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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    Janet Nixed from Grammys

  2. http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/02/05/fl.minor...tery/index.html
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    Why Michaels is in WM XX ME...

    Yeah in other words if Benoit were the win the match he would have to pin both HBK and HHH to win. As far as 3-way championship matches go I've always been a fan of the elimination style.
  4. http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/02/06/military.assault/index.html
  5. Marvel & Pixar To Work Together? Animated movies based on Marvel comic heroes? Marvel and Pixar Animation have met recently regarding the possibility of developing animated films based on the Marvel characters. It was recently announced that Pixar will end their relationship with Disney following the release of their next two animated features. Marvel vice chairman Peter Cuneo said: "Pixar has an incredible record. We're seven for seven right now. As long as we continue to make good films, we'll be successful. It has nothing to do with the genre wearing out." Marvel's goal is to develop 15 "James Bond type" film franchises. Credit: Hollywood Reporter
  6. EdwardKnoxII

    Benoit vs. HHH to change

    Reasoning Behind WMXX World Title Match Change One reason why HBK got it... In addition to previously reported political reasons, it appears that WWE changed the Triple H vs. Chris Benoit WrestleMania XX World Title match to a three way involving Shawn Michaels due to the house show ramifications. WWE feels that the three way will give them more flexability with house show main events following WM, since they can run Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels, Triple H vs. Chris Benoit, or Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit. Credit: PWTorch.com
  7. EdwardKnoxII

    Victoria pissing her wrestling career away?

    Here's the Byte This report.
  8. EdwardKnoxII

    Austin In Favor Of New WWE In-Ring Style

    No it's not. I've said it once and I'll say it again you know that Austin has alot of control over his angles. And to make it seem like that the writers just told Austin to beat up Steiner and Austin couldn't do anything about it is foolish. And even if the writers did tell Austin to do it Austin has enough pull to change it right on the spot.
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    Austin In Favor Of New WWE In-Ring Style

    Except for that time Kane kicked his ass...and the time Batista kicked his ass and Goldberg had to save him. And that time HHH totally owned him on the mic. But yeah, Austin never lets anyone get the best of him. In fact, Austin should be getting his ass kicked by Christian and Stevie Richards, rright? Because those guys are so valuable to the company, and a stunner from Austin just ruins their entire career, right? If more wrestlers put on matches like Austin did in 96-97 and 2001, WWE would be a much better place. Or the countless times Austin made a fool of Jericho over and over again. Or the time he killed Steiner's push but, beating the shit out of him. Which I was kinda mad at cause Steiner could have been made into a badass heel had he beat up Austin. Or all the times he gets in the way of the wrestlers. Like someone else said he should be kicking anyones ass he should be like the Heyman's, etc in setting up the angles.
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    Austin In Favor Of New WWE In-Ring Style

    Because Austin is still on top and has alot of the show built around him and he never lets anyone get the best of him, even if he is no longer wrestling, because he still wants to protect his spot.
  11. http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/new...hp?news_id=8625
  12. EdwardKnoxII

    Charisma Carpenters = Wonder Woman?

    I know and I'm sick DC always wanting to do another Bat movie. As for it being good with the way WB has been screwing up there comic book movies I'll wait till it comes out to see about the movie being good.
  13. EdwardKnoxII

    Charisma Carpenters = Wonder Woman?

    At this point any other DC hero movie would be better then another Batman or Superman movie. Hopefully the WB will make one.
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    Nicole Kidman To Star In Bewitched

    I kinda wish they would do a two Darren thing during the movie. Like for example Will Farrell is Darren during the 1st half of the movie and they have Darren talking to Sam and they pan away from Darren and when the camera pans back to him Darren is played by Jim Carrey and the movie just goes on.
  15. EdwardKnoxII

    Indiana Jones 4 Delayed Again

    They already did something like that in the early 90's with the TV show Young Indiana Jones on ABC and it stared Sean Patrick Flenary(sp?) as Jones.
  16. EdwardKnoxII

    KB Toys to Close 375 Stores

  17. EdwardKnoxII

    Benoit vs. HHH to change

    Hell knowing the WWE if they do have a HBK/Benoit match at Backlash. They'll have HBK be the face and Benoit be the heel which, of course, wouldn't go over well at all.
  18. EdwardKnoxII

    Propose class-action lawsuit over Jackson's boob

    Hey she lives in my state the bitch. She's only a few hours away. Hey if you guys can collect some gas money for me I'll go over there and bitch slap her for you guys.
  19. EdwardKnoxII

    Marvel & Pixar To Work Together?

    I'd loved to see a series based on Deadpool or maybe a different X-team like the Peter David verison of X-Factor (You know Havok, Strong Guy, etc)
  20. EdwardKnoxII

    Company high on Chavo vs. Rey

    I didn't see this posted else but, I thought it was interesting. Heat continues to fall on Triple H backstage in WWE. Many wrestlers are pointing fingers at Triple H as the main guy to push for the new, slower, more restricted ring style that seems to favor him more than anyone else. Most were then furious that the Triple H/Shawn Michaels match at the Royal Rumble was allowed to break those restrictions and thus come off as the most exciting match of the night. Credit: PWTorch Newsletter This just confirms my feelings that all this slowing things down bull is so that the highflyers like RVD won't overshadow HHH and the hosses.
  21. EdwardKnoxII

    Company high on Chavo vs. Rey

    Am I the only one that when they hear about WWE wanting to slow things down it really means WWE doesn't want the highflyers to overshadow the hosses or HHH. I mean think about it who ends up getting injured the most? Roided hosses like Batiasa and HHH. Or people that uses hundreds of German suplexes in matches like Angle. With RVDs highflyer style he hasn't been injured at all since he came to the WWE because he is flexable which is something WWE should work on more then have the "look".
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    Grammy: Janet, Justin In; Luther Out

  23. Major Goldberg/Brock Angle Likely For No Way Out WMXX match looking more likely... It is expected that WWE will run a major angle involving Brock Lesnar and Goldberg at the No Way Out PPV on February 15th. This should set up a WrestleMania XX match between the two. The match has been rumored on and off for months. Credit: WrestlingObserver.com
  24. EdwardKnoxII

    Major Goldberg/Brock Angle Likely For No Way Out

    Yeah like the ref is knocked out and Brock is about the hit Eddie with a steel chair but, Goldberg takes it out of his hands and Eddie takes advantage of it. Or maybe Angle tries to cost Eddie the match but, Goldberg stops him.
  25. EdwardKnoxII

    Major Goldberg/Brock Angle Likely For No Way Out

    So I'm guessing that Goldberg will cost Brock the title to Eddie at which point they have Goldberg demand to go to SD! and have Eddie and Kurt fight for the WWE title at WM.