show is on their station. Mostly every major cable system does have WGN, the thing is alot of people dont even know it or pay attention to the fact since it's only redeeming quality is Cubs games. Also both dish providers have it which I think is strong. I think WGN has enough connections within the industry as well (newspaper, TV, other media) where if they see the show is going to go somewhere, they will advertise it or spread the word in different ways, especially if part of the deal is that they get the money from advertising on the show. That would make them want to make the show a viable commodity. Plus like I said before, we get the Monday Night Wars again which just makes it all the better for us wrestling fans.
They could do that - plus more. Not only should they still do the Impact taping next Tuesday for the next two weeks (and then aim for a live 6/13 startdate on WGN) but Xplosion should just become Impact as of next week and for the future. I think TNA should consider upping the syndicated markets that air Xplosion too ASAP to offset for this hiatus (like try to get on more markets for next weekend), even if its just for a few weeks that this is, they need to do something in the mean time. Make a point to announce on the last Impact on FSN that Impact will now be strictly syndicated in Xplosion's place (which currently is nothing more than a repeat of Impact anyway with commentary by Douglas and Borash) and to go to the website for more information including a listing of all stations that will air it from now on, and also of course mention that the show will also air a feed of the show the next week as well. Spending $10,000-$15,000 a week on extra syndication isnt a bad idea (and then they can sell their own ads on there to offset costs better) to get TNA's name out there a little more and if they can get on more major markets quick, they can use that as a primary vehicle to get the word out that TNA will be on WGN Monday nights and then once it's on WGN, they can tape Impact the same night that they do the Monday night show(s) - in the same effect how Raw always tapes Heat every week. If TNA has three hours of TV to promote their ppvs every week, that would be something else and this company might go somewhere long term if the writing is good, the Monday night show is quality and then they have a good weekend syndicated show in alot of markets with Impact. But yeah also stream the shows over the internet temporarily too til the WGN deal starts, no doubt about it.
Not only was it the same deal but they had to sign up for at least 6 months minimum. I dont blame TNA for not resigning - they tried it, it didnt work. I expect a few weeks downtime with them getting on WGN which isnt good as they need more airtime to promote the next ppv. Fortunately they built up some of the main matches somewhat already for the show, but it still is nothing but a bad thing if TNA wont have that show as their outlet to promote the next ppv right now, especially since its a pretty big one. They will still have Xplosion though, which might temporarily become an Impact of sorts, that is if they dont cancel that next TV taping on Tuesday. Otherwise I would imagine Xplosion would just turn out to be nothing but a Best of TNA show for now or something, who knows. Obviously though, if a decision hasnt been made yet on any new place (which might I add is fucking ridiculous) they wont make it on WGN this Monday or anything. If they get a deal done with WGN by weeks end though, they could tape TV next Tuesday for a 6/6 startdate, which wouldnt be too bad. One thing that sucks though is unless its done like right now, I can't see how TNA will even be able to properly promote a move to WGN if all of the Impact broadcasts this weekend on FSN dont have some sort of promo for the move.
That sounds like Hardy outright letting people know he's going to be a part of the TNA show without completely saying it officially yet. Can TNA promote him post-June ppv that he will be coming in for the next ppv or do they have to hold off completely til July 11 to even use his name on TNA programming?
Rey/Eddie - *** 1/2 Cena/JBL - **** 1/4