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Mystery Eskimo

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Everything posted by Mystery Eskimo

  1. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    A good win for Forest to end the season. 14th place is a great achievement by Big Joe. West Brom aren't going to do any better than last time they were in the Prem.
  2. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for 5/13

    Nothing from me...Im moving and dont get back online outside of work till next Wednesday now.
  3. Mystery Eskimo

    TSM Mat Madness

  4. Mystery Eskimo

    Is it true that Europeans hate Americans?

    Pretend to be Canadian. And don't talk too loud.
  5. Mystery Eskimo

    Thomas the Tank Engine toys

    I'm sure it would sell on ebay. The fat controller was the man.
  6. Mystery Eskimo

    Star Trek Prequel Movie In The Works?

    Frakes is directing. And also a fat bastard these days.
  7. Mystery Eskimo

    What's the most difficult sport?

    Rugby should be above soccer. Anyone can play soccer, but take an ordinary person and put them in a rugby game and they'd be lucky to finish without broken bones.
  8. Mystery Eskimo

    Best athletes in wrestling?

    I remember Kurt Angle said in his book that Benoit could have been a world class amateur wrestler with the right training. The Rock was a football player, wasn't he? He seems like the kinda guy who could do most sports well anyway.
  9. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the 5/6 HD

    Black T victory promo. And I think GPX should be laying down a challenge...
  10. Mystery Eskimo

    Feedback for the 4/29 HD

    He's like Superman Thanks to everyone who wrote for the tag tourny, as we get the benefit of going over! Good show. I've been wanting to see a Zack heel turn for a while now. Should be fun.
  11. Mystery Eskimo

    Lance Storm Considering Retirement

    I'm glad he's recognised the limitations of the human body rather than pressing on with surgery after surgery. Good luck to Lance with the training gig.
  12. Mystery Eskimo

    TSM Mat Madness II

    Eddy AmDrag What a match that would be.
  13. Mystery Eskimo

    If you died today, what song....

    He was awesome.
  14. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking for the 4/29 HD~!

    The tag tourny should be either starting this week or all night long, I cant remember if we decided on a one night tourny or not. Brackets PFL had: Edit/Updated by Northstar: GPX #8 Seed Chicks Over Dicks #7 Seed SKULL KID!!!!!/Skull Mask #6 Seed Minions *censored for spoiler* PFL has told me(Northstar) that Vitamin X and Spanish Fly from PRL's clan are in now.
  15. Mystery Eskimo

    Why Cant Eminem get a number 1 in the UK

    A really overrated guy at that.
  16. Mystery Eskimo

    Another Ric Flair interview

    As much as I love Flair, he's clearly out of touch and bitter about modern fans. What he doesnt realise is that as time passes more and more fans will get on the net and become "smart". There's no going back.
  17. Mystery Eskimo

    6 Playas Who Need Mad Props

    Arik Cannon is pretty damn good. I'm not a Danny Daniels fan though...I just find him a bit bland in the ring I guess. Good article though, I've been meaning to track down some Excalibur matches for a while now.
  18. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    I think Ranieri may just have blown any chance he had left of keeping his job...why did he bring Veron on? He looked absolutely terrible.
  19. Mystery Eskimo

    If you died today, what song....

    Electric 6: "Danger! High Voltage"
  20. Mystery Eskimo

    WWE Smackdown 6: Smackdown vs Raw

    It only takes a season to get a CAW up to 80s overall, unless you're losing every match or something. I like the submission meter, but its impossible to get a tap out from it on Smackdown level.
  21. I'm sure they'll come up with a craptacular gimmick for Cade soon enough. We've already had Mordecai, Lex Luger-lite, Eugene and now Hiroshima or whatever. They're on a roll.
  22. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    We could just use this one again... ...or we could have a general British thread for football and anything else.
  23. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    Damn, if Forest hadnt conceded with 5 mins to go we would have been virtually safe. Still a couple more points from the last 3 games should be enough. I'd say Derby will stay up too, and Walsall will take the drop.
  24. Mystery Eskimo

    FWA Crunch tour results

    And what the hell kind of name is Spud for a wrestler?!
  25. Mystery Eskimo

    Brilliant Ric Flair interview

    I'd rather see a Flair match than a Foley or Raven match, past present or future. Raven has a great gimmick but have you seen his recent matches?