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Everything posted by RedJed
I'm more thinking we'll see Nash/Joe for the title at the next ppv after Lockdown. Nash will do the turn on Joe pretty soon after Lockdown, if not AT Lockdown. It's going to be inevitable - Joe gets the belt and Nash thinks him being the first guy to put Joe over (keep in mind Nash has apparently wanted to do this, put Joe over, for awhile now, via a Torch Talk) will do wonders for the start of his title run. They're moreless doing a stip where if Joe doesnt beat Angle at Lockdown, he's leaving the company or retiring or some shit. So Angle will finally lose the belt, and to the right guy, although this is about a good year late doing so.
Man, I really wish they would just bring D-Lo back as an actual worker. Just seems so pointless to just have him doing the match layouts and whatnot and not use him as a worker if he's there anyway. Anyway back to point, last night's show was ok as far as in ring goes, but this was one of those really throwaway shows that didn't really have anything that was must-see, before or after the show. The card, on paper, looked really weak. The show itself was just kind of there, nothing really bad except the scaffold match. Main event was about as "eh" as you get as well. The only reason I got the show was that I thought with a different crowd and arena that it would turn up the match quality, but it really didnt. I did like the opener alot though (particularly that spot that was already mentioned) and the market fish fight (or whatever the hell it was called) was actually alright, from a completely comedic value, though. The rest was just there for the most part. I wouldnt be at all surprised for this ppv to hit an all time low for TNA monthly ppv buyrates as I completely forgot it was even happening until watching Impact on DVR on Saturday (which was a solid show, but didnt do much for the ppv build).
Good riddance, she's not skilled in anything really (mic skills, in ring, charisma, etc) and she appears to like meth or something, judging by her deteriorating look as of late. Treatment is probably next....
Just got out of a midnight showing of 10,000 BC. Got dragged to this by a friend who offered to pay my way when I refused to waste my time going to it, and, wow- this was really some lame shit here. The effects with the animals was pretty good but otherwise, what a fucking pile of nothing of substance. Incredibly hard to give a sense of belief to, as well, given the time period and how things were portrayed. About what one would expect from the guy who brought us Day After Tomorrow.
This should be a great test for adapting the style of the show into a full lengthed feature, since I would assume they are still planning for a theatrical 24 film down the road too.
Same here, especially considering I accidentally ordered it twice, lol.
I'm sure that isn't an issue - it's not like she's being billed as a MMA fighter, much less even her real name, on AG.
Sue? Shit, they should be paying WWE - thats free advertising at its' finest there.
I guess if Matt Hardy isnt ready to return yet, MVP v. Punk for the ECW title would work, given there is a small backstory there. Otherwise I'm totally at a loss on who to have Punk (who I assume will win the title back next week) take on at Mania - they could do Kane or something off the wall like that, I guess.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, something along the lines of Punk winning next week, and then Benjamin/Punk for the ECW title at Mania, but Shelton is already in MITB. So not sure whats going to happen for Mania, I really don't think doing Chavo/Punk at Mania is a good idea if they are already doing that next week as well.
Where was this reported? Thats news to me. Also, I still for the record don't think WWE is pulling the trigger quite yet on Mayweather as a heel v. Show, judging by the way the footage was shown at the Mania press thing on Raw. I think they are going to basically be forced to go heel with him within the next few weeks, though. Rey's involvement in the match is going to have to be nothing, though, if they go that route.
If he does it right after the title holder busts his ass, sure. I thought Raw was very well done tonight. Jericho-Hardy was pretty good ppv-calibur type action (and who the fuck ever said the crowd was dead during this needs a serious rewind of the match as the crowd was getting really rabid those last five minutes and there was chants going back and forth for each guy), I liked the twist in the McMahon/Hornswaggle deal (I'm thinking its actually going to lead to JBL revealing he's Vince's son, which leads to a father/son tag match at Mania w/ Vince/JBL v. Finlay/Hornswaggle), Michaels/Flair's first angle in their program was solid, and I am enjoying the Cena/HHH/Orton exchanges all around. Nice touch to pseudo put over Kennedy there at the end, which was a surprise. My guess is that MITB is going to be booked leading into the match very strong, with everyone pretty much given credibility to actually go over in that match. Any guesses on the interpromotional Raw v. SD match at Mania? I hope it isnt something lame like Umaga v. Kane.
Jesus, 20 million? For that price, how many more buys than, say, over a million total, would WWE need to do to offset that salary? I'm saying anything over a million buys since I assume without him, they would come pretty close to a million probably. I'm betting the larger pricetag for Mania will offset some of this, too.
Just some quick thoughts....more fantasy booking than reality..... WWE TITLE: HHH wins at Mania, and sometime in the summer, Flair beats him for the title and then retires (he's not finished at Mania). Tournament following sees Hardy/HHH in the finals (thinking this might be at SummerSlam) with Hardy going over. Later on near the end of the year, Kennedy beats Hardy. WORLD TITLE: Taker goes over at Mania, and has a strong run, not ending until Survivor Series when he's defeated by Jericho (who goes to Smackdown sometime in the year) ECW TITLE: Punk regains from Chavo (probably Mania) and from there, Benjamin wins the belt in no time, probably a Kofi Kingston run near the end of the year also. Wouldnt be shocked to see Umaga possibly given a run, too. OTHER STUFF: Cena and Batista have a strong feud later in the year when Batista is drafted to Raw and turns heel. Michaels is thrown in the mix with them too somehow. MVP moves to Raw and is pushed hard and Big Show gets a strong return push on Smackdown. JBL and Vince are paired up most of the year as a strong alliance. Orton could see going to Smackdown, turning face, and feuding with Edge by mid year
Meltzer reports that the latest backstage talk right now (assuming at Raw) is Rey/Mayweather v. Show/Shane McMahon at Mania.
Walt was one of the guys in the cabin would be my guess.........remember also that Locke said that he needed to go to the cabin to see Walt?
Khali going out almost immediately was the right move for sure, he was bomdarded with a chant of You Can't Wrestle within seconds of entering.
I know it was Umaga, but watch Taker pretty much try to throw Holly out, shortly after he kicked Michael's in the head. He pretty much was liberal, to say the least, in protecting the near fall to the floor, and Holly moreless botched it and hit the floor, but wasn't eliminated since he wasnt supposed to go out that quickly.
And I think Taker starting giving Holly some receipts after that went down, especially after Holly was not selling a few of Michael's chops. I could have been wrong though, plus Taker pretty much threw Holly out for real, either that or Holly just didn't do a good job of close-calling hitting the floor.
Well, I have to say, that was one of the most satisfying pay per views the WWE has done in a long time for me. And this is coming from someone who certainly isn't much of a Cena fan, even. But him showing up was such a bonafide shock and surprise that you couldn't help but react like crazy to it. At least that initial entrance and pop. And the first few minutes of Cena in there was wild. I had a handful of people over and when Cena came out, everyone just was stunned, just something you didn't even see as a remote chance of happening. Figured Big Show was going to be thirty. But overall, that had to be the most entertaining Rumble match ever overall to me. Michaels getting popped in the nose early (from Holly? Taker then appeared to give Holly a few stiff receipts and legit trying to throw him out afterwards) and bumping all over the place was awesome, Taker had some spots of greatness here (loved the stiff table bump on Snitsky), Snuka and Piper nostalgia, Foley and HHH redux (I thought they could have done much more with Mick though, other than HHH throwing him out of nowhere), Benjamin, Santino, Hornswaggle, Carlito and others all getting their particular little spots in, etc. Guys like Kennedy and Morrison were really looking good too. I was pretty much on the edge of my seat those last ten minutes here, real strong stuff. I'm thinking Cena/HHH/Orton somehow at Mania, and Taker gets the win next month at NWO to face Edge. Michaels/Flair seems possible as well. Or Michaels/Taker....or Michaels/Kennedy/Taker......honestly, they've made it very hard to predict what they are even hinting at for most matches at Mania right now, even with Cena as apparently a lock for a title shot. They could go in completely different directions than assumed with guys like Taker, Michaels, Batista, HHH, etc. Hardy/Orton was building well, could have gone a bit longer, and kind of was a bit of "what the fuck" that Hardy jobbed so suddenly. Will be interesting where they go from here with Hardy, as I think a rematch could still work here. I don't know if there is a chance that Cena could end up taking Hardy at Mania (say, if they do a rematch at NWO) but given they may have not wanted to blow their load tonight on Hardy winning and Cena then showing up as well, maybe Hardy will get another shot at the next ppv and go on to face Cena, or perhaps a Hardy/Cena/Orton (and HHH?) match. I thought Matt Hardy here was a given, and would have added some more drama to the match, as would have some more legit near falls. Rey/Edge just didnt click for me much, Rey was blowing spots a bit, and Edge wasnt really doing the best in carrying the load. I don't know how much follow up is going to be with this program, but I would think these two could do much more better matches with each other than this was. Jericho/JBL was alright stuff as far as the match went, and even better with the angle after the match. Jericho was showing some really insane color and the post-match attack on Bradshaw added an element to his character, which has been stale as hell to me since he's gotten back. Both guys seemed to be working real stiff, and other than a bad botch spot, I enjoyed all of this stuff here. Flair/MVP was quite acceptable, nothing outstanding, nor offensive. Typical Flair match, basically. The Maria in ring segment was pretty lame, to say the least. And I have my doubts on Mike Adamle. On a side note, this was the first WWE show I've watched in HD, and I was blown away by how well done the production was regarding that. It really makes some of these bigger shows that much more bigger and special with the HD element added. Some camera angles are different now, showing more perspective on such spots as guys doing dives outside the ring, for example. This was wholehearedly worth the money spent on the show. Havent enjoyed a WWE ppv like this one in years. The HHH/Cena heat (which was off the charts) makes me think we have got to be seeing that singles feud returning to the frey at some point here, very possible adding Orton into the mix as well. If there is a way, I would love to see Cena v. Batista v. HHH as well.
Gone Baby Gone and American Gangster should have gotten more love for sure, but whatever. I expected more for 310 to Yuma as well. Has anyone seen Michael Clayton by the way? I've heard its good, but it seems like it got an overabundance of nods here. I guess they're re-releasing it this weekend, too. Heading to see Atonement and There Will Be Blood this week, ironically enough.
There was some matches taped for the 31st show too, so that explains two matches w/ Mesias - one for one week, and the other for the next. So is Samoa Joe still going to be "ringside enforcer" for the Christian/Angle match at the ppv? And is he still going to get a title shot at the March ppv? Man, if he gets another title shot, they HAVE to give it to him. That would be fucking tits out if Curry Man and Tiger Mask was a regular tag team. All the same, Curry Man alone is good enough! Will be interesting to see how smart the crowd is to knowing its Daniels and also how they play that off on commentary as well. I'm thinking something akin to the Pillman/Yellow Dog deal way back in WCW.
If anything the six sided ring makes them stand out purely from an asthetic standpoint of an alternative to WWE, which really should be the whole main purpose of this company in the first place (but to stand out as an alternative in every which way possible). It sure as shit isn't tuning people out from watching the show, I'll say that much. There really isn't that much of an issue with guys working the ring and having issues doing so, if you ask me. Anyway, back to topic - that was a damn good show. Has anyone heard of what kind of rating it got?
Courtesy of the Observer site... Destination X will be on March 9 in Norfolk at the Scope Arena. They will be passing out fliers on Monday at Raw. Good to see there will be likely three TNA ppvs in a row on the road - Orlando is so dull, at least for a ppv setting.
The way I'm taking the angle is that someone is signing up Sharkboy in these matches without him wanting them. There was some weird commentary on the last Impact that Sharkboy doesnt talk, so he writes everything out he says. So my guess is someone is doing the writing for him, and since he can't talk, he works the matches. And whoever is doing the writing will feud with him? Thats my best guess.