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Everything posted by RedJed

  1. RedJed

    Impact (5/22/2008)

    I dont know if everyone gets this on their channel they are watching Impact on now, but there is some commercial for cabotcheese.coop on right now that is absolutely bizzare.
  2. RedJed

    Impact (5/22/2008)

    Yup that AJ/Tomko segment was good stuff, and pretty much establishes that Tomko/Styles are going their seperate ways into singles, and will eventually probably feud. Now that we know where Styles is going to go soon here (Angle feud), I wonder what exactly the company will do with Tomko? Tomko/Morgan feud or something?
  3. RedJed

    Impact (5/22/2008)

    The slutty entrance video for Karen Angle, coupled with quazi-generic new entrance music for her, is silly.
  4. RedJed

    Impact (5/22/2008)

    I really loathe these lame-ass "As the Angles Turn" video packages they do with the cheesy background music and the unconvincing voiceover.
  5. RedJed

    Impact (5/22/2008)

    I'm assuming you meant the Rock N Rave Infection "tryout" as the wedding band for Lethal/Val? Yeah, that was just way weird. I guess that was supposed to build some American Idol person who I've never heard of (Ace something?) to show up on Impact next week and then sing the wedding shit at the ppv? Wow, who fucking cares!! The funniest part of the segment there was that immediately after we see Hoyt and Rave hit Lethal and Dutt from behind, they immediately cut away. So what DID happen during the first segment? I was outside for a bit and didn't notice the time. By the time I got to turn to Spike, ODB was cutting a promo about her tits.
  6. I know there is alot of universal hate for TOD, but it was just one of those movies I grew up watching over and over. So don't hold my opinion of it not being as good as TOD as an example that this film sucks, because it certainly doesn't. The CGI seems to be about roughly half of all effects, by the way. Surprisingly, there is alot of "real" action and effects, including various shots that you can tell minatures are being used. If you are a fan of Raiders of the Lost Ark, I think this is very similar in execution, with a little mix of sci-fi elements also.
  7. Yeah i went to a midnight showing and I thought it was pretty darn good. Definately not as good as Raiders or Temple of Doom, but certainly not a dissapointment. The opening 10 minutes was pretty weird, as the first scene Ford was in, seemed like he was really not acting natural in the role at all (which is weird, because you wouldnt think the first scene he was in was actually filmed in sequence). But as the film progressed, he seemed to get more comfortable back in the Indy role. Also, I read somewhere that this isn't being released anywhere digitally to preserve the vintage intention of the presentation. Seeing the style it was filmed, I can understand that now.
  8. RedJed

    Real World Awards

    Eh the chick was a total whore/slut, but she liked Will (according to others in the house) as soon as she met him. Chances are the girl was just a trick who picked up on the fact that loser Greg was a part of the house she could get on TV through, and played to his "associate" bullshit, just to meet up with Will and the others in the house, and to just get a little TV exposure. Plus I think she didnt want to tell Greg what was up (after she got out of the room with him) at the insistence of Will telling her not to, as it would just create more drama than necessary. Plus it's making Greg have to think a little bit about how he likes be treated like that when he does the same to others. If a guy I vouched and stood up for time and time again kept digging himself a deeper hole with others and outright would lie and BS me, he's not a friend so a girl who would be into me versus him is no real big deal. It's not like he forced her to go into the confessional with him, etc. He didn't steal shit from Greg, from the way it seemed that girl wasn't really even ever with Greg for the most part. She was just a random slut. I didnt see the big deal at all since Will made it clear to Greg he thought he was a piece of shit for treating the girls as he did, and Greg doesn't deserve an ounce of respect or loyalty anyway since he never even treats people like, well, people. Revenge is always never the greatest thing to do in any situation for the most part, but in this case, I didn't see the big deal. I think it was more a point Will was trying to make to Greg that if he wants to BUTT into other people's business (Greg was pulling David to hook up with the slut bigtime right after he was going to call it a night and hook up with the one blonde in the house, ie reverse cockblocking), pull really lame "pranks" on roomates for his own type of revenge, and generally just being a really ridiculous asshole to everyone, then he just gets to find out what it's like for it to happen to him. Maybe it will make Greg grow the fuck up a bit. And Greg is the biggest idiot I've ever seen on these Real World shows, by far. He's more immature and insecure than the girls in the house, which is saying alot.
  9. RedJed

    TNA ratings drop

    Wow, now Taz was all his own character and Heyman had nothing to do with it. Yeah, that WWE run he did was sure fucking badass alright... Did you ever think that Heyman might actually have a hand in the promos back in ECW? Oh wait, that just couldnt be possible could it? Heyman BOOKED the Taz/Sabu feud build so you would get that reaction when the confrontation between them finally happened. I wouldn't think this would have to be explained to someone that shit like that is part of just simply put, good writing. Strong character development in particularly. Sure, Taz fit that "mold" for the character, but as we saw in WWE, it doesn't take much to really make that "mold" borderline pathetic in execution, compared to the ECW version. Theres too many things to even start nitpicking in this thread on absurdities in someone not understanding the business in so many ways, so I will digress for now. And yes, Benoit had little to no charisma. His popularity was primarily based on a rugged, polished, and stiff style he worked in the ring.
  10. RedJed

    Bigger, Stronger, Faster

    Quite the poster, I will say that much (Hogan's image projected on front and center). I saw the preview for this on HDNet a few times and I am definately interested in checking this out. Seems to be in very limited release when it comes out, though, but thats to be expected.
  11. RedJed

    WWE Raw (5/19/2008)

    From the Observer site... Raw tonight will feature Batista vs. Chris Jericho with the winner getting Shawn Michaels at One Night Stand. I'm sure some jokes could be made about that one. Also, Roddy Piper will be doing a Piper's Pit. Batista/Jericho should be good, have those two really ever worked a match together at all? I'm sure they have at one point or another, but nothing significant at least.
  12. RedJed

    WWE Raw (5/19/2008)

    I just can't see Orton/HHH again in two weeks, given how they totally did an extreme blowoff last night, it seemed. I wouldnt be at all surprised or shocked to see JBL/Orton v. Cena/HHH at ONS in some gimmick heavy match that will have some stip such as whoever gets the pinfall win gets a title shot at HHH at the next ppv and if HHH wins, he gets to pick his opponent for the next ppv or something. Otherwise, its very well possible Regal/HHH is a go for ONS, and doesnt necessarily mean thats the end all, be all of that program. It could be an off the wall finish, possibly even a Regal title win, leading to a rematch the next ppv (Night of Champions?) in which HHH wins it back and pads his title reigns a little more. Whatever the case, I'm sure they dont want to overshadow Edge/Taker blowoff at ONS in most likely HIAC.
  13. RedJed

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I'd say it's not a matter of if but when concerning Warrior flaking out. I thought this story would get it's own thread, it generated close to 100 comments on 411. TNA shows intrest in Warrior. I think they could pop a ratting up to a 1.3 just out of curiousity. I think if Rock, Hogan, or Austin even would appear in TNA, their rating would stay to about where they are at now, just because they have no idea how to market their product to the right people and places. Most fare weather casual wrestling fans don't follow TNA, perhaps much less know who and what they are. With that said, just for pure curiousity factor, I'd be interested to see a Warrior-Sting feud, which seems to be the idea if they are bringing him in.
  14. RedJed

    Impact Spoilers for 5/15

    they should have enough girls for a tag title or maybe even a secondary singles title. Also I don't like females taking power bombs like that, call me chauvinist or whatever. I liked the show overall but I do wish they'd go at least a month or two without any heel or face turns or buildup to any. Roxxi could take on both Sky and Love in a handicap match (on her own request) and then could just squash the both of them basically. Maybe even a post-match beatdown/stretcher job on them to boot. Could see them do something like Roxxi taking both of them out with chairshots, "ruining their good looks" or something. It would show Roxxi as a bit of a badass, to go along with the shaved head (which I think makes her really stand out more positively than before, IMO)
  15. RedJed


    Truth, you are totally off on the Lockdown buyrate not being attributed directly to the fact of the really strong MMA style build of Joe/Angle. That was one of, if not the most, strongest build for a ppv main event in TNA history. That sold that ppv, I can't believe there is any question there. It's more than anything just showing your real lack of perspective towards the business end of the company and the people inside this company that you are trying to disprove as anything significant just because you are just thinking Lethal this, Lethal that. To say people actually ordered it for Lethal Lockdown as well or, give me a break, Kip James v. Road Dogg, is fucking asinine. Neither of those matches would have drawn shit solo as ppv main events if Joe/Angle in the cage wasn't thrown into the mix, and with the long term build it had. I highly doubt anyone who was swaying on ordering it just knowing about Joe/Angle just went ahead and thought, "Oh shit, they got Kip James and Road Dogg against each other, now I just GOTTA get this one."
  16. I always thought the next step for the franchise would be to just do a sequal to Freddy v. Jason. That flick was so much fun to watch, as it played upon the mythologies of both characters pretty good, and yet still kept the timeline together on both NOES and FT13th relating to previous sequals before it. They totally had the ending that played into an easy sequal too, in that they both were sent to hell and from there, you could easily add Pinhead to the mix to make it even more cooler. In fact, and I'm sure most of us fanboys know this anyway, but the original ending was supposed to have Pinhead it in actually. But I guess something fell through with the connection there. I am thinking someday we probably won't see Freddy v. Jason v. Pinhead (still may be a chance though if the new Hellraiser remake does well) but more in line that we'll finally get that Ash v. Freddy/Jason deal talked about for so long. I think there are graphic novels even out there now playing into the idea. Whatever the case, I'm really not expecting much from Platinum Dunes on this one. Damn near every remake they have done has been rather dissapointing. And talk about the most underwhelming first shot from the set of the remake too.
  17. RedJed

    Impact Spoilers for 5/22

    As much as Styles and Joe have fantastic matches together, throwing together a feud with them again makes little to no sense. Whenever the time comes for Joe to either 1) give the belt to a good heel who then could feud with Styles for the title or 2) have Joe turn heel, then I may be interested in Styles challenging for the belt, but he can keep busy with plenty other workers before being thrown back into a feud with Joe. Really what it all comes to is that Styles really doesn't need the world title now or really anytime in the near future.....he's already uber established and it's more in terms of his character changes that has really invigorated him a whole in the company. Maybe in a year or so we could talk the possibility of Styles getting the TNA title again, but we'll see. Angle and Tomko feuds alone for Styles could easily take up 4-6 months of the year. They have really done a decent job with establishing those two programs, also. They will likely both have legs (Angle/Styles and Styles/Tomko). Oh and also, the angle at the end of this Impact taping sounds really strong, and I like the idea that they are doing qualifier matches for KOTM instead of having that many guys in it. My guess is that the other two people except Booker and Roode to make it into the match will be Tomko and perhaps Christian. Surprised Sting wasn't even given a chance to be in this match, I thought it was a lock he would be a part of it. I am actually also shocked that Booker is in the KOTM match also, as I thought he would for sure be facing either Rhino, Christian, or Sting in a singles match on the next ppv.
  18. RedJed


    Jesus christ Truthiness, give it a rest already. You are showing your blind bias towards Lethal like crazy here. What your point, you think Lethal can, of all people on the roster, be the guy to really give the company some popularity with the masses? Cmon now. In due time he may squeak into the main events here and there, and may at some point be involved in some compelling matches, promos, and feuds, but I can guarantee you if, say, they went ahead and gave Lethal the Terrordome match and then hot shotted the belt on him at this past ppv, that you would be seeing not so much as a small bump in ratings, buyrates, etc. And I would be inclined to think that there would be a ton of critical response to that move as well. Some significant backlash for the simple fact that the guy isnt established nearly enough to be credible on the level you suggest, and probably never will, thanks in part to the Machismo gimmick that will always hang over his head as borderline Wrestlecrap. Lets go ahead and think about if he suddenly left TNA and went to WWE or ROH, and even started fresh with him, do you think people would treat him any different? If anything, I think the response would be worse than what he is in TNA at this point. He's good in the ring and has positive traits for sure, but lets not overstretch here. TNA has never had a drawing champion, in part, because of the horribly bad marketing the company does. So lets not just say nobody has been a drawing champion solely based on the booking treatment of past champs and the current one as well. Anyway, now looking a few days back on the ppv, it was one of the more different ones I've seen in awhile, and I actually enjoyed it for the most part. Good mix of decent wrestling at times with alot of things happening in general with the writing. Usually most of the storylines they were playing into on the ppv would be saved for an Impact, so it was good to see a little incorporation of angles and storylines more intensively on a ppv for once.
  19. RedJed


    They're doing a similar buildup with the entrances of each guy in the main event similar to Joe/Angle at the last ppv. In essense, showing them walking to the entrance in the backstage, with weird background music, and then a video package of each guy before they come out.
  20. RedJed


    They'll keep trying to put heat on the blondes, but its just hard when I don't think alot of people really want to boo the two sexpots. Eric Young promises to find Elvis to bring to Slammiversary as his manager. Umm, ok. Whisky tango foxtrot!
  21. RedJed


    I think Roxxi losing her hair actually is going to help her in some capacity. The whole angle really came off better than it had any right to, due to outside influences. Hector Guererro ended up neutralizing an interfering Johnny Devine by putting him through a table on the outside from the top rope with a flying dropkick that, I think was, intended to be a leg drop. But it came off looking way great. Spot of the night for sure. And LAX wins the tag titles, fun last 5 minutes of that match, for sure. The Guererro spot was fucking cool. Homicide pins D-Von with a top rope frog splash, in a nice touch.
  22. RedJed


    I don't think either of Styles's shoulders were actually down for the pin. Surprised to got botched considering who was involved. lol so Styles botched the finish in both of his matches tonight, wow.
  23. RedJed


    Yeah, I thought so too, and Gail, after the match, actually tried to strap down Love in the chair instead. But Velvet Sky saved her (who was looking fucking scrumptious tonight)
  24. RedJed


    It may be just because this ppv is being viewed in 420 enhanced vision for me, but this show has been actually entertaining for the most part. Booking has been all over the place, but its making it unexpected what's going to happen. The unintentional goofiness of this show in spots too makes it fun, such as the Fire Russo chants during that last match, a child crying like crazy before the show even started, guys audibly calling spots all night, etc.
  25. RedJed


    lol HUGE Fire Russo chant comes from the Orlando crowd. Obviously not happy with the local worker getting their head shaved. Shit, Roxxis head is way scarred up and bloody from that match, making the visual of her head getting shaved akin to when Raven got it back years ago. This is pretty crazy shit actually. Velvet Sky and Love are trying to get all the heat on them during the crowd chanting Fire Russo. Honestly, Roxxi came off like a huge star here, bloody and beaten up, and then gets her head shaved, all looking a little badass in the process. Joe and Nash talking shit to each other in the locker room. Nash claims he's setting up Steiner with mind games so he can get in his head to help Joe. Joe says to Nash to stay out of the match, blah blah blah. Nash probably will still end up turning on him here later on.