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Everything posted by RedJed

  1. I refuse to give it its own post, but what is all of the pop culture hoopla about this fucking Chocolate Rain shit? If you havent heard or seen this crap in a can, here ya go. http://video.aol.com/categorytemplates/3178
  2. RedJed

    Rush Hour 3

    He was funny in Friday, I'll give you that. I cant believe they had midnight Thursday showings for this flick. I have a feeling studio execs are going to be in for a shock once the weekend totals are tallied. I can't see people "rushing" out to see this at all.
  3. I would agree with that. September '03 is right around the time TNA started to sign older guys like Lex Luger and Rick Steiner and immediately put them in the main event. If only TNA would've continued on the track they had set for themselves and avoided Vince Russo. X-Division title was treated as the top title of the promotion, Heavyweight title was still treated as an important title but didn't always have to be defended in the main event, and TNA pieced together some solid tag teams like America's Most Wanted, the Flying Elvises, and the New Church. While guys like Raven were considered "WWE rejects" upon their arrival, TNA used them in a way that made them seem special. I REALLY think they made a mistake when they didn't put the title on Raven after the great angle that built to the match. I still follow TNA and will still support them, I suppose I just hold out a little bit of hope that perhaps one day they'll return to the great promotion they once were. Avoided Vince Russo? Fuck, Russo and Jerry Jarrett were writing TV pretty much that whole "glory period" timeframe. Russo, if I recall, left the promotion around this time you are saying it dropped out and Dutch Mantel took over most of the duties, IIRC. If you're going to blame someone, blame Mantel. Its definately agreed that when they didnt put the title on Raven, that was one of the first real substantial mistakes the company probably did.
  4. RedJed

    8/9/2007 Impact Thread

    Since the last ppv, Impact has been getting more and more entertaining week by week here. Whatever they are doing, its working for me.
  5. RedJed

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    The local cable company here played an obviously premature commercial sent to them by WWE for SummerSlam on Raw this Monday, as Steve-O and Umaga were in a commercial together (Steve O was being choked and beat up by Umaga during most of it) talking about Jackass v. Umaga at Summerslam. I wonder how this slipped through the cracks? For what its worth, the commercial was well done and such.
  6. RedJed

    ECW on 8/7

    Punk and Morrison are now tied 2-2 head to head. So I would assume the SS match will be the rubber match and subsequent blowoff, and I fully expect Punk to win. I dont see the huge issue with the finish in that 15 Min of Fame match last night. Punk needed some extra OOMPH in the program anyway after losing clean twice to Morrison. Punk has now shown he can actually beat the guy versus just hang with him for 15 minutes. For all we know, maybe Punk was supposed to hit his finisher with 5 seconds left, not 10 seconds left, and not get the pin in time? Just sayin....
  7. Guys, I think that X division rumor is complete BS - it wasnt in the Observer this week and hasnt been reported anywhere else to my knowledge.
  8. RedJed

    OAO SmackDown Spoilers for 8/10

    Yeah bitching about TNA doing a new kind of garbage match has nothing to do with the fact that Smackdown is getting extremely monotonous with their shows lately. I dont know if their roster is this small, but it feels like nothing "creative" is done on this show anymore, and things just keep repeating over and over week by week.
  9. RedJed

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Yeah, I dont know what show some were watching, but it was overall pretty entertaining to me. Lots of things they did tonight worked, building to decent stuff here. Hell, I'm even interested in a Sandman-Regal feud for the GM role. Cena's lame comedy shit continues to suck, though. Kennedy as the new McMahon could build into alot of decent things down the road, and hopefully solidify him as a top tiered worker sooner than later. HHH v. Kennedy, whenever they wanted to do it, could be ready-made here with Vince already suggesting Steph isnt in his highest regards. Clearly, the Kennedy promo tonight was done for good reason, too. Obvious foreshadowing there.
  10. RedJed

    8/2/2007 TNA Impact Thread

    One thing I will say about the last few Impacts.....to me, they are at least entertaining (the backstage skits, more times than not, are funny, etc) and I get the feeling things are going somewhere a bit, leading to something, and also that alot of characters are given some, well, character. That in itself is an improvement from TNA normally. Enjoyed this past weeks show alot, by the way. I have learned to not expect any great bouts during the hour and just to be entertained by the skits and short bouts that hope to lead to better bouts at the ppvs. The skits remind me of some late night B movie where some of the vignettes are so cheesy that it works. I said it in another thread too but this next ppv is head and shoulders much better on paper and built better than what we saw a month ago. I think its more because I am seeing some character development with some of the workers and its making me care more about the bouts, programs, characters, etc. Angle, in particular, may be some over the top character right now but at least I'm interested to see what he's going to do next, versus being so bored with him the past six months I couldnt believe it or stand it. Karen Angle is smokin hot IMO, too. Looks a bit like a more feminine version of Jackie Gayda
  11. RedJed

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    I think, considering they are pretty much promoting Vince will be on TV, that the limo angle is pretty much dropped - at worst, it will just be addressed and put to rest quickly (ie he staged his own death for whatever reason). Whatever the case, definately looking forward to what hot-shot idea(s) they have up their sleeve for tomorrow night.
  12. RedJed

    Box Office Report...

    I really doubt it will bomb, alot of theatres around here are already doing advance ticket sales, and everytime the trailer plays during a film I go to, people are responding. I think it comes out on the 17th though, not next Friday. Better go see Hot Rod before it leaves next week at that rate. Alot of people I've talked to havent even heard of it, so I think we can blame half on the advertising and half on the fact that there isnt any star power attached, too. It is all but official this was a really strong summer for the motion picture industry? People are still coming out pretty heavily for films as we move into August here.
  13. RedJed

    The Bourne Ultimatum

    Yeah I went to it last night, and I agree on the sentiments - its one of the best summer high budget rides for sure, right up there with Transformers and Die Hard 4 in those terms. The story really ties in very well to the first two films, and certainly leaves the possibility for a fourth with the pre-Bourne connection between him and you know who for anyone who saw the film. Highly recommended to check out, but probably only if you have seen the first two ahead of time, or else it might get a little confusing overall. The fight scene in the apartment building was tremendous, as was the car chase scene, although we still see a lot of the shakey hand held cameras in this one, like the second (which has to be attributed to the same director as Supremacy).
  14. RedJed

    Evan Almighty

    That about sums up my thoughts. I should have waited for a rental on this one - overall I just wasn't impressed much at all. Main issue I had was that the humor was hardly there at all. Is this even still in the theatre? If so, I'm shocked.
  15. RedJed

    The 25 Worst Remakes Made

    I thought the changes in the Dawn remake were refreshing. Just because its a remake doesnt mean it HAS to follow the same formula as the original, as some of you seem to suggest.
  16. RedJed

    Rob Zombie to direct next Halloween movie

    Actually, Saw 4 IS happening this Halloween again.
  17. Debating on going to the Des Moines, IA house show on Friday - can anyone find a lineup? I am getting nowhere.....
  18. RedJed

    Impact spoilers

    A pro wrestlers wife threatens to leave him and take the kids, and he goes all crazy on her. Didn't something like that happen in the news recently? ...holy shit you're right. Didn't even think about that. CLASSY. I think you're drawing too close of a parallal there, guys. Its an obscure connection for a reason. I can give shit to the company just as much as the next guy, but cmon. Whatever the case, the results sound a bit like shit, but I think the ppv has a much stronger lineup than I expected. Test coming in is (SHIT) is balanced by Matt Morgan arriving (POTENTIAL). All for now....
  19. RedJed

    Bound for Glory taking place in Atlanta

    If they can fill up that arena, or even come 2/3 to it, it will be a success. I was really hoping they would do Chicago for BFG though, or even better, Minneapolis.
  20. RedJed

    TNA Impact Spoilers for July 19th and 26th

    Good point on the tag teams, there. BTW, I thought this week's Impact was very good, was certainly entertaining and had some good focus overall. Some of the exchanges in the promos with 3D/Duds/VKM were a little hokey and reeked of Russo ridiculousness, but I thought that segment was something. It basically turned all four teams all at once there.
  21. RedJed

    Former World Champion Debuting on Impact Thursday

    I doubt it would be anyone that huge, but who knows. My guess actually is Scott Hall, especially since he's the current WWC world champ.
  22. RedJed

    Box Office Report...

    What is "No Reservations"? For all of you that said Simpsons would bomb or dissapoint (see summer movies thread), well........???
  23. To follow up on what the previous post was referring to....apparently Lindsey literally hijacked someone else's car the night she got arrested (stole her assistant, or ex assistant's boyfriends, SUV) with three of the boyfriend's friends inside the vehicle, trying to stop her, etc. And now these guys are apparently going to sue her.......or something........this shit just gets more twisted. TMZ interviewed all three, and here's the lowdown: Rewind to Monday afternoon. Dante Nigro, Jakon Sutter and Ronnie Blake drove to Malibu with the boyfriend of Lindsay Lohan's assistant. Lindsay and her assistant ran into Dante and friends. Later, the assistant text-messaged Dante, saying Lindsay wanted to invite him to a Malibu party that night. Part One Later, Dante says, he and his friends drove to the party. Dante and the assistant's boyfriend were let in, but Jakon and Ronnie were rejected and stayed outside. Dante says Lindsay was never without a drink during the evening and he even did a shot with her. At one point, Lindsay's assistant and her boyfriend walked outside and got into an argument. Lindsay came out and got angry at her assistant. The assistant then said, "I quit," which enraged Lindsay. Part Two Ronnie says Lindsay looked "very messed up" and "raging." Dante and crew were ready to leave. The GMC Denali they were in belonged to Dante, but he was sitting in the front passenger seat. Ronnie and Jakon were in the back seat. The assistant's boyfriend was behind the wheel. The keys were in the ignition when the assistant's boyfriend got out and continued the argument with his girlfriend. She then got in her car and left. According to the group, Lindsay suddenly jumped in the driver's seat of the Denali, started the engine and began driving -- chasing the assistant's car. Ronnie says he was so fearful, he jumped out of the vehicle as it accelerated. Just as he hit the ground, he says Lindsay ran over his foot and just kept going. Dante and Jakon say Lindsay then hit Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu. Dante says he tried to grab the wheel, prompting Lindsay to say, "If you touch me I'll sue you." Jakon says they pleaded with her to stop. Part Three Dante says they were going 100 mph. They say Lindsay caught up with the assistant and began doing circles on PCH, around the assistant's car. They say at one point, Lindsay boasted, "I can't get in trouble. I'm a celebrity. I can do whatever the f*** I want." Part Four The now former assistant finally lost Lindsay on PCH. Dante says Lindsay thought the assistant was going to her mother's house in Santa Monica so Lindsay went there. It just so happened that the assistant's mother was pulling into the driveway as Lindsay arrived. Dante says the mother panicked at Lindsay's crazy driving, and backed out of the driveway in fear -- not knowing who was behind the wheel. The guys say Lindsay then began to chase her at speeds of up to 80 mph through Santa Monica, blowing multiple red lights. Dante realized the mother was driving to the police station and warned Lindsay if she didn't stop she'd get in hot water. He says Lindsay responded, "I'm a celebrity. I'm not going to get in trouble." The two cars stopped in a parking lot near the cop shop. When police arrived, Dante says it seemed as if Lindsay told officers, "I wasn't driving. The black kid was driving." Dante and Jakon say they saw Lindsay flunk the field sobriety test. They say when she tried touching her nose, she almost fell over. As Ronnie put it "It was pretty much the worst night of my whole summer." Lohan's reps had no comment. ----- What next??!!! Oh yes --- apparently, Britney Spear's ex assistant is apparently going to do a tell-all on Britney soon......apparently she has photos to back up her stories.
  24. Lohan is just as responsible for it all though - there comes a time where you have to change your lifestyle and, if she learned anything in rehab, which Im sure she didnt, its that you have to seperate yourself from your normal crew of people who would be enabling your lifestyle. Its pretty much bottom line that you just have to take control of your own life and grow up, don't let people control it. For what its worth, Lohan isnt anyway near this mindset. She wants the same friends, the same lifestyle, etc. I've heard alot that she is pretty broke as well, which explains why she keeps losing assistants and can't find chaufers (sp?) for her wild debauchery fueled nights.
  25. With the media the way it is today and whatnot, I really wonder if a celeb can get off that easy in this day and age. They probably can, though - but I think it depends on the person's "media status" in a big way. Lohan's deal may be too mainstream for the courts to go easy, but I can see them doing it, cuttin her a break, if she is in a serious rehab facility now til end of August.