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Mystery Eskimo

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Everything posted by Mystery Eskimo

  1. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ feed

    Yeah, I think that would be a good idea. I'll be more strict about the deadline from now on.
  2. Mystery Eskimo

    Attention Rumble Writers

    Well *deep breath* I turned Eskimo heel, unmasked him to reveal Dan Black, who is now IZ General Manager. After about a month Dan Black got Jailbait released from jail, figuring he needed someone ruthless and evil on his team. Jailbait feuded with JINGUS for a little while, then slowly turned on Dan Black, before getting "injured" - I couldn't keep it going! So, hopefully I havnt spoilt the character for you!
  3. Mystery Eskimo

    Is Foley the Greatest?

    Foley doesn't match up to Flair. Flair can make crowds love him, hate him or both at the same time.
  4. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    Forest 1 WBA 0 This calls for a w00t!
  5. Mystery Eskimo

    Attention Rumble Writers

    Actually, you came out of jail. I think I assumed you were coming back straight away so I kept your character going for a while. But as its wrestling we could probably ignore that! Or you could do a new character.
  6. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/30/03

    Credits... Eskimo PRL SpiderPoet Dids
  7. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/30/03

    Last Sunday at... ::Fade in:: Black slowly moves over to the corner, shaking his head clear, and starts to climb the cage. His progess is slow now, loss of blood and all the punishment he’s taken dulling his speed. When Dan is almost at the top of the cage, Poet suddenly rolls up! The crowd POPS hugely! Poet runs to the corner and starts to climb up after Dan! Black reaches the top and tries to pull himself up, but Poet slams a forearm into his back! Dan almost falls but steadies himself. Poet climbs past Black and crouches on the top of the cage, with Black hanging onto the cage just below. JR Ohhh, I don’t like the look of this! Poet jumps over forward, grabbing Black’s tights as he falls, and both men hurtle to the mat, with Poet POWERBOMBING Black down! Black is DRIVEN into the canvas with horrendous impact, and Poet crashes down too! Crowd: “HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!” JR MAH GAWD! SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB OFF THE TOP OFF THE CAGE! Dan is motionless, eyes closed. Poet holds his midsection and after a moment, crawls over, draping an arm: ONE! TWO! TWO AND A HALF! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-E-E-E-E-E-E! DING DING DING GMC Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the match and STILL OAOAST Adrenalin Champion…..SPIIIIIIIIIIIIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAH POOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEET! ::Cut to:: Jesse: SOMEBODY STOP THE MAD CAPPA! HE’S GONE INSANE! The Mad Cappa looks at a struggling Lightning. Finally, Lightning gets up, and The Mad Cappa smashes a chair shot over his head to a loud pop. The referee calls for the bell. *DING DING DING*JR: THE MATCH IS OVER! THE MAD CAPPA HAS LOST THE MATCH AND HIS SHOT AT THE NORTH AMERICAN TITLE! Jesse: THAT IDIOT! JR: BUT I DON’T THINK THAT THE MAD CAPPA CARES ABOUT THE NORTH AMERICAN TITLE! I DON’T THINK THE MAD CAPPA CARES ABOUT LOSING THE MATCH! I THINK ALL THE MAD CAPPA CARES ABOUT IS CRIPPLING PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING!!! Jesse: He is a man possessed. The Mad Cappa should be locked up! Puerto Rican Lightning has blood dripping from his forehead. The Mad Cappa slams the chair over PRL’s ribs several times. The crowd boos loudly and chants “BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT!” The Mad Cappa thinks he has won the match, but the referee, after several tries, tells him he’s lost and orders him to stop attacking PRL. The bell rings several times, but Cappa is still attacking PRL. Gary Michael Cappatetta: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of this match, as a result of a disqualification…. and STILL OAOAST NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPION, PUERTO RICANNNNNNNNNNNN LIGHTNNNNINNNNNGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! ::Cut to:: Judas starts to get up, but Blurricane comes in and hits the Shining Black! Judas flies forward from the impact and seems to be out cold. ROBERT What the hell is the matter with you?? It’s like you’re not even trying!! JR I think he may have a point there! JESSE What?? JR I think Judas is holding back because he doesn’t want to be in this! Blurricane makes the cover. 1 2 3!!! *DING DING DING* GARY MICHAEL CAPPETTA Here’s your winner…THE BLURRICANE!!!! JR That’s it!! Judas is out cold after that Shining Black and this match is over!! ROBERT You idiot!!! Robert slides into the ring and pulls Judas up, but Judas is barely conscious. Robert starts smacking him around, but Blurricane steps in and grabs him by the arm. Robert shoves him away and then slips on some brass knuckles while he’s not looking. Robert then decks Blurricane in the head with them. Blurricane goes down to the mat and blood starts to trickle from his head as Robert stands gloating. The remaining two Blurri-Rangers rush down and get the same from Robert. Both of them go down from brass knuckle shots and then Robert grabs a chair and slides it over Blurricane’s leg. Robert climbs to the second rope and then stomps on the chair causing Blurricane to scream out in pain. Then Robert starts pounding on his leg with the brass knucks. JR Stop this!!! Someone stop this!!! JESSE Why don’t you stop it?? Blurricane holds onto his leg while screaming in pain as Robert continues pounding on it. He then stops and turns to the Blurri-Rangers before pounding on their legs with the brass knuckles. He then picks up the mic and gloats. ROBERT You see?? He’s no hero!! Him and his power rangers are fools!! Now get up Judas!!! Judas??? Robert turns around to see Judas standing up with a chair in his hand. ROBERT Go ahead…hit me! Your life will be over!!! You’ll have nothing!!! JR Do it!! He’s full of sh*t!!! Judas hesitates for a second and the crowd starts chanting “do it”! ROBERT You can’t do it!! You don’t have the balls!!! You’re nothing but a clone!! You’re a piece of meat and that’s it!! I was right when I told you that you have no soul!! I’m all you have!!! JR Don’t listen to him!!! Hit him!!! Judas puts down the chair and the crowd boos as Robert slaps him and tells him to follow as he leaves the ring and heads to the back. JR One day Judas will give him what he deserves!! Broken bodies, spirits and dreams...it's Year End on... LIGHTS FLASH! PYRO CLASH! MUSIC BLARES! JIM ROSS STARES! JR Good evening everybody, and welcome to the last IntenseZone of the year! BBB was a hell of a night, and we'll be seeing the fall out of those events here in this arena! We have scheduled a match for the number one contenderships to PRL's North American title, plus an apparently very special new segment with Dan Black! Let's get to it!
  8. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/30/03

    ::The Lightning Crew Gauntlet graphic appears on screen. The crowd cheers loudly. It is a black screen with the Lightning Crew logo on top. All 7 members of the Lightning Crew appear on screen.:: JR: Well fans, coming up next is one of the most important matches in The Mad Cappa’s young career. Last Monday at Bloody, Battered, and Beaten, The Mad Cappa took on his archrival, the evil Puerto Rican Lightning in a match for the OaOasT North American Championship. PRL tried to sneak out of the match by faking a neck injury, but luckily, Stephen Joseph of OaOasT Corporate, found out that PRL was trying to weasel out of the match, and dragged him to the ring. The match belonged to The Mad Cappa who unleashed all the rage and anger he has felt for Puerto Rican Lightning for injuring him and crushing his larynx last year. The Mad Cappa gave PRL 11 BUST A CAPS, but the match ended in a disqualification after The Mad Cappa hit PRL over the head with a steel chair. The Mad Cappa went insane finding out the match ended in a disqualification and took out his anger on the Lightning Crew. He was about to give Puerto Rican Lightning his karma revenge, when things took a turn for a worst, and a new member of the Lightning Crew debuted. Fans, let’s take a look back at Bloody, Battered, and Beaten last Monday. ::The Bloody, Battered, and Beaten logo appears on screen. At the bottom left hand corner is “LAST MONDAY AT BLOODY, BATTERED, AND BEATEN with AVAIBLE NOW ON OAOAST HOME VIDEO”.:: ::The Mad Cappa hypes the crowd up some more and heads to the top rope with the ring bell in his hands. The crowd chants, “Make him bleed!” some more as PRL rests on the barricade.:: JR: THE MAD CAPPA IS LOOKING TO CRUSH PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING’S LAYRNX! ISN’T THAT IRONIC? Jesse: This can’t be happening! This can’t be happening at all! ::The Mad Cappa gets in position to slam the ring bell onto PRL’s throat. The crowd is going crazy waiting for Cappa to jump off from the top rope and attack.:: JR: CAPPA IS GOING TO MAKE PRL FEEL WHAT HE FELT FOR THREE MONTHS!!! ::Suddenly, someone new runs to the ring wearing a Lightning Crew T-Shirt. It’s a small, tan man who looks 5””0. He is wearing a red luchadore mask with a spider-web on it, black and red gloves, black elbowpads, red baggy pants with FLY down the sides, and black boots.:: JR: What the? Who’s this? Jesse: It looks like a Lightning Crew fan! ::The masked luchadore enters the ring and pushes the ring ropes causing The Mad Cappa to fall onto the ringpost and drop the ring bell.:: JR: WHAT THE? WHAT? WHAT THE HELL? WHAT? WHAT IS THAT MAN DOING! WHY IS HE DOING THIS? IS THAT---NO! DON’T—DON’T! YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING! IS. Is. IS THAT MAN APART OF THE LIGHTNING CREW? IS? THAT? POSSIBLE? IT CAN’T BE! IT JUST CAN’T! WHY?!! Jesse: It looks more and more obvious by the minute. ::The masked luchadore beats on The Mad Cappa on the turnbuckle and gives him a hurricarana. The crowd boos loudly as the luchadore whips Cappa to the ropes and gives him a spinning wheel kick. The luchadore waits for Cappa to get up…and follows with a top rope hurricarana. The crowd is in awe of this young man and wondering why he is doing this.:: Jesse: I THINK WE HAVE JUST MET THE NEWEST MEMBER OF THE LIGHTNING CREW! JR: NO! DAMNIT! PRL HAS RECRUITED ANOTHER BRAINWASHED MEMBER! ::The masked luchadore beats on Cappa some more then whips him to the ropes. He then puts him on the top rope and climbs up with him. They are both at the top rope when the masked luchadore puts Cappa behind him and grabs his arms. The masked luchadore brings The Mad Cappa down with an Unprettier from the top rope.:: JR: HE IS THE NEWEST MEMBER OF THE LIGHTNING CREW! THAT MASKED MAN HAS JOINED THE LIGHTNING CREW! DAMNIT! DAMNIT! DAMNIT! CAPPA HAS BEEN LEFT BATTERED AND BEATEN THANKS TO THIS MAN. Jesse: Too bad he isn’t bloody! JR: Will you stop? ::The crowd comes to a realization that the man in the ring is the newest member of the Lightning Crew. They begin booing in response to this and chant “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” because of it. The Lightning Crew come to with Vitamin X and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez taking Puerto Rican Lightning off the barricade and helping him into the ring. The masked luchadore tells the other LC members to attack.:: JR: THAT SON OF A BITCH PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING HAS BRAINWASHED SOMEONE ELSE TO JOINING THE LIGHTNING CREW!!! WHY? TELL ME WHY? WHY? Jesse: That masked man must be smart. He joined the Lightning Crew. He must be intelligent! PRL didn’t brainwash him, he joined because he wanted to. He made a great decision! HA! HA! ::The crowd boos loudly. The Mad Cappa lies in the ring in pain, clutching his neck as the Lightning Crew laid boots into him. They are all in pain and in daze but they still attack a prone Cappa.:: JR: CAPPA WAS CAUGHT BY SURPRISE AND IS PAYING FOR IT!!! Jesse: JUST LIKE MAY 27, 2003, THE MAD CAPPA ENDS HIS NIGHT ON HIS BACK IN PAIN! HA! HA! HA! ::Cuban Wall heads to the ropes and gives Cappa the Lightning Crew Splash. The Lightning Crew all pose over the defenseless Cappa including the newest member of the group, the masked luchadore. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez helps PRL into the ring where he laughs evilly. He slaps Cappa in the face a few times, and then poses for the crowd to boo. They chant “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” once again. Lightning high fives the newest member of the Lightning Crew and raises his hand to the crowd.:: Jesse: IT’S OFFICAL! HE IS THE NEWEST MEMBER OF THE LIGHTNING CREW! HE IS THE NEWEST MEMBER OF THE GREATEST WRESTLING STABLE EVER!! JR: I can’t believe it! The Mad Cappa was surprised and paid for it! Why? Tell me why someone else would want to join this crew! ::Lightning circles the beaten Cappa and demands a microphone. The crowd boos loudly as Cappa clutches his stomach in pain. The Lightning Crew are stand over The Mad Cappa with PRL, who is still bleeding, on the mic.:: Puerto Rican Lightning: CAPPA! THE MAD CRAPPA! YOU BIG PIECE OF TRAILER PARK OF TRASH! YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE GOTTEN YOURSELF INTO YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU WANTED TO FIGHT ME? YOU WANTED A WAR? WELL, YOU GOT IT! I HATE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL AND I WILL SEE TO IT THAT IT WILL BE A COLD DAY IN HELL BEFORE I EVER FIGHT YOU AGAIN!!! ::The crowd boos loudly.:: JR: WHAT THE HELL IS PRL DOING NOW?!! Puerto Rican Lightning: BUT! BUT! YOU HAVE ONE…AND THA PUERTO RICAN MEANS ONE MORE SHOT. ONE MORE CHANCE! IF YOU DO NOT SUCEED, IT’S OVER! WE NEVER MEET AGAIN! IT WILL END! GAME OVER! THE BOTTOM OF THE 9TH INNING! YOU AND I WILL NEVER INTERTWINE. AS FAR AS I’M CONCERN, WE WILL BE DEAD TO EACH OTHER!!! ::A close-up of Mad Cappa in pain.:: PRL (Continuing): HERE IS HOW IT IS GOING TO GO DOWN CRAPPA! STARTING THIS WEEK ON INTENSEZONE! YOU, MAD CAPPA, ARE GOING TO BE INVOLVED IN WHAT I LIKE TO CALL THE LIGHTNING CREW GAUNTLET! HERE ARE THE RULES: YOU MUST TAKE ON A MEMBER OR MEMBERS OF THE LIGHTNING CREW, IN ANY MATCH I WANT, AGAINST ANY MEMBER I WANT, ANYTIME I WANT IN MATCHES SANCTIONED BY THE OAOAST! IF YOU DEFEAT EACH AND EVERY MEMBER OF THE LIGHTNING CREW IN THESE MATCHES, AND I MEAN ALL OF THEM, THEN YOU WILL RECEIVE ONE MORE MATCH AGAINST ME FOR MY BELTS! BUT IF YOU LOSE…IF YOU LOSE CAPPA…YOU AND I WILL NEVER EVER EVER FIGHT EACH OTHER AGAIN! YOU HEAR THAT CAPPA! IF YOU LOSE ONE MATCH! YOU LOSE IT ALL!!! THERE ARE NO SECOND CHANCES! THIS IS ONE TIME ONE TIME ONLY YOU BASTARD!!! YOU ONLY GET ONE SHOT! ONE OPPTURNITY TO DO THIS! AND IF YOU FAIL, IT’S DONE! OVER! FINISH! FOREVER!!! NEVER AGAIN!!! I AM DEAD TO YOU AND YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!!! IF YOU LOSE CAPPA, YOU WILL NEVER GET YOUR MATCH AGAINST ME! YOU WILL NEVER FIGHT ME! WE WILL NEVER CROSS EACH OTHER’S PATH AGAIN! YOU WILL HAVE TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WONDERING WHAT IF YOU FOUGHT ME? WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU DEFEATED ME? ::More booing.:: JR: Can PRL do this? This isn’t fair! This isn’t fair at all! PRL: AND CAPPA, I AM SO DAMN SURE THAT YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE THE ONSLAUGHT OF THE LIGHTNING CREW, THAT I’VE SIGN A WRITTEN CONTRACT WITH DAN BLACK ENSURING YOU YOUR MATCH AGAINST ME, SHOUD YOU, BY LUCK, BY A MIRACLE, OR BY A LIGHTNING STRIKE, DEFEAT EACH MEMBER OF THE LIGHTNING CREW. AND THE CONTRACT ALSO STATES THAT I CAN ADD ONLY ONE MORE MEMBER OF THE LIGHTNING CREW DURING THE LIGHTNING CREW GAUNTLET! OF COURSE, THE GAUNTLET WILL NOT LAST MORE THAN ONE WEEK SO I HAVE NO PROMBLEM WITH THAT! JR: This is horrible. Puerto Rican: SO, THIS IS IT! YOUR LAST SHOT! ONE MORE CHANCE TO TAKE ME ON! IF YOU CAN DO IT, YOU GOT YOUR MATCH! IF NOT, YOU NEVER BUG ME AGAIN! AND IT’S WRITTEN IN BLACK AND WHITE SO I CANNOT BACK OUT OF IT SHOULD YOU ACTUALLY WIN. IT IS CERTIFIED BY THE OAOAST BOARD OF DIRECTORS, DAN BLACK, AND STEPHEN JOSEPH SO EVEN YOUR “FRIENDS” HAVE AGREED TO DO THIS! CAPPA, YOU HAVE NO CHANCE IN HELL OF BEATING ALL 7 MEMBERS OF THE LIGHTNING CREW! YOU BETTER PRAY TO WHATEVER GOD YOU BELIEVE IN THAT YOU SURVIVE THE POWER OF THE LC! ::PRL kicks Cappa in the stomach one more time. He stands over him and grabs his head.:: P.R.: This week on IntenseZone, you begin the Gauntlet against the NEWEST MEMBER of the Lightning Crew, SPANISH FLY! Good luck, Mad Cappa. BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO NEED IT! WATCH OUT FOR THE LIGHTNING STRIKES, BOY, BECAUSE YOU, THE MAD CAPPA, ARE GOING TO SUFFER A LIGHTNING CREW NIGHTMARE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!! ::”Know Your Role 2K3 (Hollywood Version)” begins to play again. PRL kicks Cappa in the face one more time then grabs the OaOasT North American and Puerto Rican Championship belts and pose with them. The Lightning Crew yell obscenities at The Mad Cappa who is still on the mat clutching his stomach. The Lightning Crew pose over the fallen Cappa.:: ::The IntenseZone logo flashes onscreen. Back to the announcer’s table with Jim “JR” Ross.:: JR: As you heard from Puerto Rican Lightning, the Lightning Crew Gauntlet starts tonight. The Mad Cappa must defeat all 7 members of the Lightning Crew if he wants a shot at Puerto Rican Lightning. He cannot have a match with him unless he completes this task. PRL has been intent on avoiding a match with Cappa ever since last year and this is just another scheme of his. Spanish Fly is making his Lightning Crew debut tonight, and his mission is to prevent Mad Cappa from advancing. Fans, let’s take it to the ring with Gary Michael Cappatetta! *DING DING DING* ::A deep slow-voiced man saids slowly “LIGHTNING”. The fans boo loudly and stand up in anticipation as the AngleTron shows Spanish Fly’s picture on it. The Lightning Crew entrance video plays on the AngleTron as the opening violins of “No Chance In Hell” begins to play. The lights go down in the arena with smoke filling up the entrance.:: No Chance (No Chance) That’s what ya got! (Ha! Ha! Ha! Yeah) ::The crowd look to the entrance waiting for the newest member of the Lightning Crew to show up.:: We’re up against no machine too strong (Too strong) Crooked politicians buying souls for us are…PUPPETS (PUPPETS!) ::Through the smoke, Spanish Fly comes out. The crowd boos loudly. Spanish Fly ignores the boos and flips the crowd off. A single spotlight shines on him, but he brings out Mr. Boricua, who grunts and cracks his knuckles. Spanish Fly jumps up and down and orders Mr. Boricua to follow him to the ring. Fly jaws with the fans.:: But will find their place in line (in line) But tie a string around your finger now boy cuz Cuz it’s just a matter of time (of time) Cuz you’ve got NO CHANCE (You’ve got No Chance) No Chance In Hell (No Chance In Hell) No CHANCE! (Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!) No Chance In Hell! You’ve got…No CHANCE (Got no chance) Gary Michael Cappatetta: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is Part one of the Lightning Crew Gauntlet and is a One-On-One Match scheldued for one fall. Introducing first, accompanying to the ring by the head of security of the Lightning Crew, Mr. Boricua, from Tijuana, Mexico. Weighing in at 199 lbs. Representing the Lightning Crew, making his OaOasT debut SPANISH FLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! NO CHANCE IN HELL You’ve got No CHANCE! (No Chance!) NO CHANCE IN HELL!!! (YEAH!!!) ::Spanish Fly continues to make his way to the ring. He jaws with several fans along the way.:: JR: This should be an interesting contest between both men. Both men are cruiserweight high flyers, both having the same style. It will sure be a highflying battle of the wills between the newest Lightning Crew member. Come on Come on Come and get it! (Come and get it!) Come on (Come on!) Come on Come on Come and get it (Come and get it!) Come on (Come on!) ::Spanish Fly leaps over the top rope while Mr. Boricua slowly climbs over the top rope. Spanish Fly hops onto a turnbuckle and poses to boos. Spanish Fly flips the crowd off and poses on another turnbuckle. Fly poses in the ring in front of Mr. Boricua, but gets “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” chants. Spanish Fly throws his shirt to the crowd and bounces off the ropes doing karate moves as he waits for The Mad Cappa. “No Chance In Hell” by Lloyd & Boyd dies down. The crowd gets antsy waiting for Cappa’s appearance, chanting “Cap-pa! Cap-pa! Cap-pa! Cap-pa!”:: JR: The fans are waiting for Cappa’s appearance! 1, 2, 3. Hit IT! ::The opening trumpet blare of “Let Me Clear My Throat (Old School Mix)” by DJ Kool signals the arrival of The Mad Cappa. The crowd pops Austin-circa 1998 levels, as the lights go down, and lights flicker on and off in the arena. Spotlights circle the arena to the tune of “Let Me Clear My Throat”, as the crowd gets into a “Go Cap-pa! Go Cap-pa! Go Cap-pa! Go Cap-pa!” chant in tune with the beat. A single spotlight shines on The MAD CAPPA, who is greeted with cheers. Cappa dances towards the ring, slapping hands with the fans along the way. Spanish Fly sneers at Cappa, who slaps a little kid’s hand and gives him a hug. “Go Cap-pa! Go Cap-pa!” chants ring throughout the arena.:: GMC: And his opponent, coming down the aisle, weighing in at 185 lbs. From Washington, D.C., THE MAD CAPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! JR: The Mad Cappa has got the odds stack against him in this matchup. Mr. Boricua is at ringside and Spanish Fly is making his debut! Cappa does not know what to expect from him. Cappa is a lot more jovial and hyper than he was last Monday which may be a surprise since this match is more important than the Bloody, Battered, and Beaten match. Remember, if The Mad Cappa wins, he is one step closer to a match with Puerto Rican Lightning. But if he loses, he and PRL will never ever be in the same ring ever again. Cappa has a lot to handle and a lot of pressure. This match means a lot to him. ::“Let Me Clear My Throat” continues to play as The Mad Cappa circles the ring slapping hands with the fans. He poses outside the ring and then enters, but is meant by fists from Spanish Fly. Gary Michael Cappatetta exits the ring as the referee calls for the bell. Mr. Boricua exits also as “Let Me Clear My Throat (Old School Mix)” by DJ Kool dies down. The crowd boos.:: JR: And Spanish Fly is getting right into it, starting this match before the bell! *DING DING DING* Lightning Crew Gauntlet Match: One-On-One Matchup: If Cappa loses, he can never fight Puerto Rican Lightning: The Mad Cappa vs. Spanish Fly (with Mr. Boricua): Spanish Fly continues beating on The Mad Cappa whipping him to the ropes. Cappa ducks the clothesline, with a Flying Clothesline of his own. The crowd begins chanting “Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa!” Cappa grabs Spanish Fly and chops him several times. The crowd yells out “WOOOOOOOO!!!” after every chop. The Mad Cappa bodyslams Spanish Fly and heads to the top rope. He comes back down with the Top Rope legdrop and goes for the cover. 1… 2… KICK OUT! JR: The Mad Cappa has shaken off Spanish Fly’s earlier attack and is now in control of this match! The Mad Cappa picks up Spanish Fly and whips him to the ropes again, however when Cappa bends down, Spanish Fly leaps over him, and goes for a Sunset Flip. JR: Sunset Flip! 1! 2! AND CAPPA KICKS OUT! Spanish Fly now beating on Cappa. Spanish Fly heads to the ropes. Springboard hurricarana! Spanish Fly goes for another Springboard Hurricarana. Spanish Fly goes for another Hurricarana, but The Mad Cappa catches him, and gives him a powerslam to a pop. TMC picks up Spanish Fly and jumps off the second rope to give him a springboard double axehandle. Cappa goes for the cover. 1… 2… KICK OUT!!! JR: Cappa knows how important this match is and is making sure that he grounds Spanish Fly if he wants to win and advance. Cappa heads to the top rope and waits for Spanish Fly to get up. When he does, Cappa hits a missile dropkick onto Fly. Cappa goes for a cover. It gets two. The Mad Cappa picks up Spanish Fly again and heads to the rope to give him a rolling clothesline. Suddenly, Mr. Boricua heads up to the ring apron, which causes the referee to have his attention on Boricua. JR: Why exactly is Mr. Boricua on the ring apron? The Mad Cappa picks up Fly, who low blows Cappa to boos. JR: So that’s why! Spanish Fly with the low blow on Mad Cappa! Spanish Fly capitalizes the low blow by giving doing a swinging neckbreaker on Cappa. Fly then does a Running Senton onto Cappa’s chest. JR: It looks as though Spanish Fly is doing exactly what Cappa was doing earlier, and that is keeping him on the mat as much as possible because that is where Cappa is prone to attack! The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” to Spanish Fly who flips the crowd off. Fly picks up Cappa than dropkicks him back down. He does it again. Spanish Fly then heads to the top rope and gives Cappa a crossbody drop for two. Spanish Fly then does a standing moonsault. JR: Spanish Fly looking to get this match finish as soon as possible so that he can look impressive for his boss Puerto Rican Lightning. Spanish Fly drinking PRL’s “Kool-Aid” just like the rest of the Lightning Crew. It’s terrible how PRL brainwashes these poor, innocent people into believing his lies. It’s ridiculous. Spanish Fly picks up Cappa and gives him a back suplex. He then picks him up again and gives him a Belly-To-Back Suplex. Spanish Fly stops to pose to loud boos. JR: Is posing apart of each Lightning Crew member’s moveset? Each member is fill with arrogance! Spanish Fly picks up a dazed Cappa and whips him to the ropes, however Cappa reverses the clothesline and brings Fly down with the Fall From Grace. The Mad Cappa picks up Fly and gives him a X-Factor for safe measure. TMC jumps up and down hyping the crowd up waiting for Fly to get up. The crowd chants “Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa!” The Mad Cappa does two straight punches to Fly’s face, dances a bit, then does the IMPACT sending Fly down. JR: The Mad Cappa is in an adrenaline rush! He is feeding off the energy of these fans that want, just as I do, to see him beat Puerto Rican Lightning. The Mad Cappa whips Fly to the ropes, but Fly reverses, but The Mad Cappa backdrops Spanish Fly flying over the top rope onto the floor to a loud “Holy Shit!” pop. JR: Incredible move! INCREDIBLE MOVE BY THE MAD CAPPA! Mr. Boricua goes to check on Spanish Fly, which gives The Mad Cappa enough time to head to the ropes and do a Springboard moonsault onto both Boricua and Fly. JR: AND CAPPA DOES IT AGAIN! BAWD GAWD~!!! WHAT A MOVE! WHAT A MOVE BY THE MAD CAPPA! HE HAS BEEN ON FIRE TONIGHT!!! The crowd chants “Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!” as Cappa, Boricua, and Fly all lay on the floor restless and in pain. The Mad Cappa is the first to get up and grabs Fly, shoving him back into the ring. The Mad One begins laying in several punches on Spanish Fly. He shoves Fly into the ropes and does a Reverse DDT on him for two. TMC kicks Fly in the gut and goes for the Cappabomb, but Fly face slams Cappa to the mat. Spanish Fly heads to the top rope and comes down with the 450 Splash. JR: 450 Splash! Spanish Fly connects with the 450 Splash! It could be all over. The match could end right now. Spanish Fly goes for the cover. 1… 2.. Thre—NO! JR: AND THE MAD CAPPA HAS ENOUGH STRENGTH TO KICK OUT BEFORE THE COUNT OF THREE! Fly picks up Cappa and heads to the second rope for a Springboard crossbody, but Cappa catches him and does the Final Cut. He goes for the cover but it gets two. The Mad Cappa whips Fly into the ropes, but Fly does a handspring elbow back into Cappa and gives him a headscissors takedown. Spanish Fly charges at Cappa once again and gives him a bulldog. Then waits for Cappa to get up, so that he can give him another hurricarana into a pin. 1.. 2.. KICK OUT! JR: It looks like Spanish Fly may have The Mad Cappa’s number in this matchup. He is doing exactly what he should do and that is attack Cappa and keep him on the mat. Cappa knew that this would not be an easy match for him and I’m not sure if he prepared himself right for Spanish Fly. Spanish Fly lays in several punches into Cappa’s stomach then poses some more. He yells something in Spanish then goes back to Cappa. However, Cappa kicks Fly in the gut and goes for the BUST A CAP, but Fly escapes by shoving Cappa to the ropes, and doing a front dropkick onto Cappa’s back sending him tumbling to the outside. Mr. Boricua heads over to Mad Cappa and beats on him. The crowd boos loudly as Mr. Boricua kicks Cappa several times. JR: And now Mr. Boricua is laying in several cheapshots. That is not right. Not right at all. Mr. Boricua throws Cappa to the stairs. JR: The Mad Cappa may have to face Mr. Boricua if he wins this match, if that’s the case, the question will be how he can have a match with that beast? The Mad Cappa struggles to get up following the attack. The referee starts a 10 count as Spanish Fly gets enough energy to jump off the ropes and into a springboard crossbody onto Cappa, who catches Fly and gives him the It’ Showtime on the floor. JR: OH MY! THE MAD CAPPA DOES IT AGAIN! Crowd chants of “Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa! Mad Cap-pa!” as Cappa and Fly lay on the mat. Spanish Fly and TMC get up at about the same time and brawl on the floor. The referee is up to the count of 8, when Cappa and Fly enter the ring again. Cappa whips Fly to the ropes and applies a Sleeperhold on him. The crowd becomes more and more hyper as Fly slowly and slowly falls to the mat. Fly screams in pain and struggles to escape but the pressure is too much. Cappa tries to rip off Fly’s mask but is unsuccessful. JR: CAPPA HAS THE SLEEPERHOLD LOCK ON TIGHT, BUT FLY ESCAPES WITH A JAWBREAKER!!! The crowd boos loudly as Fly quickly ties the strings to his mask, and clotheslines Cappa to the outside. JR: This is dangerous for Mad Cappa. Mr. Boricua is on the outside! The Mad Cappa lies on the apron when he pops up to see Spanish Fly trying to do a 6-1-9 on Cappa. Spanish Fly leaps off the ropes for a Tope Con Hilo. He then hurries back to the top rope, and leaps off catching Mad Cappa with a Hurricarana on the outside. JR: OH MY! WE HAVE SEEN NOTHING BUT HIGH FLYING, HIGH RISK MOVES IN THIS MATCHUP! IT HAS BEEN A BATTLE BETWEEN TWO HIGH FLYING SUPERSTARS AND IT HAS NOT BEEN A DISAPPOINTMENT! The crowd is in awe of Spanish Fly’s ability to wrestle but still boo and chant “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Spanish Fly throws Cappa back into the ring. He beats on Cappa to soften him off then whips him into a turnbuckle. Fly follows with a handspring elbow. Spanish Fly picks up Cappa and places him on the top rope. Fly follows and poses for the crowd. The crowd boos loudly and chant “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” JR: Spanish Fly is going for another high-risk maneaveaur! Spanish Fly goes for a Frankensteiner, but Cappa holds on to the top rope. Cappa grabs Fly’s pants and gives him a Cappabomb from the top rope. JR: OH MY! CAPPPABOMB FROM THE TOP ROPE! CAPPABOMB FROM THE TOP ROPE! THE MAD CAPPA HAS SHOWN HE CAN GO WITH THE MEMBERS OF THE LIGHTNING CREW! WHAT AN INCREDIBLE MATCH WE ARE WITNESSING HERE TONIGHT ON INTENSEZONE! THE LIGHTNING CREW GAUNTLET! MAD CAPPA MUST WIN THIS MATCH! HE MUST IF HE WANTS TO FIGHT PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING!!! The Mad Cappa slowly gets up and hits a side swinging moonsault. JR: THE COVER! THE MATCH COULD BE OVER! 1… 2… KICK OUT!!! JR: DAMNIT! THE MAD CAPPA WAS SO CLOSE! SO CLOSE TO WINNING THE MATCH! HE COULD HAVE DONE IT! DAMNIT! DAMNIT! DAMNIT! The Mad Cappa gets up, but Mr. Boricua grabs leg. TMC goes after Mr. Boricua, which allows Spanish Fly enough time to grab Cappa and give him a German Suplex for two. Spanish Fly kicks Cappa in the gut then picks him up. He whips him into the turnbuckle. Spanish Fly beats on Cappa on the turnbuckle, then follows by giving Cappa a Tornado DDT. JR: TORNADO DDT ON THE MAD CAPPA! Spanish Fly has been really impressive in his OaOasT debut match so far. He has taken it to Mad Cappa and has come close several times to pinning him. Can Spanish Fly pull off the upset and win? Spanish Fly goes for the cover. 1… 2.. KICK OUT!!! The crowd lets out a giant sigh of relief and is happy to see Cappa not get pin. The Mad Cappa slowly gets up from the Tornado DDT, at which point Fly beats on him some more. Spanish Fly whips Cappa to the turnbuckle, which Cappa reverses, but Fly does a leapfrog over Cappa and dropkicks him on the turnbuckle. The crowd boos loudly as Cappa is put on the top rope. JR: It looks like Spanish Fly maybe going for the end. He is ready to finish The Mad Cappa off and end the Lightning Crew Gauntlet match! This match could be over soon. Just like JR suspects, Spanish Fly puts The Mad Cappa on the top rope and puts him behind him. Spanish Fly grabs Cappa’s arms and prepares to come down with the Fly Swatter (Unprettier from the top rope). Spanish Fly jaws with the fans and prepares to jump off, but Cappa shoves Fly off the top rope onto the mat. JR: THE MAD CAPPA ESCAPES THE FLY SWATTER! The Mad Cappa gets off the top rope and waits for Fly to get up. When he does, The Mad Cappa kicks him in the gut, and delivers the BUST A CAP on Spanish Fly to a loud pop. Fly stumbles onto the mat selling the move. JR: BUST A CAP! BUST A CAP! BUST A CAP ON SPANISH FLY! THE MAD CAPPA HAS DONE HIS FINISHING MOVE ON FLY! COVER HIM! COVER HIM! COVER HIM! COVER HIM! The Mad Cappa covers Spanish Fly as the referee begins to count along with the crowd. 1… 2…. 3!!! *DING DING DING* JR: THE MAD CAPPA HAS DONE IT! HE HAS DEFEATED SPANISH FLY AND HAS MOVED ON IN THE LIGHTNING CREW GAUNTLET! Gary Michael Cappatetta: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of this contest, and advancing in the Lightning Crew Gauntlet, THE MADDDDDDDDDDD CAPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! ::”Let Me Clear My Throat (Old School Mix)” by DJ Kool starts to play over the P.A. System. The crowd cheers loudly as The Mad Cappa gets up and starts jumping up and down realizing he won. Spanish Fly lies on the mat in pain as the crowd chants “Cap-pa! Cap-pa! Cap-pa! Cap-pa!” The Mad Cappa gets his arms raised in victory and lets the crowd know that he is one more step closer to Puerto Rican Lightning.:: JR: THE MAD CAPPA HAS MOVED ON IN THE LIGHTNING CREW GAUNTLET! ONE MEMBER DOWN, SIX MORE TO GO! THIS IS GREAT NEWS FOR THE MAD ONE! ::Spanish Fly is picked up by Mr. Boricua and taken out of the ring. The Mad Cappa raises his arms in victory and dances making the ladies scream. Mad Cappa puts six fingers in the air letting the crowd know he has six more Lightning Crew members to fight. He proclaims “I’m gonna win! I’m gonna win!”:: JR: THE MAD CAPPA’S CONFIDENCE LEVEL HAS JUST SHOT UP! HE HAS DEFEATED THE NEWEST MEMBER OF THE LIGHTNING CREW AND IS NOW ONE STEP CLOSER! ONE MORE MATCH! ONE MORE WRESTLER AWAY FROM THAT MATCH AGAINST PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING! GO ON KID CELEBRATE! YOU DESERVE IT! ::”Let Me Clear My Throat (Old School Mix)” continues to play as Cappa dances some more. Mr. Boricua carries Spanish Fly down the aisle, with Spanish Fly moping the entire way.:: JR: But you gotta give credit where credit is due. Spanish Fly put up one hell of a fight. It was a 14-minute highflying contest between these two. Cappa faced a man that put up one hell of a fight. It was an incredible match and a great way to start the New Year! 2004 could be the year Mad Cappa gets what he deserves! ::The Mad Cappa leaves the ring and exits through the crowd. He slaps hands with the fans along the way, with the females in the audience touching his body. Cappa grabs a cigarette and smokes it, then grabs a beer from an audience member and gulps it down. The crowd cheers for that also. Cappa smiles and raises his arms in victory as “Let Me Clear My Throat (Old School Mix)” by DJ Kool continues to play. The Mad Cappa exits with the crowd chanting “Go Cap-pa! Go Cap-pa! Go Cap-pa! Go Cap-pa!” along with the beat of the song.:: JR: The Mad Cappa has started the year off on the right foot! He has defeated one member of the Lightning Crew and has only 6 more members to go. He is inching closer to his match with Puerto Rican Lightning. PRL better be worry. Cappa is intent on getting his revenge against him for injuring him last year. Who will Cappa face next? Will it be Colombian Heat? Mr. Boricua? Or maybe Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez? Who knows who will be next in the Gauntlet and in what kind of match? ::Spanish Fly and Mr. Boricua exit through the curtain. They are met backstage by Puerto Rican Lightning, which causes the crowd to boo. PRL sneers at Spanish Fly. He is silent for a few seconds staring at Fly.:: Spanish Fly: Boss. Let me explain. I was off my game. I could have taken him. I could have. He got me at the wrong time. If I was better prepared, I could have beaten him. I could have. I could have! ::PRL slaps Spanish Fly across his head.:: Puerto Rican Lightning: You idiot! Do you realize what you just done? You have allowed The Mad CRAPPA to move on! Do you realize that? Do you realize that you cost me big! You moron! I can’t believe you did this! Spanish Fly: Boss, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. Please let me stay in the Lightning Crew! Please! PLEASE! I’ll promise to be on my “A” game next time. Please do so! PLEASE! I’m sorry! ::PRL thinks about if for a second. Spanish Fly looks on with a look of worry on his face. The crowd boos and chant “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!”:: PRL: Wellllllllllll. Okay. You can stay in the Lightning Crew. But next time, ::Grabs Fly by his mask and looks into his eyes with a look of anger on his face:: Next time, you won’t be so lucky! You’re lucky I’m in the Holiday spirit otherwise you’d be on the floor lying in a puddle of your own blood right now. You can stay in the Lightning Crew, but ONLY, ONLY because the more members we have, the better. But watch your back, because I won’t be so nice next time. Mr. Boricua! Mr. Boricua Grunts. PRL: Mr. Boricua, next week on IntenseZone, you take on The Mad Cappa. There won’t be need for any special stipulations because facing you is enough of a stipulation as it is. Mr. Boricua will show you, Spanish Fly, how to get the job done, when he CRUSHES THE MAD CAPPA NEXT WEEK! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! So, MR. BORICUA, DO YOU THINK YOU ARE UP FOR THE CHALLENGE? Mr. Boricua: YES! SIR! ::GRUNTS:: Puerto Rican Lightning: Good. Good. NOW THAT’S WHAT I LIKE TO HEAR! Let The Mad Cappa celebrate all he wants. Next week, his dream will come crashing down as he suffers a P.R. Nightmare! ::The crowd boos. Mr. Boricua, Puerto Rican Lightning, and Spanish Fly all smile evilly.:: Puerto Rican Lightning: Spanish Fly, as punishment for not beating up Mad Cappa, you shall ride in Coach when we leave this damn town. Spanish Fly: Aw man. PRL: NO BUTS! Now, let’s go guys. We got next week to think about. ::PRL grabs Spanish Fly by his mask and drags him to the dressing room with Mr. Boricua behind.:: JR: Mr. Boricua vs. The Mad Cappa next week? Is The Mad Cappa ready for that challenge? He has taken a jump from Cruiserweight to a HOSS~!!! Can The Mad Cappa take on Mr. Boricua and move on in the Lightning Crew Gauntlet? We're out of time, see you next week! ::FADE OUT::
  9. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking Hoopla

    So, anyone have anything for the very last OAOAST show of 2003? C'mon, you know you want to...
  10. Mystery Eskimo

    Attention Rumble Writers

    And you might like to write something for IZ announcing your entrance We could get some feuds started in the rumble too, we need new ones.
  11. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/30/03

    JR We're back, and ready to go with- "Quiet" hits up, and floods of black smoke pour from the entranceway. The crowd rises to BOO the hell out of Dan Black as he walks to the ring. JR *sigh* I don't get paid enough for this... Dan steps into the ring, adjusting his tie and taking a microphone from Gary Cappetta. BLACK Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to the first of a new and very special segment here on IntenseZone! Crowd BOOOOOS! BLACK As you all know, I am a very famous, important man- a man with connections. So, starting TONIGHT, in this VERY RING, I'll be hosting something akin to a chat show. I'd like to call it- Meet Dan Black Crowd BOOOOOOOOOS! BLACK So, put your hands together and welcome my very first guest! "Hit me baby one more time" beats out over the arena, as the crowd POPS! BLACK Allow me to introduce- Ms. Britney SPEARS~! Britney walks down to the ring, looking extremely confused. Dan holds down the ropes for her to enter the squared circle as the music cuts. BLACK Britney, everybody! BRITNEY It's good to be here, Don. BLACK Ahaha! You're funny, pretending to get my name wrong! BRITNEY ... BLACK Anyway...we invited you to be my first guest on Meet Dan Black. That must be quite an honor. BRITNEY Well, I don't really know- BLACK Of course it is! We chose you because, I am informed, your latest album is called "In the Zone"- and we are always INTENSLY IN THE ZONE, right here on INTENSEZONE! Dan turns to the crowd, looking for a POP, but only gets silence. JR I apologise for this segment, fans... BLACK Bastards...so, Britney, did you happen to see our Pay per view spectacular last week? BRITNEY Y'know, I was actually kinda busy, and- BLACK Well, you're a brainless blonde, we can't expect you to- BRITNEY Hey! Look, I was told I'd be performing to promote by album, and- BLACK Oh, no one cares about your stupid album! What we need to talk about is SPIDERPOET! Crowd POPS! BLACK That bitch cost me the Adrenalin Title AGAIN! I need that belt Britney. I WANT THAT BELT! BRITNEY I really should be going... BLACK Oh, really? Well let me help you on your way! Hit me one more time? My pleasure! Dan goes to grab Britney, as the crowd threatens to RIOT! JR MAH GAWD! Dan Black is assaulting Britney Spears! Cue: "Aerials!" Crowd POPS as SpiderPoet runs down the ailse, sliding into the ring and SHOVING Dan Black down hard! Britney flees, as the crowd chants: PO-ET! PO-ET! PO-ET! Poet grabs up the mic POET Man oh man Dan, you sink lower every week. How much of IntenseZone's budget did you waste getting her out here? IT doesn't matter- if it's me you want, I'm here Dan, you got something to say? JR Yeah! Go Poet! Give him hell! Dan picks himself up and snatches the mic from Poet. BLACK I do have something to say- YOU ARE ONE LUCKY SON OF A BITCH! I had you beat in that cage match- and I don't know how you won, but you didnt deserve to, just like you don't deserve that belt! I want another shot! POET It seems to me you had your shot, Dan, and you blew it. As I said earlier, I'll be putting the title on the line against someone else next week. If you want another shot, you'll have to earn it. You may be General Manager, but as I've defended the title once in a 30 day period, you can't make me defend it again. Crowd CHEERS! BLACK I'll get my shot. I'll get it! If I have to go through everyone in this organisation, I'll get it! POET You know, I'm tempted to give you another match, just to SHUT YOU UP! But you have to earn it, Danny. So after I defend the title next week, I'll think about something for you. Hows that, Dan? Black grabs the mic from Poet, raises it to his lips- and NAILS Poet in the head with it! Poet collapses on the mat, clutching his face! BLACK Whatever it takes, Poet, I'll take that title. I swear my life on it. Black throws the mic down and exits, as Poet starts to pick himself up to cheers. JR BAH GAWD, this issue between Black and Poet isn't over yet! Dan is obsessed with that title- he created it, and wants to use it to increase his power! I have a feeling we'll see these two locking up again very soon...
  12. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/30/03

    JR Welcome back fans to IntenseZone. Now coming up next--- ::A slow deep voiced announcer saids "LIGHTNING". The crowd boos and stand up in anticipation as the AngleTron lights up with Puerto Rican Lightning's face on it. The crowd boos the moment his face is shown. The image of a smiling PRL changes to another image of PRL, this time of him holding the Puerto Rican Championship after a win. The crowd continues booing waiting for PRL to show up. As the AngleTron continues showing image after image of PRL, music is being played in the background. The music is slow and comatose. It's easy to listen to as violins play throughout. A man whispers the word "Chance" throughout as a heavy metal guitar begins to play. On the AngleTron, the image of PRL changes to an image of a choked up PRL. Then an angry PRL. Then a sad PRL. Finally, another smiling image, but this time in a more psychotic matter. The AngleTron switches to a Puerto Rican flag with, in big blocky letters, the words LIGHTNING CREW appear. A lightning bolt hits the stage and fog and pyro fire up. The crowd boos again as "No Chance In Hell" starts up.:: No Chance (No Chance) that's what ya got (Ha, Ha, Ha, Yeah) ::"No Chance In Hell" by Lloyd & Boyd begins to play as strobe lights appear on the entrance. The crowd boos as smoke fills up the entrance way.:: We're up against no machine too strong (too strong). Pussy politicians buying souls for us are PUPPETS (Puppets) ::Suddenly, the crowd's booing becomes louder as Cuban Wall finally makes his entrance. He looks at the crowd with a sneer on his face and pumps his right fist into the air. Chants of "P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!" fill up the arena as Cuban Wall makes his way to the ring, cold, silent, and with a determined look on his face. He shadow boxes a bit as the bell rings.:: But tie a string around your finger now boy cuz Cuz, it's just a matter of time Cuz you got No Chance (No Chance) No Chance In Hell (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah) No Chance No Chance In Hell!!! *DING DING DING* Gary Michael Cappatetta: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheldued for one fall. Introducing first, coming to the ring at this time, weighing in at 285 lbs. From Havana, Cuba, he is the Official Muscle of The Lightning Crew, CUBAN WALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!! ::The camera cuts to the ring, where Cuban Wall’s opponent is already standing. He is a young, African-American male with a black Caesar’s haircut, black elbowpads, white taped wrists, and brown eyes. He is short and skinny and has a look of fear on his face. He is wearing red trunk style tights, red kneepads, and white boots. He is walking across the ring, staring at Cuban Wall.:: Gary Michael Cappatetta: And his opponent, weighing in at 150 lbs., from Sacramento, California. Jimmy OLSENNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::Jimmy Olsen looks at the crowd, who give him no response. Cuban Wall enters the ring, but not before sneering at the crowd. Several fans jaw with him, as he enters the ring, his eyes focused on his opponent. He poses to boos, and then heads to a turnbuckle and poses some more to more boos. He does the “UP YOURS!” sign to the crowd then jumps down and shadow boxes for a bit.:: You've got No Chance (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah) No Chance In Hell!!! You've got No Chance!!!! (Got No Chance) No Chance In Hell!!! (No Chance In Hell) No Chance (Chance) No Chance In Hell!!!! (YEAH!!!) JR: Young Jimmy Olsen is making his OaOasT debut tonight. Going up against the vicious Cuban Wall seems to be a bad idea, but maybe Olsen will have better luck against Wall then Mark Pollak Henderson did 3 weeks ago. Cuban Wall, the official muscle of the Lightning Crew, is as vicious and as evil as Puerto Rican Lightning. It is no wonder that this young HOSS is apart of the Lightning Crew. Come on, Come on Come and get it (Come and get it) Come On! (Come on!) ::Cuban Wall stops shadow boxing and stares at Jimmy Olsen, who stares back in fear.:: JR: Cuban Wall has the weight and height advantage at 285 lbs, 6””3. Cuban Wall also has the psychological advantage, since his height and weight might frighten Jimmy Olsen. ::The referee checks Cuban Wall and Jimmy Olsen, and gives them instructions. He then orders the bell to be rung.:: *DING DING DING* Cuban Wall vs. Jimmy Olsen: Cuban Wall looks down at Olsen. He demands that Jimmy try and hit him. Jimmy hesitates, and the crowd tries to convince him not to attack. JR: Wall seems to be playing mind games with Jimmy Olsen. Is Jimmy going to fall for it? This young man is taking a huge risk. Jimmy looks around the crowd, and then punches Wall in the face. Wall no-sells it causing the crowd to groan. Cuban Wall laughs it off and saids “You son-of-a-bitch.” JR: Uh-oh. Jimmy seems to be in trouble now. You shouldn’t mess with Wall, and I think Jimmy Olsen is going to learn that lesson the hard way. Cuban Wall nails Olsen with a right hand that sends him down to the mat. The crowd boos loudly as Wall begins nailing Jimmy with lefts and rights, not allowing Olsen to get up. JR: Cuban Wall really nailing Jimmy Olsen. He seems to be drinking “Puerto Rican Lightning’s Kool-aid.” And likes it. Wall manhandling Olsen. Cuban Wall whips Olsen to the ropes and hits a massive flying clothesline. JR: BAWD GAWD~!!! THE POWER OF THIS HOSS! Cuban Wall picks up Olsen and whips him into a turnbuckle. He follows with an avalanche and follows with a bulldog. The crowd begins chanting “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” causing Wall to tell them to “Shut up!” Wall picks up Olsen and whips him into the ropes again. Jimmy Olsen bounces back…straight into a Chokeslam by Wall. The crowd groans as Wall looks at Olsen with a sadistic look on his face. JR: CHOKESLAM! CHOKESLAM! CUBAN WALL LOOKS TO FINISH WITH THE CHOKESLAM! Cuban Wall does the Chokeslam onto Jimmy Olsen to the shock of the crowd. JR: INCREDIBLE HEIGHT! Wall lifted Olsen up over his head using one arm! It is incredible the power of Cuban Wall. He is really evil and drinking “PRL’s Kool-Aid.” Wall looks at the crowd and poses. They respond back by booing loudly. Cuban Wall picks up the tired and painful Olsen and lifts him onto his back. The crowd begins booing loudly knowing what is coming up. Cuban Wall brings Jimmy Olsen back down with the Wallbreaker (A-Train’s Train Wreck). JR: WALLBREAKER! THE WALLBREAKER ON JIMMY OLSEN! IT MIGHT BE OVER!!! Cuban Wall laughs at Olsen then looks at the crowd. He yells “That’s IT!” Cuban Wall heads to the ropes, bounces back, and comes down on Olsen with the Lightning Crew Splash making the crowd groan again. JR: LIGHTNING CREW SPLASH! THE LIGHTNING CREW SPLASH! IT’S ALL OVER! Cuban Wall covers Jimmy Olsen. 1…… 2…… 3!!!!! *DING DING DING* Gary Michael Cappatetta: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this contest…..CUBAN WALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!! ::”No Chance In Hell” by Lloyd & Boyd begins to play again. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” loudly at Wall, who poses and laughs at the crowd. Jimmy Olsen lies on the mat, in pain, and is being checked on by the referee. The referee tries to raise Wall’s hand, but he refuses and poses some more.:: JR: Well, Cuban Wall’s record in the OaOasT has gone up 2-0. I don’t know who will have the power to stop this Wall, as it seems he is all-powerful. Cuban Wall seems to be hypnotized by Puerto Rican Lightning. Following all of his orders and doing everything he saids. Wall seems intent on doing PRL’s orders and following them with no questions asked. He is like a zombie. He is a slave to the Lightning Crew. Drinking Puerto Rican Lightning’s “Kool-Aid”. He is a member of Puerto Rican Lightning’s cult yet doesn’t even know it! ::The crowd continues booing Wall as he stares at Jimmy Olsen, who is struggling to get up. Wall shoves the referees away and starts beating down on Olsen some more.:: JR: Now come on! That’s enough! Will somebody stop this! This is horrible! ::The bell continues to ring repeatly, but Wall continues to beat on Jimmy while the crowd boos. Wall picks up Olsen and gives him another Wallbreaker. Follow by a Lightning Crew Splash.:: JR: ANOTHER SPLASH! AND ONE MORE LIGHTNING CREW SPLASH! BAWD GAWD THE CARNAGE! CUBAN WALL IS A VILE, HATEFUL HUMAN BEING AND IS PROUD OF IT! LOOK AT THE PAIN HE CAUSE! HE COULD HAVE ENDED JIMMY OLSEN’S CAREER TONIGHT! HE HAS NO HEART! HE HAS NO SOUL! ::Cuban Wall does another Lightning Crew Splash for good measure then stares down at Olsen, who is clutching his ribs and bleeding from the mouth. Cuban Wall laughs and poses some more while the boos once again.:: JR: AND NOW JIMMY OLSEN IS BLEEDING! I HOPE WALL IS HAPPY! HE COULD HAVE ENDED OLSEN’S CAREER TONIGHT! THAT MAN IS EVIL! EVIL, I TELLS YOU! ::”No Chance In Hell” begins to play again. The referees continue to check on Jimmy Olsen as Wall leaves the ring. He laughs off the attack and jaws with some fans as he heads to the entrance. Olsen is struggling to get up.:: JR: Cuban Wall has once again made an impact on IntenseZone. The Official Muscle of the Lightning Crew has lived up to his name this week, once again attacking an innocent victim. This evil being has sold his soul to the devil himself, Puerto Rican Lightning, and is now hell bent on attacking anyone who gets in his way. He is a vile hateful human being who follows Puerto Rican Lightning’s orders and does whatever he pleases. He drinks “PRL’s Kool-Aid” and likes it! ::”No Chance In Hell” by Lloyd & Boyd continues to play as Wall heads up to the entrance. He jaws with some more fans down the aisle and laughs at Olsen who is in pain and being helped up by the referees.:: JR: Cuban Wall has left destruction in his place but we still got more to come. Folks, don’t go away, we still got more IntenseZone to come, right after these messages! ::FADE OUT::
  13. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    I have a friend who lives near there. ...and thats all I can contribute.
  14. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking Hoopla

    Is it done yet?
  15. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/30/03

    JR:: An now it's time for a three way about for the number 1 contendership for the North American Title. (The Camera cuts to back state, where PRL and the rest of the Lightening Crew are sitting down to watch the match. PRL has a pretty intent look on his face, where the rest of the Lightening Crew are joking around). "Entering the Ring, at SIX FOOT NINE, three-HUNDRED-and NINETY pounds, from Hollis, Maine: TEDDY WEDDY~!" Avril's "Losing Grip" blasts out and THE PRESIDENT~! Teddy Weddy makes his way into the ring. JR: "Teddy's made something of an impact since he's moved to IZ. He's here tonight without his usual entourage, as OAOAST management has banned anybody but the three wrestlers in this match from ringside. I expect this has less to do with the men in the match than it has to do with the man who the winner will face next week" (another cut back stage, as a grin cracks across PRL's face) The arena goes dark and a spotlight shines down on DANGEROUS A at the top of the ramp as Linkin Park's "Don't Stay" plays. JR: "Dangerous A and his Dangerous Alliance would love to get their hands on the North American title. A's the most experienced and probably skilled wrestler in this match, he's my pick to end tonight as the number one contender" JR is cut off the THE SHUFFLE's trademark flash of pyro. "The Horror" hits as a fired up Shuffle dances his way down the ring. JR: It's THE SHUFFLE~!. He's been having a hard time as of late. His neck was injured by Dangerous A's stable mate Mario Logan, and since then he's struggled, losing to his arch-rival G. Money as part of the Adrenaline tournament and getting blasted by Dan Black a few weeks ago. Shuffle's the prohibitive underdog in this bout". All three men are in the ring, Shuffle and DA are sizing each other up, Teddy has his back to them, staring out at the crowd. The bell rings and both Shuffle and DA run at Teddy and sent chops into the back of the giant man. JR: "Shuffle and DA teaming up to take on the larger man. They both know that one-on-one Teddy's size is a huge advantage." Shuffle and DA grab Teddy and whip him into the ropes, but on the rebound he takes them both down with a double-clothesline!. He stops, looks at both men on the ground, and drops down with a double elbow drop!. Dangerous A is able to roll away, but Shuffle takes the below to his chest. DA is up and before Teddy can stand again, he fires a kick into Teddy's back. He winds up for another kick, but is knocked down by a forearm from the rising Shuffle. Teddy makes his way to his feet as Shuffle and DA trade blows. JR: "Fast and furious action to start out" Teddy charges and Shuffle turns to clothesline him, but his blow almost bounces off the big man. As Shuffle recovers DA sends a kick to the gut that double's Shuffle over. DA moves towards Shuffle, but Teddy grabs him and attempts a belly-to-belly suplex. DA floats over, lands on his feat and blasts Teddy with a Yakuza kick, sending the big man to the seat of his pants. DA starts to rush towards Teddy, but the recovering Shuffle catches him from behind and hits a back drop suplex. As Shuffle stands, Teddy clubs him from behind with a double axe-handle. Shuffle staggers and Teddy grabs him, lifting him up and hitting a reverse Manhattan Drop. The knee to the groin leaves Shuffle in an amazing amount of pain. He rolls out of the ring as Teddy turns his attention to DA. JR: "Shuffle may have just been taken out of the match. Teddy saw an opening and blasted Shuffle" Teddy moves towards DA, trying to catch him in Boss-Man's slam, but DA grabs his arm and reverses the move into a hammer lock. Teddy tries to throw elbows and fight out, but can't shake DA off. Teddy's own size is allowing DA to hide behind him and dodge his attempts. Eventually Teddy gets an idea, and just backs into the ring post, crushing DA, who is forced to break the hold. JR: "Dangerous A using all his technical skill to best the big man, but Teddy is just too huge." Teddy, who is showing signs of pain in his right arm, steps out of the corner and looks to throw a shoulder block into DA. However, DA uses the ropes to pop up and tries to hit a Sunset flip. Teddy's too big to take over, and DA is stuck in a powerbomb position on Teddy's shoulders. Before Teddy can spike DA down, Shuffle slides back in the ring and hits a drop toe-hold on Teddy, sending both men crashing down!! Shuffle's up, and waiting in the corner for the other two to rise. As Teddy stands- Shuffle uncoils a KICK ASS BLASTA~! super kick. Teddy's floored and Shuffle turns to DA only to catch a chop to the face for his troubles. Another chop, and DA's driven Shuffle into the corner. A stiff kick and Shuffle slacks back into the ropes. DA moves back to attempt a running kick, but Teddy's up, catches him, and hits a reverse suplex. Teddy picks up DA and hits a vicious powerbomb. DA's out on the floor. Shuffle charges at Teddy, but EATS A BOOT~! and falls to the ground. JR: "Teddy has control of this match. I think we're about to look at a new number one contender!!" Teddy climbs the ropes, he's about to go for the TEDDY TWO STEP~! on DA. As he jumps down, DA rolls out of the way, hooks Teddy's leg and moves to lock in an STF~! JR "Amazing recovery from Dangerous A" DA's got the STF locked in, and Teddy's in pain. He's about to tap out when Shuffle dives in- striking DA and breaking the hold. DA is furious, and Teddy's almost out on the floor. Both DA and Shuffle are up in the middle of the ring. They lock up, and DA is able to hit a Tiger Suplex on Shuffle. Shuffle lands squarely on his injured neck! JR: "Ohh- The one move that Shuffle should have looked to avoid" Dangerous A moves to cover Shuffle 1 2 NO- Teddy breaks up the count!! DA and Teddy are up, and DA fires a kick into Teddy's gut, but Teddy shrugs it off. Teddy tries to punch DA, but DA's too quick, and dodges. DA throws himself against the ropes and runs towards Teddy- sending another Yakuza kick into his head! Teddy's down, and DA covers. 1 2 NO!! Teddy kicks out. Both men slowly stand and move in towards each other. Neither of them notice that Shuffle is up and standing on the ring apron. Shuffle waits until the two are close together, and then pulls himself up and into a springboard cross body block- sending everybody crashing to the floor. JR: "Shuffle with the comeback!! Maybe he still has a chance!!" DA is the first to rise. He tries to make a cover on Shuffle, who has had a lot taken out of him by his attack. However, before DA can even get a one count Teddy pulls him off Everybody staggers to their feet at about the same time. Shuffle and DA grab Teddy and move to Irish whip him again, this time they both connect with kicks and Teddy flops to the ground. They turn their attention to each other, locking up and fighting for position. Neither man can gain any dominance until Shuffle grabs DA's head, and as he drops to his knees hits a jawbreaker! DA staggers back, he's not that fazed by the jawbreaker, as Shuffle starts to rise he runs in, looking to hit a Shining Wizard, but Shuffle catches him as he stands and HITS THE SHUFFLE BOMB~! JR: "SHUFFLE BOMB, OUT OF NOWHERE!!!" 1... 2... 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (cut to a shot of a very shocked PRL and the Lightening Crew in back). JR: Shuffle WINS, SHUFFLE WINS! Shuffle with the surprise upset. OH MY GOD!!! Shuffle will wrestle next week for the North AMERICAN TITLE!!! (cut to commercial).
  16. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/30/03

    ::A lightning bolt hits the entrance. The crowd boos loudly as a slow, deep-voiced man saids “LIGHTNING”. The AngleTron lights up with a picture of Colombian Heat on it, signaling his entrance. The opening violin playing of “No Chance In Hell” by Lloyd & Boyd starts playing. Smoke fills the entrance as the lights go down in the arena with a single spotlight on the entrance. Orange and red lights flicker on and off.:: JR: Well fans, it is now time for Colombian Heat to wrestle. He is the second-in-command in the Lightning Crew and is wrestling in his second match in the OaOasT tonight. No Chance (No Chance) That’s what ya got (Ha, Ha, Ha, Yeah) We’re up against No machine too strong (Too strong) Crooked politicians buying souls for us Are…PUPPETS!!! (PUPPETS!!!) ::The Lightning Crew logo appears then the Lightning Crew entrance video plays. From the smoke out comes Colombian Heat. The crowd boos loudly as the second-in-command of the Lightning Crew jumps up and down and sneers at the crowd. He throws up some gang signs then walks to the ring, bobbing his head to the beat of the song. He puts his hand on his crotch and does a gangsta walk to the ring as “No Chance In Hell” continues to play.:: But tie a string around your finger now boy cuz Cuz it’s just a matter of time. Cuz you’ve got NO CHANCE (You’ve got no chance) NO CHANCE IN HELL! You’ve got NO CHANCE! (YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!) No Chance In Hell! You’ve got No CHANCE! (Got no chance) NO CHANCE IN HELL! You’ve got NO CHANCE! (No chance!) NO CHANCE IN HELL!!! (YEAHHH!!!!) *DING DING DING* Gary Michael Cappatetta: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheldued for one fall. Introducing first, coming down the aisle, from Bogotá, Colombia. Weighing in at 173 lbs. He is the second-in-command of the Lightning Crew, “Da Pimp” COLOMBIAN HEEEEEEAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!! ::The crowd boos as Colombian Heat does some dancing on the ring apron. The camera cuts to the ring where Colombian Heat’s opponent is already standing. He is an older African American male in his 40s. He has gray hair, a gray beard, and is wearing orange elbow pads, purple Speedo style tights, purple kneepads, black wrist tape, and orange boots. The man is looking at Heat with a look of determination.:: GMC: And his opponent, weighing in at 240 lbs., from Atlanta, Georgia, Tim SPINNNNEETTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!! JR: Colombian Heat is wrestling Tim Snippett tonight, a man who has actually been wrestling for 20 years in various promotions. He has wrestled several times in the OaOasT, and is making his OaOasT debut tonight. This could be his last shot at an official OaOasT contract, and he is doing it against Colombian Heat, a member of Puerto Rican Lightning’s insane Lightning Crew. And wait a minute! That’s—that’s Thomas Rodriguez! What’s he doing here! Is he the referee for the match? ::The camera cuts to Thomas Rodriguez who gives Colombian Heat a handshake as he enters the ring. He checks on Tim Snippett then gives him an evil stare. The crowd boos and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” at Thomas and Heat, who laugh it off.:: Come on Come on Come and get it! Come on (Come on) Come on Come on Come and get it! Come on (Come on) Come on Come on Come and get it! Come on (Come on) Come on Come on Come and get it! No Chance (YEAH!) ::Colombian Heat continues to dance in the ring while talking with Thomas. He poses, flashing some gang signs at the crowd, who respond back with boos. Heat does the UP YOURS sign to the crowd, which makes them, boo some more. Colombian Heat goes to a turnbuckle and flashes another gang sign to more boos. He jumps back down and dances some more and jaws with the fans as the lights go back in the arena. “No Chance In Hell” by Lloyd & Boyd dies down as Thomas Rodriguez checks on Colombian Heat one more time.:: JR: I don’t know how unbiased Thomas Rodriguez can be in this match since his fellow stable mate Colombian Heat is wrestling in this match. Who picked the referee for this match? Dan Black? ::Thomas Rodriguez laughs at Tim Snippet, then calls for the bell.:: *DING DING DING* Colombian Heat vs. Tim Snippet: Colombian Heat removes his chains and circles the ring with Tim Snippet to start. They lock up and Heat applies a headlock. Snippet elbows Heat and whips him into the ropes, but Heat comes back with a shoulder tackle and goes for the cover. 1… 2… JR: That was an awfully fast count from Thomas Rodriguez. Heat and Snippet both get up. Heat arm drags Tim several times and gives him a dropkick. He goes for another cover, which gets a fast count of two. Heat applies a chinlock on Tim. The crowd boos loudly once again chanting “P.R. SUCKS!” Thomas checks on Tim hoping he will give up, but Snippet, instead, elbows out. JR: Snippet slugging it out with Heat. Snippet now heading to the ropes, but Colombian Heat gives him a drop toehold. Heat applies a leg lock on Tim while the crowd tries to bring Tim to life. Thomas Rodriguez checks, barely, on Tim and keeps telling him if he wants to stop the match. Heat stops the leg lock and picks up Tim Snippet. He whips him into the ropes and gives him a Spinning Wheel Kick. He goes for the cover. 1… 2… KICK OUT!!! JR: Thomas Rodriguez is really counting fast in this matchup. Colombian Heat clotheslines Snippet and follows with the Where The Hood At? (Rolling Thunder). Heat lays in several boots to Tim’s face then stops to pose for the crowd. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Colombian Heat flips them off. Suddenly, Tim Snippet comes from behind and grabs Heat’s shorts for a rollup. Thomas Rodriguez counts very slowly. 1…. 2…. KICKOUT. Tim beats on Heat several times, kicking him down. He heads to the top rope and comes down with a flying crossbody that pops the crowd. Tim goes for a cover for two. Tim bodyslams Heat and heads to the top rope again. He comes down with a second rope elbow drop. He goes for the cover. Rodriguez counts slowly once again. 1… 2… Heat kicks out after two. JR: Now if this isn’t biased officiating, then I don’t know what is! Tim Snippet gives Heat a Vertical Suplex. He then picks up Heat and gives him an Atomic Drop. He whips Heat to the ropes, but Heat ducks the clothesline and gives Snippet the Gangsta Slam (Sleeperhold into a slam). He goes for the cover. JR: Gangsta Slam! 1, 2, And Tim kicks out at the count of two! Heat trashtalks Tim, sitting him up and doing a rolling clothesline. He picks him up again and applies an armbar on him. He follows with a kick to the face, Booker T. style. Colombian Heat heads to the top rope and jaws with the fans some more. The fans boo as Heat poses on the top rope and jumps off with The Fatal Mistake (Sky High-D’Lo Brown’s version of the Frog Splash). The Fatal Mistake connects. Heat goes for the cover. 1… 2… Thre-NO! JR: And Tim Snippet is still in this match! Colombian Heat becomes frustrated as the crowd begins to rally behind Snippet. Small chants of “Let’s Go Snippet!” are heard as Heat picks up Snippet and does The Drive-By (The Lo Down Running Powerbomb). He goes for the cover with another fast count by Thomas Rodriguez. JR: Someone should check with Thomas Rodriguez and see if he can still referee an OaOasT match! Heat stomping a mudhole on Tim Snippet. Whipping him into the ropes, but Snippet reverses and does a running forearm on Heat. Tim Snippet beats on Heat, making the Colombian lose his balance. The crowd pops as Snippet picks up Heat and gives him a spinning neckbreaker. He goes for a cover. 1… 2…. KICKOUT. Snippet gives Heat several European Uppercuts, and then gives him a neckbreaker. Tim Snippet grabs Heat’s right leg and applies a half legged Boston Crab on Heat. The crowd begins cheering loudly as Heat winces in pain. He inches closer and closer to the ropes with Thomas Rodriguez becoming worry. JR: Tim Snippet has applied a Half-Legged Boston Crab on Colombian Heat! How would it feel for the Lightning Crew camp if Colombian Heat, the second in command, lost to this man? What if Tim Snippet pulls the upset? How would Puerto Rican Lightning feel? Tim Snippet holds onto the Half-Legged Boston Crab as Colombian Heat inches closer to the ropes. He is about one foot away but looks to be giving up. Suddenly, Thomas Rodriguez grabs Heat’s right arm and puts it on the bottom rope. Thomas orders Snippet to let go of the hold by the count of 5. The crowd boos knowing Thomas’ doing. JR: Now come on! This is unfair! This is not right! Thomas Rodriguez is a biased referee who should be barred from the OaOasT. This is not right! Not right at all! Snippet lets go of the hold and argues with the referee accusing him of his favoritism towards Heat. This gives Heat enough time to clothesline Snippet from the back. Heat grabs Snippet and whips him to the ropes. Heat follows with a Hurricarana pin, which Thomas counts fast for. 1.. 2.. NO! JR: This is horrible! Colombian Heat picks up Snippet and gives him The Get Crunk’d Up (Full Nelson Slam). Heat picks up Snippet again and whips him into a turnbuckle. Heat clotheslines Snippet in the turnbuckle and then does the Pimp Juice (Flatliner) on Snippet. Colombian Heat gets up and does the Shane O’ Mac Shuffle to huge boos. Heat gives the fans the one finger salute. JR: It looks like Colombian Heat is looking to finish this match off! The crowd chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!” Tim Snippet slowly gets up as Heat gets in position to finish off his opponent. Finally, Snippet stands up, Colombian Heat kicks Snippet in the stomach, puts him behind his back, and lifts him up for the Colombian Necktie (Vertibreaker). JR: BAWD GAWD~!!! THE HEIGHT! LOOK HOW HIGH COLOMBIAN HEAT HAS TIM SNIPPET! IT’S INCREDIBLE! SUCH HEIGHT! Colombian Heat drops down to complete the Colombian Necktie, which causes the crowd to groan. Colombian Heat covers Tim Snippet, and Thomas Rodriguez counts the right way with a smile on his face. 1… 2… 3!!!! *DING DING DING* Gary Michael Cappatetta: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of this match….COLOMBIAN HEATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! JR: And Colombian Heat scores the pinfall! ::”No Chance In Hell” by Lloyd & Boyd starts to play over the P.A. System. The crowd boos and throws garbage in Heat’s direction as he gets up and spits on Tim Snippet. Thomas Rodriguez sneers and trash talks to Snippet. He raises Heat’s right arm then gives him a hug making the crowd boo the both of them even more. JR: Well, no one should be surprised that Thomas Rodriguez was a biased official in this match. Colombian Heat went into the match with confidence knowing that Thomas was the ref, and he was right. Heat scores the pinfall in this match against Tim Snippet. ::”No Chance In Hell” continues to play as Tim Snippet struggles to get up. Colombian Heat punches Tim back to the mat then exits the ring with Thomas. The crowd boos loudly and chants “P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS! P.R. SUCKS!”.:: JR: Colombian Heat may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he is a gifted athlete and an incredible wrestler. He may be a member of The Lightning Crew, but it is great that he is apart of IntenseZone. ::Colombian Heat and Thomas Rodriguez put each other’s arms over each other’s shoulders, and smile evilly. Thomas gives Heat’s props and laughs. The crowd boos and chants “P.R. SUCKS!” Heat throws up some more gang signs and does a Gangsta walk to the ring. He dances a bit then throws up another gang sign.:: JR: The Lightning Crew have a big night ahead of them. Colombian Heat just had his match, but Cuban Wall will be in action tonight as well as the Lightning Crew Gauntlet match between The Mad Cappa and Spanish Fly. Remember if Cappa loses, he and Puerto Rican Lightning can never fight ever. Also don’t forget that there will be a Triangle Elimination Match for #1 Contendership for PRL’s OaOasT North American Title. Alfdogg vs. Teddy Weddy vs. The Shuffle. That is also coming up tonight. Fans, don’t go away. We will be right back with more on IntenseZone! ::FADE OUT::
  17. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/30/03

    We cut to Dan Black, sitting behind his huge desk and suited up as ever, but with an ice pack on the back of his head. On a monitor, on repeat, Dan is watching the sunset bomb from the top of the cage given to him by SpiderPoet. Black shakes his head. BLACK That freak... There's a knock at the door, which Dan acknowledges impatiantly. Dan rises as the visitor enters, but the camera is fixed on Black so we can't see who it is. Dan bows deeply and smiles smugly. BLACK Excellent to have you here. I trust everything has been to your satisfaction? Good. Now, what I have planned is...hey, camera jerk! Get out of here! Dan bustles the cameraman out the door, shoving him into the corridor and slamming the door in his- and our- face. JR Well...Dan Black seems to have a very special guest here tonight...is is a ratings ploy, a plot against SpiderPoet, or just a plot against the rest of the OAOAST? I have a feeling we'll find out. This week we're continuing our look back over the best IZ action of 2003. First up, a hard hitting match from June, with the NA title on the line! OAOAST NORTH AMERICAN TITLE "Shooter" Jay Darring vs Dangerous A Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a sixty minute time limit, and is for the OAOAST NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first... (*"Mr. Brownstone" by Guns n Roses blares throughout the arena*) RA: The challenger, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 240 pounds, DANGEROUS A! JR: Famous throughout the Orient, Dangerous A represents "Shooter" Jay Darring's most daunting challenge to date. The only IZ superstar with more intensive and extensive training than Jay, with worlds more international experience, Dangerous A may be a mountain Jay Darring just cannot climb. RA: And his opponent... (*The blue spotlights hit, "The Fake Sound of Progress" fires up, and the champ is in the house!*) RA: From Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 173 pounds, he is the OAOAST NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPION, "SHOOTER" JAY DARRING! JR: The champ looks more focused than I've ever seen him tonight Jesse. Jesse: You call that look focus? I call it fear. The man took Banky out last night on pay per view, JR. Weight advantage- Dangerous A. Strength advantage- Dangerous A. Experience advantage- Dangerous A. Jay is dead meat tonight. *DING DING DING* Jay and A both meet face-to-face in the center of the ring. Jay extends his hand... JR: Customary in Jay Darring matches. -Dangerous A slaps his hand away and spits in his face! Jesse: Haha, Jay, you should have known, Dangerous A shows no respect unless it is earned. Why doesn't he ask Banky about that? *SMACK* Jay slaps him hard in the face! *THWACK* Dangerous A responds in kind with a hard forearm to the face! *CRACK* Jay connects with a hard chop to the chest! Dangerous A feels no effect- *THWACK* STIFF forearm from A staggers Jay against the ropes! JR: Jay is on dream street right now! Jesse: Dangerous A is simply brutality defined! Dangerous A whips Jay into the ropes- Jay hits the ropes with a full head of steam- Yakuza Kick by Jay! Dangerous A is staggered but still in control- STIFF clothesline levels Jay! Jay is pops right back up- another Yakuza Kick! Dangerous A is still on his feet- and POPS Jay with a lariat, and Jay stays down! Cover! 1.... 2.... 2.9! JR: I can't believe this! Jay has just been absolutely beaten senseless in the opening minutes of this contest by Dangerous A! I have never seen anyone just dominate him like this since he's been in OAOAST! Jesse: I love it! Dangerous A picks Jay up, irish whip, Jay ducks another lariat, connects with the STIFF~! Superkick! JR: Jay's just scored with a knockout shot! 1 Kickout. Jesse: And a 1 count! JR: WHAT THE HELL?! Dangerous A is a... Jesse: Don't say the "h" word JR. Both competitors back on their feet, Dangerous A calls for a test of strength, he locks up with Jay... Jesse: What a stupid move by Jay- he's just a bony cruiserweight, Dangerous A is built like a brick house and outweighs him by almost seventy pounds! Dangerous A immediately pushes Jay down to the mat, Jay maneuvers his right leg to the outside of A's body and starts pelting Dangerous A's left arm with roundhouse kicks. Jay spins his body to the right and scissors that left arm, and takes Dangerous A down with a Fujiwara armbar! JR: Smart strategy by Jay, if you can't knock him out, pick a body part and go to work on it. Jay struggles to maintain the hold, but A is too strong, and starts to escape. Dangerous A reverses the hold, tosses Jay onto his stomach, and starts crossfacing the hell out of Jay! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 crossface forearms! JR: I think after this match, Jay will be a whole lot uglier. Jesse: I didn't think that was possible. Jay staggers back to his feet, Dangerous A tries for the running Hansen-eque lariat, but Jay ducks and connects with a leg lariat, both men are down! JR: If there's any match that better fits the description of slobberknocker, I haven't seen it! Jay snapmares Dangerous A down, runs off the ropes, running knee to the face! Cover- 1,2, kickout. JR: Dangerous A still showing no signs of wear and tear right now. Jay lights up Dangerous A with chops against the ropes, whips him in, Dangerous A rebounds off with a basement dropkick, followed up with a dragon screw legwhip, Dangerous A looks for the STF, but Jay is tied up in the ropes. Jesse: Invented by Dangerous A's mentor Masahiro Chono, Dangerous A's STF is even deadlier than the original. If he had locked it in, new champ, no doubt. Dangerous A tries to pick up Jay but the leg, but eats an enziguiri for his troubles. With A down on the mat, Jay immediately locks in the Harsh Reality! JR: NO ONE ESCAPES THE HARSH REALITY! Dangerous A is too close the ropes though, he immediately grabs them to break the hold! Jesse: What ring awareness by Dangerous A, this guy impresses the hell out of me! Jay drags Dangerous A back to the center of the ring, hammers on the weakened shoulder, and SLAPS ON THE HARSH REALITY AGAIN! Jay trying to keep him in the center, but Dangerous A is too strong, and he makes the ropes again! JR: Dangerous A showing that his brutal training from Chono was worth it- he escaped Jay's submission finisher TWICE! Darring picks Dangerous A up, irish whip into the corner, reversed- Dangerous A LEVELS Jay with the running high kick in the corner! JR: HE JUST DECAPITATED HIM WITH THAT MOVE! Dangerous A drags Jay to the center of the ring- POWERBOMB WITH A BRIDGE! 1.... 2.... SHOULDER UP! JR: I DON'T KNOW HOW JAY CAN TAKE THIS PUNISHMENT MUCH LONGER! Jesse: That's because he CAN'T! Dangerous A picks up the limp Jay, irish whip miraculously reversed, A tries a clothesline, Jay catches the arm, tries for another Fujiwara armbar-NO! Dangerous A rolls through! HOMICIDAL BACKDROP DRIVER, RIGHT ON HIS HEAD! A isn't done-POWERBOMB #2! 1... 2... FOOT ON THE ROPE! JR: That was a *very* lucky break for Jay. Jesse: Ha, but the title change is in an inevitability right now. I love it! Dangerous A is only getting angrier with each two count! He RIPS Jay's head off with another lariat! He's going for a THIRD POWERBOMB! Jesse: This is going to be it! POWERBOMB! NO! Jay escapes! Fireman's carry- KT DRILLER~! Jesse: NO NO NO! 1 2 3!!!! RA: Your winner of the match, and STILL OAOAST NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPION, "SHOOTER" JAY DARRING! Jesse: DAMMIT! JR: Jay Darring, after getting DESTROYED by Dangerous A, retains the North American title with the KT Driller, and unifies the North American and Puerto Rican title! Jesse: Jay better watch it. Dangerous A is new here and I don't know if you can trust him. Look what he did to Banky last night. Jay Darring, looking like he's been through a meat grinder, rolls out of the ring. Eyes still glazed over, he turns to Dangerous A, getting to his feet after the murderous KT Driller. Jay bows to the legend from the Orient, and Dangerous A nods his head in response. Dangerous A raises Jay's hand and hugs him out of respect. COMMERCIALS
  18. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/30/03

    Cue: “Aerials” by System of a Down] As the melodic intro plays, we see shots of the adrenaline title match from BLOODY, BATTERED, AND BEATEN light up the Angletron. As the drums kick in, the ref counts the three on the brutal match, and as the guitars hit the stage explodes in white pyro as SPIDERPOET~! makes his entrance! He seems well enough, if not a bit more low key than in previous appearances since his return. JR There he is! The one and only SPIDERPOET! He’s fresh off a hard fought victory against Dan Black, but last night also saw him receive horrible news. I can’t believe he’s even here tonight! SP slides into the ring and the music quickly dies down. No time is given for celebration or for fanfare, and most of the audience knows why. Most of them that bought the PPV, at least. He takes a mic and pauses as the audience chants, “PO-ET, PO-ET, PO-ET!” over and over again. A faint smile crosses his face because he knows where the huge outpouring of support is coming from. SP . . . thank you. Deeply. I mean it. I assume that most of you saw what happened last night. (The crowd is mostly silent. Some people are standing, trying to get a better look. A lone girl screams, “WE LOVE YOU WIDOW AND POET!” from somewhere near the ring) SP Last night, Amanda informed me that while I was away, she had an accident and, to make a long story short, our family has been . . . struck by the tragedy of losing our baby. JR Damn it, things like this just shouldn’t happen to men like Poet. They shouldn’t happen to anyone . . . SP And my initial reaction was to drop the Adrenaline title and leave it up for grabs. To go back home and try and tend to matters there. But, ultimately, Amanda and I decided that this is my place. I came back when I did for a reason. I won this belt, and I kept this belt for a reason. I was away from home and on the move every time someone tried to contact me for a reason. Amanda isn’t here tonight, she’s back home resting. She’s probably watching and I want her to know that I love her deeply and that everything I do from this moment on is with the knowledge that we can, and will survive anything. That distance will never be a problem again, and that every match is in the spirit of the strength of our family. As soon as she’s cleared, BLACK WIDOW is going to return to the OAOAST! (CROWD POPS!) SP We think it will be therapeutic to be out, working, being together. Instead of sitting at home and trying to figure out how things could have been different. We’re so thankful for the outpour of support that we’ve been told we received online. (SP offers a warm smile as the crowd suddenly bursts into applause and cheering. A camera in the ring with him catches him wipe a tear away) SP Alright, let’s get to some wrestling! (Crowd POPS~!) SP Right here, tonight, I’m giving an open call. NEXT WEEK on INTENSEZONE~!, somebody gets a shot at the ADRENALINE TITLE! One on One! So whoever wants it, drop a line to Dan Black. I’m sure he’ll have no problem giving someone else a shot at actually taking the belt off me. [Cue: Aerials] (Fade out as SP plays to the crowd, which is going mad with cheering)
  19. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking Hoopla

    Before the end of 2003!
  20. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking Hoopla

    Just to know everyone know IZ will be on Wednesday due to the late PPV. But just get stuff to me when you can.
  21. Mystery Eskimo

    BBB Feedback!

    Solid show, all the matches were good. The Ambulance match was a lot of fun, and Calvin was excellent as ever.
  22. Mystery Eskimo

    English Football

    Forest are in big trouble Someone give us some money!
  23. Mystery Eskimo

    ROH Final Battle 2003

    So does anyone think Danielson is going to be the guy to take the title from Joe?
  24. Mystery Eskimo

    What is your favorite Beatles song?

    Ticket to Ride or Paperback Writer
  25. Mystery Eskimo

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Bump... What does "Satellite" signify when added to a moves name?