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Mystery Eskimo

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Everything posted by Mystery Eskimo

  1. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST Fall Of Haim~!

    Except me I thought Alf got in, although maybe I'm imagining that.
  2. Mystery Eskimo

    Has the Brand Extension Ran its course

    I wish the real Z-Man did post here. That would be great.
  3. Mystery Eskimo

    Bring Back The World Wrestling Federation

    Awful thread. Closey closey, mods.
  4. Mystery Eskimo


  5. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the 12/1

    Yeah, go ahead and use him.
  6. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the 12/1

    I would say it did. There was a short lived invasion a couple of years back. Anyways, I shall do something for this show. Yes. Probably.
  7. Mystery Eskimo

    Stupidest/Worst/Most Offensive Smackdown (Special)

    When did WWE ever promote wrestling? Cornette had no power. It's always been more soap opera from day one. Anyone watching Raw and expecting more than maybe one half decent match is deluded.
  8. Mystery Eskimo

    Who would you like in TNA

    No to Lethal and Rave. They'd just be generic and pointless X-jobbers.
  9. Mystery Eskimo

    72 band names

    Could the things by the smashed pumpkins be MnMs...Eminem? What the hell are the smiling fruit...thats annoying me...
  10. Mystery Eskimo

    Harry Potter Movies

    I think that's a little harsh. The Hermoine character is supposed to be confident and proud of her intelligence.
  11. Mystery Eskimo

    72 band names

    38. Nine Inch Nails 39. Blur But I could be wrong...
  12. Mystery Eskimo

    My WWE

    Terrible. You'd sign the Maximos? Wow.
  13. Mystery Eskimo

    Tweeners runnin' wild on RAW

    Yes. We are supposed to be very happy and pop for Super Shane-o-Mac. You mean you didn't?
  14. Mystery Eskimo

    Kip James

    Monty Sopp. I love that name. He should have gone with that and told people they were going to be Sopp-erized. Or something.
  15. Mystery Eskimo

    Who would you like in TNA

    This may be unusual but I wanted to suggest someone different... I don't know how much time A-Train is spending in Japan, but I think TNA could do worse than bring him in. He always worked hard and would bring some size. The commentators could play up that he's been kicking ass in Japan and improved his skills (even if he hasn't).
  16. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    I hate football manager 2006. Took Forest back to Premiership in three seasons, 16th after 10 games, get sacked for not being mid table. Bastards. Sorry, needed to vent there.
  17. Mystery Eskimo

    Top 10 W/WWF/E Feuds

    Austin-Rock isn't getting much love here. I thought that was an excellent long term rivalry (compared to many a short time "grr I suddenly hate you for no real reason!" feud). Their WM X7 match remains my favourite "WWF/E style" main event, and the re-match from X9 is curiously touching.
  18. Mystery Eskimo

    November Reign booking

    Sorry guys, I'm not going to get to write my match in time. Don't wait up for me. Apologies to KC especially.
  19. Mystery Eskimo

    Smackdown Spoilers from England...

    Rey has zero chance of being world champ. Why waste time discussing it? I hope this Benoit/Booker series isn't embarrasing.
  20. Mystery Eskimo

    Who Will Test Positive For Steroids?

    I wonder if Vince will consider giving his guys more time off and professional training and nutrition advice in an attempt to preserve some of the previously roid induced size. Probably not.
  21. Mystery Eskimo

    Smallville Season 5 Thread

    I know Clark hates, or at least doesn't trust, Jor-El, but he swallowed Braniac's lines pretty damn easily. Didn't make him look too smart there. They could have tried to make it a little less obvious that Braniac was behind Martha's illness somehow. Still, a decent episode, although I still have the memory of that abysmal vampire episode to compare it to.
  22. Mystery Eskimo

    Smackdown Title situation updated

    I'm sure he'll be mentioned, but I doubt they want to make the World Title all about Eddie. And it might be difficult to have heels cut promos on Benoit as champ without bringing Eddie's memory into it.
  23. Mystery Eskimo

    Anyone read the Onion article on Eddie's death?

    How did they manage to write so much with so few jokes? Seems almost like a talent in itself.
  24. Mystery Eskimo

    ROH Eddie Tribute Show this Sat.

    So its not a night of tribute, its a night of dedication. I guess Gabe must have got the name wrong. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't notice what the show was called. And I still don't see ROH selling too many extra tickets on the back of that name and a 10 bell salute. It's not like they're promoting a special match or interviews or anything.
  25. Mystery Eskimo

    ROH Eddie Tribute Show this Sat.

    The show is dedicated to Eddie. It isn't billed as a tribute to him. I think there's a difference there.