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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    X-Men 3 Pictures/Preview

    I forgot about that. He is indeed a bad-ass in that series. True. My favorite Cyclops moment in UXM was when after Wolverine tried to kill him and leave him for dead. When Cyclops is found alive and after the mission is over him and Wolverine had a one on one fight with the X-Men looking on. So, what happens? Cyclops just takes of his sunglasses and blows the skin off of Wolverine. Fight over. And then walks away saying that he's off the team with the X-Men looking on shocked.
  2. EdwardKnoxII

    TNA Impact! Thread for 12/8/05

    I think the rust/hesitancy from Christian had to do with him working in a totally different kind of ring then what he is use to. And as for the Monty/Christian match I have no idea how it will go. I mean Christian is their new hot star and I doubt they would job him on his first PPV but, then again Monty is getting one hell of a push. So, I have a feeling it will in a DQ if anything.
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    Doink the Clown

    You know Doink The Clown would be the perfect gimmick for Shelton. By the way who owns the rights to the gimmick for it to still be used alot in the indies?
  4. EdwardKnoxII

    Benoit to TNA?

    Yeah I was on the old RS board back in the day around 00-01. But, I mainly posted on the old nWWWo board. Still have the same user name. Yeah no kidding right. I remember one nwwwo thing he did were he said that Bret Hard would end up marrying Owen's widow in a few years and pretty much everyone on the board gave him shit over it. And whenever anyone would get on Sean's case he have his breakdown and say that he would be closing down the board/site. Just so he can get people to say nice things about him.
  5. I just saw a promo for Dancing With The Stars and they were listing off the people that would be on it. (IE: Rapper, baseball player, and pro wrestling) So I'm guess the pro wrestling one going to be The Rock. I didn't see him in the promo. Anyone else got any info on this?
  6. EdwardKnoxII


  7. http://www.newsarama.com/marvelnew/NextWav...sconference.htm
  8. EdwardKnoxII

    Who came up with that gimmick/angle?

    If that's the case who's going to be the one to shoot JBL? And who's going to be one that dies and a year later we find them in the shower and their death was a dream?
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    Tajiri released by WWE.

    And they just renewed him to. I wonder what the terms of his release are.
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    Who came up with that gimmick/angle?

    No cause they didn't start dating till sometime after Debra come into the WWF.
  11. EdwardKnoxII

    Anyone with PWI Elite?

    YES AND it makes sense too. Bischoff: Dusty Rhodes you've been the GM on RAW for THREE Minutes to long. *Bischoff gets an evil smile on his face then 3MW comes and beats the crap out of Dusty.*
  12. EdwardKnoxII

    Does anybody remember this?

    ? All I can think of is the enema thing, and that was Pittsburgh, wasn't it? I always liked: "Know why they call you Stone Cold? Your stones are so cold, you won't come out here and face me!" And speaking of the Austin/Hart feud. My favorite from Austin was "You put a S in front of Hitman and that's what I think of him." I think that's how it went.
  13. EdwardKnoxII

    Vote for a new Batista shirt design on WWE.com

    I dig #3 also.
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    RVD also did a guest spot on the Pam Anderson show VIP as a hitman.
  15. EdwardKnoxII

    John Woo's Live action He-man

    Because as He-Man he would be trying to put Skelator in the Masterlock. Edit: So is She-Ra going to be in this or what?
  16. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE Wants Shelton Benjamin's "Mama"

    I was just thinking about this. The last time they had a black wrestler's mom on TV was Mark Henry and we all remember what happened there.
  17. EdwardKnoxII

    For you legal types out there. A question about DUIs

    Heh yeah he does. And don't forget the all the money he had to pay me for taking him places. And he was saying things like "Man it feels like I just got out of prison. It feels like a big weight has been removed from me. All this stress is gone." I think it was taking it alittle too far seeing as how if he did things was he was suppose to he would have been driving MONTHS ago. My friend TJ, who was in the car with him when he got pulled over, was like "What that motherfucker is driving? That didn't jack up the price of the fine or anything? Damn I'm pissed. Oh well fuck it he'll lose it again soon."
  18. Ok here's the short story of it. On Easter Day 2004 early in the morning a few of my friends got pulled over. My friend, Chris, being the smart man that he is drove fast right by a cop, who had JUST let someone go, in the middle of the night right at the KY side of the TN/KY border. They live in TN. Anyways, in the car he had a bunch of empty beer cans stuffed under the seats, weed, and 3 minors. One was under 17 and the other two were under 21. A very long and interesting story short he ends up losing his license for a year and having to pay $700 in fines. The deadline to pay it was in July of that year. It comes and goes and nothing happens. I kept on telling him he needed to pay it or else shits going to happen. And his answer to that? "They not going to come after me for a DUI." Or "They can stop me from getting my license for my fines." Of course, he NEVER gives the reason for that but, whatever. It gets to the point were my friend TJ and I would flat out argue with the guy that he's not getting his license untill he pays off those fines. Pretty much everyone has told him that. But, he acts like we're dumb and don't know what we're talking about. This April was when he could get his license. On the paper it said to call the DMV at least 30 days before the date to see what you have to do. Of course, he didn't do anything until days later and he kept on thinking that he was going to get his license just like that. Finds out has to pay for other things to and take a DUI class. Which he's known about since last April. See he would do what they told him to do and then he gets to the DMV and then they would tale him he has something else he has to do. One time he just kept whining about the DMV screwing him for a good minute or two. A week or so ago they told him he has things he still has to do for KY. Later that day he admitted to me that he hopes they don't tell him he still has to pay his fines. I told him he's going to have to pay it sooner or later. And he says "Oh I know and I plan to but, I'm not thinking about that right now I just need my license." I'm thinkng yeah right. If you hadn't paid your fines in a year and a half then you're not going to pay it on your own like you should. You're going to pay it when the state of KY MAKES you do it. Ok nows here's the question for you law types since the fines are a year and a half overdue what can the state do to him? TJ and me think he's going to have to pay way more money AND he's going to lose his license for a couple of more months. How about you?
  19. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE Wants Shelton Benjamin's "Mama"

    And I'm wondering why Vince is sitting on it taking a shit.
  20. EdwardKnoxII

    For you legal types out there. A question about DUIs

    The fine that was overdue was 690.50 and was what he paid yesterday. I was kinda shocked they didn't jack up the price. He had to pay $225 for an SS22 form and another $200 for something else. Then he had to pay $50 for classes, $40 renstatement fee for KY and $30 renstatement fee for TN.
  21. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE Wants Shelton Benjamin's "Mama"

    You know if Vince really wants to go back in time for stereotypes he can have Shelton act like he's JJ from Good Times. Shelton can wear 70s clothes with those Gilligan style hats Walker would always wear. He can always put the word dynomite in his promos even if he doesn't make any sense. "After I get done with you HBK you will think your God was made of *claps hands* DYN-O-MITE". And after a win Shelton would yell to break out the Kool Aid. And they can bring in John Amos to play the dad. He would threaten Shelton if he doesn't win a match and when Shelton loses John would take off his belt and whip Shelton.
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE Wants Shelton Benjamin's "Mama"

    So would that mean Shelton would come out to Tom Jones music while doing the Carlton dance?? Damn I'd paid to see that.
  23. EdwardKnoxII

    For you legal types out there. A question about DUIs

    Well we went to KY and he paid the fine. Then we went to the DMV here in TN and he got his license.
  24. EdwardKnoxII

    WON Notes for Dec 6th issue

    Shocking. I bet Shawn's book is the best piece of fiction that money can buy. Second only to Harry Potter and Vince Russo's book Don't forget Hogan's.
  25. EdwardKnoxII

    Wikipedia is garbage
