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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news/story.jsp...20031103HILP105 Well thank God this family can now rest knowing that their loved one has been IDed.
  2. http://channels.netscape.com/new/html/live...scoop/nn/2.html
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    Muppets with AIDS

    Yeah with the AIDS problem in Africa it makes sense to have a HIV puppet to help kids cope with the problems they're going to be facing.
  4. EdwardKnoxII

    Booker T/Jerry Lawler

    Yeah no kidding. Because, of Booker jobbing at WM and this shit with Lawler it really pisses me off about WWE bringing up Booker's past.
  5. EdwardKnoxII

    Stone Cold to return as Stunning Steve?

    See that's what they should have done to Stone Cold when he first turned heel. Instead he didn't act much different then he did as a face. That and him playing second fiddle to HHH in the Two Man Power trip was why it took so long for heel Austin to catch on.
  6. EdwardKnoxII

    Booker T/Jerry Lawler

    Like alot of people had said Lawler is ALWAYS bringing it up and running down Booker. And as for Lawler being a heel, get real, Lawler's all over the place.
  7. EdwardKnoxII

    Danny Doring

    Yeah that's how the girls always are on that show. I remember a few eps were the girls started throwing drinks on each other and go as far as fighting each other.
  8. EdwardKnoxII

    Minor WWE News From The Torch

    More Torch and remember I got this from a wrestling message board. Enjoy.
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    TNA News From The Online Torch

    You know the deal. Enjoy
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    It's Ok To Drink And Drive??

  11. EdwardKnoxII

    Jonathan Brandis dead

  12. I just loved that smiled that Jericho had as he was leaving the ring. You could tell he was thinking "I'm so getting some Trish pussy tonight."
  13. http://www.eonline.com/News/Items/0,1,12981,00.html
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    So, haven't seen this reported.

    Yeah. And I also think Crash deserves being mentioned on TV because he was an active wrestler in the WWE and TV shows much more recently than anyone else in the last couple of years that has passed outside of Owen.
  15. EdwardKnoxII

    So, haven't seen this reported.

    That's good for Flair. I thought it was broken with the way he hit the ropes and the blood shooting from his nose.
  16. EdwardKnoxII

    Mark Jindrak Interview

    I know that. I think I looked at it wrong. Cause I thought he was made about the internet rumors that he was going to join the stable.
  17. EdwardKnoxII

    Paris Hilton's X-rated video

    God lord I don't even know were to begin with this. Lets see first she says stuff like "I am not a party person," Mostly I like to spend time with my dogs." "I hate clubs -- so lame," "I never go to them.". And yet what is Hilton doing the entire time? Hopping from one club to another. And never mind the fact that she seems to turn up at just about every movie debut, etc. Or how about this. This seems like something out of Clueless. This entire piece just made her look even more like a stuck up bitch.
  18. EdwardKnoxII

    TV's First Casualties

  19. EdwardKnoxII

    Mark Jindrak Interview

    Ok this is what I don't get. He says he was mad about the internet rumors of him joining Evolution but, then he admits that it was going to happen meaning that the rumors were right. Unles thinks that the internet hating his house show matches had something to do with him nothing joining the stable. Or this is just the WWE hating on the internet again.
  20. EdwardKnoxII

    So, haven't seen this reported.

    Ok it's all over the site but, they haven't said it once on TV and it not to much to ask for a small 10 bell thing. And by the way I'm over it I was just stating a reason why Stevie may be doing it. That's all. So get off your high horse.
  21. Ok. When Orton came in the match the ref the bell rang but, then HHH pins Goldberg and the ref tries to counts? What the fuck?? And then Kane attacks and then the ref rangs the bell. Looks like somebody screwed up.
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    Did somebody screwup in the Goldberg/HHH match?

    You know what really pissed me off about that was that Kane never really said "No I didn't screw Katie Vick when she died." Like for instant remember HHH said he had a tape of it? What did Kane do? He went into his dressing room and didn't say anything when he said have been pissed and been yelling all over the place that it's a lie. That it never happened.
  23. EdwardKnoxII

    Did somebody screwup in the Goldberg/HHH match?

    Kane: I don't remember ever fucking Steph.
  24. EdwardKnoxII

    So, haven't seen this reported.

    Well maybe he's doing this to honor Crash because lord knows the WWE isn't going to do it anytime soon.
  25. EdwardKnoxII

    Did somebody screwup in the Goldberg/HHH match?

    Yeah and there were times were it looked like Trips was trying to suck in his guts. By the way have you seen Trips pecs? They were really flabby and lets just say that if Trips keep on looking like he does he'll have bigger breast then his wife in no time.