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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    Goldberg Unhappy.....Again

    How the hell is he going to carry a PPV when it's built around a guy that isn't there? I mean after Goldberg won the belt the angle was HHH saying that he was going to get his belt back and hell he was gone for most of the time and yet they still built alot of the show around him and then he comes in and wins the belt. He doesn't have a problem taking punishment he's done that before but, I think he's mad about how he's book when it comes to HHH.
  2. EdwardKnoxII

    Goldberg Unhappy.....Again

    THe fact of the matter guys that the WWE ISN'T booking Goldberg right and he has a right to be mad. Which I know everyone is going to bitch about. And the sad thing is bitching is what he's going to have to do.
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    Wm Main Event

    Yeah but, it was to little to late. I mean he didn't do that in all the time leading up to it and I doubt anyone thought Jericho had a chance to win after the way he was booked in the feud. I mean there was so much they could have done with that feud. THey could have had Jericho bring up that he was the one that hurt HHH quad and put him out of action. And I remember when time they had an interview where HHH said that Jericho never beat him. That would have been a perfect time for Jericho to say "Yes I did" and to pull out the footage of his win that never was for the world belt against HHH on RAW. But, they never brought those things up. And you know HHH had a hand in that cause they would have made him look bad and Jericho look good and we can't have that. It was with this feud I began to hate HHH and really see for the first time all the crap he was pulling backstage.
  4. EdwardKnoxII

    Wm Main Event

    Yeah and remember the was word that the WWE was pleased with Steph and said that she saved their WM match. Hmm I wonder who started THAT.
  5. Ok I know this is a dumb question but, I've been wondering with Triple HHH becoming more and more like Triple FAT does anyone else think he's going to wrestle wearing a shirt. Lord knows he needs it.
  6. http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news/story.jsp...30.htm&sc=reodd
  7. For you Married With Children fans the X-Mas ep that spoofed "It's A Wonderful Life," with funnyman Sam Kinison and Ted McGinley before he was signed on as Jefferson will be on FOX tonight at 8. I guess that's why FX didn't play it Saturday when they were having a marathon of X-Mas eps. I swear to God I love this ep and it's my 2nd favorite MWC X-Mas. My favorite when is the 1st one with Santa landing in the Bundys backyard and dying. Nothing beats that.
  8. EdwardKnoxII

    Married... With Children: It's a Bundyful Life

    Just wanted to bump this up.
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    One and Only Cancer Returns Thread

    I doubt HHH would be scared of Steph with a strap on.
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    One and Only Cancer Returns Thread

    Question. Since when has HHH acted like a pussy heel. He's always going over everybody and one of the very few heels that looks "brave".
  11. EdwardKnoxII

    Hurricane gets "Stern Talking to" Backstage

    And because Helms is small.
  12. If Benoit jumped to RAW he would be fed to Triple H so he's safer on SD!
  13. EdwardKnoxII

    ID checks for video games

    I don't think carding is really going to stop anything. It's the teens that don't know games from real life so they go around shooting people. And then the families sue everyone for all the money they can get.
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    Carter Cuts Relationship With Manager-Mom

    Aaron is a good example of it's not what you know, it's who you know. Because, if it wasn't for him being the younger brother of Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys you know damn well Aaron would be stuck being played on Disney radio at best.
  15. EdwardKnoxII

    Hurricane gets "Stern Talking to" Backstage

    If he should stop using it cause it's Kane's finisher then there should be alot of big men stop using the powerbomb.
  16. EdwardKnoxII

    Married... With Children: It's a Bundyful Life

    Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking when I first saw the ad.
  17. EdwardKnoxII

    What will Triple H be wearing tonight at the PPV?

    Question. How fat was HHH looking when he was wrestling last night?
  18. EdwardKnoxII

    Spider-Man 2

    From what I remember hearing the plan was to have Vemon in the 3rd movie and then spin him off into his own movie with Carnage as the villain.
  19. EdwardKnoxII

    One and Only Cancer Returns Thread

    I'm glad to see other people were liking Goldberg's reign with the belt. If given enough time I think he would have repaired the damage that Triple H had done to it.
  20. EdwardKnoxII

    Armageddon Match Ratings and Results

    Isn't HHH suppose to be filming a movie? If so that makes his title win even MORE pointless if that was possible.
  21. EdwardKnoxII

    When a lawyer tells you...

    When a lawyer tells you... - "I have to open a new folder for your case.", it means "You better open your bank account." - "We take seriously care of your case.", it means "Ern... we're looking for it." - "You can sleep quietly.", it means "Because it is exactly what I'm doing." - "Don't attention to this, it's only legal jargon.", it means "You're a fool." - "The trial will be very, very long." , it means "I'll be able to pay my Mercedes." - "What is important is to be loyal, honest and to tell the truth.", it means "Unless you want to do my job." - "When you look at the jury, smile!" it means, "You will feel less alone when they will laugh at you." - "Don't get discouraged!", it means "It looks bad." - "Everything is fine.", it means "It looks very, very bad." - "Can you pay me now?", it means "You're dead or you're done." - "Don't say anything, let me do it.", it means "I know to lie like a pro." - "We will have to review our strategy.", it means "Damn! I screw up!" - "We will take amicable arrangements.", it means "The other lawyer is too much better than me."
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    What's your major?

    Heh I kinda know the filling. Tell your story and I'll tell you mine.
  23. EdwardKnoxII

    Jim Ross Interview

    Oh come on like that was a big shock.
  24. EdwardKnoxII

    Dead Willy

    Childhood was the theme to Free Willy 2.
  25. EdwardKnoxII

    Intersting Wrestlemania facts

    Yeah HHH going over at WM 2000 was pointless seeing how Rock won it at the next PPV. But, the worst one was at last years WM. Let's see HHH brings up Booker T's past as a thief, pisses all over the WCW belt when he's (more or less) holding that belt and says that Booker's "kind" aren't good enough. So, you think after all of that Booker the face would go over. But, no HHH the racist goes over making it the only time I can think of were a acist said blacks aren't good enough and then proved it right.