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Everything posted by Kaertos

  1. Kaertos

    Deacon's Movie Analysis of the Week

    I'm glad you noted the cinematography. This was the first movie I ever saw that made me say, "Wow, that was gorgeous!" and watch it again to see all of the camera moves and how the placement and movement of the camera along with the lighting almost becomes a character in the film.
  2. Kaertos

    GZ Border Run

    No. Last time I was sore for a month. ::rimshot::
  3. Kaertos

    GZ Border Run

    I... ummm... didn't ask for anything on the border run, but now I need something. Anyone out there looking to hire a mid-30's former wrestler / play-by-play commentator?
  4. Kaertos

    My Computer is on Life Support

    go to symantec.com and look up the virus in their "virus encyclopedia". That will tell you what files would be changed and how to change them back.
  5. It isn't just this time that we have been burnt on co-writes Crow. It has been happening for a while, and it is never intentional. Something always just "comes up". The worst thing to hear from someone at 1 am when you are trying to get a show up is "so-and-so was co-writing with me and they dropped off the face of the Earth!" As I remember, co-writes used to be (strictly -speaking) against the rules. It is when people started with these 25,000 word PPV matches that they started to happen. My solution, again, is to find ways to write more effectively. I maintain that a well-written 2500 word match will beat a long "wow! Look at how many words I wrote! It must be a good match" match every time. Why? Wel, to be frank, the wildcard in my point system is a head-to-head, ten point "More entertaining" award. It has turned the tide more than once. The era of the co-write was kicked off by one of my matches, I think (the over-booked "Regenerate Rules" match), so I feel like I have some knowledge of how they work. I think they can be an asset when used correctly, but more often than not they are just short-cuts for people writing. Besides, a PPV shouldn't be a card full of co-writes.
  6. Kaertos

    Ground Zero Comments

    Frost, I see your point. Let me make a couple of my own, and maybe restore some faith in what King and I are doing. Point one: I forget the audience here is more "smarky" than I am with a much lower tolerance for non-wrestling angles. Point two: King and I take this very seriously, maybe a little too seriously. Be that as it may, I would never run an angle like this just to get myself or King over. There will be implications, I promise. And as far as I can see, Grand Slam isn't returning to the announcer's table anytime soon. I hope that makes some of you feel a little better about the storyline.
  7. Kaertos

    Ground Zero Comments

    And believe it or not Ejiro, I appreciate your comments. I think sometimes us old-timers get a big head about how important or beloved we (our characters) are. I am glad someone would rather have been honest and said that the angle didn't work for them than lie or say nothing. Is it frustrating? Well, sure. Is it useful? Yes, it is.
  8. Kaertos

    Ground Zero Comments

    I see... so it isn't that people didn't read it, they just don't care. I'm not sure if that is better or worse. ::sigh:: I thought I meant more to the Fed than that. Honestly, I was hoping for a bit more reaction than that. I wasn't expecting long-winded "NOOOO!!!!" type posts, but more than one or two people mentioning it would have been nice. Between the opening package (which was mine, by the way) and the "Grand Slam gets fired promo" I wrote for three and a half hours. I know this doesn't seem like a lot to those of you who wrote PPV matches, but if you consider I retired because I didn't have time to write... well, let me just say there were better ways to spend my Sunday than this. This may sound bitter, and I guess it is. There was a time when nearly everyone would take the 30 seconds to comment on matches and promos, at least to let the writer know they read it. I guess I miss that level of involvement in the Fed. I was going to take the high ground and not say these things, but Ejiro's comment hurt. I might be out of line, but so be it. I think I have earned to right to say what I really think once in a while.
  9. I see. I'll open it until tonight. I think I'll be online this evening for a little while and I'll close it back up. I just don't want any confusion.
  10. Why do you need the thread unlocked to get your stats out of it? Its not that I have a problem with doing it, I'm just curious as to why it needs done.
  11. Kaertos

    I Quit Blockbuster A Month Ago

    I used to be like that about work, i.e. the whole "come in and cover for someone on your day off" jazz, but I got screwed on it too many times. Trading shifts with people who convienently "forget", getting yelled at by a manager becuase you need to move your days around whene everyone else changes theirs. I finally gave up on it. I work the hours I am scheduled, no more, no less. It isn't worth the loss of what little free time I have for the money.
  12. I hadn't thought of it that way. I'm not sure if that analysis would be enough to get me to like the movie, but it might be enough for me to not turn it off if I catch it on TV again. I'll give it a shot.
  13. Kaertos

    WWE Raw Deal CCG?

    Indeed, the Crippler is frightening. Expierience has shown me however that any of the Superstars can be terrifying with the right deck construction.
  14. I know i am in the minority on this, but I was incredibly disappointed by Batman Returns. For one thing, when I got to see a movie about Batman, I want it to be about Batman. While Catwoman is a good villain, I've never liked Penguin much, and this movie made him worse. I doubt if I would buy it on DVD. I'd probably skip the box set and just buy a good Batman and Batman Forever DVD.
  15. here is a bump. I am closing this thread to prevent confusion. There should be a new stats thread up momentarily.
  16. Kaertos

    Promo: Press Release

    Crap. Darn. Fudge. frost has been one of my favorites for the past several months, and I wish he had his run at the top. Maybe when he is ready and comes back, he can take it to the next level.
  17. Kaertos

    Graphic Novels

    Some of my favorites... Batman: Year One Spider-Man: Parallel Lives Spider-Man: Spirits of the Earth
  18. Dmann - You went to WSU? My wife graduated from there and I did some time in the English department. Good place. Frost! Man! I was a little suprised to find out you were a comic guy a few weeks back, and now I discover that you are a movie nut too. I like you more and more every day. As for overrated movies, the first one that comes to mind for me is 12 Monkeys. Basically everyone I know talked about how great it was for weeks until I finally saw it. My reaction at the end? "The jerk didn't save anyone!" I guess I just wanted the film to have, you know, a point. It just irked me. As for all the Star Wars and Exorcist comments, I'll just say this. I think it has become "cool" in the past few years to dislike Star Wars because it is so popular. I grew up with it, and while I know it isn't "the greatest movie ever" it is still my personal favorite. How could you not like the quiet nobility of Obi-Wan during the movie? As for Exorcist, it is the only movie I have ever seen that genuinely scared me. Does that make me "a puss"? Don't think so. I just generally dislike "horror" movies, so I guess my tastes aren't as sophisticated as some. Finally, quite a few people a few pages back were really tough on Casablanca. I'm not sure why. It is one of those movies that has something for everyone, just a real classic. It is amazing the number of references you see to it in the course of a day or two. One of my favorites, and a great, great movie.
  19. Kaertos

    An Open Letter

    To get back to what started all of this, I just want to say I agree with Rando. I've been on quite a few message boards and gotten tired of them very quickly. This place is different. TheSmartMarks was there to take in those of us in the IGNWF (now the SWF) when IGN went insider. They gave us a place in the community and welcomed us with open arms. In retrospect, I am glad we came here. These boards are so much better than the snowboards we were used to, and the community here is a better one than over there (in general). In other words, thanks to everyone who keeps these things running and got this whole thing started in the first place. - "Grand Slam" Mark Stevens
  20. I hear he's strictly rhythm though. Doesn't want to make it cry or sing.
  21. Kaertos

    Board Madness: The Aftermath

    Sounds like a plan to me.
  22. Kaertos

    Board Madness: The Aftermath

    That is a good point... this is just bad timing all around. I am going to assume that everyone's stats are good through the PPV. After that, as unofficial stats thread monitor, I will start a new one. I hope this doesn't tick off too many people, but I don;t see any other options. King? Edwin? Dames? You guys got any ideas?
  23. Kaertos

    It is finished!

    I am curious about the relationships engine.Is it "in front of the cameras" or "behind the scenes"? For example, if we are "in kayfabe" I despise King with a passion. However, "out of kayfabe" he is one of my best friends.
  24. Nope, it ain't what we call rock and roll.