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Mystery Eskimo

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Everything posted by Mystery Eskimo

  1. Mystery Eskimo

    Places to download full wrestling matches?

    Thanks very much. I have about 12GB, although its mostly RoH and IWA-MS whole shows, I dont know if smaller stuff like individual matches is preferred.
  2. Mystery Eskimo

    July - LTP: This Ain't Oz

    Well as Alcatraz has no prisoners it would have to be a regular crowd, but perhaps due to the environment they're a bit more rowdy than usual...
  3. Mystery Eskimo

    Euro 2004

    I hate Clive Tydsley. None of the ITV blokes would get into a dream team. Apart from maybe someone to replace Joe Royle, he was dull as hell.
  4. Mystery Eskimo

    Places to download full wrestling matches?

    I've found that the best place, by far, to find most wrestling is the Wrestling Hub on DC++. The only drawback is you must have 5GB of wrestling to share to get in. But that's not a problem for downloading studs like me. How do you get onto that hub? I never managed to figure out DC++
  5. Mystery Eskimo

    Flair Book on Sale?

    The UK Amazon has a deal where you can get Flair and Regal's books together for a discount, which is what I'm going for.
  6. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the July 1st HD!

    OAOAST Tag Team Championship: Black T vs. The New New Midnigh Express Just a reminder I'm posting the show, everything to me by the usual deadline please.
  7. Mystery Eskimo

    GAB feedback

    Thanks for the positive thoughts on the tag title match. Some feed from me: Graphics: As has been said, great work as usual. I wasn't expecting the Black T graphic and marked out a little for that Saints vs. GPX: Poor Saints. A good old fashioned squash to pop the crowd and get everything going. I have a feeling the Saints aren't done just yet though. Wargheymes: Any match featuring MR.WARRIOR is fine with me. Liked the Barron appearance too. Gauntlet: Very intense. Smith looks great here destroying the Cult members and Dama destroying them after their defeats was cool. Smith-Dama was a good hard brawl, the ending surprised me as it did others but will be interesting to see what happens next. -"Little Zoidbergs" was great Bryte vs Lodez: I wasn't paying attention when I first read stuff with The Hand on HD, and I somehow thought he was Bryte's hand with it's own personality. So yeah, in summary, I am stupid. This match, on the other Hand, was not. I really got into the flow of this, the strikes were stiff, both men busted out plenty of big moves and I was buying the near falls towards the end. If I had to make a criticism it would be that Lodez's injured leg suddenly vanished from the psychology after the Panther run in, but I dont care too much about that. -Body Shop was short, snappy and to the point. Will be fun to see SJ's new force in action. Stone vs. Cappa: More high impact stuff, Drek looking like a MANLY MAN~! Stone has main events in his future, I'm sure. Some sick moves in here- German suplex onto the ramp, the big hip toss, moonsault onto the chair- that added a bit extra to the match. Awesome finish too. and Drek's post match attack makes him look even more EVIL~! - The Jim Cornette promo was great. Tune into HeldDown for Black T vs NNMX~! - Good Bryte promo too, and I'll look forward to Bryte-Panther Black T vs. JINGUS & Sadist: J&S are being modelled to be the OAOAST's version of the Road Warriors (hence the Doomsday Device in the match). On re-reading I would have had Black T cheat a little more to win, but I want to keep putting the champs over strong. J&S are far from finished however, as will be seen on HeldDown... - Funny GPX skit. Stay away from the Black T groupies, guys... Rick Edwards vs. Parka: Good to see Parka back, even he had to do the j-o-b. Solid match, nice finishing sequence. Will be interesting to see if Parka sticks around now. - Fun BT skit. Dan and T.Bod are living it up, while Jivin' JR sure loves his farmyard friends. -Short, angry promo from Calvin. Seems like the Thrillogy might have some problems with SJ and his new group. WARGAMES: Excellent work. Crystal taking such a beating and still getting the win was really dramatic. I liked that there was plenty of wrestling going down and not just spots. There's plenty of matches still to be between everyone involved in this match. Overall, solid from top to bottom with some great moments. I don't have a great memory for PPV's, but I'd probably have this ranking pretty high.
  8. Mystery Eskimo

    Brock Lesnar's Regrets

    And Man Of 1004 Modes just earned about a million respect points, I didnt think it possible but I hate Brock even more now too, and compared to how much I hated him before, well thats a whole lot of hate. Serioulsy though if Brock hated it so much he should of never joined the WWE, he was just wasting his time and everyone elses time for watching him on TV. So if a person embarks on a career, realises it's not making him happy and quits to do what he really wants then he deserves to be hated? Brock didn't know going in he was going to wind up unhappy. He put on some good matches and worked hard for the most part. Let it go. Grow up.
  9. Mystery Eskimo

    ROH "Survival of the Fittest"

    Cabana pinned Joe? Thats kinda weird. Does that mean Colt is the next to be the plucky loser in a title match?
  10. Mystery Eskimo

    Anyone read any of these?....

    Yeah, these are fun reads. I read the Fridge book whilst on holiday in Dublin, added to the ambience
  11. Mystery Eskimo

    Euro 2004

    Yeah, Portugal have got a great chance now. They dont have the best team but they have home advantage and a great manager. I'd predict a Portugal-Czech Rep final.
  12. Mystery Eskimo

    Euro 2004

    I think this makes the Czechs the favourites now. Unless they throw it away too, which is possible. Very interesting stuff.
  13. Mystery Eskimo

    Euro 2004

    Fuck! Greece beat France! Go Greece!
  14. Mystery Eskimo

    State Of Morale In World Wrestling Entertainment

    The brand split is the arguably the only worthwhile decision WWE have made of recent years. If we hadnt had it, Benoit and Eddie would be jobbing to Tyson Tomko et al rather than world champs.
  15. Mystery Eskimo

    Euro 2004

    I was wondering about Owen, Lampard and Terry's penaltys. All straight down the middle and Ricardo dived aside. I wonder if they watched tapes of Ricardo beforehand and noticed that he does big dives to either side. Clever if so. Very lucky if not.
  16. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the July 1st HD!

    Well, unless anyone objects, I'll post the show then. Id like to do one, its been a while. HD will feature either Black T or Jingus & The Sadist defending the OAOAST Tag Team Championship of the World~!
  17. Mystery Eskimo

    Euro 2004

    England didnt choke. Choking is getting yourself into a great, dominant position and then blowing it all. England were under the cosh the whole 90 minutes and were lucky not to be down by a couple of goals. I WISH we choked.
  18. Mystery Eskimo

    Euro 2004

    If I was going to blame anyone, it's Sven. 3 times now in crucial matches - Brazil in 2002, France and Portugal this year - England have led but ultimately lost. On each occasion we started defending far too early and conceded the midfield to the opposition. Sven should be addressing this. Sven plays it far too safe. The Portugal manager took a risk, took off Figo and brought on Postiga who scored. Sven left the totally ineffective Beckham on and took Gerrard off, who at least had the potential to get into the game. You don't win tournaments by being cautious. Unless you're Germany.
  19. Mystery Eskimo

    Urst Maier the twat

    He has his own website? What a fucker.
  20. Mystery Eskimo

    Best North American Match Tournament

    9)Angle vs Benoit-Rumble '03 (17-14) 5)Bret vs Owen-WM 10 (30-1) 3)Rey vs Eddie-Halloween Havoc '97 (19-12) 2)Bret vs Austin survivor series 96 (24-7)
  21. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    Yeah its only about 6 or 7 weeks till the start of the new season! How's everyones clubs doing over the summer, any good signings, rubbish signings?
  22. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for the 6/24 show

    Great show, best one in a while I think, really solid all the way through. The continuing story of Rick Edwards is always interesting, I liked the Bryte-Stevens stuff and the main event was a good fun match. Tony's STARMAKER was awesome~!
  23. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the July 1st HD!

    I can post the show if needed?
  24. Mystery Eskimo

    Euro 2004

    I heard the offer was going to be £20million plus Scott Parker and Damien Duff, which has got to be tempting for Liverpool.
  25. Mystery Eskimo

    Euro 2004

    Yeah, I think Cole, G Neville and Campbell were pretty good. Beckham needs to go away and get his head together and his fitness back. I think the Rooney/Owen partnership could continue to develop and become really deadly. Roll on the world cup qualifiers! Remember how great our group is- England Poland Austria Wales Northern Ireland Azerbaijan First match 4th September away to Austria.