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Mystery Eskimo

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Everything posted by Mystery Eskimo

  1. What I want to know is- if A Train had $10000 on Benoit, why didn't he run down when the ref was bumped and beat the crap out of Brock? He ran in to help Sable beat Stephanie, but he won't do it with 10k on the line? Idiot. They should make an angle where A Train loses all his money gambling and has to pimp himself out on the streets for enough for food and chest hair tonic.
  2. I just got that too. Will be watching it this weekend unless RoH tempts me away.
  3. Mystery Eskimo

    SmackDown from JHawk's Beak for 12/4

    Good re-cap. I'm hoping Train-Benoit isn't going to start up again...Benoit already beat him like 10 times in a row.
  4. Mystery Eskimo

    Greatest Chris Benoit Matches

    Benoit/Jericho vs Austin/HHH is one of the greatest tag matches of WWF/E history. Did anyone see Benoit's WCW debut vs Brad Armstrong? Fun match. Jim Ross calls the Dragon suplex as a German, which is amusing in a smarky kinda way.
  5. Mystery Eskimo

    New WWE Book

    It wasn't the job, it was that Goldberg was being an idiot and not co-operating with his offence. I think.
  6. Mystery Eskimo

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Who did Benoit get the crossface from, if anyone?
  7. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking napkin

    That would be good, Money. Sorry to Ted, looks like tourny is full up. Anything else you'd like to do?
  8. Mystery Eskimo

    Intense Feed

    Sorry, my mistake....bad producer! Bad! It was a good promo. I'm looking forward to seeing who's going to be in the Firm.
  9. Mystery Eskimo

    Intense Feed

    Thoughts, comments, complaints here. Thanks to everyone who brought the content. Good stuff from PRL as ever and I'm still enjoying the Blurricane story. Good to see Father being a bad ass! Plus the return of Tony should give IZ a boost over the next few months. Not much match action, but hopefully that will be remedied with the tourny next week. See the booking thread for info on that. Oh, and apologies to the person (I can't remember who it was) who came up with the name "Adrenalin" Title, as I have totally stolen it. Incidentally, is it Adrenalin or Adrenaline? Word seems to accept both.
  10. Mystery Eskimo

    Battlestar Galatica

    Starbuck as a woman is just an awful idea. If they want a strong female character why not use one of the ones from the original series in a more prominent part, or create a new character?
  11. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking napkin

    I wouldn't mind writing that match above if that's possible. Just tell me who the ? man is. I could post the show too. As of right now I have no plans for Tuesday so I might be able to post it. That would be great if you could post the show, Tony. And also great if you could write that match. I think you know who the mystery guy is...
  12. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking napkin

    Judas could take on Shuffle or Money, and the other could take on Mario.
  13. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking napkin

    Awesome. 1st round: PRL vs SJ Mystery entrant vs Dangerous A ? vs ? ? vs ?
  14. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking napkin

    Who wants to face PRL in the first round?
  15. Mystery Eskimo

    Booking napkin

    The main event will have to be the final of the tourny, I think, but that match can be just before it on the card.
  16. Mystery Eskimo

    Smackdown Tapings

    So what happens at the Rumble now? Re-match or Cena?
  17. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/2/03

    CREDITS Writers LaParka PRL Stephen Joseph G Money Mystery Eskimo Production Mystery Eskimo Executive support Tony149
  18. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/2/03

    :: Fade in, a faint beat pouding in the background...a black screen...fading into a shot of a bloody Stephen Joseph...a grinning Dan Black...Jay Darring being pinned by Calvin...the Deadly Game logo floats up, to be quickly replaced- :: BOOM! BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM! BOOM! Pyro! Lights! Camera! Action! Host! JR Welcome to IntenseZone, everybody! Just 48 hours ago we saw Calvin Szechstein retain the OAOAST title inside the Elimination Chamber, overcoming Jay Darring in the final struggle! We also saw Dan Black reveal his backing of the Deadly Alliance, and Stephen Joseph paid the price! What will be the fall out of these titanic matches? We'll find out, here, live on IntenseZone! ::The show begins with a closeup shot of Puerto Rican Lightning. The camera zooms out to reveal P.R.L. walking to his dressing room. He has a cut on his mouth and is holding his back. A graphic appears at the left hand corner of the screen reading "LAST SUNDAY AT OAOAST DEADLY GAME: UNLUCKY 7 AVAILIABLE ON OAOAST HOME VIDEO, DECEMBER 16th.":: PRL: Stupid. Just stupid. What the hell was I thinking? I should have been more careful. I should have been more aware. That damn Shooter Jay. I hate him. I hate Shooter Jay. ::The crowd boos as PRL continues walking to his dressing room, depressed, yet angry. He begins to get teary eyed as he heads to his dressing room door. PRL hangs his head in shame, but just as he is about to open the door, a figure enters the screen, spearing PRL into the wall causing the crowd to cheer.:: It's......THE MAD CAPPA. The Mad Cappa begins laying in lefts and rights on PRL's forehead causing a cut to appear on the forehead. Mad Cappa kicks PRL's gut several times while the crowd goes crazy. Cappa throws PRL into his dressing room door and then clotheslines him. TMC picks up Lightning and gives him a BUST A CAP making PRL landing back first onto the floor. The crowd cheers as Mad Cappa talks trash to PRL and flips him off. Suddenly, Cappa runs away as The Lightning Crew come to their aid of their boss, who is struggling to get up, dazed and confused. The crowd is going crazy as Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, Colombian Heat, Thomas Rodreguiez, and Vitamin X check on PRL while Mr. Boricua and Cuban Wall guard him. Lindsay is crying a bit while Colombian Heat keeps telling PRL "it'll be okay." The crowd begins chanting "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!" to show how much they care about Lightning's condition. PRL(dazed, bleeding, and in pain, mumbling): flfldlffds;[w[wkf[ddaqdkslmv/x,zaww]2-3fod[d]d.d[]sd.....MAD CAPPA! I HATE MAD CAPPA! I HATE YOU MAD CAPPA! I HATE YOU!!!!! ::The camera cuts to the present, as in this week's IntenseZone, with another closeup of Puerto Rican Lightning. The crowd boos loudly as PRL is shown fuming backstage walking to the ring. He has stiches on his lower lip and a band-aid on his forehead as a result of Mad Cappa's beatdown. The Lightning Crew are right behind their leader as the P.R. and N.A. Champion continues walking.:: JR: There is the OaOasT North American & Puerto Rican Champion, Puerto Rican Lightning. He lost the Elimination Chamber Match last night, but I doubt that is the most important thing on his mind right now. As you just saw, this past Sunday at Deadly Game: Unlucky 7, PRL was attacked by his arch rival The Mad Cappa, and it looks like he is going to address what happened last Sunday coming up next on another exciting episode of OaOasT IntenseZone!!!
  19. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/2/03

    JR Chaos in the ring, these teams couldn't even wait for intros. The Deadly Alliance was attacked from behind by Stephen Joseph and Reject while we were on break! In the ring, Stephen Joseph and Reject whip Plushy Al across the ring, waiting on him to return. They lift him high into the air, flapjacking him down onto the mat hard. Stephen turns his attention to Dangerous A, just getting up, while Reject retreats to the corner. Stephen pulls Dangerous A up, deciding to suplex him up and stalling for a bit, letting the blood rush into D-A's head before bringing him back down onto the mat. Stephen covers, but gets a 1 count. Tag out to Reject. Reject comes in on Dangerous A, throwing him into the DA corner. Dangerous A tags out to Alfdogg who warily enters the ring. They circle around each other, locking up with Alfdogg forcing Reject into a corner. Reject twirls around and pushes Alfdogg into the turnbuckle chest first, and then Reject jumps up with a standing dropkick to reinforce the impact. Reject turns around and meets a Plushy Al Clothesline! Plushy Al pulls Reject back to his corner, holding him against the ropes whilst Dangerous A stiffs some hard chops onto Reject's chest. Stephen Joseph can't control himself, so he jumps over the ropes, and pulls Plushy Al off of Reject. He doesn't see Alfdogg nail him with a Yakuza kick from behind though! Both Stephen Joseph and Reject are now falling prey to the numbers game, and its not very pretty. Dangerous A has mounted Stephen on the mat, rotating punches onto Stephen's face whose nose is already broken. Plushy Al has Reject in a chokehold over the top rope outside, and simply drops him down. Alfdogg and Plushy then take turns kicking Stephen's head while Dangerous A punches. CUE: "Welcome to the Jungle" And now, Alfdogg, Dangerous A, and Plushy Al look up from beating Stephen Joseph, and see no one from the stage. But he's not coming from the stage, Tony the Body complete with skull/crossbones robe, comes running through the crowd behind the ring, hopping the ringside fence and sliding into THAT. VERY. RING. The three DA'ers feel the weight on the mat, and Alfdogg's only response is to gulp saliva down his throat and slowly turn INTO A SPEAR~! Plushy Al tries to attack, but Tony ducks his right hand, and captures his back- ANGLESLAM~!. Dangerous A turns and attempts a standing kick, but Tony catches his foot and pulls him down to the mat- SALT AND PEPPER LOCK! The Crowd goes wild! JR: BY GAWD, BY GAWD, TONY IS USING ANGLESAULT's MOVES!! Tony releases the Salt and Pepper lock to turn around and throw Alfdogg out of the ring near Reject. Reject begins to lay in the boots while Tony throws Plushly Al out of the ring. Meanwhile, Stephen has crawled on top of Dangerous A, and the ref makes the count! 1! 2! 3! Tony stands looking out as Stephen slowly gets on his knees, putting a hand on Tony's back to right himself. Tony feels the hand, grabs it and pulls Stephen right up over his shoulder into a STUNNER~! Stephen flops over and Tony now sees what he's done. JR BY GAWD. Stephen Joseph wins, but Tony accidentally nails him with a STUNNER! What a show...and what will happen next week! Was Tony the founding member? Intesezone begins to go off the air, darkening around a shocked Tony turning his frown into a smile...
  20. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/2/03

    CUE: "Fake Sound of Progress" by Lost Prophets -The fans ERUPT as blue pyro shoots off. The curtain flies open, and the cheers now become thunderous. It's The Man…"Shooter" Jay Darring! JR There he is! The last man to be eliminated put up one HELLUVA fight at UnLucky 7, but Calvin…bah gawd, Calvin barely squeaked away with the win…barely, folks! Jay slowly slides into the ring. His head is heavily bandaged and he is slightly favoring his right leg, but all in all, he looks damn good. He slowly stands and asks for a mic, which he receives. JAY I'd just like to say… -Jay smiles as he is cut off by a thunderous "SHOO-TER JAY!" chant. He looks around slightly, his smile from ear to ear. The chant lasts a minute or two, and Jay slowly lifts the mic back to his mouth. JAY …I'd just like to say…Sunday Night…I went through a war. -The fans erupt again as the scene switches to a fan holding a "SHOOTER JAY = THE REAL CHAMP" sign. It switches back once again to Jay, standing in the middle of the ring. JAY …That war was fought on THIS battlefield… -Jay points to the ring. JAY …And that war had six casualties…and sadly, I was one of them. -Jay looks down slightly, shaking his head. A few moments pass before he speaks again, looking at all the fans. JAY For years, I have fought on numerous continents…I've lost gallons of blood…I've given up my heart and my soul for this business…and for you fans! -The fans erupt again. Another "SHOO-TER JAY" chant starts up, but Jay raises a hand, asking for silence. JAY …And I wouldn't have it any other way… -The silence is once again lifted as the fans cheers drown out any other sound. Jay smiles slightly, lifting his hand into the air again. JAY …That is why I am so disappointed in myself for what happened Sunday night…I let Calvin Szechstein walk away from the Elimination Chamber match as the retaining Champion. I let this business down…by letting that man continue to degrade that title and everything I hold dear…I cannot let that happen again. I cannot let… CUE: "Kick Start my Heart" by Motley Crue JR WHAT THE HELL?! IS THIS WHO I THINK IT IS?! ITS K MONEY! -The fans erupt as the curtain flies open. From behind the curtain walks Josie, who is wearing an XXL large "SHOOTER JAY" shirt, which, with the well-placed spiked belt, is made to be a skirt. From behind her walks The Showstopper…K-Money! The cheers become deafening as Money smiles at Shooter Jay, who is standing in the middle of the ring still. The two men both have huge smiles on their faces. JR I don't believe it! The Showstopper, K-Money, is here on IntenseZone! -K-Money slowly slides into the ring and smiles at Jay. The music fades out as Josie hands Money a microphone. However, before Money takes it, he slowly extends his hand to Jay. Jay looks around at all the fans, who are now chanting "SHAKE HIS HAND!" Jay looks at the hand…then Money's face…the hand…the face…the hand… JR What's Jay going to do? -…The face…Jay takes a long look at Money's smiling face…AND ACCEPTS THE HAND!! The fans erupt as these two fan-favorites shakes hands. Money slowly lets go, taking the mic slowly from Josie. He puts it to his mouth and begins to speak. MONEY …Jay…Sunday night…you proved to me why you are The Man…you proved to all these fans…why their choice of cheering for you is the correct choice. Calvin may have won the match, but YOU, Mr. Darring…YOU won everyone's respect…and for that, it is an honor for me to be in the same ring as you. -The fans erupt and give a standing ovation as Money and Josie applaud along with them. Jay looks around sheepishly, a smile crossing his scarred face. Money once again raises the mic, which causes the fans to slowly grow silent. MONEY …That being said…I have a proposition for you… -Jay crosses his arms as Money runs his hands through his hair before speaking. MONEY …I look around the OAOAST, and all I see are these horrible and despicable people…Calvin Szechstein.… -The fans boo. MONEY …Axel… -Another round of boos. MONEY …Puerto Rican Lightning… -More boos. MONEY …Ragdoll… -Money gets an angry look on his face as he rubs the scar on his left cheek and his permanently broken nose. The fans boos are deafening. MONEY …I look at them, and I think: "There are too many of them…and too few of the good guys. Guys like Blurricane…" -The fans erupt at the mention of the Blurr. MONEY "…Crystal…" -More cheers for the Female Phenom. MONEY "…Zack Malibu…" -HUGE pop for the P.O.P. MONEY "…and 'Shooter'…Jay…Darring…" -A THUNDEROUS ovation for the Shooter. MONEY So last night, I had an idea…why not get the best of the best to join together and take out the villainy in the OAOAST…a team that can take out Totally Endorsed and whoever else threatens this great Fed? Two Words, Jay…The Firm. JAY …The Firm? MONEY That's right…Now, I realize that this whole brand extension could hinder a full blown team, so that is why I am asking YOU to lead the IntenseZone crew. JAY …Me? MONEY Yes…YOU…I want you to get together four of the best wrestlers you can think of…I don't care their gender or age or sexual preference…It is up to you to get the best. I'll take care of HeldDown. I already have a few people lined up that I want… JAY …I… MONEY Wait…Here's the Million Dollar question…Do you accept my proposition? -The fans erupt as Jay looks around again, trying to decide. Minutes pass as the fans grow silent in anticipation…Jay slowly raises the mic… JAY I…. Accept. -The fans go APESHIT! Money smiles wide as Jay sticks out his hand, a huge smile once again plastered on his face. They break the handshake and hug, before Money grabs Jay's right wrist and shoots it high into the air, causing the cheers to grow to a deafening level. JR Mah gawd, a new faction spreading into IntenseZone! This can only heat things up still further? What will Dan Black think of this? And how about Stephen Joseph? Well, up next, its our main event, that big tag match! Don't go anywhere! COMMERCIALS
  21. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ after Deadly Game

    PPV fall out, old feuds, new feuds, matches, promos, bring it on. Don't spoil any PPV results though
  22. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ after Deadly Game

    I don't know who's handling that, but I doubt it'd be written already.
  23. Mystery Eskimo

    IZ after Deadly Game

    Just waiting on the rest of PRL's stuff, then show will be up.
  24. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/2/03

    :: A black screen and a heart beat, slow, steady.... The beat rises in tempo.... Getting faster... Dangerously fast. The beat stops. The IZ theme, RATM's "Guerilla Radio" blasts out, and we get a rapid sequence of high flying, hard hitting IZ action shots- Jay kicking PRL, Shuffle powerbombing G Money, JINGUS clawslamming Dan Black, Stephen Joseph eyeball to eyeball with Alfdogg- Cut to an empty tournament bracket. Graphic: 8 men. 6 matches. 1 new champion. The Adrenalin Title. Coming next week, to IntenseZone...
  25. Mystery Eskimo

    OAOAST IntenseZone - 12/2/03

    We see a close up shot cut backstage and see G-Money in his tracksuit ready for his match later tonight- "B. Did's we've been going back and forth long enough now, week in week out for the last two months we've been fighting each other. You might have had the upper hand the once or twice the last few times we met, but that was all luck, and your luck has run out my friend. I'm tired of playing, i'm sick of the dancing, i want to end you. The very sight of you just drives me to the brink of insanity. I love this sport, and you make every athelete on Intense Zone look like a fool, no body in the crowd pays to see some one such as your self dance, they come to see people like me. So thats why i'm challenging you to one final match next week on IZ, i promise if you beat me you won't hear another word from me about it and that will be the end of it all. But you see thats not how its going to end between me and you, next week i will have you tapping in the middle of that ring, theres no if's, no buts, its a damn certainty. You have 7 days my friend, 7 days...." The camera then pans out to revel the rest of the DA stood around G-Money... We return to Dan Black's office. Dan reclines in his chair, watching a video of himself pinning Stephen Joseph. The tape runs again and again, as Dan grins. The door suddenly bursts open, and Black sits up with a start. Entering the office are the members of Blackheart Security, Jake Karma, Hades, Steve Scott & Angel Steel. The four look visibly angry and the huge Karma slams both hands onto Dan's desk. Black regards them with interest. BLACK And what can I do for you, guys? KARMA We just found out our contracts got terminated. BLACK Oh, that...well... ANGEL Yes? C'mon Dan, you bring us in, then just cut us loose when we don't come through one time? SCOTT Yeah, you won the Scramble match thanks to us! BLACK ....thanks...to...you? Oh, I'm so sorry...I thought it was thanks to ME and the DEADLY ALLIANCE! I thought all of YOU guys got squashed and eliminated like a bunch of idiots! Now, I know you probably did your best- KARMA Damn right we did! BLACK -and you do have a somewhat limited talent. But you just didn't cut it. Not compared to men like me. Like Alfdogg. Like G Money. Like Dangerous A. So, I'll ring up some indie promotions- get you some matches. Let Uncle Dan look after you, eh? SCOTT Don't patronise us, you bastard! We knew you were selfish and vain but- BLACK Woooooh there Scotty! Are you actually bad mouthing me? To my face? KARMA He is, Dan, and so am I- you lousy rat. BLACK Well...some spirit, eh? Shame its come too late, and in the wrong place. Get out, you idiots, before I take you out myself. Karma leans forwards and grabs Dan with a massive hand. KARMA Oh, we'll go, Dan. But we won't go far. Watch your back...in case you forget, we've been with you for months...we know how you operate...we know how you wrestle...and we'll be back to show you what happens when you disrespect us... BLACK Let go of me right now, or you'll be in jail before you can blink. Karma releases Dan and stands up, glares at the IZ boss, before walking out. The rest of the team follow him. Dan straightens his shirt and looks momentarily concerned, before shrugging and going back to his video tape... JR Well, Dan seemingly has no use for his young Security team! But has he made four more enemies to add to his long list? We'll see...