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Mystery Eskimo

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Everything posted by Mystery Eskimo

  1. Mystery Eskimo

    Turn me into an Elvis fan

    I think Suspicious Minds is by far the best Elvis track. Although the one about being a hunka hunka burning love is pretty cool too.
  2. Mystery Eskimo

    WCW New Blood Rising

    I hope Muta got a nice paycheck for having to job to the bloody Cat.
  3. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST AngleMania IV Predictions

    OAOAST Heavyweight Championship Drek Stone© OAOAST Heavyweight Championship: PART II Drek Stone -I don't want confetti in the ring and hugs. I want a pissed off crowd. Zack Malibu/Caboose/Some Guy vs. CWM/T-Bod/Dan Black -The Elite baby! Axel vs. Crystal -Crystal RAGE IN THE CAGE Tha Puerto Rican vs. Panther -Hmm...probably Panther TEXAS DEATH MATCH The 70s Dude vs. Calvin Szechstein -Da Dude! I could see him going on for an X title feud. OAOAST Tag Team Titles Chicks Over Dicks © vs. The Global Party XChange -CoD...I figure theres a rematch in this THE JOY OF X Leon Rodez vs. The Superstar vs. The Amazing Rando vs. K-Money -Supes, for no reason other than I like typing Supes. STIPULATIONS LIKE CRAZY The New New Midnight Express vs. The Heavenly Rockers -The Saint will return! This has been a great feud. Prince Killings vs. Brock Ausstin Prince Killings Alfdogg vs. ??? Hmm...Alf vs question marks. Unless they signify the Riddler, I'm going for Alf. PREGAME SHOW: HIYAH TAG TEAM TITLES Hell's Hitmen © vs. The Love Doctors - Gary Cappetta!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Mystery Eskimo

    Is the ROH world title

    It's that Jarret has kept the belt on himself when he's had minimal heat and average at best matches. I can't think of a single Joe bad title match. Maybe Trent Acid, but then you have to take injury into account. Joe could have carried the ROH title another 6 months and still sold tapes and tickets for his title matches.
  5. Mystery Eskimo

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    Not much of a match but: Goldberg Vs Hall Vs Bigelow Its pretty fun for the double spear and all the run-ins at the end.
  6. It's a shame circumstances spoiled what could have been a decent match. But once they realised the crowd was against them, they should have quit the stalling and got into it a hell of a lot quicker.
  7. Mystery Eskimo

    Viva La Lucha!

    I still think London could be WWE champ one day. Yeah I know.
  8. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the 4/7 (4/8?) show!

    Heh. Pining for the Fjords?!?
  9. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for the 3/31 show

    What did you do to Tony? Huh? Huh? I wanna know.
  10. Mystery Eskimo

    Is the ROH world title

    There's loads of guys that would be believable in beating Aries. Dragon, Punk, Homicide, Alex Shelley even.
  11. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the 4/7 (4/8?) show!

    What ya have in mind? Match, promo exchange? PM me if you like.
  12. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for the 3/31 show

    I always picture Hoff as looking like a cross between Perry Saturn and some kind of troll like creature. That's the character, not the poster. Obviously.
  13. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for the 3/31 show

    Ah, I didn't really read the last couple of shows too closely. I'll have to go back to them if I get time. I shall also try and read PRL's match on this show...I've already started skipping his promos because they go on so long...less could definetely be more there.
  14. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the 4/7 (4/8?) show!

    I'll cover Black T's fallout from AM, unless Tony or Zack have plans.
  15. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for the 3/31 show

    Very good show, NNMX/Frankies was hot and the Hoff/Axel/Crystal/Dude/CoD promos were all excellent build for AM. The Gunner appearance and suddent heel turn seemed a bit random, although maybe I missed him becoming more heel like previously. Good to see Alf back. I could live without seeing the Deadly Alliance again though.
  16. Mystery Eskimo

    Is the ROH world title

    Erm, how is that ridiculous? Joe was dominant, but finally a new guy broke through who could beat him. Should Aries have had 3 title shots first?
  17. Mystery Eskimo

    I've Been Out Of The Loop For A Few Years...

    Sure Benoit is past his prime. He's nearly 40. I don't think anyone would suggest he's at his peak but he's still the best guy on Raw.
  18. Mystery Eskimo

    Could Christian Ever Be Believable Main Eventer?

    Christian should become "The Christ"
  19. Mystery Eskimo

    M. Night Shyamalan

    Totally. The second that was revealed, I just sighed. A twist is supposed to add interest to a movie, not remove it. Not to mention the sheer stupidity of the crazy guy just happening to find a spare monster costume to provide cheap "oh, maybe they are real after all" nonsense in a vague attempt to bring back some of the blown tension
  20. Mystery Eskimo

    AM Announce Team

    Yeah I would have gone for that scenario too, have Caboose do his regular job and maybe have JR or Ventura (or even someone new like Bobby Heenan) step into the heel comentator role during his match.
  21. Mystery Eskimo

    Dan Maff pulled from shows....

    Apparently he did something extremely disrespectful to Homicide, what hasn't been specified, and has been pretty much blackballed from the industry because of it.
  22. Mystery Eskimo

    ROH/WWE Talent agreement made

    I think people need to read this again. Doesn't really mean a whole lot, Gabe could easily be wanting to keep any appearances a surprise. Its a shame there couldn't have been any agreement during the Foley-Joe feud so Foley's mystery man wouldnt have had to have been Vordell Walker.
  23. Mystery Eskimo

    ROH/WWE Talent agreement made

    ROH have no authority to stop Jimmy Rave working for whoever he wants so its not a question of letting him. WWE could take who they want, working relationship or not.
  24. Mystery Eskimo

    ROH/WWE Talent agreement made

    Yeah, I'm sure Walters will be back in ROH. As for his and other ROH worker's appearances on WWE, they were just indie workers getting a pay day, nothing to do with any working arrangement. And other than Punk, I can't see WWE wanting to "steal" any ROH guys anytime soon.
  25. Mystery Eskimo

    ROH/WWE Talent agreement made

    It's not really stealing. None of the RoH workers are contracted to them. I can't really think of anyone in the WWE lower card that could add anything to an already stacked RoH roster. But if they help RoH sell a few more tickets and DVDs to casual fans, great.