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Hogan Made Wrestling

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Everything posted by Hogan Made Wrestling

  1. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Bono to Head World Bank?

    I don't see a problem with having a European head the World Bank, then an American head the IMF the next time that position becomes open. It's two sides of the same coin.
  2. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Kid writes a zombie story and...

    The one positive of this story is that maybe Joss Whedon will get arrested if he ever goes to Kentucky.
  3. Hogan Made Wrestling

    McCain/Feingold insanity

    Here's a scary idea: what if the election was McCain vs. Feingold? Although the debates would be good: each guy would be trying to "out-independent" the other one. I swear by election day you could see Feingold being the Republican and McCain being the Democrat.
  4. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Weekend Boxoffice Report March 4-6

    30 million for a remake of Mr. Nanny???
  5. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Pot, Kettle, Black

    China criticizing the US over human rights abuses is like that interview from "Hollywood Hogan: Why I Rule The World" where Hogan starts complaining about how Nash, Savage, and Goldberg all have big egos.
  6. Hogan Made Wrestling

    McCain/Feingold insanity

    Newt has better political qualifications than most of the "big names" being mentioned, but I doubt he'd go over well with the public.
  7. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Bush and Putin

    Free trade is the most obvious thing.
  8. Hogan Made Wrestling

    McCain/Feingold insanity

    Because McCain and Feingold both get their cocks massaged by the media, who are almost as fixated on their status as "mavericks" as they themselves are (I swear that both of these guys vote on bills specifically to make themselves appear INDEPENDENT~! whether or not they support the actual cause). Also, the public is of course completely cynical about the role of "big money" in politics and will blindly support anything they see as curtailing it.
  9. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Bush and Putin

    World's Biggest Hypocrites: 1a. Vladimir Putin 1b. George W. Bush 1c. Jacques Chirac
  10. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Ten Commandments before Supreme Court

    It was mentioned on NPR today (not the most objective source in the world, I know, but still worth considering) that a large number of the various 10 Commandments monuments around were originally established by Cecil B. Demille for the sole purpose of advertising his movie. Just to put some of them into context.
  11. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Bush Diplomacy in Action

    While in some ways this is encouraging, it's also got to raise a few red flags. Mubarak has done what he's had to do to control Islamism in the wake of what happened to Anwar Sadat. I prefer Mubarak's semi-authoritarian regime to a fundamentalist Islamic government coming to power.
  12. Hogan Made Wrestling

    The Future of Food.......

    What I laugh at is people who think I'm crazy when I talk about making Mapo Tofu and I mention there's ground pork or beef in the dish. So many people think that the only way to use tofu is the north american style of using it as a meat replacement in nonsense like hot dogs and so on. The idea that it is used in asian cuisine like any other ingredient is just unfathomable to some. Tofu is a great ingredient if it's used properly.
  13. Hogan Made Wrestling


    Everyone seems to focus on where the teen bought the videogames and that he was "underage". I'm wondering where in the fuck he got the gun.
  14. Hogan Made Wrestling

    "I'm calling you out" I'm calling you out

    "I'm calling you out" has jumped the shark.
  15. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Possible New "Gay" Tag Team

    I guess I'm the only one who loved the Billy & Chuck gimmick? That "posedown challenge" against Torrie and Stacey was hilarious. I liked everything about the gimmick: the theme music, the towels, the manurisms, it was all gold.
  16. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Alan Keyes Daughter

    Keyes' daughter should try to hook up with Barack Obama just to see if that will push him over the edge.
  17. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Bush "Documentary:"

    Point, but can't the same be said for.....pretty much every candidate, when it comes to......pretty much every special interest group? Of course. It's more an indictment of the special interest groups (and the political process in general) than the candidates themselves though.\ I really think we need more ridiculous fringe candidates in the presidential elections to draw votes from the special interest lunatics and hence marginalize them: Pat Buchanan, Al Sharpton, and so on.
  18. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Yet to Be Titled

    Meaning what, he's not the future of the franchise? Well then that is bull. SVU is going down the toilet with the two best detectives not being the feature of the show. The plan seems to be to phase out D'Onofrio and phase in Noth. So next season they will split duties, and expect to see Noth back permanently soon.
  19. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Yet to Be Titled

    NBC also had Law & Order: Criminal Intent with Chris Noth's return to the L&O franchise.
  20. Hogan Made Wrestling

    CNN release photo of Iran & North Korea nuke sites

    CNN is the "Official Home of Stock Photos". I seriously can't think of any news source that reuses the same couple of pics more often than CNN.com.
  21. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    I'm not sure that Rice's problem would be racism in the South, so much as I don't see her beating a popular southern born-and-bred politician like Bill Frist. Against an "elitist New Yorker" like Giuliani she'd probably have a shot.
  22. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Noam on Iraq

    Here's a study of Chomsky's anti-semetism and association with Holocaust deniers, done by a University of British Columbia sociology professor. Everything Mike says is expanded on in greater detail: http://wernercohn.com/Chomsky.html
  23. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Noam on Iraq

    Chomsky is a classic example of someone who fancies themselves an authority on everything, but is (at best) an authority on one realtively obscure thing.
  24. Hogan Made Wrestling


    People whose voices cause me to change the channel: 1. Stephen A. Smith 2. Jim Rome 3. Max Kellerman
  25. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Favorite TV shows that lasted a season or less

    Nice to see I'm not the only fan on this board. Thankfully, the first season of Murder One has just been released on DVD! I will be picking it up very soon. It's the best single season of any show ever.