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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news/story.jsp...093.htm&sc=1110
  2. EdwardKnoxII

    HBK's Superkick setup.

    Ok it seems like ever since HBK has comeback his setup to the superkick has been the same in almost every match. He does the flying elbow then he either nips up or slowly gets up then he warms up the band for the superkick. Back in the day HBK would hit the Superkick just out of nowhere but, now he just does that setup. Of course, he doesn't always lands the superkick when he does the setup but, still it's getting pretty old.
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    Dudley Boyz

    I think they should have the Dudley Boyz and RVD and Booker (after they lost the belts) jump to SD since they're going to be low on star power. And it will give WGTT to very over face teams to feud with.
  4. More like the two worked very good together and they're both good workers.
  5. I only saw them a few times on ECW on TNN but, I liked the tag team of Danny Doring and Roadkill. I thought they were a good high flyer/power wrestler tag team combo and I always got kinda of Hart Foundation 2K vibe from them.
  6. EdwardKnoxII

    Damnit,Kanyon Has A 90 Day No Compete Clause

    Anybody else think that when the WWE lets a wrestler go they should just let him altogether. No 90 day bullshit. Why should they have the 90 thing when they don't care enough about him to give him something to do.
  7. EdwardKnoxII

    Save WrestleMania XX's Main Event

    Anybody else find it funny that in HHH's interview he taked about the WMX or how there was no way in hell he was going to do that. I cause that was his way of telling the smarks it's not going to happen.
  8. EdwardKnoxII

    The McMahon involvement at WMXX

  9. This was announced on Tuesday, thought it might interest some folks. Sci-Fi greenlight 13 episodes of the new Battlestar Galactica series that is based on the mini series that aired late last year: http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/updates/extras/seriespr.html
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    Few WWE Notes

    I liked the Worm when it was just a funny move to pop the crowd but, I started to hate it when Scotty started to beat people with it. For all the crap that the People's Elbow gets, which it shouldn't, the Worm is an awful finisher. If Scotty went back to using the Worm as a crowd poper and nothing more then I'd like it again.
  11. EdwardKnoxII

    Workers used better by WCW than by Vince McMahon..

    Yeah and if you listen to Hogan and Vince it was Bret Hart that caused the downfall of WCW. Remember that?
  12. http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news/story.jsp.../0810355384.htm
  13. EdwardKnoxII

    EA to make CATWOMAN games

  14. EdwardKnoxII

    News on Tommy Dreamer

    Why should the fed be mad? It's not like they use him or had plans for him anytime soon. So why get mad that he's gained weight not like he had anything else to do like, you know, WRESTLE.
  15. Vince McMahon Pushing Again For Bret Hart's Return The Hitman to return at WrestleMania XX? Vince McMahon has been in contact with Bret Hart about appearing at WrestleMania XX. It is unknown what Hart's role would be at the show, but there seem to be three possibilities. One would be induction into the returning WWE Hall of Fame. Another would be to deliver a speech at Madison Square Garden. Hart actually has an understanding with McMahon that he would return for one time only to deliver a farewell speech at MSG. The final option is to involve him in the Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels World Title match, possibly as a special ref. This would play up on his natural friendship with Benoit as he would likely help Benoit win the World Title. Hart, however, has been somewhat against coming back to work a storyline. It remains to be seen if Hart actually does return for the show, but WWE is making an effort to get the Hitman to appear. Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
  16. EdwardKnoxII

    I fear for the future....

    I agree with Too Cool not being long term champs but, you have to admitt they are better to hold the belts then the Bashams. Cause at least To Cool are over and people care about them which is more then I can say for the Bashams. The only other face team I can think of that the fans will care about are the APA.
  17. Flair DVD Ends 2003 In Top 5 Selling Sports DVDs WHhhhhhhOOOOOOOO! The Ric Flair DVD set ended up selling 110,000 copies in 2003, making it the fifth highest selling sports DVD of the year. Keep in mind the set sold very well in January also so the overall sales number will rise. The top four sports DVDs of 2003 were: Pumping Iron: 25th Anniversary CKY4: The Latest and Greatest Super Bowl 37 ESPN's Ultimate X Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
  18. EdwardKnoxII

    Hogan's finishers

    What about anything when Hogan would wrestle in Japan? Did he finish with the legdrop? I know he did some suplexes when he would wrestle there.
  19. http://www.contracostatimes.com/mld/cctimes/7915878.htm
  20. http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/Northeast/02/10...t.ap/index.html If it was me I would have hit the ref with a steel chair and then give him a Kanyon Cutter. BANG.
  21. EdwardKnoxII

    Vince as announcer

    Ok here is the one that has always stuck out in my mind and I remember the first time watching it. Ok during the begining of the Doink/Crush feud. The week before on Superstars Doink had did something to Crush and Crush hurt Doink's arm. So the next week on Superstars after Crush has won his match and is leaving Doink comes up to him with his arm in a sling and a flower and he's trying to give the flower to Crush to say that he's sorry. Now anyone with half a mind know that it was a fake arm. So after Crush takes the flower and leaves Doink pulls the fake arm out of the sling and starts beating the hell out of Crush. Now here's thing unless you were blind you could tell that it was a fake arm and Doink was using both arms. Well Vince was freaking out saying things. OH MY GOD DOINK JUST PULLED HIS ARM OUT OF HIS SOCKET AND IS BEATING CRUSH. HOW CAN HE DO THAT? In other words Vince was acting like Doink pulled his REAL arm out of the socket and was beating Crush with it using the one real arm he has left. When anyone with any eyesight could see that it was not the case. So for at least a good 5 minutes Vince is acting like Doink did just that then Vince sees that it was a FAKE arm Doink was beating Crush. Even as a mark I thought Vince was a dumbass for not seeing that. Hell I think the Brain was trying to tell Vince it was a fake and Vince just wasing hearing it.
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    Ernest Miller Released

    I did not say Lita was a good worker I said she had "cool" moves, at least to the marks. The way she and the other women on RAW, cept for Stacy and Jackie, are booked put her higher then just another diva.
  23. EdwardKnoxII

    Ernest Miller Released

    Because unlike the others that have been let go Lita is very popular with fans. She also has tits and ass. Well that is true I think it goes beyond just Lita having tits and ass. I mean she's booked, more or less, as a strong independant woman. She has "cool" moves and she wrestles matches and wins title, she's more then just eye candy. Unlike the Stacy and the ladies on SD who are eye candy and nothing more. And have you notice that when Lita or Trish wrestle the fans chant their names. When eye candy like Stacy or Torrie are in the ring the fans chant for puppies.
  24. EdwardKnoxII

    Putting people over

    Yeah and I think that is the main reason why Rock won't do a feud with John Cena. Because after Rock/Cena have good feud you just know afterwards Cena will be jobbing to HHH and I guess Rock is sick and tired of it.
  25. EdwardKnoxII

    Ernest Miller Released

    Simple because Stevie Ray had the POWER OF THE SLAPJACK SUCKA!!