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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    The Rock On Dancing With The Stars??

    I doubt it since his dancing partner would be Triple H.
  2. EdwardKnoxII

    Rise and Fall of the World Bodybuilding Federation

    The only thing I really remember about that WBF was that Lex Luger was apart of it and was suppose the be on the first PPV but, had his motorcycle accident. That Vince and some bodybuilding lady (can't think of her name) hosted the show on Saturday after WWF Mania. And the theme song for the WBF had the words "GO FOR IT" yelled alot during the song.
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    The Rock On Dancing With The Stars??

    Hell can Hogan dance with that fake knee and hip of his?
  4. EdwardKnoxII

    For you legal types out there. A question about DUIs

    Update: We went to the DMW and he still had something he had to do. So, he called the court offices of the county of were he was pulled over in KY. And, suprise, he has to pay his fines. And he was whining saying stuff like "This is bullshit" and "Maybe I should have paid the fine" And he was asking if he could pay it over the phone or the computer. HA yeah right. He has to do it in person. So, he'll get the money tonight and we'll go up there tomorrow and we'll see what happens. I'm getting so much money out of him.
  5. EdwardKnoxII

    Diamond Dallas Page sues Jay-Z

    Jay-Z could come out with a song and video were he's fucking Kimberly. Or they could have a match and Kimberly does a run in and helps Jay-Z win.
  6. EdwardKnoxII

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    Ok Roddy Piper AND Peg Bundy in the same movie?? Hell froze over.
  7. EdwardKnoxII

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    Does anyone else think this trial would have been better with the cast of Night Court? Just think Dan Fielding is Eric's lawyer while you have Christine against him. Bull, Mack, Roz, Judge Stone. Now that would have ruled.
  8. EdwardKnoxII

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    OMG Carlito isn't following the dress code. FINE HIM WWE.
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    ESPN.com reports on the new drug policy

    Hell with the way things are now's the perfect time to bring back ICOPRO.
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    Tasteless Angles in Wrestling

    I guess it could have been taking that way seeing how in that interview HHH also made fun of Booker for being the WCW champ. Of course, that was just as dumb seeing as how A) you have RIC FLAIR standing right next to H and B) H was holding the big gold belt which is associated with WCW.
  11. EdwardKnoxII

    Tasteless Angles in Wrestling

    So what the hell did Triple H mean when he said "you people"?
  12. EdwardKnoxII

    ESPN.com reports on the new drug policy

    Hell you could say that about alot of jobs.
  13. EdwardKnoxII

    Christy Released

    Man that just made all that time spent on the Diva Search even MORE pointless.
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    Joey Styles Signs 5-Year Deal With WWE

    Truth. And I've noticed, at least to me, that Lawler kind of stepped up his game abit and is more bearable since Styles joined.
  15. EdwardKnoxII

    Random WWE News

    Cause we all remember how well that gimmick worked out for Bull Buchanan and Rodney Mack.
  16. EdwardKnoxII

    Diamond Dallas Page sues Jay-Z

    Or Jay-Z can plan a drive by shooting. Whatever works best.
  17. EdwardKnoxII

    Did Lance Cade piss someone off?

    They are the only team on Raw that I can think of. What about that tag team champions that have been all over WWE programing the last month? I think he means a real tag team not just two single guys put together.
  18. EdwardKnoxII

    For you legal types out there. A question about DUIs

    Oh trust me I have many times but, he thinks he can get away with it. So, for the past few months I've just keep quiet waiting till reality slaps him hard in the face about his fines. At which point I'm just going to laugh at him and tell him I told you so. No kidding. But, it's funny how he tries to down play his DUI. He makes comments about how it seems like the DMV doesn't want him to drive. At which point I tell him "Well it is a DUI." Him: "But, it's only my first one. I was high when it happened but, I wasn't drunk." Which is a big lie. Oh the stories I could tell about this whole thing. He called me last night and said that he should be getting his license this Tuesday. He paid the renstatement fee for KY. So, we'll see how it goes.
  19. EdwardKnoxII

    Tasteless Angles in Wrestling

    Here's one the buildup to the HHH-Booker T match. Lets see you have HHH come out and talk bad about "his kind of people" and how he's not a wrestler, make fun of his hair, and tells him to do that little dance he does. And then to top it off you have HHH talk about the time he robbed a Wendy's and even shows the mug shot. Hell with the way the angle was going I'm shocked they didn't have HHH, wearing a white robe and hood, burn a cross in front of his house. So, of course, Booker T jobs a WM. And as a spinoff from that angle you have Lawler ALWAYS bring up Booker's run in with the law afterwards. Always, making these tasteless jokes and Booker never did anything about it. I mean would it have hurt to have Booker get in Lawlers face and tell him to shut up just once.
  20. EdwardKnoxII

    Two Warrants out for Ric Flair's Arrest

    Ok here's something I didn't get So because of GIFTS and religious contributions is part of the reason the payment is so high. And because the judge hopes they might help out someone. Ok whatever. I don't know how to say this but, I just don't get this part. And I hope I'm not the only one. This part made me laugh
  21. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE Re-Signs Jamal

    I was a fan of 3MW so this is good news to me.
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    Two Warrants out for Ric Flair's Arrest

    Speaking of drunk Ric Flair does anyone remember the RAW were Triple H was backstage with Evo and all Flair is doing the entire time is yelling out "HEY CHAMP" to H. And H is kind of ignoring him And then when H is walking away Flair is STILL yelling out "Hey Champ" with H ignoring him.
  23. EdwardKnoxII

    Crimes on Wrestling TV!

    Yeah he did. At the end of RAW when Kane put Triple H in the trunk of the car and was driving away we see the trunk open up just as RAW ends. And H talked about it the next week.
  24. EdwardKnoxII

    Saturday Night's Main Event

    Ok that's what I was thinking about. I know it had something to do with SNL and the XFL.
  25. EdwardKnoxII

    Andre The Giant Stories

    What's this all about? Andre had a daughter that he told very few people about. He didn't get to see her much cause he was always on the road.