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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    Vince McMahon's onscreen character

    Only if Scott Hall randomly walks by during the segment. Copycat
  2. But, it's ok for him to talk about the behind the scenes stuff on Regis and Kelly? Ok got it. I think the reason is that the core WWE fanbase read WWE.com and he didnt like the fact they were breaking kayfabe to them But, the thing is WWE.com switches all the time on who it's core fanbase. In other words one week they're marketing towards the marks and the next towards the smarks. The week after towards both.
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    The WWE has spirit! Yes they do!

    Question. Can anyone give me a rundown on who's who in the pic?
  4. But, it's ok for him to talk about the behind the scenes stuff on Regis and Kelly? Ok got it.
  5. EdwardKnoxII

    Vince McMahon's onscreen character

    Hey if that means a cameo apperance by Scott Hall in the hospital then I'm all for it.
  6. EdwardKnoxII

    Vince McMahon's onscreen character

    Speaking of the GM. What happened with that? They haven't said anything about in the last few weeks unless I missed something.
  7. EdwardKnoxII

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    Raise your hand if you were shocked that Cena's partner was Flair. Thought so.
  8. EdwardKnoxII

    Feuds That Could Have Happened But Never Did

    The closest they ever came was a match on one of the coliseum home video and in the match Scott busted out the Steiner Screw Driver on Owen.
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    Feuds That Could Have Happened But Never Did

    The closest they ever came was a match on one of the coliseum home video and in the match Scott busted out the Steiner Screw Driver on Owen.
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    Iron Spidey??

    http://www.marvel.com/publishing/stories/showstory.htm?id=67 Iron Spidey? A New Look for Spidey in Comics?! Word has been building for months now, and comic fans have been dying to know- what is Spider-Man’s new costume?! Well, folks, here it is! Recognize the color scheme? You should, it’s playing an important role in the future of the web-slinger! After the shocking events in "The Other" storyline, Peter recieves this new costume to help him adjust to his newest developments, as well as giving him some added muscle! Designed by Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada, this new design has a few tricks up its sleeve. "The Iron Spider design- as I like to call it- came to me during a Spider-Man story meeting we were having, we were talking and I was involuntarily sketching on a pad. It's inspired by a sketch that Chris Bachalo did that showed a new Spidey costume with <CLASSIFIED>. I thought that was brilliant, especially since it echoed one of Spidey's greatest villains, and I took the idea and imagined it as though seeing it through the eyes of Tony Stark. The sky's the limit with respect to gadgetry when it comes to Tony inspired costumes." Every "gift" has its cost, and this new look for Spidey will signal the beginnings of change, especially as it comes on the eve of the upcoming Civil War. Spider-Man has developed a growing trust and friendship with Iron Man, but how much in debt is Peter’s loyalty to Tony Stark going to cost him in the long run? If the color scheme is any indication, well... Joe Quesada says, "I imagined Tony presenting Peter with the new suit and Peter putting it on and saying that it looks great but that his colors are red and blue. Tony would simply respond, ‘My design, my colors!’" What is it that Joe is talking about that’s classified? How will Spidey’s relationship to Tony - and the new costume- play into Civil War?! You’ll have to read the books to see! But, it is safe to say that when it comes to this new costume, there is much more to the story! Look for the new costume to debut in February’s Amazing Spider-Man #529. It will then be seen in the pages of <a href='http://www.marvel.com/catalog/listing.htm?title=Friendly%20Neighborhood%20Spider-Man">Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and Marvel Knights Spider-Man in April. For more news on Spider-Man, the costume, and Civil War, stay tuned, True Believers!
  11. EdwardKnoxII

    Feuds That Could Have Happened But Never Did

    It was Scott that got injured not Rick.
  12. EdwardKnoxII

    Feuds That Could Have Happened But Never Did

    It was Scott that got injured not Rick.
  13. EdwardKnoxII

    OAO 1/21 Impact Thread

    I was thinking about this while watching their ad. Does anyone else think morphoplex sound like the name of a new kind of suplex instead of a weight loss pill?
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    So does this mean the Royal Rumble is going to be a 30 man gang bang? And the wrestler who lasts the longest before climax wins and goes to WM?
  15. So glad they cleared that up. In other news, the Road Warriors' name was inspired by the sequel to "Mad Max". So does this mean that Vince is going to call them on the speaker phone about the latest crimes against sports entertainment? And who's going to play the part of Bosley?
  16. EdwardKnoxII

    Ultimate Warrior Files Lawsuit Against WWE

    I guess Vince can have someone new play the part of the Renegade.
  17. EdwardKnoxII

    Ultimate Warrior Files Lawsuit Against WWE

    This reminds me of Wilson W. Wilson Jr. from Home Improvement. So, this does mean that Warrior will hide behind a fence and when people ask him for advice he'll go into his long winded speeches? Because that would be a really good gimmick for him.
  18. EdwardKnoxII

    Ultimate Warrior Files Lawsuit Against WWE

    Warrior Warrior?? I thought Warrior was his last name and he still had the first name of Jim. What the fuck?
  19. I just hope to God that they have at least one tag title match at WM. I mean last year was the first WM to never have a tag match and they have TWO sets of tag belts for crying out loud.
  20. EdwardKnoxII

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I smell an angle. When WWE resigns Matt his gimmick will be that Matt is impersonating a cop but, not just any cop but, The Big Boss Man. He can wear the old uniform, come out to Hard Times, etc. Then he can get into a feud with the Big Show and he'll bring their past "feud" with a pissed off Show having to keep telling Morgan that he's not the Boss Man with Morgan not listening to him. Then in the blow off match Show wins and then the Morgan breaks down and crys and admitts that he was such a fan of the Boss Man that after he was let go his mind snapped and he really did think that he was his hero. But, after the match he sees his mistake and him and Show cry and hug in the ring. The End.
  21. EdwardKnoxII

    Undertaker unhappy because of his HIAC match?

    Doctor: I'm sorry Mr. Calaway but, it seems you have hepatitis. UT: I'm not feeling it doc.
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    D'Lo Brown in WWF 1999

    Didn't D'Lo exchange frog splash tips with RVD? Or am I thinking of Eddie Guerrero when he first came in the WWF with the Radicals? Yeah it was with Eddie when he first came in. After the Radicals attack the Outlaws they were showing them backstage with some of the other wrestlers and one of them was D-Lo with Eddie. And D-Lo said something like "Nice frogsplash" to Eddie.
  23. EdwardKnoxII

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Of course, Vince was going to let Shelton win it is MLK day after all.
  24. EdwardKnoxII

    What the fuck is up with Kurt Angle?

    Scott Hall. When he was on, he was on. But when he was off, unmotivtated, drunk stoned or whatever, he had some of the most boring piece of shit matches ever. The end of his WCW run was miserable. And I'll take a drunk, stoned Scott Hall match any day over Nash's lazy ass.
  25. EdwardKnoxII

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    I think Flair's daughter looks nice but GOD DAMN does she have her dad's nose. It's like cute face and then BAM that big beak nose.