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Everything posted by Kaertos

  1. Kaertos

    Ring of Honor 4.28.06

    Well, frankly, up to the last show here in Dayton, it wasn't a big issue. Either I just didn't care about storylines or they did a pretty good job explaining what was going on and wrapping it up in a way that seemed satisfactory. I don;t know about you, but I don't like any wrestling enough to read results on the Internet on a regular basis. I'd much rather watch shows.
  2. Kaertos

    So... Which side are you on?

    I am against registration. And actually, the best argument against it was in the last issue of Amazing. very nice.
  3. This cracks me up. For two years, all I hear is that people want the original trilogy in the pre special edition format released on DVD. Then he announces it and most of the responses fall into one of two categories: 1.) Greedy Lucas is out for more cash. 2.) I'm not buying them becuase I already bought the previous DVD set. Poor guy can't win for losing. He finally does what fans have been begging him to do and, in general, the reaction is mosty "I don't want them and I don't care."
  4. Kaertos

    Ring of Honor 4.28.06

    Spoiled? I don't know. I don;t really have the cash to keep up with what is happening in RoH, so half of the time at the shows I don't know why something is happening. As far as deciding to go or not, well, sometimes I just have better things to spend the $20 on.
  5. Kaertos

    Ring of Honor 4.28.06

    The Oven? Well that is certainly an appropriate nickname. We'll have to get there earlier next time and grab some GA seats over on that side of the ring. I've always been on the opposite side, and Friday I was directly across from the soundboard on the bleachers next to the stage. Thanks for the comments Hawk, I feel better about the show than I did all weekend. I was disappointed because of how good the two previous shows were.
  6. Kaertos

    Ring of Honor 4.28.06

    That seems fair. The whole night seemed a little out-of-character for RoH from the minute we stepped in the door. I don't know if I'll go back and see them in July (I had enough of the sweatbox feel back at Redemption in August) but I won't hold the last show against them. And man, tell me where you sat because I keep finding the bad parts of the crowd.
  7. Kaertos

    Ring of Honor 4.28.06

    To respond: 1. I didn't buy a ticket in advance, so I had no idea digital cameras weren't allowed. Why is that? Is it the movies thing? 2. The guy at the booth. I just wanted a GA ticket and we ended up buying floor seats and he was kind of rude about it. We didn't want floor seats because on of our party is a 5'2 woman who can't see over people when we are on the floor. We ended up abandoning our floor seats and sitting in the bleachers anyway. 3. Yeah, but the proportion of idiots at the RoH shows I've been to is so high you don't have any chance of getting away from them. Not so in any other event I've ever been to. 4. The count-out made sense only if you drove to Cleveland to see how it played out? Well then I guess that makes my $20 a waste then because I won't drive 4.5 hours to see the show. That just annoys me but I guess it is something you have to live with to follow RoH. 5. Again though, I didn't get to see his revenge on Dragon. My last imprssion of the entire show was "RoH got their asses kicked by these guys all night long." I don't know. It just wasn't the best impression to leave a crowd with I guess. 6. That's fine, but the guy acted like an ass to us about it, like we were purposefully trying to hang around and be a problem. I think the "Get the fuck out" was a little uncalled for, frankly.
  8. Kaertos

    Ring of Honor 4.28.06

    I was at this show, and despite the amazing RoH Title and Tag Title matches, I left with a very bad taste in my mouth. Why? 1. They stopped me at the door and made me take my didgital camera back to my car. I don't care if it is becuase I can take shitty little movies with it, it was stupid and put me in a bad mood right off the bat. Meanwhile, they frisked my friend to make sure he wasn't packing or, god forbid, carrying a digital camera. 2. The ticket guy was rude as hell. 3. My wife often declines to go to wrestling or rock shows with the phrase, "It's not the event, it's the genetic defectives in the audience." I usually chuckle because I know she is exagerating. But this time, she was dead on. The entire group of numb-nuts sitting behind and around us made the show almost unbearable to watch. It's like they thought they were the entertainment, not the wrestling. If they shut up for more than a minute during the entire show with their lame-ass "kick him in the taint" and "Super D!" screams, I'd be shocked. Them alone nearly ruined the show for me. 4. Shitty finishes for two matches I was enjoying. As Hawk said above, they pulled a time limit on the Rave/Delirious match, then followed it up by pulling a count out on the McGuinnes/Daniels match. Pissed me off. 5. The final brawl was fun to a point, but it crossed a line for me into "Shit, I hope someone doesn't get hurt" and "Shit, I hope the numb-nuts behind us don't start a riot" territory. Not to mention it ended with an injury angle to Whitmer that was the sickest bump I have ever seen in person. Just made me very uncomfortable. 6. They announced the end of the show and told usto get out. Ok, no biggie, my friend (who, by virtue of being a good looking woman did not have her film camera even glanced at, nor her purse searched) was taking a picture of the carnage around the ring and we were picking up our empty soda and water bottles. The fat-ass security guy starting wazing at us and telling us to move it. OK, no biggie, we were going anyway. But I guess we didn't sprint to the exit like he wanted so he told us to, and I quote, "Hurry up and get the fuck out." Well, you know, I can only move as fast as the herd in front of me moves. He badgered us until we were out the front doors. So, there it is. I've been to the last two RoH shows in Dayton and really enjoyed them, but I think I'm done with them. I can't stand the way they treat their fans and I don't want to give them any more of my money.
  9. Kaertos

    Movies that everyone loves that you cannot get the love for

    Corey: I guess my biggest problem with the Crow is that there is no suspense at all as there is no chance that the main character can be hurt until very late in the picture. Most of the movie is an invincible guy killing normal people. Plus, I have an instant aversion to anything "goth". Don't know why, no good reason, I just do. 12 Monkeys made me think that the end of the movie might matter. By the time the credits roll, nothing has changed, nothing has been made better or worse, nothing happens. In the grand scheme of things, there is no reason for that movie to exist.
  10. Kaertos

    Movies that everyone loves that you cannot get the love for

    I hate "The Crow". This is simply one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Everyone I know (except my wife) loves this flick and I just despise it. Additionally, I don't understand why they like it. I also dislike "12 Monkeys". The entire time I was watching the movie, I was thinking I almost liked it, then the end just made me pissed off. Bad, bad movie.
  11. Kaertos

    "Dining and Ditching"

    The problem is the way most restaurants cash out their servers. Basically, you pull a report out of the computer and take it to the back where a manager says "You owe $225.35". They subtract your credit card payments, then youpay the difference in cash. Whatever is left is your tip money. If someone did a dick thing like Dine 'n Dash, the server making $2.13/hour gets screwed, not the "fat cat corporations". The corporation gets its cash and the server can't pay the phone bill that month.
  12. Kaertos

    June 6th 2006

    Personally, I liked the palindrome: 10-02 2001
  13. Kaertos

    Nation States Thread

    Maybe I'm missing something... but what is the point of this game? Is it just to answer whatever issue is put before you on a daily basis? Because that will get very dull very fast.
  14. Thanks... I think. Luckily, I am not Jesus that I know of.
  15. Kaertos

    If you had the chance to redo any movie

    I know that this will be a weird selection, but I've always felt that Krull could be a good movie if it weren't so, well, bad. My wife is a big fan of this movie, but even she says it is bad and she'd like to see it remade as a good movie with decent effects and a cast that isn't straight from a high school production.
  16. Kaertos

    Spider-Man Parody Comics

    Wow... those are just not funny at all.
  17. Kaertos

    Bonds, steroids, you know the drill

    Nobody (that I know of) caught Pete Rose on videotape placing a bet on or against the Reds. There was no magic "test" for him to take that would say "yup, he's scum." They investigated him, found hard proof he was gambling on his own team and kicked him out of the game. To me, this is the closest precedent we have. The investigation needs to be performed by a third party (mostly confirming what the books say) and then a decision made. In my opinion, Barry Bonds has become a massive detrement and a danger to the game of baseball. Get rid of him. I'll not shed tear number one. As for the other high-profile abusers, do the same if you can. They should share the same punishment.
  18. Kaertos

    Signature Weapons?

    The only "signature" weapon Grand Slam ever has was actually named after someone else: The Spark Special Hardcore Bat. A Louisville Slugger (Mark Stevens signed edition) wrapped in razor wire (not barbed wire, that was important) and able to be lit on fire. Used it with some success in many matches, noteably my farewell Hell in the Cell against King at the Ace of Clubs.
  19. Kaertos

    The Commentator Issue

    If I may throw in my $.02... The commentary I always enjoyed writing best was a classic face / heel combo that had very little personality of their own. Back in the day (IGNJL, that is) we had Ben Hardy (classic face play-by-play, oversells everything, roots for the good guy pretty openly, knows his moves but is ocassionally baffled by the extremely rare or innovative) and Nervous Sheep (classic heel color, hates everything face, makes excuses for why the heels are heelish). These worked because you didn't have to know anything about them to make them work. Am I advocating going back to that? No, not really. But maybe using two commentators with less individual style than, say, Comet or Edwin, might not be a bad idea. I remember when Grand Slam was a commentator, people were constantly worried that they might get hiom off-character or have him know something he shouldn;t or like a face that used to be a heel against him. I kept saying that it wasn't a big deal, but the fact they were worried about it shows that it was almost a burden to their writing. Just some random thoughts on the matter from an old guy.
  20. Kaertos

    Tipping at lunch

    When I waited tables for a living, I hated working lunch, mostly because everyone that came in was looking for the cheapest way out and tipped badly after running you all over the place for the most inane crap. But that was nothing compared to the infamous Ground Round Penny-a-Pound night where anyone under 12 payed what they weighed, which normally amounted to about $.50 per kid. Some of the hillrats in our area would load up the station wagon with the entire neighborhood, get them all P-a-P meals, then get a side salad and water for their meal. Total bill was usually something like $10 for a table of two adults and ten kids. Ten messy kids because the adults never kept them in their seats or made them not throw their food around. So for an hour of work I was tipped maybe a buck and spent the next thirty minutes just trying to get their table clean for the next group of brats to come through the door. One of the reasons I don't wait tables anymore.
  21. Kaertos

    Bonds, steroids, you know the drill

    I feel ike he should be given the Pete Rose treatment. Ban him from baseball, kick him to the curb. Let his stats stand, but make it clear that baseball does not condone what he did. I feel the same for anyone prven to be using steroids. This "let them stay in the game" crap has to go. Of course, the Player's Union will never agree to it, so it will never happen. Then again, I don't think Barry is a member of the Union...
  22. Kaertos

    JLU Season 3 starts September 17th

    A nice little episode with a subtle touch that made me laugh: The voice of the flash (and thus, the voice of Lex whle he possessed Flash) is Michael Rosenbaum who lays a young Lex on Smallville. By the by, he also did the voice of Kid Flash on Teen Titans.
  23. Kaertos

    Its beginning...

    The reason I look at it like I do, trying to take the emotion out of it, is that this is simply a highly emotional topis that nine times out of ten ends up being argued purely on an emotional level rather than a sensible, logical, informed level. Not that I'm saying that is happening here, in general I think this discussion has been far kinder than I would have expected. To me, this isn't a question of murder or not. I think that is a very strong word to throw out there when the facts are very vague. The arguments simply do not have an easy answer. If they did, we wouldn't still be having this debate 30 years after the court decision. All I am saying is that, regardless of your belief about when life begins, there is no proof of any of it on either side. There is no proof that life begins at conception, or that life does not begin at conception. To me, it is a question of either granting or denying the freedom to make the choice. I can't, in good conscience, sit here and say that a woman doesn't have the right to have an abortion because I believe it is murder. As I've said, I'd like to point out that I haven't stated my belief on the matter because I think, as a matter of law, it is irrelevant.
  24. Kaertos

    Its beginning...

    Now, before I reply, I want to say that I am keeping my belief on this matter one way or another out of it. It is irrelevant because we don't know if there is a murder being committed, and probably never will. It becomes a matter of belief and pure philosophy. Given that it could go either way, I err on the side that gives more freedoms rather than taking them away regardless of what I personally believe on the subject. Besides, I simply feel unqualified to make such a judgement. I am not a woman and I am not a father. There was a co-worker of mine a bunch of years back that used to talk about stuff like this all the time. He said that abortion was wrong and he believed life began at conception. I used to tell him to tell me that again after he got his girlfriend pregnant by accident, or his sister had an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy. Its amazing how many people's beliefs change in those situations.
  25. Kaertos

    NFL Labor Talks break down

    Football is going down the same road that mortally wounded MLB, hurt the NBA and almost killed the NHL. For them to not come to an agreement is just stupidity and greed, pure and simple.