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Everything posted by RedJed

  1. RedJed

    Why isn't TNA getting it?

    Just a thought into the discussion - does the product also, on top of the booking, seem very stale due to the fact that they are always still doing tapings and ppvs in Orlando damn near every one?
  2. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    I can almost guarantee he'll have Angle as his partner to keep building that feud in, again, the most elementary, uncompelling (WWE just did it this year alone w/ Michaels and Cena, albeit both of them were faces), and just uncreative way possible. Obviously the long term idea here is Joe beats Angle and perhaps is the first TNA worker to hold all three belts at the same time or something. That is going to be rough to do, if that is in fact the plan, unless they rush an Angle/Joe rematch at one of the next few upcoming shows, although i would think that will be the main event at Bound for Glory. I just can't envision any possible main events for the Aug and Sept ppvs to LEAD to that, especially considering all the belts are self contained with two men and I bet will continue to be until October. I would try and predict the next two ppv main events, but I'm drawing a total blank. Thats how stale the booking has been lately to me....certainly not because things happening are so unpredictable and interesting that I "never know what to expect next." The only real thing I would like to see TNA do, even if its after BFG, is for Lesnar to work here for a run, matches with him and Angle and Joe, singles and a three-way potentially, would be fun stuff to see. Good to hear of the Steiner run-in, I still am interested in that match for sure. Unfortunately I could care less about anything else in TNA right now. Dustin Rhodes against Harris sounds bland, and what the fuck to do with Christian and Co.? I just dont see any compelling things upcoming, but maybe they will surprise me....insert sarcasm here! The only real true positives out of this show was the opener at *** 1/2 and a XXX reformation, although if they are tagging again, its kind of dumb to give Daniels a title shot (could very well happen that Daniels remains a single mostly and Senshi/Skipper ends up being the normal tag team though). Like I said before, the rest of the show was just "there" - the workrate didnt seem that good tonight other than the opener as well.
  3. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    So how was the last three matches? I never saw them.....just reading the results right now.... I actually got really bored with watching the show (again, thank god I didnt pay for it and just found an online feed - something I'm going to do much more often probably and then if a show is good, I'll just buy a replay and record it, etc) and just left the computer after the Eric Young tag. The booking of what I saw with the show wasnt so bad as it was just extremely elementary and boring, most definately didn't keep my attention. Sorry I didnt give any news on the rest of the ppv, blame TNA for boring me to death.
  4. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    Angle asks Christian and Co. for "backup" against Joe, which they decline, and then Angle follows up and beats down Sonjay Dutt. Again, it makes little sense.
  5. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    Young/Gail Kim beat Roode/Brookes when Kim beat Brooks. Nothing too bad or good, ** 1/2. Roode berates Traci after the match and Young comes back in the ring and de-pants Roode. Like everyone was waiting to see Robert Roode in a thong, sheesh.
  6. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    Eric Young is being billed from "Freedom, USA" - ummm ok. So far I am extremely glad I didnt order this ppv as it hasnt been overtly bad at all, but nothing other than Ultimate X has stood out as standout in any capacity.
  7. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    In a segment that didnt make a whole lot of sense, Angle asked Jay Lethal for help against Samoa Joe, and then beat him up all over a bathroom.
  8. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    MCMG beat Lynn/Backlund after a Nash boot to Lynn and the finisher (combo kicks from Shelley/Sabin). Roles inadvertedly got turned in the match as the fans were cheering the heels significantly. Shelley and Sabin have a TON of entertaining charisma as a team, and they need a huge push immediately IMO.
  9. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    TNA is actually billing Sabin/Shelley as the Motor City Machine Guns. Consider me shocked.
  10. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    Check sopcast.com, download the program and its under "wrestling-tv"
  11. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    Storm beats Rhino after smashing a bottle over his head as he was attempting a gore. Nothing too special of a match, typical TNA style brawl to start led by trademark spots, ref bump, and the finish. ** 3/4 at very best. Rhino bladed at the finish and is being tied up to the ropes, and fed a mini-keg of Heienken while Jackie takes pics. Storn finishes it off with a couple chairshots while Rhino is still tied up. Decent angle after the match.
  12. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    Links to pics? Roxy Leroux Could be her, its hard to tell as she has such a get-up she was wearing.
  13. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    Links to pics? Yah thats her name.....her voodoo acting is ridiculous, she looks all dressed up weird, but I can tell she's likely pretty hot under the garb. That was a horrid match to sit through.....VKM wins. Roxy gives Hemme a dominator after the match. EDIT - I dont know if its her or not, shes called "Roxy Levoux" and not Leroux....
  14. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    VKM has a new manager, "Voodoo Queen" Roxy Levoiux (sp?) which elicits "What is that?" chants, among others, from the crowd. Chick looks odd as hell.
  15. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    In a complete sense of irony, the Duds are cutting a promo about winning the world title (D-Von) and X division title (Bubba) and of course Bubba is being ridiculously comedic regarding the X division as a whole. Lame heat teased between the two.
  16. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    Chris Daniels win the Ultimate X match, Skipper and Senshi helped him win, reforming XXX. Overall not a bad match, but nothing that stands out above any of the other Ultimate X matches particularly. They were pushing Kazarian hard in the match as well. If anyone wants to check out the show, its on Sopcast.com. Under "wrestling-tv" channel.
  17. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    Dustin Rhodes will be on the show tonight in some capacity, according to the WON audio show....
  18. RedJed

    The OAO Victory Road 2007 Thread

    I dont think so, but possibly --- I didnt see this past week's show. I'm still so underwhelmed by this show's lineup. No way I'm ordering tonight.
  19. RedJed

    Box Office Report...

    I'm missing what was so controversial about Captivity in the first place. Plus, yeah, it was on only 1,000 screens, so it never had a chance to do much in the first place. For what its worth, I was going to go see it but it wasnt playing nearby so......oh well.
  20. Few things here.... So Astin was giving NANCY roids? Im seriously wonder if Benoit was almost like a second hand dealer for the boys in the locker room. Her getting roids as well sounds like the doctor was just doing that to not make it completly obvious Chris was getting shit-tons. The O Reilly Factor bait and switch was fucking ridiculous. Do typical "news" programs like this air old segments as filler typically? I found it very odd this was done, to say the least. I hope they get rid of Bob Holly as a PR measure to make a point or something. The guy has been employed way too long to the company and done so little to impress in that long period of time. Good riddance if you ask me.
  21. RedJed

    Why isn't TNA getting it?

    How do you figure that? It neither has been the best hyped ppv of the year (they basically have only booked three main matches for the show and each one has underwhelming written all over it) nor is the product improving with that actual lineup. The Victory Road ppv, on paper, looks horrid and I refuse to even think about purchasing it - first time EVER for me with TNA shows.
  22. RedJed

    Impact spoilers

    What I think is so freaking ridiculous about the next ppv main event is that its so stupid to even suggest that either Dudley guy could win the damn X division title, especially. With Styles/Daniels in there instead, that whole situation would have been MUCH better. Plus I dont care to see Angle and Joe trying to get along as tag partners and tag champs to build to their obvious rematch later in the year. It's like a rehash storyline from Cena/Michaels building to Mania in a way, as I'm almost 100 percent sure for some nonsensical reason, when Joe or Angle beats the Duds, they will pick that same person as their tag champ partner even though they supposedly hate each other. Oh and this whole idea behind this match is HARDLY something innovative, WWE did it at an In Your House ppv back twelve years ago. TNA, you're losing me with this whole build to the next ppv, much less building to Joe/Angle again. I've gotten every (yes, EVERY) TNA ppv, from the weeklys to the monthlys, and this upcoming show has finally gotten me so uninterested in the card that I can't force myself to purchase this one, no freaking way. While I think Impact has been pretty alright lately, this upcoming ppv has nothing of interest on it and Impact now, nor hardly ever, has really made me interested in a certain ppv they do, more its just that they have (most of the time) had good sounding matches on paper for at least part of the card --- matches that sound at least like they might have potential. Not this ppv though. Throwing a ten man Ultimate X match reeks of despiration to me a bit too, as on paper the card hardly has anything of value I can see. Christian v. Chris Harris needs to be an Impact main event before that's thrown as a long term feud, much less a ppv match. Sting/Abyss in a tag against Styles/Abyss...again, a perfectly suitable Impact main event, but not as what is basically the match under the main event in terms of drawing power on the card? Huh??!!
  23. Here is an idea for the TNA/FOX deal. I could easily see TNA on a Friday or Sat late night slot (much like they do with MadTV on Sat nites, I believe) and then rebroadcast and/or another show on FX sometime in the week, even Monday night. Just throwing that out there more as a suggestion versus what is likely the reality of things.
  24. Ironically, according to the Observer this week, Benoit was prescribed Zoloft by Astin on that Friday of the weekend in question. My god, there is just yet another factor into things.
  25. RedJed

    WWE General Discussion for July 2007

    I hate to say it, but Vince not having creative control anymore with the product might be nothing but bad. Steph would be the heir apparent in that role and seems far far FAR more difficult in her viewpoints and her willingness to suggestion.