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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Special K

    The TSM Weight Loss Contest

    I've been hitting the elliptical machine four times a week, and lifting weights. I'm up to an hour on the cardio, at a heart rate 0f 160+. I'm pretty much the same weight, but I'm visibly more built. Also, between the cardio and quitting smoking, I really feel fantastic. Still got quite a gut though! The elliptical machine's really been a Godsend for me. Even back in high school, I couldn't run for more than a half-hour without my lower back giving out on me, because I'm built like a beef bus. For the record: 270, 6'4", XL - XXL shirts, 38x34 pants (though i can fit in a 36, depending on the pants.)
  2. Special K

    Final Crisis

    This series is terrible. All the nonsense of 52 and Countdown for this? EDIT: But yeah, Rogue's Revenge is awesome!
  3. Special K

    So I've been sober for 3 days.

    I drank 3 fifth bottles of Cisco in an hour. On the regular. That's why my liver used to hurt!
  4. Special K

    So I've been sober for 3 days.

    Yeah, I'm not about preaching to people, and don't mind being around drinking. It's just not something I have the luxury of doing anymore. Really a small sacrifice, as life's been pretty damn swell since I sobered up.
  5. Special K

    The OAO Strategy RPG Game Thread

    I hated Luminous Arc... So bad. Front Mission 3's the best in the series, but I like 1 and 4 too. I don't know why I didn't get into Disgaea 2 as much as the first one... maybe I would have liked it better if it had come out first?
  6. Special K

    So I've been sober for 3 days.

    I'm a couple weeks away from having 18 months.
  7. Special K

    The OAO Strategy RPG Game Thread

    The best Strategy RPGS I've played are the original Disgaea, Arc the Lad 2 and Final Fantasy Tactics (not the FFT advance series, those are godawful.) The original Shining Force games, the Langrisser (Wasong) series, Tactics Ogre, Front Mission and Vandal Hearts all deserve honorable mentions. Arc the Lad 2 is really overlooked since it was part of an expensive collection by Working Designs, and most people played through the incredibly lackluster and short first game before playing the second. It was HUGE. Good story, fun battles.
  8. Special K

    Stupid, embarrassing shit you did as a kid

    Shaved my eyebrows. Wore a mullet and a leather vest often. With sweat pants. Peed at the urinal with my pants and drawers around my ankles. Shit my drawers and, ashamed, hid them in the back of a clothes drawer for months. Killed my hamster by swinging it around in a sock. I had no idea this would be hazardous to its health. I had a jabba the hutt playset that had a little "dungeon" compartment in it. I filched a ton of my mom's cosmetics and mixed them in there. I was making potions!
  9. Special K

    The Bob Barron Comedy Lounge

    Ugh. You're a brave man, Bob, I'll give you that. I've walked out of comedy clubs when a comic is bombing, not to be rude, but it's just unbearable.
  10. Special K

    The Bob Barron Comedy Lounge

    Oh my god, I had to turn those off after a few seconds. I felt so embarassed.
  11. Special K

    Which poster would you most like to hang out with?

    Vitamin X, Lushus, Czech. Good senses of humor, and good guys.
  12. Special K

    The Pit comments on TSM's misogyny

    Yet the Pit's where they adore Mike"tell your slut friend to keep her legs closed and maybe she won't get raped"SC. Ok.
  13. Special K

    Quantum of Solace

    Might as well copy and paste. Y'all are crazy. Just saw Quantum of Solace. More like Quantum of Bollocks. Total let-down, since Casino Royale was fantastic. The plot's totally uninteresting, and a weak save-the-planet allegory. bad villain. Horrible action sequences, with camera cuts literally every second. A terrible car chase, and a terrible stab at the awesome parkour scene from Casino Royale. Daniel Craig's still a good choice. Bad movie overall, though.
  14. Just saw Quantum of Solace. More like Quantum of Bollocks. Total let-down, since Casino Royale was fantastic. The plot's totally uninteresting, and a weak save-the-planet allegory. bad villain. Horrible action sequences, with camera cuts literally every second. Daniel Craig's still a good choice. Bad movie overall, though.
  15. Special K

    Great Moments in TSM History

    You bastard, Milky. I had that song stuck in my head all day at work. The only thing worse would be "rockabye". Now I have "Rockabye" stuck in my head. fuck
  16. Special K

    Great Moments in TSM History

    There we go. Biggest burn ever. http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...2&hl=\
  17. Special K

    Should I Move to the Pacific Northwest?

    Seattle's great. Good nightlife, great food, great arts scene, relatively clean, fresh air, just about the best area in the country economically. Weather sucks. People can be a bit cold. lots of druggies and a huge homeless population. You take the good with the bad.
  18. Special K

    Great Moments in TSM History

    What thread was the "Frog Ending" in? That kills me. Every. Time. MikeSC self-destructing in the Duke Lacrosse rape thread was epic, but that was the Pit.
  19. Special K

    What do you drive?

    Just bought an '89 Jag XJ6 in pristine condition. I'm an idiot. But i love my car :-)
  20. Special K

    Pictures I Like

    I'll fuck anything that moves. Have been lately, too.
  21. Special K

    Mom sucks baby's wee wee

    Washington's suicide and serial killer capitol of the US. Yay! Pretty up there for drugs too.
  22. Special K

    HCG diet

    Fair enough! If this diet's a miserable failure, I certainly don't want anyone else doing it. Well, I've been off a week. gained a few poinds (probably due to taking steroids for a few days, had a BAD flu. Also, all i could keep down was ice cream.) I've been stabilized at 243 for four days, eating pretty well, just watching the carbs and sugar. Keeping calories around 2000. Not bad at all! Still look and feel really good. Went to the gym on a free pass, and I haven't lost any noticeable amount of strength. Also, I can start working out regularly again in a week, which I'm excited for. (I work out at the company gym, and I'm on assignment away from the office for one more week.) I've also noticed my eating habits have changed for the better, probably mostly out of habit. The only thing I really crave that I can't have tons of is high-sugar fruits like grapes and watermelon, and juices. Also, my blood pressure is 118/69. Not too shabby!
  23. Special K

    Pictures I Like

  24. Special K

    HCG diet

    238. Cheated a few times due to dates. 1 week left.
  25. Special K

    HCG diet

    Look man, hunger pangs aren't something that you can just imagine away. If I was having them I would have shitcanned the diet long before almost 3 weeks. And everyone assumes I'm just going to fucking binge on Twinkies and Cool Ranch Doritos the first chance I get. Incorrect. I'm already ramping up my physical activity. There's a maintenance plan after the diet, and it's not too lax. I'm fine with that. Whether or not you think it makes sense, three things are true: -I've lost a lot of weight -I've had no hunger pangs -I'm pissing ketones like a motherfucker, without eating a bunch of fat like on Atkins. Maybe I'll gain the weight back. But there are plenty of people who don't. Men have gone through three, four of these courses and haven't grown tits.