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Everything posted by RedJed

  1. RedJed

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I hope that with Disaster Movie bombing, they stop doing those absolutely pointless spoof films, or at least cut down in them. Is there anymore similar ones like that coming out soon? I sure hope not.
  2. RedJed

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Is Labor Day weekend numbers usually this small? I'm going to check out Babylon probably later tonight, we'll see how that is.
  3. I'm sure this won't be reported anywhere, but I have a friend in the touring concert industry (he's a guitar tech for a bunch of mainstream bands) who I got together with last night as he worked the Black Crowes show here in MN, and he mentioned that ZZ Top (who he is tight with, he's Billy Gibbons guitar guy) is supposedly going to be doing the theme for Mania XV and they will also be performing there live next year in Houston. On top of it, I got invited already to go to the show, but as a stagehand for the band during the event. Saying I'm fucking excited is probably an understatement!
  4. RedJed

    Foley to TNA????

    People can definately still get over from getting put over Foley, because Foley KNOWS how to put people over properly. I mean, shit, look at how strong that angle was with Edge on the way out, he gave him a strong rub from that to lead into the HIAC match. Abyss v. Foley will probably likely happen at some point.
  5. RedJed

    TNA Impact spoilers for 8/28

    Just because a guy was a "WWE Reject" doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a push, it's all dependant if a guy has actual talent (guys like Tomko come to mind) or doesn't (Kip James, etc). As far as Bashir goes, I have no problem with them pushing him, he's a good talent.....good mic skills and can actually work, was totally devalued in WWE, if you ask me.
  6. RedJed

    Spoilers for 4th and 11th

    The only thing I get out of all of this is that I see a Sting/Joe match at BFG in which somehow Joe "earns" Sting's respect and beats him clean. And then Sting will change his tune and kind of endorse the title reign of Joe. Anything beyond that is anyone's guess though, but I think we're not going to see Sting ever really go totally heel here and probably save Joe from Nash when he finally turns on Joe.
  7. RedJed

    Foley to TNA????

    I know that Foley reality show could possibly be tied into Spike TV if you think about it (ie "other Spike projects"), who knows, maybe they'll pair it up with Angle as a dual wrestler reality show hour or something goofy like that. Chances are Lashley will, sooner or later, do MMA and some wrestling at the same time. The catch is that he'll have to look credible in MMA for his wrestling career to be successful from this point on, likely. I could see TNA going more this route, or at least wanting to, using guys who also dip into MMA......seems to be a trend....I could see them building a Lashley-Angle feud out of that concept if it ever came down to it.
  8. RedJed

    Foley to TNA????

    Yeah he must have just did an extension on his previous contract. I edited my previous post regarding that too.
  9. RedJed

    TNA Impact spoilers for 8/28

    Well consider me wrong then, I didnt recall that occuring, but if its referenced in a few spots, so be it.
  10. RedJed

    Foley to TNA????

    Nope, his deal expires next month. There was stuff about it in this week's Observer which just came out today on their site, which is where the WWE interest in Christian (as Edge's sidekick now that the Familia stuff is done) newsbit I mentioned came from also. And while we're at it, from the Observer newsletter as well this week, there is speculation that Lashley may be signing with TNA soon here as well.
  11. RedJed

    TNA Impact spoilers for 8/28

    So said TNA's leaked press release to their lapdogs, anyway. What else, you believe CM Punk never does drugs because he says he never does drugs? Come on, this is rassling. TNA decided they wanted to shave a chick's head, and they only put out that tidbit afterwards to cover their asses. "Oh, she was going to voluntarily make herself bald anyway." Bull-sheeyit. I do hope they eventually do something for real with Roxxi, but their track record is a big fat zero in that respect from the hair match on forward. I dont buy your argument just because I didnt see a huge mass amount of fans all up in arms after she got her head shaved, meaning there wasnt really any sort of backlash from it. Hell, in fact the crowd cheered the shit out of her immediately after the head shaving. Now if there was a "bullshit" or "fire Russo" chant as the shaving went on or something, I could see the company lieing and leaking that it was her idea, but, ya know, its not out of the realm of possibility that she wanted to stand out against the grain of the rest of the ladies and request the move.
  12. RedJed

    Spoilers for 4th and 11th

    Given the manner Joe has been booked, if he claims Jeff Jarrett is 'for sure' showing up the PPV, then nobody would buy it, so it probably does something for Joe that, for once, he's shown to have some kind clue. Jeff is still going to get a big pop for doing whatever he's going to do at the PPV. The problem I have is that the "We haven't seen Jarrett in months" aspect has been removed, because we just saw him on Impact. It doesn't matter that it was for two seconds. They could have easily done something to make it clear Jarrett would be at the PPV without having him show up at all. They could just have done the deal where we hear Jarrett's voice over the PA, saying a few words about how he's going to be at the PPV and things will be made clear about where he stands. You get the assurance of his first appearance in months at the PPV, while saving that first appearance for when it will mean the most. It's a tit for tat issue.....having him on the PA saying he would be at the ppv is essentially the same as him doing the two second stage shot to lead into the ppv, both are guaranteeing he will be on the ppv and its no swerve. Ultimately, if people are that into Jarrett, they are going to get the ppv to see what hes going to do, not just simply to see him and how feathered his hair has gotten. He's not THAT big of a draw as to where people are just waiting on baited breath to see him that first initial time in person. And realistically, even if he was, ultimately what the small deal on Impact was, was just a tease and a way for people to get the ppv. I dont think anyone, after seeing him show up on Impact, are going to say, "Oh fuck it, I was going to get the ppv to check out what Jarrett was going to do, but fuck it since he already showed up". The thing is still that there is still the question of what is up with him and what role he will play upon the return here. That's the selling point.
  13. RedJed

    Foley to TNA????

    Good to hear Foley will show up here, I think it's a great move. Now if they could only get in RVD too.... Foley against Angle, Joe, Jarrett, Styles, and Sting all sound like quality programs to me. I'm wondering if Foley will show up as a counter of sorts to when Nash finally turns on Joe here, as a mentor/confidant/supporter of Joe, only for Joe to likely go heel on him down the road. This is a long term idea though and I wouldnt expect such a thing to happen for a good while. But given the interaction the two had briefly in ROH, I could see the pairing happen again. I wouldnt at all be shocked to see them pencil in Foley in an actual match at BFG either (against whom is anyone's guess, although Christian could turn heel and go against him, and as crazy as it sounds, doing Nash/Foley in a HC match sounds guilty pleasure interesting) On a side note, Foley being brought in begs the question on how they will handle the renewal of several TNA workers coming up here, such as Dudleys, Christian (who apparently WWE is courting a bit to try to get over to Smackdown re-paired with Edge), Awesome Kong, and Nash. If they have to offer potential decent $$$ to Foley to get him in, will they not do the same to keep these others who are all about to be free agents?
  14. RedJed

    Discussion: WWE Scramblemania~!

    If they are going to have a fall guy who has the title for just literally a few moments before he jobs it to Taker, I would go for Benjamin in that role instead of MVP. Given the SD taping results that would make much more sense in that context.
  15. RedJed

    Spoilers for 4th and 11th

    You mean it's a good idea for Jarrett's big return to be a two-second appearance at the end of Impact, rather than using it as a tool to try and get people to buy the PPV? Jarrett can only make his big return once and, given that he's meant to be one of the major names in the upcoming feud between the young guys and the old guard, would it not make sense to make it a big deal going into the PPV, that you're going to see the big return of someone who is supposedly one of the company's top stars, and is going to be leading the babyface faction? And if people, TNA fans specifically, wouldn't get a PPV to see Jarrett's return, why make him the focus of anything? If someone is going to be a top guy in the upcoming feud, the lead babyface in fact, he should be someone who is going to draw people in. If, as you say, people wouldn't pay to see Jarrett's big return, then he shouldn't be in the spot at all. They used that two second end of Impact with him showing up AS the tool to get people to get the ppv, I would have thought you would get that. What I meant is that people aren't going to get the ppv just to get that first glimpse of Jarrett.......sure, they might get the ppv to see what he will DO, but until these tapings, they didn't even so much as suggest him even appearing at the ppv. Now it is official he is going to, so what is the issue here? His "big return" is still AT the ppv, having him stand at the top of the stage for a few seconds before they go off the air with Impact doesn't constitute this "return" you think should have been saved for the ppv. If I got the ppv and then the show ended with just simply Jarrett standing there like a dolt, I would be pissed.
  16. RedJed

    Spoilers for 4th and 11th

    Knocking on TNA for Jarrett showing up for 2 seconds at the end of Impact to lead into the ppv is ridiculous, HTQ. Like people would actually get the ppv to just get that? Give me a break. Usually, your critique of the company is valid, but you're stretching there. If anything, that's a really decent last minute shot to build the ppv and a more significant appearance there.
  17. RedJed

    AWA Wrestling back on the air

    Yup the ESPN wrestling timeslot was always at 4pm ET on weekdays, although I think the AWA ended up just doing one show a week near its end here, the last year at least, on Mondays. I can't remember if they just re-aired the same show the rest of the week then or what, or maybe had old WCCW or something the rest of the week. I know when they did have World Class, that seemed to be on every weekday, same with GWF. UWF, if I recall, was on weekends on ESPN 2. Chances are we will rewind to 89 AWA after this run is over, or even go back further to 85 or parts of 88 too.
  18. RedJed

    Spoilers for 4th and 11th

    So Jarrett will be at the ppv huh? I'm assuming this Sting/Jarrett stuff will become more evident on their roles at that show, leading to whatever they have planned at Bound for Glory (I'm thinking Joe v. Sting has to be the plan with Jarrett taking a co-main event role against Booker or something) So we got Booker v. Joe v. Angle v. Christian at the ppv? Sounds ok. Who the fuck is "Glamour Boy Shane?" Trigg in his first TNA match v. Styles should be interesting.
  19. RedJed

    TNA Impact spoilers for 8/28

    With Gail leaving, its possible they might give Roxxi a push here........granted, I'll admit they havent done a whole hell of a lot in the past month or two, but I'm still hoping they have something in mind for her.....a feud with Kong would work great. Or maybe a heel turn to feud with Taylor?
  20. RedJed

    John Cena having major neck problems

    Kane, upon the heel turn, was starting to get interesting again, but the follow up on the whole Rey thing has been really weak. And the character development for him from that (I'm speaking of Kane here of course) was initially ok but, damn, has it fallen. So, agreed on Kane being stale. JBL......clearly getting old and stale, and fast at that. When he came back, much like the Kane turn, started out somewhat strong, but in no time, really nothing special. Had a few decent times I enjoyed his character with the Cena feud, but now he's gotten very mundane since then. As far as Cena goes, here we go again, similar pattern. Recently, thought the pairing of him with Cryme Time might bring him back to more of his old rapper gimmick, but that idea fell out the backdoor (and the pairing of him and Cryme Time) rather quickly. All three guys definately have seen much better days creatively and give off the vibe of being stale to me, at least. Hard to say with the majority casual fans, but I would think its safe to say its possible. Hopefully with Cena out now for a bit, they will think of some interesting character development with him, as he definately could use it. Not necessarily a heel turn, but it certainly would put an interesting twist in the Batista feud, which I could see them go back to right when he returns.
  21. RedJed

    AWA Wrestling back on the air

    I have yet to see the last week or so of shows (Im on vacation out of state currently) but that tag title change "highlighted" (and I use that term loosely) the last actual live AWA taping in Rochester and in its' history. One would assume tonight or perhaps in the next few days, we'll see the exact last shows of the AWA. If I recall, they go back to the empty pink room for their last shows, although I may be wrong about that. Whatever the case, the TCS stuff should wrap up soon too with Jake Milliman winning the TCS for (I think) Larry Z's team.
  22. RedJed

    Hard Justice 08 Thread

    As usual, I'll throw down on this tonight, the first half of the card looks questionable at best, but the other half should be alright, if you're into gimmicks and hardcore style.... Besides the lineup, they have said that Sting will be there, as well as Davairi in his new gimmick, and I would imagine guys like the Price Justice group, Abyss, Morgan, and Frank Trigg will probably play some role on the show. This is the lineup, also the order in which the matches will air, also they will do whatever "3 generations of rap" performance they have lined up right away to start the ppv (thank god) First PPV Match: X Division Championship Match - "Maple Leaf Muscle" Petey Williams vs. Consequences Creed (I'm thinking Petey will retain, don't think Creed is ready for a title run yet) Six Knockouts Tag Team Match - Taylor Wilde, Gail Kim & ODB vs. The Beautiful People & Awesome Kong, Traci as special ref (I could see Traci turning on the babyfaces here, giving Kong a probable pinfall win over Taylor maybe) TNA World Tag Team Championship Match - The Latin American Xchange vs. Beer Money (Definately see a title change here, playing upon the angle of Homicide going through the glass table on Impact) Black Tie Brawl N' Chain Match: "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal vs. "The Guru" Sonjay Dutt (According to the website, the rules are that they will be chained together, and you win by pinning your opponent or tearing off his tuxedo. I'm sure there will be more Val ridiculousness here, all I can hope is that this feud is over after this. Lethal should win) Jersey Street Fight: Christian Cage & Rhino vs. Team 3D (Typical brawling all over the place, etc. Might be good, Christian/Rhino likely take it) Last Man Standing: "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle (Judging by the booking, its possible this is the final match between them, but its hard to say. I'm thinking Styles goes over, since Angle has been put over Styles in the last three or so matches) TNA World Heavyweight Championship (Six Sides Of Steel Weapons Match) - Samoa Joe vs. Booker T (Nash will probably finally turn on Joe here at some point, maybe after the match. Joe should retain. Thinking that Sting will come out to help Joe at some point, as I just can't see them doing this heel turn for him)
  23. RedJed

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    NOBODY can get to the level you are expecting in a few months. And doing one screwjob non-title finish to Jericho isn't burying the guy at all, give me a break. Its called establishing a contender to his title down the road, nothing more nothing less. Building a substance for an upcoming program. Let me try to use another example here. So since Regal beat Punk in the KOTR tournament, but yet Punk got retribution in that Raw match that Regal returned, does that mean that initial loss to Regal shouldn't have ever happened? They HAVE started somewhere, look at the JBL program. Punk was able to make a point there that he's not a "transitional paper champion" and it was clearly defined he did so. You can't expect everything within a few months time.....so far they could do much worse with Punk's reign if you look at the (very short) Rey Mysterio run, as an example.
  24. RedJed

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    I think it takes more than a few months as champ to get to those levels. And bitching that he didn't "main event" SummerSlam is ridiculous. Neither did HHH, neither really did Cena OR Batista. Its a moot point. The show was headlined by a gimmick.
  25. RedJed

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    Clear cut? He's world champ, man. And that was the whole f'n point of the JBL feud, to show that he IS.