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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    To show how much JR loves Austin

    Will if the rumors are right it could lead to Austin becoming SD! GM and I've already said my piece about that. Geez I bet Anglesault would love what Austin would do to Angle.
  2. EdwardKnoxII

    To show how much JR loves Austin

    I love how JR just played it off when they were replaying the scene. "I'm not saying it's the right thing to do but, that's the Texas Rattlesnake." I guess that's way I just loved how Jericho said how he was being more of a man then Austin by helping Trish.
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    To show how much JR loves Austin

    You know this is why I really don't hope that Austin moves over as the SD! GM like that rumor in this week's Torch said. Because, first you know that Jericho and the rest of the Anti-Austin are going to get the hell beat out of them and look weak by Austin on his last show. Afterwards, he'll do more of the same on SD!
  4. EdwardKnoxII

    To show how much JR loves Austin

    That sounds like something Michael Cole would say.
  5. EdwardKnoxII

    To show how much JR loves Austin

    Yep that's how it happened. Stacy didn't like the beer so Austin stunned her. Of course, Austin got cheered like hell for it.
  6. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE news from Wade

    Here is this week's Torch copy and pasted from a wrestling board.
  7. You know it's funny how many damn "unwritten" rules there are in WWE and how just about anything you can do can piss people off. WWE should make a lockerroom rulebook and be done with it.
  8. Ok, see this is what I don't get. Why in the hell would paying for your own first class ticket insult the main eventers? It's just first class. I mean it's a public airplane they sit whereever they want if they paid for it. And I doubt the WWE can make rules against sitting in first class. And if it really did pissed them off that bad they need to go up.
  9. EdwardKnoxII


    Yeah but, is Vince a SUPER genius like Willie E Coyote? I think not.
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    I watched one of the funniest things ever...

    I know Johnny Bravo did an "It's A Good Life" ep.
  11. EdwardKnoxII

    More TV shows turned movies rumored

    So will be Bewitched movie be like TV show meaning half way thru the movie Darren will change and look different.
  12. Yeah I remember those. With Referee Silverman if I remember was that for main eventers Vince pays for the 1st class tickets and everybody else gets coach and if they want to ride 1st class they have to pay with it from their own pocket. Silverman, out of his own money, flew in 1st class a few times and this for whatever reason pissed off alot of the main eventers. But, I tink it might also had done with Sliverman's attitude.
  13. EdwardKnoxII

    Real Smackdown Spoilers

    You know after reading that Eddie will spray raw sewage on Big Show does anybody has have flashbacks to the Nash/Macho fued were Nash dumped raw sewage on Macho. In fact I think that fued had a bunch of raw sewage in it. Which is no shock seeing how the fued was shit to start with.
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    The Mullets

    Piper must have been really up for money to do The Mullets.
  15. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE news from Keller

    Ok here's the deal at a wrestling I go to the guy gets the Torch and posts it there and I'm just going to post it here for you fine folks.
  16. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE news from Keller

    Well Warrior was stiff with Andre and Andre fixed that problem real quick.
  17. Ok, so on Monday we see Steiner get mad at Stacy for costing him the match and he gets pissed and gives Stacy a belly to belly. So, now where does this fued go? Do Test and Steiner end up becoming friends and form a tag team? Do any one give a shit about this fued? I'm guessing no. Really this fued has gone on WAY to long and I wish they would just end the damn thing and be done with it. And I'm know most of you feel the same to.
  18. EdwardKnoxII

    A-Train on commentary.

    So, who else heard A-Train doing commentary. Man was he just boring going into bad. He was voice was just awful and kinda monotone and I just hated how he keep saying how a big man can beat a little man. Never mind that fact that Benoit has beating A-Train a few times already. So, in other words he said nothing of note.
  19. EdwardKnoxII


    I was watching the 1st ep which I haven't seen before and damn did her folks spoil her. I mean she said she didn't know a thing about cleaning up because her mom never made her clean up her room she always did it.
  20. EdwardKnoxII


    Heh, Nick says he has a five year plan to ride her of her spoiledness. I wish him luck but, I doubt he's going to do it.
  21. EdwardKnoxII

    More people watched Coach/JR than RVD/Xian

    Yeah because they know it was going to end in a screw job so why should they care.
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    More people watched Coach/JR than RVD/Xian

    Maybe because the fans know that HBK was just going to lose the belt right back to HHH so they knew that RVD didn't have a chance.
  23. EdwardKnoxII

    A-Train on commentary.

    Exactly. I so wish either Tazz or Cole would have said something like this, "Well if you can beat Benoit cause you're bigger then him then why has he beaten you a handful of times and made you tap to the Crossface?" A-Train: ......... I can beat him cause I'm bigger then him and stuff.
  24. http://kaneel.swellserver.com/news/top_sto...worldrecord.php I really have nothing else to add to this.
  25. EdwardKnoxII

    More people watched Coach/JR than RVD/Xian

    Or maybe the TV folks saw the Coach/JR match and said "This sucks" and changed the channel cause you notice the ratings goes down after the match so I guessing it turned off many folks.