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Everything posted by RedJed
I thought Angle/Jarrett was solid stuff, and they went with the finish that I completely figured they would, almost move to move after those Angle chairshots. As for Joe/Sting, strong match (especially those first ten minutes in the crowd) but what a shit finish, even with me understanding the story they are telling here. Joe was starting to give a strong heel vibe off though, which then goes to Nash turning on Joe to cost him the match. But wait, Sting still comes off more heel than the rest. I think the match shouldn't have ended there, as Joe kicking out of the death drop and then still taking Sting to tap out would have made much more sense than continuing to run with the heel Sting stuff, and now making Joe seem to be even more heel than before since he jobbed out pretty effortlessly after being too cocky to just have beaten him earlier.
I liked that finish, and overall not a bad match at all, solid *** 1/2 stuff there. Although the finish did come a bit out of nowhere, but at least it was going from one larger spot to the next a bit, which the ladies title match didn't have whatsoever really. But 5 more minutes to this match would have at least slowed things down a bit to where everything would have built better. Little dissapointed they didn't do anything with showing what was in the briefcase, though.
Nice little set of spots there with Styles giving Booker the pele, and the double ax kick from Booker.
Booker apparently got knocked down by a ghost there. Talk about a botch!
Yeah, it kinda did. Styles appeared to have hit his head on the concrete off that amazing moonsault he did off the top rope to the outside. I didn't notice it first, but on the replay it looked like he may have. And now he's either selling a beating well or is probably seriously knocked silly.
That was a fun weapons match, made the Monster's Ball stip more than just a typical kind of these TNA hardcore style of matches. So it stood out more than the norm of these kinds in the company. Another thing about it was that it seemed to have went at least 20 minutes, and the crowd was definately 110 percent into it. The Mongo element was bad though in how he counted count properly. But I still can't believe that bump Abyss took through the fire. Looked really sick. The bump alone, without the fire element, would have been stiff enough as he didn't really break the fall that well through the table and pretty much bounced his back off the concrete, since he really had air when he took the double chokeslam.
Abyss has to be seriously burned, he wasn't really protected at all with that fire spot, just basically a light t-shirt material. Hernandez just hit Storm with one of the stiffest kendo stick shots I've ever seen, right across the forehead. This one is getting crazy.....
Haha, fuckin Mongo keeps doing his stupid finger pointing and shaking it all the time, how he did in WCW. Holy fuck on the fire spot! DAMN
I had flashbacks of the ridiculous football match from the dying days of the AWA during that spot.
Mongo can't count properly for shit.
haha, I think so. One thing that is for sure here on this show, this crowd is rabid.
Mongo has gotten alot more retarded looking since WCW.
That was just starting to get into a good match, and stiff too, but was JUST STARTING TO and that finish came out of nowhere. These three could have and should have been able to do much more than this. Definately a letdown on that one, totally cut off at its' legs in a way.
For those who are wondering why people dressed up in Halloween costumes are at ringside..... http://www.searscentre.com/halloween.shtml Goofy side promotion for the show live.
For those who are watching, any estimates on crowd total? They definately have a bigger crowd than I have seen before, I am thinking between 7-8K.
What's funny is that Melissa actually had a match on Impact months ago, I think against Daisee Haze or something. But never followed upon....I thought they were going to build to them revealing who Saeed was under the mask by having her appear seperately like that.
That was a weak finish to an otherwise alright match, but nothing spectacular either. Basically average all around. Foley must have creative control if they really ARE bringing back Urple the Clown (the clown who hassled Vince in the hospital and also I think was brought back for the This is Your Life segment w/ Foley and Rock). So she will take a bump for Kong on Impact? Expecting this ladies title match to be stiff as hell.
Oh man, Mike Tenay starting to spaz out at Creed there at ringside was great stuff.
WTF on the introduction of the Iraq veteran. Sounds like a super cheap way to get heat for Bashir. One little small annoyance with the production end of TNA.....they really need to get rid of David Penzer. He was falling over his own words there, introducing that guy. Don West as ring announcer (and someone else on color) would be worth a shot.
I think they said Detroit (since they kept referencing that Tigers player in the stands) Never thought of it, but Creed debuted with TNA last year on this show. Definately see him going over here, although a Lethal/Creed feud seems to be a little odd, but could be real good.
I agree. The fact that they do little to differentiate the big shows from everything else makes them look very second-rate. I think I said it before, but this show would have been prime to have debuted the HD feed, as well as a ton of other production upgrades, such as a cool set, etc. WWE always delivers by having an above exceptional production upgrade for Mania each year, so it would have just made sense in order to keep up with a plausible and realistic competition with the WWE of sorts. Anyway that match was at least kept short, but nothing about it was good at all really except Love and Sky bending over the ropes.
Words can't express how I can't wait to see Sky and Love bending over on the ropes in HD....I swear I'm seeing close to lip action there....damn!!! If this was a show for TNA to do a really cool entrance set, this would have been it, using the same props they had when they filmed those downtown street vignettes for the commercials. Would have been cool to have them used in the weapons matches on this show by brawling out by the set. Instead they didn't do anything different, production-wise.
And I'm still trying to figure out why Jim Cornette's office looked like some 80 year old female asian decorated it. They're doing the Bimbo Brawl next, which I don't get how Rhino is considered a "bimbo." Kip James makes sense, but WTF. Ahh well.
Definately a really fun highspots all over match. That reverse rana by Lethal, then followed by a good sequence of moves right after that, was one of the big spots. Devine totally killed Rave on that jumping piledriver. Much better than the first attempt at this new match in May. The crowd is really good so far, and it looks like they definately have the most sizable crowd in history. Foley interacting with the hot blondes, yeah this gives the vibe of him being the GM down the road here.
Has anyone actually seen it yet? I'm going to it after the TNA ppv tonight. Caught Blindness earlier today, what a waste of time that was.