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Everything posted by RedJed
Wrong thread, indeed. But its NOT BS - it was in this weeks Observer, and yes, Kennedy has been doing the occasional interview here and there, still. Back on topic here, speaking of public idiocy, VERY glad TNA got rid of Test since his stance on steroids PUBLICLY, after failing the "wellness policy" is basically that he doesnt see the big deal with roids, its a personal decision that shouldnt roll into the business. If TNA would keep him employed, that would surely come to bite them back in the ass.
Well IIRC, he MAY have been taken off the road for a bit of time because of usage once before......so that maybe was around that same timeline of when he got them from the internet pharmacy.
No, not yet. If Morrison does get the belt back, after a week or so after he comes back, it's just a way to keep building a title feud between the two. I don't think it's one of those "Well the champion is in trouble, lets do a title switch for now then put it back on him when he returns." kind of deal. It's very obvious that Morrison and Punk can have awesome matches and work very well with each other, plus the booking pretty much writes itself, so why not continue the feud? Honestly, I think the feud should end after last night. Switching it back and forth between them isn't necessary - it will hurt both guys probably more than anything. Punk chased the belt (quite a good while may I add) and having him drop it back to Morrison would just "depress" the program down to square one again. Now if they want to do another Morrison-Punk match, by all means, go for it, just put Punk over again, as Morrison really needs time away from the main event to get his gimmick more over and refined. It's time for both guys to move on to two different programs - Punk could work a program with Cor Von when he returns, and Morrison could move on to who knows who. They got a month to figure that part out.
If you ask me, they should be reprimanded a bit in their push. I mean, fuck, RVD and Sabu get busted and look how their careers floundered following that. Maybe not take it to that extreme, but they should "earn back their spot" a bit. Speaking of the suspended wrestlers, has anyone figured out who IS all suspended? I thought WWE officially said 11 wrestlers. How can Orton NOT be on this list?
Isn't the general consensus the Holly-RVD match was the best on ECW TV? That was a damn fine match in itself, but I think looking back now, this stands up just a bit better IMO. That last 5-10 minutes of the match was just off the charts last night.
It bears repeating, that match was something else last night. Why couldnt they have a match like that before? I thought those two didnt gel before last night, but they were fucking ON in that match, both of them. Great stuff - best match on ECW TV by far so far....
He was beating off? I thought he was taking a shit, although he was checking out an issue of Swank, but still.......I didnt hear any "beating off" noise or anything. "I'm Joe Grizzly, Bitch!" - loved that line.....
That shit with Morrison getting the belt right away after he comes back is such BS. Did they ever have any plan to actually give Punk the belt pre-suspension then is the question. That is just so wrong on so many levels, the main being of course to just throw the dude the belt back when he decieved the company with the roid issue. Judging by the reaction and special feel that match had last night, one has to think they may reconsider this line of thinking. As much as I'm "meh" about the guy, Punk is way over right now and they need to ride this wave with him as champion until that changes. Its hoping for a miracle, but if the ECW rating jumps the next 3-4 weeks, we may get a longer Punk reign.
Shelley could have jumped, but re-read the original post - Joe is UNDER CONTRACT for two more years. He ain't going anywhere anytime soon. With that said, I'm willing to see what they have for him at Bound for Glory, but if its not a world title win, then shit ain't right. I'm one of few who actually think the fact that they are milking out the chase for him in quite alright. And he's still awfully over with the crowds, regardless of how some seem to think he isn't or that his knees are already cut off and he has no chance to succeed to his capacity if/when he gets the belt.
Hadnt seen this reported anywhere yet so here goes.... I got a text from "TNA Mobile" today stating a "major announcement on TNA's future" will occur at the ppv on Sunday. My guess is that its the two hour upgrade on Spike TV.
Damn, it would take alot (one would think at least) for Flair to walk away from WWE, since he's so tight with HHH, etc. But I can understand his frustrations....he hasnt been penciled to do hardly anything on Smackdown except putting over Khali one week, which is surprising since that show needs starpower so badly. So was this the guy that was about to walk out on the company as reported a few days ago? All I gotta say is it speaks volumes that Flair is frustrated with his push. Hell, he's basically fine putting guys over left and right as long as he's used, period.
JR didnt have an ill word to say about her. I'm thinking this is all a swerve by Vince and Kennedy against the family and Kennedy is in fact the kid, but Vince knew this ahead of time, even before the "papers".......not sure why but I think its something they are setting up themselves and did "months ago" in storyline lingo. Either that or its HHH. Elijiah Burke is a good one too, as is possibly any potential main event level Canucks (meaning basically Edge or possibly a returning Chris Jericho).
It was pretty good for being practically a Death Wish remake. Kevin Bacon was such a badass! Yeah, I saw it today - definately thought it was well done. Some heavy dramatics, but to be expected. This was from the same guy who did the first Saw and I have to say, it was pretty impressive, was unsure this guy would apply himself doing a shoot em up/revenge action film, some elements of horror/thriller in here too, though. Solid film.
Because I thought it was fucking terrible. A generic Hollywooded-up version of what felt so creepily different in the original. Also, faithful? It retained "Leatherface, cannibal family, teenagers dying, Texas" and then pretty much made it up as it went along, especially that godawful ending. For that matter, what's with the love for Halloween 2? I thought it completely lacked everything that made the first movie so great, and was basically a Friday the 13th flick with a different mask. Especially the ridiculous finale, where they went so over the top in Wile Coyote-ing Michael to death that I never once bought that he could've lived through it. I have to say I didnt mind the first remake, again because of the unique differences in the original versus remake, but the second TCM remake/prequal/whatthefuckeverthatwas really was downright rehashed BS that didn't work at all on any level.
The shit is getting closer to hitting the fan a bit.....damn.....well someone had to say it, the Wellness Policy HAS to be a joke if the "unnamed" ten or more guys had to either be cheating on the tests themselves like crazy or it was the other way around (company itself). Either way, it makes the company look horrible. Plus WWE refused to give up the names/details of the people that actually did get suspended, etc, so you do the math. Its clearly a completely bogus PR move on WWE's part and its far from a legitimate system. The doctors that apparently were monitoring the testing are with Dr. James Andrews....perhaps I'm over-reacting but I dont see it that far from the imagination that the company was paying off these doctors to overlook things. Whats actually great about all of this is that it might, just might, force the company into doing this the right way and enforce a strict policy on this shit so higher ups will be forced to base pushes on pure talent versus the "larger than life" type of push most juiced guys seem to get, unconsciously or not by the WWE booking. If people in high places call them out on the hypocrisies of the business, changes may actually be a reality.
What is the early word on "Dragon Wars?" I just saw the first commercial I've ever seen for this and am wondering WTF is the deal. Apparently its out on Sept 15. Looks real high budget with nobody actors.
I cant get over why anyone would want to see Batista-HHH again in a feud. It was a fine program, but went its course and rehashing that is just horribly uncreative. Why does anyone even think its Batista in the first place, judging by the "looking up" comment? To me that signifies its a tall guy, hence my pick of Sid. In the last Observer, it was reported Bucci and John Laurinitis actually went to some shows to check him out, and it was described as positive, and judging by the grand scheme of injuries and suspensions, I would think this may be the idea here.
Like her or not, she's become much more of a standout female then this company has ever seen before. Very attractive and seems to have a semi-decent character to her, and is doing well in that role.
I've still been enjoying the shows for the most part, and this weeks four-way was one of the better Impact matches this year. Much MUCH better than that Rhyno/Christian/Angle deal they did last month.
Could the mystery man be Sid? So Orton is staying (wasnt he confirmed as one of the guys for sure?) and Kennedy, hard to say what the deal is there, but Vince could do a "you're fired" deal on him next week or something. Spoilers sounds alright, Umaga and Regal basically written off TV immediately, WGGT does the job and chances are they will just be off TV for 30 days, and/or Benjamin goes back to singles. Im betting Carlito isnt anywhere close to a bald head of hair or anything - just a smaller 'fro.
I saw it last weekend, overall not too bad, a little disconnected and confusing story a bit with turns on this character and that happening at every turn (even before you know WHO these characters are somewhat) but it all makes sense near the end with a major swerve upon all of the other turns and confusion. There was a bit of a flow problem with the film, as it kind of went in a roller coaster effect, but overall not too bad. Worth checking out.
Anyone have numbers for how the other Halloween films did the first weekends out? Just curious...... I actually didnt think it would get number one this week, as it just seemed like the film was on such an off release date (Labor Day weekend is tough to release a film, plus of course its not even close to Halloween - it could have and should have been released the first week of October, IMO) but all things considered, I guess pulling in almost 30 million aint too shabby. Consider me surprised. Bomb diggity to Death Sentence - anyone seen that yet? Going to check that out in a few hours here.
Dubq, nobody is saying that you can't say the movie sucked, thats your opinion and thats fine. But some of your comments, and also some from DH are stating, "you just CANT like this movie, no way no how" and thats fucking bullshit. You guys hate Zombie - OK WE GET IT. But your blindness towards that fact is making you less than fairly critical on the film itself and then lets take it a step farther, cut and drying, comparing it to the original. Lets face facts - the original is a classic in horror cinema, nobody was expecting the same from this, its a modern day spin on the original, but should really not be compared, frame to frame, scene to scene, to the original. And just because someone enjoys this film does NOT mean 1) its a Rob Zombie 'fanboy' thing, as I HATED Corpses, and thought Rejects was ok or 2) the person enjoying the film is a fucking sadist. WTF is that shit about, its fucking horror - damn, think outside the box a bit when you throw comments out like that. I think its awfully ironic that someone states that if you like it, you must love Zombie. So by that same reasoning, if you hate the film, then you must just have a deep seeded intense hatred towards him, too? Point being is that there is an opposite effect of unbiaseness there with a comment like that. This whole subject seems awfully similar to some who moaned about how they hated the Dawn of the Dead remake because it was different, totally contradictory in some ways to the original, etc. The whole fucking point is that a director should have his own unique direction to take on the ever so prevalent world of horror remakes these days. As long as some elements of the original are kept in tact to a degree, and then followed up with new things that are 1) unexpected 2) creatively done and/or 3) entertaining, then I don't have a problem with it. Its a pretty simple formula I would suggest some of you follow, unless you already have a chip on your shoulder for most horror, in which I say dont even bother seeing this in the first place. And Zombie doesnt owe "Halloween fans" shit - for everyone of them who is going to hate on it, there is going to be another who enjoyed it. Thats nothing new at all when it comes to the whole remake concept. Just the same as the TCM remake, you got a very mixed reaction from that.
ECW/Smackdown Spoilers for the 9/4 and 9/7 airings
RedJed replied to BorneAgain's topic in The WWE Folder
ECW is an uber-afterthought in the world of WWE and isnt pushed hard or put on good spots on the ppvs- it wasnt going to make money anyway if they waited til the ppv to have Punk win it, basically. Its just a simple undercard feud, externally. So Chavo is definately written off for now, same with Morrison. This actually might be the best for Morrison since himself and the creative genuises at WWE can re-evaluate that character a bit, Morrison can practice his mic skills a bit more, etc. Batista/Rey/Khali is a much more marketable ppv title match than the Rey/Khali booking too. I dont think Batista is, at this stage, in any trouble with the suspensions, so they are just basically continuing to give him the title chase push, probably leading to Punjabi Prison at No Mercy. Makes way more sense than having Batista/Finlay on the next ppv anyway.