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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    Backstage politics

    Test jobbing to Stevie Richards?? HA like that's going to happen. We all know Test is going to get a decent push no matter what.
  2. EdwardKnoxII

    Best Cruiserweight In The WWE

    For me it's Rey Jr. and Taijiri. And for the guys that saying Jericho, Benoit, Eddie are cruiserweight. Be real guys when was the last time those guys wrestled in the CW divison let alone were treated like ones? Most people consider them heavyweights.
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    New Trial for Wrestling Murder

  4. EdwardKnoxII

    Just got a Gamecube for an early X-Mas present

    As far as the games I haven't played them yet. I'm debating weather to open it up now and play it or warp it up and wait untill X-Mas. YES I so love that game. I've played it a mess of times at K-Mart were they have a game display for all the systems. I told my sister to get it for me for X-Mas.
  5. EdwardKnoxII

    Rock vetoes Wrestlemania match with Cena

    I think Rock can travel between rosters remember he had that feud with Hogan when he was on SD.
  6. EdwardKnoxII

    Rock vetoes Wrestlemania match with Cena

    Hell no kidding. And then there are the rumors that HHH will move over to SD to be reunited with Steph on screen.
  7. EdwardKnoxII

    Whitney Houston Says Husband Struck Her

  8. EdwardKnoxII

    Rock vetoes Wrestlemania match with Cena

    Just like the poster at the start said Rock figures that once he gives the rub to Cena, Triple H is going to fuck it up.
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    Whitney Houston Says Husband Struck Her

    I used to feel sorry for Whitney to and I've blame Bobby for Whitney's downfall to a point. Because, even after all of the shit Bobby has done from the girls to the drugs she has stand by him. And while that is a great thing for a wife to do Whitney took it way to far. She should have left his ass years ago.
  10. http://www.wwe.com/news/commentary/droz/1250519
  11. EdwardKnoxII

    Rock to fight HHH at wm20

    Why Triple H, of course.
  12. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE plans "Escape the Rules" ad campaign

    Of course. You see how Vince reacts during interviews when someone dares question wrestling. He's always acts as if he's going to beat the guy up.
  13. EdwardKnoxII

    Rock to fight HHH at wm20

    I think Cena can hold his own. I doubt this would be like the Goldberg feud. Now that was being eating alive and part of the reason it took Goldberg so long to get over.
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    Rock vs JR

    Yeah I could just see how mad JR was when Bart Gunn knocked Williams on his ass in the Brawl For All.
  15. http://www.eonline.com/News/Items/0,1,13070,00.html
  16. All I have to say is THANK GOD.
  17. EdwardKnoxII

    Eddie Guerrero injured

    Ahhh, but it makes perfect sense in WWE land.
  18. Ok so alot of us think that Teddy Long is good old school manager which is something that has been missing in wrestling for sometime but, we're just not fans of the guys he talks for. So, what that in mind what wrestlers do you think Teddy Long would be a good manager for?
  19. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE Now Unlikely To Bring Back Mideon

    So what you guys are saying is that you WANT to see NAKED MIDEON again? ::shakes:: Hey it's your eyes.
  20. EdwardKnoxII

    Who do you think Teddy Long would be

    I think if they want to freshen Booker up they should have him feud with better and higher profiled people. But, a heel Booker would be good. But, he doesn't need Long when Booker can talk for himself and I really think he shouldn't be teaming with heat suckers like Mack, Henry, etc. It's be like that mess with Harlem Heat 2K/GI Bro all over again. Besides I think Long would save best with a wrestler who is good in the ring but, doesn't do all that great on the mike. Like Benjamin.
  21. EdwardKnoxII

    Droz explains his injury to the fans

    I think it was something that WWE guys like UT and Bradshaw used as an excuse for them to be depush cause you know how many "unwritten rules" there are in the WWE lockerrom. I doubt Droz would be pushing for their depush.