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Everything posted by franchise632

  1. franchise632

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Yea because by hook or crook Bush stays in the White House. Well then we all have another 4 years of hell to live thru. In the immortal words of a fine upstanding Canadian: "Enough is enough! Its time for a change!" If John Kerry hadn't had such a herendous August of campainging this wouldn't even have been close.
  2. franchise632

    Weekend Boxoffice Report Oct 29-31

    How the hell do you expect a Christmas movie to do well if you release the friggin thing before Halloween???
  3. franchise632

    Canadian Stampede on DVD!

    Hey just a heads up on Region free players. I just picked one up brand new for 29.99 plus shipping, which ended up being 60 total. Havent got to use it yet as it is on its way to me down here in Ecuador but they family I am staying with has the same one and they havent had any problems with it. Pretty good buy, just thought some of you might want to know about that. Just search Region Free DVD player. On a side note, a really sad thought about that classic ten man tag. 4 of the men in that match have died far to early and not a single one is a regular player with a high level wrestling promotion, really sad.
  4. franchise632

    And So it Begins

    If Mark Hudson falls through they could always settle for Barry Redman. He's not available for another year. Go for Tim Harden. Yes I fucked up the names, my bad. thanks Czech. Barry Zito, Tim Hudson, and Mark Mulder. Guess I gotta throw Rich Harden in there since he was brought up. He is actually the one on that staff that I would really want. A free agent that I have heard anything about yet from you guys is Adrian Beltre from the LA Dodgers, with his league leading homers and overall huge production. A pretty good third baseman. I think one of the worries on him is if he will still produce in a non-contract year. He had by far is best season ever. He also had ankle surgery as he was playing with two large bone spurs in his ankle. Where is John Smoltz wants to be a starter coming from? Is there a confirmed report on that somewhere? Just curious.
  5. franchise632

    And So it Begins

    Don't be suprised to see Nomar bolt for SoCal should he get an offer from the Dodgers or the Angels. That was where he was trying to get moved eventually. He would probably take less money to play in his own back yard. I would be almost 100% sure the Beltran won't be a Yankee and won't be an Astro next year. Yankees clearly don't need more power, they need a starting rotation. Even bullpen upgrades. The problem for the Yanks is that they lack viable major-league ready prospects in the minors and its doubtful that George wants to increase payroll any further. They really want Mark Hudson of the A's but don't have that kinda of payroll space without making any room.
  6. franchise632

    Todd Gordon answered me

    Perhaps Mick Foley, the two do have a previous history. I wouldnt think it will sell out at a $100 a pop for tix though. I cant think of a single person, by themselves that I would pay that much to see.
  7. franchise632

    Real World 15...

    they did this last summer or this past spring. It was like "19 Degrees of RW/RR Hook Up's" or something. Hosted by the gay guy from the Miami RW. It was fairly lame. Although the mention of an All Star RW actually seems like it might me cool. I seem to hop into these season at odd times, Philly is the first one in awhile that I caught right away. IMO an underated season was New Orleans, I enjoyed it anyway. Im still waiting for David's album to come out.
  8. franchise632

    ROH 4/23 St Paul Results

    i thought they would have givin it one more chance to get over big here in the Twin Cities but they have to do what they think is best. Yea Silken was a balding, shorter, kinda scrawny guy. I dont recall seeing him around ringside but i could be wrong. I wish i would have been able to continue our conversation, but we were interupted by a kid and his dad that were also waiting for a cab that were cold and asked back into the building. Yea it was the same girl who flashed during the show as well. She wasnt the ugliest girl in the world, not bad for a ring rat. She had some great cans which i got a good view of outside. Funny thing is she was supposed to be waiting for a ride from her sister outside the building. After she left her sister showed up and was not to pleased when she was informed by me of where her sister had gone, lol.
  9. franchise632

    ROH 4/23 St Paul Results

    Whats up all, just wanted to throw my two cents in here. I was at the show and really enjoyed it. Never been to anything other then and WWE or WCW show so this was something new for me. I wont really rehash anything that has been talked about already. Other then in my opinion I thought the finish for the Punk/Dragon match was flat. I thought the tap came out of no where, about 2 mins before the finish the crowd was really into the match, and it settled back down, i was waiting for the build for the finish and i look and punk taps. Just my thought. Lights On/Lights off I thought for sure as the tip off of a run in of some kind and then i see a fireball. Holy shit. Just didnt expect it. The insane last 10 minutes of this show is a must see. The building was hot. I was begging for Punk to get back in the ring with Steamboat. Some post show notes: ~ I also saw DeVito with the "rat" Anyone who was at the show probably saw this girl, she had a "What about Punk" sign and was wearing a cropped ECW shirt and really short plad skirt. I happend to be standing outside in front of the building talking to Homicide when i look over and see her flashing the group of guys. The girl had a great rack. We got her to do it again cause Homicide didnt see the first time. Somebody < i think stryker> got out his camera phone and got a couple pics. Vito took the girl in the building for bout 10 mins then came back out and Loc, Vito and the chick all left together. ~Got to BS with Homicide for a few minutes, nothing really note worthy, he was a very cool guy. Very friendly. We joked about Vito being on rat patrol, his comment was "Vito's just crazy" ~Talked to Doug Gentry for a couple minutes, for anyone who was at the show and doesnt know Doug's face, he is the camera guy that was wearing the backwards blue cap. We just talked about the show, talked about the Dragon/Punk finish. He said he would have to see the tape as he was so tired he didnt really remember it. He was nice enough not to shake my hand because he had PinkEye, thanks Doug!!! ~ Just got a chance to shake Gabe's hand and thanked him for the great show, he thanked me for coming. Called me sir, cmon man Im 23. lol ~ Spoke to Justin Credible for a minute, he looked like he really enjoyed being there. Im sure the big pop that he got when he came out made him feel that much better. When you consider he has by far the most TV exposure in this area of anyone on the show the superstar pop isnt much of a shock. ~ Finally, I had a chance meeting with someone who has been in the new alot lately. That man was........no not Rob, it was Cary Silken. This is the first time I was ever glad that a cab I had called didnt show up. I was sitting on the front steps and and guy stepped out to have cigar, and I just started talking to him. About the show and blah blah blah. Then I asked if he was a producer or something. He said yea sort of. So i asked his name, he said Cary, I was like Cary Silken. He reacted like he was suprised I knew who he was. We talked a little about the Rob thing and more about the TNA thing. He said not to believe alot of what was being said. It was a very interesting conversation. Im glad i got the chance to have it. Mr Silken also confirmed that they wont be back to St Paul in the near future. His words were that there just were not enough people in the building. That they gave them a helluva show but from a buisness perspective it wasnt enough to warrant a return show at this time. They have moved the date they had set aside for St Paul to Wauwatasa Wisconsin, with a shot the next night in Chicago Ridge. I believe it is set for July 23 and 24. BTW I was in Sec D Row 2, across form the druken idiots in section C, there shit got old real quick. "Wrestling, YEA" The chick in the front row with the kid was definatly hot, we got a great view of her when we couldnt see the Cabana/Whitmer match.
  10. franchise632

    Updated Lineups for 4/23 and 4/24 ROH Shows

    Not really sure where the VIP entrance is. I know there is underground parking but that may just be for pass holders and not for the players or in this case wrestlers. Im live about 2 hours north of the cities so im not real familar with the Excel, have been there twice though, great building, perfect for wrestling, they should have a TV taping there. Anyway I will be in Sec D Row 2 seats 7 and 8 me and my step brother. Stop by and say hello if you like, I will be the John Tenta looking guy sans the beard and with much better hair, lol.
  11. franchise632

    Updated Lineups for 4/23 and 4/24 ROH Shows

    Any Smart Mark posters going to the ST Paul show?? Im going, got my 2nd row seats, although i gotta put in a call to the office cause they havent showed up yet. Just curious if anyone else from the board was gonna be there.
  12. franchise632

    Who Has Been to an ROH show??

    Hey everyone, just thought I would throw this up hear. I am going to the April 23rd show in St Paul MN. It is the first show that I have been to that isnt a WWE or WCW show. I was just wondering what to expect. Obviously its a smaller venue and there will be less people. Although ROH could out draw some WCW house shows i have been to. Anyway, I was just curious if the boys are approchable for autographs and pictures before the show, or when the best time to do that would be. Any little tidbits that my fellow Smarks could toss my way so that I may enjoy my first ROH expierence to the fullest.
  13. franchise632

    Who Has Been to an ROH show??

    Thanks for the info fellas. A return is already set for July?? I hadnt heard about this, they only have events posted thru the NJ show in early July. I have been telling all my friends that like wrestling about it, but most of them are WWE marks and have never heard of ROH and dont want to drive the two hrs to the show. I am a little worried about the attendance as I just bought my tickets and there are still second row seats available. Hopefully there will be a big walk up for the show. I have a feeling the AJ vs Jerry Lynn match will be worth the 30 bucks on its own. Plus i get to see Chris Daniels live, can it get much better. Well yea Corney, The Brain and Corino could be there but that aint gonna happen. Should be fun. Thanks again.
  14. franchise632

    Shoot Interview Masters For Sale

    Will sell them for 10 bucks a piece, Piper would be 15 because its 2 tapes. RF MASTERS, really need to sell these.
  15. Hey everyone, im in a tight spot and need to off load some of these tapes. I have many shoot masters from RF Video. Here is a sample. Roddy Piper Raven Vol 1 Rob Feinstein Dusty Rhodes Mikey Whipwreck Barry Windham Steve Corino 1st <comedy> Steve Corino 2003 New Jack 96 and 00 Sandman #2 Al Snow Road Warriors There may be a couple of others that I am forgetting, if anyone is interested please email or PM me. Make an offer on any or all of them.
  16. franchise632


    Anyone else having trouble getting the program to start??
  17. franchise632

    What are YOU eating...

    Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust with Pepperoni and Sasauge