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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    Weekend Box Office: 1/30/04 - 2/1/04

    Hell I remember when I first saw the ads for The Perfect Score I thought it was a made for TV movie, which is what it looks like.
  2. EdwardKnoxII

    Moonshine Makes A Comeback

  3. Sable, Goldberg, Triple H Make 'Most Annoying' List They are finally getting the recognition they deserve... AmIAnnoying.com has posted their Most Annoying and Least Annoying People of 2003 list. Sable came in at #19, Goldberg at #47, and Triple H at #8. Molly Holly made the Least Annoying People list at #19. The full list is available http://www.amiannoying.com/(0odbe1ft3jtyo1...collection=2389
  4. http://baltimorechronicle.com/lyingislegal_apr03.html
  5. Star Wars Ep. III To Feature Longest Fight In Film History? Star Wars Episode III stunt coordinator Nick Gillard recently told Times Magazine that Episode III will feature a duel sequence between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi that will clock in at 12 minutes. That time would make it the longest duel in film history. "In the next film, Ewan [McGregor] has more than 1,000 moves, which are more complicated to learn than dialogue. The climactic fight scene is, at 12 minutes, the longest fight scene in cinema history," Gillard says. Credit: Cinecon.com
  6. Selma Blair To Play Lois Lane In Superman? More rumors... At a convention to promote Hellboy, Selma Blair stated that she is very close to landing a role in Superman. This would back rumors that she will play Lois Lane. Credit: Bloody-Disgusting.com
  7. EdwardKnoxII

    Tammy Sytch, set to Retire.

    I just see Tammy willing to fuck the pilots in the cockpit for money to buy drugs with.
  8. EdwardKnoxII

    Selma Blair To Play Lois Lane In Superman?

    Thank you. I'm so sick of WB just wanting to make Batman and Superman, we've already got great movies out of those heros it's time to move on. With today's effects I'd kill for a Green Lantern or Flash movie. Say with you will about Marvel but, at least they're willing to make movies of other heros besides Spiderman and X-Men. Hard to believe at one time that DC had hit movies while Marvel couldn't catch a break with their movies.
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    Selma Blair To Play Lois Lane In Superman?

    ^Yeah you could say that again. I've pretty much lost faith in this movie not that I had alot of it to start with when it comes to this movie.
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    Sable, Goldberg, Triple H Make 'Most Annoying' Lis

    And the thing that gets me is that the reason why they listed why someone is annoying happened years ago. I mean at least put them on the list for something that happened in the past year.
  11. EdwardKnoxII

    "That '70s" Era Over?

  12. EdwardKnoxII

    R. Kelly Lawyers Want Nude Pics Nixed

  13. Update On Goldberg's Santa's Slay Movie Latest on Goldberg's next movie... Goldberg's upcoming new movie, Santa's Slay, is set to begin production in late January. Some of the filming from February 23rd to the 27th will take place in Alberta Canada. Brett Ratner's Rat Entertainment is producing the movie. The film will be a "tongue in cheek comedy". Credit: 1wrestling.com
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    Boy in 'Wrestling Death' Freed From Jail

  15. http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news/story.jsp...490.htm&sc=1110
  16. EdwardKnoxII

    Jeff Hardy to return?

    I don't want Jeff back on RAW because I don't want to read those tired jokes about Jeff being gay and those "funny" Jeff's hankey is code for gay sex that the IWC was always making. Besides, Jeff looked like your "average" raver to me.
  17. EdwardKnoxII

    Does Sex Still Sale In Music?

  18. EdwardKnoxII

    James Brown's Wife Strife

  19. EdwardKnoxII

    "That '70s" Era Over?

    I think they're in '79.
  20. Backstage Meetings Improving WWE Morale Meetings look to have been a good move... Most wrestlers were happy with the recent backstage meetings that Vince McMahon has held with talent and plans to continue. The meetings have improved morale. Wrestlers feel that they are now being included more and are actually being told what they are doing right as well as what they are doing wrong. Credit: Pro-Wrestling Torch Newsletter
  21. WWE Notes: Steiner, Triple H/HBK, Rumble Plenty of WWE news items... - Scott Steiner was at RAW on Monday but did not work due to a groin pull. - Triple H and Shawn Michaels were not too happy with their Royal Rumble match, feeling it was not as good as their RAW bout a few weeks back. Both guys were upset that they were not given more time in the ring. - The Royal Rumble was a legit sellout resulting in a gate over $1 million. - Bradshaw and a few other WWE wrestlers joined U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay at a news briefing yesterday to promote the Smackdown Your Vote! campaign. They challenged President Bush to a wrestling match but said they didn't want to challenge Howard Dean after his screech a few days ago. Credit: PWInsider.com
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE News from the 1/26 Observer

    And I hope this shuts up the talk about how WWE is the big dog and wrestlers shouldn't quit cause they wouldn't be able to make a decent living anywhere else or how it's their dream to work there..
  23. EdwardKnoxII

    Austin--What Will It Take

    With the way Austin comes out drunk alot of times no I don't. Dude no shit I live in Tenn and seen my share of rednecks.
  24. EdwardKnoxII

    Chappelle's Show thread

    Yes like everyone else I was dead laughing at the Nigger Family. To funny.