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Mystery Eskimo

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Everything posted by Mystery Eskimo

  1. Mystery Eskimo

    Football Manager 2005

    Try winning the Prem with a team of players all called Steve. Or something.
  2. Mystery Eskimo

    Football Manager 2005

    My brother has become dangerously obsessed with Bakircioglu. He has his picture and everything.
  3. Mystery Eskimo

    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trailer

    Martin Freeman is a good choice for this film. I can't help think it's going to end up diluted crap, however...
  4. Mystery Eskimo

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    Given the average level of maturity in the WWE locker room, I think Brock would do well to stay away. He'd probably get raped by Bradshaw.
  5. Mystery Eskimo

    For all you Batista fans

    DILLIGAS is retarded. If youre going to use an acronym, it shouldn't sound like some losers name. "Hi, I'm Bob Dilligas."
  6. Mystery Eskimo

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    It has its moments but, considering the talent involved, it was below par. It's been a while since I've seen the match so my opinion may be scewed a bit. It was ok, but the crowd was SO quiet it was scary. It'd been red hot for the opener (Angle/Edge/Christian - Too Cool/Rikishi) but for the following triple threat the only person to get any pops was Chyna
  7. Mystery Eskimo

    Football Manager 2005

    Djibril Cisse is fucking annoying. Scores at least twice against me everytime.
  8. Mystery Eskimo

    Football Manager 2005

    One thing that annoys me about this version is that virtually every foreign player I sign seems to have to go through a homesick, wanting to leave the club phase about a week after joining.
  9. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    Classy. I was also amused by David Gold's comment on Jermaine Pennant that he "can barely read or write".
  10. Mystery Eskimo

    Name wrestlers and their greatest opponents

    Not really. The Angleslam was already dead as a finisher by then, and Benoit tapping clean to the heel hook anklelock at the Rumble didn't exactly hurt that hold. The crossface wasn't affected either.
  11. Mystery Eskimo

    More on Amy Weber's departure

    Are you saying she's such a bad actress, she can't...oh wait, I see your point.
  12. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    Yeah, I really hate that. You'd think they would have noticed when testing it.
  13. Mystery Eskimo

    "Basic Instinct" WM 21 Commercial

    Yeah, Benoit is so bad on the mic he can't deliver two deadpan lines right. ...Shut up, he was fine.
  14. Mystery Eskimo

    OAO Summer Festivals In The UK

    Ah, I see...isn't an indie stage going to get shit on? I thought Download was pretty hardcore. But anyway, I'm not sure where to go for my festival fix this year. Nothing particularly exciting announced so far.
  15. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the 2/17 show!

    I want to know the idea! *sulks*
  16. Mystery Eskimo

    Joe Dirt's indy wrestling video thread

    I tried to re-up the TLC this week but it wouldn't complete for some reason. I'll try again over the weekend.
  17. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for this week's show

    *Sobs quietly* ...Yeah, I'll do some feed later. Probably.
  18. Mystery Eskimo

    OAO Summer Festivals In The UK

    Why are Feeder headliners for Download? Strange.
  19. Mystery Eskimo

    Joe Dirt's indy wrestling video thread

    There's several excellent Punk-Hero less gimmicky matches worth checking out, the 2/3 falls from "When Hero Met Punk" particularly.
  20. Mystery Eskimo

    Letter to Meltzer about ROH

    I think the fact that so many people believe Joe to be this uber stiff worker just shows how good he's become.
  21. Mystery Eskimo

    Joe Dirt's indy wrestling video thread

    It's only good for 20 or so downloads so they go pretty quick. I'll upload it here again.
  22. Mystery Eskimo

    Joe Dirt's indy wrestling video thread

    Daniels/Aries Chris Daniels vs. Austin Aries, from the Super 8, as I recall.
  23. Mystery Eskimo

    SmackDown! Spoilers from Japan

    The tag match is probably Teddy Long's doing.
  24. Mystery Eskimo

    Joe Dirt's indy wrestling video thread

    Punk-Hero TLC http://s21.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3GNVTBZIAHFJ41F3WXTRCTJO20 ://http://s21.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=...41F3WXTRCTJO20 ://http://s21.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=...41F3WXTRCTJO20 ://http://s21.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=...41F3WXTRCTJO20
  25. Mystery Eskimo

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    I second this. I've wanted to see this match for a long time and have never been able to find it I'm uploading it at the moment. I'll put it in JoeDirt's misc promotions thread.