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El Gigante

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Everything posted by El Gigante

  1. I forgot all about this....until now.
  2. El Gigante

    Futurama ends

    I too thought the show was canceled already. Fox never put full force into promoting the show just like with Family Guy. It's sad to see it go.
  3. El Gigante

    The Thunder Review 8/10 - 8/16

    Just reading that brings chills down my spine thinking of how horrible that match was.
  4. El Gigante

    24: Season 3~!

    I cant wait for this, it should be good.
  5. El Gigante

    The Thunder Review 8/10 - 8/16

    Oh great, this is the week of epic Gene Okerland/Mark Madden match to end their epic feud. The horror.
  6. El Gigante

    What are you listening to right now?

    Cheap Trick - Surrender
  7. El Gigante

    What do you do on slow nights?

    Sit around, surf the net, play some EWR, watch some wrestling tapes, or a movie.
  8. El Gigante

    Most Fake or Unrealistic Moment in Wrestling

    Hogan seeing the Warrior in the mirror when no one else could, the Undertaker being satan and sacraficing people, the Triple H/Austin forklift incident, and the Black Scorpion's crazy magic tricks.
  9. El Gigante

    the NWA's worst gimmicks of the 80's!

    Lazer-tron with the Ding Dongs coming in a very close second.
  10. El Gigante

    NWA Jeff Jarrett r0x0red

    They were building up Jarretts debut for weeks and on RAW he was supose to wrestle Ahmed Johnson but he refued because he said that he was a star and wanted a star quality opponent. So Commisioner Slaughter came out and said that at the In Your House: D-X he would get his star quality match against the Undertaker.
  11. El Gigante

    Favourite Family Guy Character

    Stewie all the way. His stuff is gold.
  12. El Gigante

    Poison, Vince Neil & Skid Row

    I would like to see that, but no they are not coming anywhere near me damnit!
  13. El Gigante

    ¡El y el único hilo de rosca de Velocidental!*

    Its the never ending story about her death.
  14. El Gigante

    ¡El y el único hilo de rosca de Velocidental!*

    I was wondering the same thing.