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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE Byte This Report

    I think it's fairly obvious that he has none. I think Foley's standards were how much money was Vince willing to dump in front of him in order for him to feud with Orton and try to get him over.
  2. Singleton To Develop & Direct Luke Cage Movie Latest on first black Marvel superhero movie... John Singleton is set to develop and direct the upcoming movie based on Marvel's Luke Cage comic series. Cage is Marvel's first black superhero. Framed for a crime he didn't commit, the comic told the story of a prisoner who volunteers himself for an experiment which accidentally gives him superhero powers. Luke Cage uses these powers to escape and become a hero. Credit: Hollywood Reporter, Cinecon.com
  3. Bruckheimer To Bring Prince Of Persia To Big Screen Classic video game getting turned into big movie... Jerry Bruckheimer is close to landing the movie rights to Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. He plans to produce the big screen version of the popular game. Jordan Mechner is set to write the script while John August will executive produce. The video game is about "a young adventurous prince who uncovers a dangerous artifact in a remote mountain kingdom and with the help of an enemy princess, must stop a despot from unleashing a sandstorm that could destroy all mankind." Credit: Variety
  4. EdwardKnoxII

    New Match Likely For WrestleMania XX

    Booker T/Golddust. Which is pretty the last time I ever cared about the RAW tag titles.
  5. EdwardKnoxII

    Martha Stewart found guilty on all four counts.

    I bet old Martha can do wonders with her jail cell. You know new paint here, some flowers, etc. And I bet she'll be REALLY popular with the other women in jail.
  6. EdwardKnoxII

    Martha Stewart found guilty on all four counts.

    http://money.netscape.cnn.com/story.jsp?fl.../1500189553.htm Verdict Is Reached in Martha Stewart Case By ERIN McCLAM NEW YORK (AP) - The jury reached a verdict Friday in the trial of homemaking icon Martha Stewart, who is accused of obstructing justice and lying to the government about a superbly timed stock sale, a law enforcement source has told The Associated Press. Shares of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia jumped in early afternoon trading as word spread of a verdict, with investors apparently betting that she would be acquitted. The stock jumped $1.63, or 12 percent, to $15.66 within a half hour of the reports. Her company, which announced its earnings Thursday, swung to a profit in the fourth quarter, but took a loss for the year. Many analysts believe the future of the company hinges on the trial, since her public image is tied so closely to the company's marketing. The verdict came on the third day of deliberations in the case. It was not immediately known when it would be announced. Extra security was seen outside the Manhattan federal courthouse where the trial was being held. Earlier Friday, the judge in the case ruled that jurors have sufficient evidence to decide whether Stewart's former stockbroker, Peter Bacanovic, committed perjury. The testimony of Stewart's assistant, Ann Armstrong, and a telephone message log she kept are enough to meet the high standards of evidence to convict a defendant of perjury, U.S. District Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum said. Bacanovic is accused of lying under oath about a message he left for Stewart on Dec. 27, 2001, the day she sold ImClone Systems stock. Bacanovic told the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2002 that the message simply relayed ImClone's stock price. But Stewart's assistant recorded the message as: ``Peter Bacanovic thinks ImClone is going to start trading downward.'' To convict a defendant of perjury, jurors must rely on the testimony of two witness or on one witness whose story is supported by a document. A focus on Bacanovic in the jury's notes shows only that they are considering the charges against him - not which way the jury may be leaning. And it by no means indicates they are focusing more on him than on the counts against Stewart, who is charged with lying to investigators about her ImClone sale on Dec. 27, 2001. Stewart and Bacanovic say they had agreed earlier to sell the stock when its price fell below $60 per share. The jury still must decide on other legal questions, including whether Bacanovic intentionally gave false testimony about the message. Bacanovic lawyer Richard Strassberg strongly objected to the ruling, saying the judge was essentially allowing jurors to reach a perjury conviction based on one witness' testimony.
  7. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE Byte This Report

    Oh no this can not be good. Oh and Foley you can't live up to your standards now GO AWAY.
  8. http://www.freep.com/news/mich/eteach4_20040304.htm Teacher in military told to pay for sub District also requests some Naval pay March 4, 2004 ASSOCIATED PRESS GRAND RAPIDS -- A western Michigan school district told a teacher activated for military duty that he must cover the cost of a substitute during part of his absence and give the district some of his military pay. At a school board meeting this week, angry teachers, students and district residents criticized the decision by administrators at Kenowa Hills Public Schools. "Is this how you treat people that defend your country?" Tom Lovett, a teacher's spouse and district resident, asked board members. Barry Bernhardt, a middle school science teacher who has been in the Naval Reserve for a decade, started serving two weeks of active duty in Italy on Monday, the day of the school board meeting. During the 10 days Bernhardt will be gone from the classroom, he will use two personal days and two compensation days, the Grand Rapids Press reported. For the remaining six days, Bernhardt must pay the district $74 per day for the substitute teacher filling in for him and turn over the $78 in salary that he will receive each day from the Naval Reserve. "The district missed a golden opportunity to reflect on the patriotic duty of all Americans to, in our own way, celebrate the accomplishments of the service not only of Barry, but of all the men and women who stand for our country," said Ron La Fave, a Kenowa Hills teacher. Schools Superintendent Jim Gillette said the district was following the law when it crafted its agreement with Bernhardt. A similar agreement was drawn up on one other occasion, years earlier, when Bernhardt was assigned to Bosnia during a tour of duty. In most other years, Bernhardt fulfilled his military assignments while on vacation, Gillette said. "It's inaccurate to say we didn't do anything for him. We did provide significant assistance," the superintendent said, adding that the district continues to provide Bernhardt with all his other benefits during his absence. Bernhardt will give the district only six days' worth of his military pay, and he also will receive a military housing allowance. When compared to employees of private companies, the district is doing what it should to protect Bernhardt's financial stability, Gillette said. "It's a fact that he's not losing money, that he's making money. Whatever way you look at it, he's still making money," he said. In neighboring Grand Rapids Public Schools, teachers called to duty receive two weeks of unpaid leave but are not required to pay for a substitute teacher. As a result of Bernhardt's situation, Kenowa Hills school board members now are likely to create a specific policy covering employee military leave. "In the future, he's not going to get out that well," Gillette said.
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    "Spidey 3" Swinging Into Action

  10. EdwardKnoxII

    Cruiserweight Open participants

    If it were up to me I'd put it on Dragon. He said he dream was to wrestle at MSG and WM so he gets both and goes out on top. And few weeks later I have him lost if the rumors of Dragon wanting to leave the fed are true. And with the way he's been treated I don't blame him.
  11. EdwardKnoxII

    Is Nintendo Giving Up?

  12. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE RAW & Weekend Ratings

    WWE RAW & Weekend Ratings WMXX not impacting ratings... - WWE RAW did a 3.8 rating off hours of 3.7 and 3.9. That rating is down from a 3.9 last week. With WrestleMania XX just two weeks away, anticipation for the show has failed to boost ratings at all as it traditionally does. - Velocity did a 0.9; Confidential did a 0.6; Heat did a 0.9. Credit: PWInsider.com
  13. So here's my question. Who hear doesn't care about the Foley/Orton feud for whatever reason. I'm one of them. Why? Let's see they're trying to make this feud be huge but, it's between a retired out of shape wrestler and a wrestler who doesn't get the cheers for the push that he is getting. I mean why should I care if Orton "retires" Foley it's already been done by HHH. If this feud is for getting Orton over it's not going to work. I mean week after week Foley looks dumb by walking in a setup were he gets beat down and the fans just don't care. I mean look at how dead they were for the last 2 beatdowns. And Foley was having that little speech it just seemed to drag on forever and then JR asked him if Foley's career is done I was just yelling at the TV "Yes it is go away." See this is why I don't want the Rock to get involved with it. Because the fans already don't care about the feud if the Rock comes in the fans will only care about the Rock not anyone else in the feud and just overshadow everyone. That's just the meat of it. So how about anyone else?
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    Wednesday News Update

    They don't bash auto racing. Yeah they do. On PTI, they did mail time. There was a question about Nascar, and Tony said something about who cares about Nascar, and they went back to the last question. I'm not a NASCAR fan in anyway but, it is very popular and gets great ratings. So, alot of people care about it.
  15. EdwardKnoxII

    The One and Only Smallville Thread

    Smallville preview: Clark gets a panicked phone call from Lana in which he hears her being killed. When he finds out the call is from the future, he tries to change the present.
  16. http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news/story.jsp...10&floc=NW_5-L6
  17. http://www.komotv.com/stories/30001.htm Yeah sure it's the store's fault that you left your baby in the car for 45 minutes. Dumb bitch.
  18. EdwardKnoxII

    ABC Banks More "Millionaire"

  19. EdwardKnoxII

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Well I think the that reason The Rock was pushed so good was because he doesn't look black at all. Hell I don't know that many fans that know he's half black. And I think that one of the main reason why Rock has had a great push because hasn't played a stereotype, etc. If he was full black I doubt he'd be anywhere near the top as he is. Hell he'd be feuding with Booker about who the better robber.
  20. http://channels.netscape.com/ns/celebrity/...415.htm&sc=1404
  21. EdwardKnoxII

    The Mania 4 Way Tag Match

    I don't think it has anything to do with the fight with Mack. Remember Hurricane is a is popular CW and Heidenriech is BY GAWD HOSS so of course the hoss wins no matter how awful he is in the ring or unover.
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    Mother Leaves Baby Locked In Idling Car For

    Anyone else think that if the mom does get charged she's going to turn around and sue the store for taking so long?
  23. EdwardKnoxII

    So who DOESN'T care about Foley/Orton

    Oh that was you that said that? Sorry dude didn't know that was you.
  24. EdwardKnoxII

    So who DOESN'T care about Foley/Orton

    Anyone else think Foley looked like a chicken when he turned down Orton challenge? I mean he hates Orton so much that he turns down a one on one match. Yes I know why he did it but, Foley could have asked for a steel cage match. Or before WM Foley becames Jack and during WM Jack takes Batista and Flair in sneak attack with a steel chair so they would be to hurt to help Orton.
  25. EdwardKnoxII

    The Mania 4 Way Tag Match

    You forgot Bob Holly. Holly would be to busy trying to stiff Maven to do any dropkicks.