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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE News From The Torch

    Here's this weeks Torch. Enjoy.
  2. EdwardKnoxII

    Actress Liv Tyler Given Strict Ultimatum

    Because Hollywood is run by men and that's the sad fact.
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    Britney Bares It Again?

    http://www.msnbc.com/news/986197.asp I have no problem with her poses but, to say that she was treated into the Esquire one and that she regrets it and does another one? HA whatever.
  4. EdwardKnoxII

    Actress Liv Tyler Given Strict Ultimatum

    Hell and I thought WWE was bad with weight when they have Molly that whole fat ass thing.
  5. EdwardKnoxII

    Britney Bares It Again?

  6. http://channels.netscape.com/new/html/live...scoop/nn/2.html
  7. http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/11/11/durst.ve...dict/index.html
  8. EdwardKnoxII

    2Pac: Resurrection

    You just know with this coming out that a bunch of his fans are going to use it as proof that Pac is still alive and out there somewhere.
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    National Protest Day Against Hummers

    Like some else said people should protest against the H2 for being such a crappy car. They are way to plastic looking. They look more like a big, oversized toy instead of mean SUV like the H1. The H2 looks like it would fall apart if you barely hit something. While the H1 got hit just about anything with barely a mark and keep going. Hell I see the real military Hummers all the time since we have an army base, Ft. Campbell, KY. Which makes me hate the H2 even more.
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    HI, my name is Syphilis....no really :(

    You know something? I'm shocked Vince hasn't had a diva go by the name of Syphilis. I could just see it now. Wrestler: Hey guys I got Syphilis. (Wrestler is hold Syphilis by her neck and is talking to another wrestler.) Wrestler A: You want her back? I tell you what. Give me a title shot and I'll give you Syphilis.
  11. http://www.wtopnews.com/index.php?sid=142203&nid=25
  12. EdwardKnoxII

    Brand New A-List

    Well there's a new A-List. You know the website that dishes rumors, etc about the stars. They even have one about the Rock. http://www.geocities.com/mnussitch/gossip.html
  13. EdwardKnoxII

    Is Austin's team winning now?

    Yeah like THAT'S going to stop the WWE from doing it.
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    Is Austin's team winning now?

    Sad thing is I can see that happening, never mind the fact that Austin hasn't wrestled in months and is retired. I still think with the way that Austin has been treated that most marks think he's either making a comeback or his injury was faked.
  15. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE News From The Torch

    Yeah and that's the problem.
  16. EdwardKnoxII

    How many people here

    I've seem the Big Gold Belt replica worn by a few rappers in videos. In the video, "Are We Cuttin" from XXX, Pastor Tory is wearing one all during the video. And in another one Redman is carrying the BGB around.
  17. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE News From The Torch

    Exactly. I still think that's one of the reason but, like you said it also has to do with Stu and Hawk's passing also. I stil think the least they could have done with have a pic and a 10 bell salute. I mean even on Byte This, a "smark" show cept a few words from Holly they didn't mention his death.
  18. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE News From The Torch

    First of all I'm not trying to diss or downplay his work. I loved him in the hardcore divison. But, in the overall things in WWE he wasn't that big and the fact that he wasn't with the WWE at the time leads me to believe that had more to do with the WWE not talking about his death. Let me put it to you like this say Arn Anderson had died that day instead of Crash. Now do you think that WWE would pull the same thing with Arn that they did with Crash? I doubt it.
  19. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE News From The Torch

    And lets be real his Hardcore run was mostly comedy. Yeah but, he was lower midcarder at best.
  20. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE News From The Torch

    I still think it has to do more with Crash's postion and how important he was in the WWE. Cause like it says in the Torch even if Crash had died three months ago or three months from now, we probably wouldn't see much more than a graphic to inform people that he'd died. And WWE knows that. And I think Vince is using the whole Hawk/Stu death time as an excuse.
  21. This is an old Torch column from the online VIP and it talks about the Sid/Arn Anderson fight.
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE News From The Torch

    Anyone else think that if Zach was working at Buger King he'd pretty much be like that pimple faced kid from the Simpsons?
  23. EdwardKnoxII

    New Soft Drink Is Flavored Like Turkey and Gravy.

    Does anyone else think this sounds like a drink that Homer Simpson would come up with? "Hmmm Turkey and Gravy flavored soda." *Drools*
  24. EdwardKnoxII

    Byte This Report

    I hope Bradshaw was just joking with Josh but, knowing how he acts I doubt it. If I was Josh I'd quit before Bradshaw gets his hands on me. Yeah like Holly killed that Brock kid right?