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Hogan Made Wrestling

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Everything posted by Hogan Made Wrestling

  1. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Chevy Chase goes off on President Bush.

    If you are going to take shots at someone, THIS is how you do it. None of this wimpy "shame on you, Mr. President!" crap.
  2. Hogan Made Wrestling

    What the hell consitiutes a "cameo"

    Ed Viesturs showing up in Vertical Limit was pretty neat. Hell, the movie probably would have been better if he'd been the lead actor.
  3. Hogan Made Wrestling

    EA signs a 5 year exclusive deal with NFL

    You guys use the word "monopoly" was too liberally. Some of these things are simply far to specialized to be considered as such. It's one thing to have a monopoly on the video game industry. But on football games with NFL teams and player names? That's doesn't cut it.
  4. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Braves acquied Tim Hudson

    Being an Atlanta Braves fan is the weirdest thing in the world. At this point when they lose I'm not even upset, just mildly disappointed. You know you are likely to get a good season but the finish will not be what you are hoping for.
  5. Hogan Made Wrestling


    Compassionate Conservatism
  6. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Theves steal Salvation Army bowls

    Yeah because we've got the best weed in the world.
  7. Hogan Made Wrestling

    It's that time of year

    Some religious nut in England ATTACKED the infamous wax nativity scene that features David Beckham as Jopeph, Posh Spice as Mary, and Kylie Minogue as an angel, among others. I believe Blair and Bush were two of the three wise men.
  8. Hogan Made Wrestling

    AL Judge Wears 10 Commandments on Robe

    Maybe judges in the South can wear NASCAR team-themed robes bailiff: All rise. Presented by NEXTEL, the honorable Roy Moore presiding.
  9. Hogan Made Wrestling

    AL Judge Wears 10 Commandments on Robe

    So does this mean judges can sell advertising space on their robes?
  10. Hogan Made Wrestling

    What the hell consitiutes a "cameo"

    I agree with the choice of Arnie in the Rundown.
  11. Hogan Made Wrestling


    I'm there already.
  12. Hogan Made Wrestling

    It's that time of year

    I find it hilarious how offended some people get that others would rather use "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas". I use both interchangeably and don't ever think about it. Some people complain so much about people being "PC" they simply use this as a designation for any action they don't like. I suppose if some company led by a devout atheist refused to use "Christmas" we'd be hearing about how it's because they are "PC". And Christ wasn't born on December 25th. Oh, and one more thing: a big FUCK YOU to whoever decided that EVERY store in the goddamn country has to play the same fucking annoying Christmas music and endless variations on it (sung as jazz, sung as country, sung as some dumb rock knockoff in a Gap commercial, etc.) ALL THE TIME. I had to stop going to Starbucks to study and do homework because I can't stand the mind-numbing Christmas music being played over and over again. Would it kill one company, heck even one store, to say "we are not going to play this horrendous stuff, that most of our customers hate anyway, just for the sake of conformity"?
  13. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Ridge Resigns As Homeland Security Chief

    Is there any other kind of bomb from Mexico? I mean, I'd hardly expect someone there to build a clean bomb.
  14. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Ridge Resigns As Homeland Security Chief

    Mexican terrorists? Holy shit we are in trouble...
  15. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Hockey Talk

    Once again a reminder: on Monday at 8:00 pm EST the Igor Larianov Farewell Game is on, pitting a team of Russian stars against a world team of Larianov's teammates from Detroit and New Jersey and other friends of his. TSN is supposed to be carrying it in Canada, while in the US it will be on CN8 (the Comcast Network), Comcast digital cable's "On Demand" service, and available online at www.cn8.tv
  16. Hogan Made Wrestling

    It's that time of year

    That one lady who wants everything removed (both religious stuff and Santa) simply sounds like a Scrooge type, not someone who cares about being "PC" or whatnot.
  17. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Ridge Resigns As Homeland Security Chief

    Who in Washington DOESN'T have an illegal nanny/butler/gardener/groundskeeper?
  18. Hogan Made Wrestling

    President Jay-Z

    The problem is that whenever a black artist becomes successful in the business end of things (Puffy, Dre, Jay-Z) others immediately claim that he "sold out".
  19. Hogan Made Wrestling

    It's that time of year

    Happy Festivus!
  20. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Police: Woman hit teens after golf ball struck car

    As punishment she should have to sit in her big tough SUV while it gets broadsided repeatedly by a Dodge Ram.
  21. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Hip hop & NBA

    If the NBA (and others) have such a problem with guys who arn't ready making the jump, they should set up a minor league like MLB and the NHL and stop expecting the NCAA to be their babysitter. That way players can choose when to start their career just like any other adults in any other profession, and the teams have the option of when to call them up to "the show".
  22. Hogan Made Wrestling

    Hip hop & NBA

    What a load of horseshit.
  23. Hogan Made Wrestling

    This is not your typical WWE year end poll

    Does Vince's MNF parody qualify for promo of the year? Because if so, that's my choice: "Shelton, you may not have realized this, but you're African American"
  24. Hogan Made Wrestling

    The Official Rose Bowl Thread

    If the writers voted for Auburn (apart from those who already have Auburn at #1) because they beat a lower top-10 team while #1 played #2 it would be ridiculous.
  25. Hogan Made Wrestling

    What will Bischoff say next week?

    I think it would be interesting if each week Bischoff scheduled a title match, only to have one of the "sore losers" come out and lay waste to everyone because they are upset they don't have a title shot, causing the title to be held up again. So first week, Bischoff makes it Edge vs. Benoit HHH of course blows his top and comes out during the match, killing both guys with the sledgehammer. Next week its HHH vs. Benoit (using some vague reasoning) and of course now Mr. bitter Edge causes the match to end in a no-constest. So finally the week after, it's HHH vs. Edge vs. Benoit and the end is some big schmozz involving Orton, Bastisa, Flair, and Jericho. So by now Bischoff has had it and makes it HHH vs. Benoit vs. Edge vs. Orton vs. Jericho vs. Batista in an Elimination Chamber match at New Year's Revolution.