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Mystery Eskimo

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Everything posted by Mystery Eskimo

  1. Mystery Eskimo

    Interesting line from the torch

    Well, his wife just left him so that would certainly put him in a bad way to start with.
  2. Mystery Eskimo

    ROH Eddie Tribute Show this Sat.

    Gabe posted on the ROH board:
  3. Mystery Eskimo


    So long as Joe doesnt start winning matches via low blow and feet on the ropes, I don't care how the announcers portray his actions.
  4. Mystery Eskimo

    ESPN Radio Host makes comments on passing

    At the very least, lets hope this tragedy pushes Vince to take action over steroids. Even if Eddie's death isn't steroid related, this is really the final straw in terms of wrestler's dying young.
  5. Mystery Eskimo

    The Impact of Eddy's Death on the WWE

    Of course they'll have a new champ - Eddie wasn't even planned to get the title anyway. WWE won't die. Let's not start getting hysterical. This is tragedy but it's not the end of the wrestling business.
  6. Mystery Eskimo

    Which Wrestlers Will Be Fired Next?

    I think he'll be ok. They'll keep him around for the team with Spanky.
  7. Mystery Eskimo

    Did anyone get the new Observer yet?

    I sincerely doubt anyone other than Christian will jump at this point. But it's good for the WWE roster that he did, as Vince may have to stop low balling guys if theres a genuine chance they might leave.
  8. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    If anyone will take him...c'mon Hull!
  9. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    Wow. That's some pretty good work by the club. Let's hope he actually gets some supply.
  10. Mystery Eskimo

    2006 Anderson Cup

    I'll take Docs-Heyross, sounds like a fun match. Otherwise, I have no requests.
  11. Mystery Eskimo


    But why did he run away, leading Shannon directly into the bullet? If he's trying to help his timing is pretting damn awful. If he'd never appeared to her in the first place she wouldnt even have gone into the jungle. I know hes a kid and may not be thinking straight but they've portrayed him to be pretty intelligent so far.
  12. Mystery Eskimo


    No...its not like its a magical dog or something...is it?! I think Walt's appearances are related to the sickness.
  13. Mystery Eskimo

    The Old School questions thread

    Heres a question - how fucking stupid was the New Blood Rising PPV? I downloaded it this week, and its just terrible. First they run a terribly obvious worked shoot "pregnancy in danger" angle with Kiebler, then in the Golberg vs Steiner vs Nash match they have Goldberg walk out shortly after escaping a Jacknife Powerbomb and Schiavone actually says something along the lines of: "What are they going to do here, if that Jacknife was planned? Improvise a finish?" I know this was Russo era stuff, but why the hell did even he think blatantly exposing matches as works was a good idea?
  14. Mystery Eskimo

    Songs Stuck in Your Head Today

    Sultans of Ping - "Veronica"
  15. Mystery Eskimo


    I still dont buy Walt trying to help. If he was, why appear to Shannon only, the most useless person out of the whole group? Why not appear to his dad, or Locke who he admired?
  16. Mystery Eskimo


    If Walt is trying to help, he's doing a really bad job of it. Why would he lead Shannon into being shot? I think he's with the Others, and they're using his powers to fuck with the survivors. They want them to stop pushing the button. That said, if the Others are as uber-powerful as they're described, why bother. Hmm.
  17. Mystery Eskimo

    Jericho or Benoit

    Benoit. As was said above, Jericho's commitment to pro-wrestling is waning. It's Benoit's life. He could be a fantastic NWA champ, locker room leader and teacher for all the young guys. Hell, who would be better to head up a TNA school should they ever get that far? Of course, TNA will likely get neither.
  18. Mystery Eskimo

    Any serious thoughts about the nuclear option?

    It wouldn't be the answer because the problem isn't a lack of stars on each show, its how they're being pushed and written for. And while failed soap opera and sitcom writers are hired, thats not going to change.
  19. Mystery Eskimo

    Alf deserves the heavyweight title

    Funny how people who leave OAOAST invariably say something along the lines of it being a sinking ship, and yet we're still here. Anyway, Alf would be a fine champ, but posting this certainly isn't going to make it happen.
  20. Mystery Eskimo

    Samao Joe

    I think he said in a shoot interview that they also wanted him to do a wild Samoan fish eating type gimmick. Although maybe that wasnt NJPW. Anyway, the Punk trilogy is a pretty good way to get acquainted with Joe. ROH should release those matches as a special DVD, with bonus commentary etc.
  21. Mystery Eskimo

    Batista out indefinitely

    Batista has done a solid job as champ and worked pretty hard. Here we have the problem that can occur if your champ is roided up with more muscle mass than his body is naturally designed to take. Don't bet on Eddie getting the title back, given how reports were he couldn't handle the pressure last time. I *would* bet on Vince thinking "Hey, who's a reliable, company guy to turn to?" His answer - JBL.
  22. Mystery Eskimo

    2006 Anderson Cup

    Yeah, I'll try and help as much as I can. And yeah, Team Heyross-Sooners would be fun.
  23. Mystery Eskimo

    2006 Anderson Cup

    Throw in the Love Docs.
  24. Mystery Eskimo

    SAW II

    Not really. A group of people wake up in a strange place not knowing how they got there - hardly an unusual scenario, especially in sci-fi and horror. But they should have trimmed the number of testees, or given the movie more time.
  25. Mystery Eskimo


    He's my new favourite wrestler