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Mystery Eskimo

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Everything posted by Mystery Eskimo

  1. Mystery Eskimo


    What about the Dutch? Er, I'm not going to get my stuff in for this week.
  2. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

  3. Mystery Eskimo

    Steven Richards in ROH?

    I could see Richards and Punk making a pretty cool tag team, actually. I'm sure Punk would get over in WWE with his straight edge stuff.
  4. Mystery Eskimo

    A heel needs to win Jericho's Ladder Match

    Whoever wins, I don't think there's any concrete plans for them to be pushed. They'll probably get a throw away Raw match that ends in DQ when HHH runs in and attacks Batista.
  5. Mystery Eskimo

    Destination X Review From Keller

    Yeah. So there was no point to the match in the first place. Doesn't even help put Jarrett over. Next month will probably be Jarrett-Waltman, then Billy Gunn will turn face and we'll have that.
  6. I'd say Doug was easily the best know UK indie guy right now.
  7. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    I was fairly sure we'd lose to Ipswich, but ouch. At least Cov only drew...cluctching at straws...
  8. Mystery Eskimo

    Orton's Immaturity

    Heh, I'd have liked to have seen that "fight". I wonder how many spots were blown.
  9. Mystery Eskimo

    NOAH 3/5 Results - Kobashi vs Rikio

    I doubt he will. Unlike how it's done in WWE/TNA former champs almost never immediately chase the newly crowned champion, especially in NOAH booking since title matches end decisively (no dq, count out or even draw finishes). In Rikio's case it took him over 8 months to get another shot at the match with Kobashi. Ah, I thought that might be the case. After years of dabbling in puro I've just started getting into it properly. Well, NOAH anyway. Bison Smith amuses me, on a random note.
  10. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for the 3/10 show

    Don't give him ideas. Anyway. Cool opening. Very cool. It's nice to show events affecting the whole roster, rather than us all running our seperate storylines. A good big man match between Brock and Jumbo. I like matches that arent necessarily advancing an angle, adds to the sports of sports ent. Crystal and Drek have an EVIL plan. Well done. I imagine the characters having good chemistry too. Backstage assault! Im looking forward to Dude-Calvin II. I wonder what, if any, stips they'll use. The Black T/Zack segment ended up with writing from all three of us, and I think its pretty damn good. Keep watching kids! The Zack/CWM interaction was excellent too. No sudden face-face buddyness, which I like. And even a Derek The Fish reference. I didn't like this Prince Killings promo quite as much as his first one, but it still worked well. His first match should be interesting. Ow, Neddy Bear tarnished a good match, the bastard. Holly continuing to look impressive, anyways. And now I have to go out. More later, I hope.
  11. Mystery Eskimo

    WWE to leave Spike TV

    That match was decent, but its far from a MOTY contender.
  12. Mystery Eskimo

    NOAH 3/5 Results - Kobashi vs Rikio

    Does Kobashi not get a rematch??
  13. Mystery Eskimo


    No 1 contenders to HIYAH tag titles: The Love Doctors vs. The Frankensteiners with Hell's Hitmen on guest commentary.
  14. Mystery Eskimo

    the WM run down

    The only match I'm actually interested in is turning out to be Orton-Taker. Call me wildly optimistic, but I think this could hit *** range if they're both working hard. I can really see Orton winning too, which I'd enjoy in a "how many people will this piss off" kinda way.
  15. Mystery Eskimo

    Is the ROH world title

    When TNA folds, what happens to the NWA title? I'd guess the ROH title would be bigger than whichever promotion got it.
  16. Mystery Eskimo

    NOAH 3/5 Results - Kobashi vs Rikio

    I saw it...was ok. They seemed to spend more time teasing powerbombs onto the ramp then anything else though.
  17. Ah, I see. Well I'm not really up on that situation, but I did find Shane becoming FWA champ a bit of a joke.
  18. Why? Send it to me.
  19. I'm very tempted. Depends if I can convince a friend to go, as I'm not quite prepared to watch wrestling alone, even for Punk-Joe...
  20. Mystery Eskimo

    April ppv plans

    I don't think there are any tag teams worth putting in a high profile match like that. If they could somehow do War Games with the 6 sided cage that would get a few extra buys I'm sure. Better than grinding the few original ideas they have to death.
  21. Mystery Eskimo

    Whats happond to the Briscoes?

    Mark was in a car accident and hurt quite badly, I believe. Not sure if Jay is injured or just waiting till his brother's recovered so they can return together. In storyline terms the wrestlers were fined for that riot and the Briscoes couldn't afford to pay.
  22. Mystery Eskimo

    ROH Six Man Tag Tournament Results

    I think I'd rather have seen the Indie Dream Team win as well. Aries-Homicide will be good obviously, but Homicide has already lost what, 3 or 4 title matches?
  23. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for the 3/3 HeldDown!

    Very promo and skit heavy show, but to be expected coming off PPV and with AM approaching. - Pretty cool opening with the AM announcement. Poor Drek. I'm still backing him to come out as champ, however. -More brawling from PR and Panther...I like the intensity of this feud, I just wonder how its going to keep going over the next month when we've already had a crowd riot and big backstage brawl. But Im sure I will find out. -Interesting deal with the former X champions returning and Rodez's AM match. I wasn't expecting this...Tony?....Zack? -I like the idea of Killings getting heat from the lockerroom for his comments but...how does it work when it comes to him having a match, does he make it obvious its "a role" too? Again, I'm sure I will find out. -I like PR's combination of manic evilness and slapstick. Imagine HHH getting a piggyback out from Flair after a promo. Works for me. -Crystal selects excellent new music, which automatically puts me in an appreciative mood for her promo, and its a good one. I liked the "I’m a real person who deserves to have real emotions!" line, as we've only really seen happy plucky babyface Crystal before. -Ow, Drek really psyched poor Axel out here. And Hoff-Axel begin some tensions too, which are needed if they're going to possibly fight at Anglemania. Good segment. -NNMX and Cornette are here! And Cornette has screwed the Saints one more time. So are they TAFKA Saints now? Or do they get a stupid symbol? Another authentic Cornie promo, and I'm really looking forward to how the Saints-NNMX feud climaxes. -I had a thought that the promos between GPX and CoD would be chemistry-tastic, yes that is a word, and I was right! Black T's and NNMX's appearances seemed a little random, but I guess it shows they don't want to be forgotten in the tag title hunt. -Hurrah, the Dude's not dead! And while I'll be glad to see another Calvin-Dude match, among the hinted at matches here was something I'd love to see: Calvin-Drek. Make it so, number one! -T.O.E. lose again... and it's all too much for Black T. Nicely brutal beatdown, and as K.C. said, no one helping Zack was an excellent touch, as was the slight hint of crowd enthusiasm for his attempted come back against Dan. Black T being evil heel bastards to close the show? Can we have that every week?
  24. Mystery Eskimo

    RoH Third Anniversery Week

    Because he's never going to be good enough to reach main event level in RoH, so putting him over Punk and Styles is just a waste of everyones time. He's ok in the ring, and the Embassy gimmick is really good for him, but his move set isn't particularly flashy by indie standards and I've never seen him play to the crowd, unless you count stealing the Styles Clash.
  25. Mystery Eskimo


    Mystery Eskimo - "Ice Ice Baby" - Vanilla Ice "Too Cold (Ice Ice Baby remix)" Dan Black - "Quiet" - Smashing Pumpkins