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Mystery Eskimo

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Everything posted by Mystery Eskimo

  1. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for the 5/12 show

    Yeah, thats pretty much how I see them now. With all the tag teams around it gives the lesser ones some focus. That said, I havn't got a feud for the Docs lined up, so if anyone wants to throw a team in there please do.
  2. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the 5/19 show

    The Love Doctors continue to be fighting champions, in some shape or form.
  3. Mystery Eskimo

    The Canadian Destroyer

    This makes no sense at all, sorry. The Destroyer is no worse in terms of psychology than a hundred other moves. Billy Gunn stole the Styles Clash too, which was quite funny.
  4. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for the 5/12 show

    I have to admit, I don't really know who Carl Winslow actually is. Or Urkle. Or Benny the Bull. So a big woosh for me for all that. Anyways... Good to have CWM back on the show and stepping up to GPX. Egos collide! Actually, is there anyone on the roster who doesnt have a big ego? Former world champ gets pinned by retard? Didn't especially like that, but I guess it all adds to the feud so its not a huge problem. The battle lines are drawn! Well, slightly. Good segment. PRL should cut out using recaps from past shows. My scroll wheel goes into overdrive and I can't imagine anyone else reads them. Wow, I was actually really surprised the Nerdlys got the pin. Who would have thought back when the Boiyz debuted dressed as Captain Kirk and Mr Spock theyd one day pin the champs. Should be a nice little feud for NNMX to consolidate themselves with the belts. Loved the reverse diving headbutt, that's a great move. Otaku II had a very straight style promo, which actually makes a refreshing change given all the angsty bitchy interviews of norm. Behemoth is an excellent monster. What ever happened to Gibraltar? He was cool too. Wright on PPV should be interesting. I agree with Caboose - it would be really funny if Jay Richards lost. Badly. The BBB/Conquistadors match and subsequent Blonde/Faqu interaction were both great. Poor Charles. BBB doing an excellent job of being annoying little chav bastards. I really found it hard match writing this week for some reason, but hopefully the 4 way came out ok. We do have a LOT of tag teams now, yeah. Tony, maybe we should bring back that top 10 rankings we had a while back? The Original Elite- Some Guy/Zack backstage bit worked well for me. It showed theres still an issue between the sides, but that they're both equally concerned with the new threat of GPX. The School's Out match should be excellent. First ever face reaction for Black T! That was kinda nice, although they'll still be staying as heelish as possible in all this. Good match and a logical descent into anarchy. Count me in on the 70s Dude - Alfdogg love. Should be a great brawl. Good main event, very readable. Liked Hoff busting out the PerfectPlex. Crystal using the Axel Slam was kinda weird, but I guess she's strong enough, maybe. And fueled by hatred~! I also like the setting up of matches for next week. Good show.
  5. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    Don't know about Leicester, but no, none of the Forest releases are worth picking up.
  6. Mystery Eskimo

    Music Folder Album Competition

    Finished! Morrissey 50 Brian 49 Tit 47 Beast 45 Thrashit 42 Favourite song I hadn't heard before was the Decemberists.
  7. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    No, I really had no idea. I remember him having a rep as a decent player so shame he didnt get more games. Can't imagine anyone paying money for him with that injury record. Apparently Doughty paid off a load more of debt so Forest should at least be safe from financial ruin next season. In theory.
  8. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    He's been linked with us, believe it or not... We need someone to replace the 12 players we've released and the 5 available for transfer if anyone's stupid enough to want them. David Johnson to Hull, I was reading. That'd be funny. Until he scores past us. Apparently Adam Nowland is on the transfer list too. I didn't even know we'd signed him
  9. Mystery Eskimo

    Music Folder Album Competition

    Are we setting a deadline or anything? I'll try to have mine for the weekend.
  10. Mystery Eskimo

    The RAW Thread for May 9, 2005

    They had it again last month when Batista and HHH picked each others opponents.
  11. Mystery Eskimo

    School's Out Booking Thread

    I had an idea for a new character. If I can flesh it out properly, I'll let you know. For School's Out, I think I can reveal GPX vs. Black T vs. Some Guy/Zack Malibu, right?
  12. Mystery Eskimo

    Music Folder Album Competition

    I couldn't resist that one.
  13. Mystery Eskimo

    Harry Potter Movies

    No, its one of the other contestants in the tri wizard thingy
  14. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    How lucky were Norwich and WBA today...v strange. Funny to see Fergie fucking things up yet again. Unless they win the title next season I can see serious pressure for him to quit.
  15. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for the 5/5 HeldDOWN

    I know some people are stuck for time, but my feedback only takes me 10 mins after reading the show. I think something is better than nothing, just to let people know you are reading the show.
  16. Mystery Eskimo

    Music Folder Album Competition

    Heh, I had these two. When yousendit decides to stop being a bastard I'll post mine. Edit- which is now: Transport, motorways and tramlines...
  17. Mystery Eskimo

    Matt Hardy's Viability to TNA

    Matt isn't going to TNA. He'll be back with WWE eventually.
  18. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for the 5/5 HeldDOWN

    This seemed like one of the shortest shows in a long time. Not that that's a particularly bad thing. Go Alf! I hope he gets his title shot. Axel-Alf could be pretty good, actually. Good promo work from Zack as ever. Nice to hear from the Frankies. Like NNMX, they're now starting to develop personalities. Another excellent brawl too, I don't what it is about these teams but they bring the violence together. The Rodez-Wright feud is developing nicely. Behemoth is a great name for a wrestler too. Someone should have used that before now. Brock's still here! Cool. Actually, he'd make a good half of a tag team. Maybe I'll steal him sometime Simon-Supes was a fun match. I liked the various nefarious methods used by the heels. I also support a tie dye title. Aww, poor Crazy Vampire. Interesting approach to have a debuting guy told he's no good. Heh. Cute Hoff bit...but is it just me that would like Igor to possibly die in the ring next week? Main event was all about the angle and turn rather than match, but that was good while it lasted. GPX showing an impressive mean streak in turning heel.
  19. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the 5/12 HeldDOWN

    The Love Doctors defend the HIYAH tag titles against...the Heavenly Rockers and Hell's Hitmen in a three way tag.
  20. Mystery Eskimo

    Music Folder Album Competition

    I came up with a tracklisting last night. Some of the songs are extremely tenuously linked to transport (does walking count? ) but I'll try and upload them over weekend.
  21. Mystery Eskimo

    Who will win the general election then?

    KC said pretty much everything I was going to say about the Tories. On asylum, I do like that they think a limit on immigrants is some massively original concept. They've tried hard to appear reasonable and electable, but the idea Howard would make a competent PM is pretty laughable. Even the idea of him being party leader would have been a joke 5 years ago. Plus they've not explained how they'd pay for any of their spending increases. Iraq is hardly an issue now. There's no point the Tories pretending they would have done anything differently. I'd go Lib Dems, but I want my local area to stay Labour.
  22. Mystery Eskimo

    Interesting Newsbits Angle/Lita/Kane/Trish

    Angle-Batista would actually be something I'd like to see. Plus he and Benoit could have a few more matches, which couldn't hurt.
  23. Mystery Eskimo

    Things that people remember incorrectly

    Sherlock Holmes never said "Elementary, my dear Watson"
  24. Mystery Eskimo

    Living Anglelously 2005 Feedback~!

    Jack Evans and someone else...Jerelle Clark? If you can count him as known.
  25. Mystery Eskimo

    Living Anglelously 2005 Feedback~!

    I finally read the show. A usual mention for the excellent graphics and pre-show run down. Really makes the whole show seem that little more professional. Knight-Killings-Brock was a decent, entertaining opener. Triple threats are always hard to write, but there werent any problems here, and the story of Knight and Brock both wanting to destroy Killings was well used. A cool new finisher from Knight, although I might have had Prince steal this one too to really put the heat on him. Hitmen-Docs was just meant to be a silly, fun, throwaway match much like the whole feud has been. I like overbooking stuff. I'm going to join in not feedbacking PRL till he brings the feed. Nice little ruse from Ned to start off the tag title match. Patty managed to make this match both funny and important. Which is good. Its weird how the fans suddenly become really witty when CoD are wrestling. Really fun match to back up the insanely good storyline leading into it. More please. CWM - Some Guy really did read like an old school match. Both characters came across really well. Could have gone longer but wasn't hurt by the length. I really thought Hoff would beat Crystal. I don't know why. The leg work was well done, with Crystal returning to it after each of Hoff's comebacks, which I always prefer to one long segment. I've said before I don't really like Crystal using a release german suplex particularly, but I guess she's pretty strong, or something. As someone above said, interesting to see where Hoff goes from here. V good match. Rodez-Dude was groovy. Loads of funny offence and the return of the 'hoff was awesome. Somewhat strange finish but I'm sure it'll all be explained. Weird to have such a long title run end in primarily a comedy match, but again theres potential for a more serious rematch. I thought Zack did a great job on our match. I tried not to do anything to flashy with my portion, knowing Zack would have cool stuff for later, and he did. I do think the psychology holds together, and the finishing sequence worked really well for me. I would give this the MOTN but I have obvious bias The World Title match was very good. I liked the little touches of Tony slimming down for the big match, and his taking an extra risk heading up top. I might not have had Axel kick out of the Out of Body Experience, as it kinda made all the back work for the past few weeks look redundant, but thats a small criticism. Overall, very solid show all through, and Tony and I having high profile matches added to my personal enjoyment. I can't say I'm tremendously excited at seeing Axel-Crystal again, but I'm sure there's plenty to come to change my mind.