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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE Confirms Nathan Jones' Departure

    I mean they do all of this for Nathan but, I doubt they're going to do this for Goldust when he leaves and he's a done a shitload more for them.
  2. EdwardKnoxII

    Dead Willy

    The theme song for Free Wily, Will You Be There by Michael Jackson Hold me, like the river jordan And I will then say to thee You re my friend Carry me, like you are my brother Love me like a mother Will you be there… Weary, tell me will you hold me When wrong, will you hold me When lost will you find me? But they told me a man should be faithful And walk when not able And fight till the end but I'm only human (instru.) Everyone taking control of me Seems that the world's Got a role for me I'm so confused Will you should to me you'll be there for me And care enough to bear me (Hold me) (lay your head lowly) (Softly then boldly) (carry me there) (Hold me) (love me and feed me) (Kiss me and free me) (I will feel blessed) (Carry) (carry me boldly) (life me up slowly) (Carry me there) (save me) (heal me and bathe me) (Softly you say to me) (I will be there) (Life me) (lift me up slowly) (Carry me blodly) (show me you care) (Hold me) (lay your head lowly) (Softly then boldly) (carry me there) (Need me) (love me and feed me) (Kiss me and free me) (I will feel blessed) Spoken : in our darkest hour in my deepest despair Will you still care? will you be there In my taials and my tribulations Through our doubts and frustrations In my violenceln my turbulence Through my fear and my cconfessions In my anguish and my pain Through my joy and my sorrow In the promise of another tomorrow I'l never let you part for you're always in my heart
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    Beyoncé Brings in "Billboard" Booty

  4. EdwardKnoxII

    Let the debates begin!

    The creators of Married With Children named the Bundys after him.
  5. EdwardKnoxII

    Bret Hart returns..*in action figure* form!

    I bet that even HHH's action figures don't even do the job.
  6. EdwardKnoxII

    How J-Lo Hurt Ben's Career

    Speaking of J-Lo http://channels.netscape.com/ns/celebrity/...3-l1&current=23
  7. EdwardKnoxII

    How J-Lo Hurt Ben's Career

    I like Affleck to but, I think he and J-lo and that whole Bennifer were way overexposed this past summer during the whole wedding. And I blame it on J-Lo cause she was courting the media exposure. The woman is a glory hog and the wedding was a part of it.
  8. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE Confirms Nathan Jones' Departure

    Yeah really. I mean all of that for a guy that barely wrestled in the short time his was there and that fans didn't give a damn about. From what I remember it was really just JR that was pushing for the WWE to bring in the Jones. And after the mess when he first came in alot of the road agents, etc that JR had lost it. But, I could see Vince making a bunch of cuts to get Jones back. Vince: Guess I have to pay Angle and Benoit less in order to get Jones back. But, I'm sure they can live on a $1,000 a month.
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE Confirms Nathan Jones' Departure

    Well at least the kids would have lots of milk.
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    Who Are The Shane Twins?.. And....

    And then JR blows his load.
  11. EdwardKnoxII

    Whitney Houston Says Husband Struck Her

  12. Ok last week when A-Train betted on Benoit many folks thought it was because A-Train knows how tough Benoit is as a wrestler. But, on this weeks SD! Train admitted he just want with the odds for the money, that's it. No, he knows how tough Benoit is, etc but, just for the odds which is so dumb it's not even funny. Then they have Matt Morgan bet on A-Train and then A-Train loses the match making Morgan look like a dumbass. I have a feeling this whole betting thing will be going on for months with the "main" man betting of that week always losing his money. So, in other words nothing good can come of this.
  13. EdwardKnoxII

    As If The Product Wasn't Scary Enough

    So I guess that means Triple H is going to get a boob job and surgery on his face and end up marrying Brain Austin Green.
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE Confirms Nathan Jones' Departure

    I call bullshit on this. Yeah you do that or you get buried and we read rumors about how they think you're better then everyone cause you keep to yourself.
  15. EdwardKnoxII

    So what did you think of the REAL reason A-Train

    And you just know that if A-Train helps Benoit win the title A-Train will then say that Benoit couldn't win the belt without his help and because of that A-Train demands a title shot. So, Benoit first feud as the champ will be against A-Train.
  16. EdwardKnoxII

    What's your major?

    I have an Associate Of Science degree in Radio Broadcasting.
  17. EdwardKnoxII

    Just got a Gamecube for an early X-Mas present

    Yeah you're right besides while I like the Zelda games they're not really my thing but, I can't wait to play Viewtiful Joe.
  18. Well I told my dad that I wanted a Gamecube with the 4 Zelda games but, since my dad knows crap about games systems he just gave me the money for them and told me that KB Toys had it and to get it. Now I have it and there was only 3 or 4 of them left at the store.
  19. EdwardKnoxII

    No Holds Barred, Tokyo, Steph turns heel

    I was mad because I was starting to dig Big Show as the champ. After the shitty way it started out feuding with BossMan and defending the belt in opening matches. They have Big Show defend the belt as a main eventer and get this he was GETTING OVER to with the fans. But, they cut it short to get the belt back on HHH. Sure it lead the great HHH/Jack matches but, I was just pissed.
  20. EdwardKnoxII

    Hillbilly Casino?

    Seeing as how me and my family are big fans of The Beverly Hillbillies if this casino was made we'd be so down there in a heartbeat.
  21. EdwardKnoxII

    MTV's "Made"

    Yeah I loved that one. Good with a slacker and he just looked like a damn fool. And the guy that was helping him with his classes was an ex-con that looked mad and he took shit from no one. Of course, the kid had to piss him off at every turn.
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    Britney "Zones" Into the Record Books
