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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    But, that would just be a retread of Hillary's time with Trivar (sp?) the newscaster. At least do something different with them dating.
  2. EdwardKnoxII

    Benoit Could Get Huge WMXX Push

    Eh, true but, it would still be shitty but, what can you do?
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    Better yet how about Hillary gets the hots for Geffery(sp?) the butler and she makes him her sex slave and orders him to satisfy her every sexual need. Jazz would then get pissed and feud with Geffery in a series of hardcore matches.
  4. EdwardKnoxII

    Benoit Could Get Huge WMXX Push

    And there really isn't anyway that they can have Benoit go to RAW and not make him look bad or like a coward for leaving SD and not trying to get a shot with Brock.
  5. EdwardKnoxII

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    Good idea. Have the two Aunt V's fight for who is the real one when Uncle Phil breaks up the fight and says that he's hardcore and fat and he'll take them both.
  6. EdwardKnoxII

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    Ok how about feud between Punky Brewster and Maxine. Maxine used to be Punky Brewster's best friend Cheryl but, one day the two had a fallen out and Cheryl left and changed her name to Maxine and become friends with Laura. And now Punky has come back to get her revenge.
  7. EdwardKnoxII

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    Oh dude you also have to have a battle of the Harriet. Between the first Harriet and the second, lighter skinned, not funny one to find out who is the true Harriet. Another feud could be against Rachel and her own son Richie. It would be because Richie is pissed that Rachel just up and left him with the Winslow without a word and didn't call or write him or anything. Rachel would then reveal the truth about why she left Richie. Rachel become addict to drugs and even had to sell her diner to pay for her drug habits. Then she somehow ran afoul of the mob and had to go underground where Rachel became a hooker doing tricks for any drugs she could get.
  8. EdwardKnoxII

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    Hey Rudo I was thinking about this. Even do Estelle is dead you could have Kane dig up her body and have sex with it causing a feud between Kane and Carl.
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    Benoit Could Get Huge WMXX Push

    Oh of course. I'm glad that there is many ways the Royal Rumble can go instead of knowing who the winner will be like the last few years. Thing is if Benoit does go to RAW to face HHH you just know HHH is going over at WM. I wonder who backstage pushed for Benoit to go to RAW if it does happen.
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    Benoit Could Get Huge WMXX Push

    Chris Benoit Could Be Moved To RAW Details on this hot rumor... Many backstage feel that WWE is gearing up to move Chris Benoit to the RAW brand following the Royal Rumble. Benoit is scheduled to work matches with Triple H at house shows following the Rumble and WWE may run a TV program with the two as well. Benoit is one of the favorites to win the Royal Rumble and get a big WrestleMania XX push in a program with Triple H. As has been reported, WWE is looking for ways to bring new faces to RAW to work with Triple H. Credit: 1wrestling.com
  11. EdwardKnoxII

    The Simple Life

    Tonights Simple Life: Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, the Lendings and 300 Altus, Ark., locals gather to catch up, criticize and comment on the ladies' small town experience.
  12. EdwardKnoxII

    Crisis Meeting Scheduled for RAW

    And don't forget c) HHH wouldn't get to do his water-spit pose.
  13. EdwardKnoxII

    Favorite Car Chases

    French Connnection and it's the best chase scene ever. He also had a good chase in The Seven-Ups That's the movie I was thinking of. I remember a few years ago I was watching a behind the scenes thing about The Seven Ups and they were talking about the car chase. The plan was for Schneider's character to stop just inches from the end of the truck and they had it planned out. Well for some reason they had to move the truck but, they forgot to move it back. So when they did the chase the car ended up crashing into the truck and the stuntman BARELY ducked in time to save his neck. They decided to leave the crash in the movie.
  14. EdwardKnoxII

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    Oh just to let you know Rudo the woman that played Estelle died a few years after the show went off the air.
  15. EdwardKnoxII

    Davilex planning on a Miami Vice game

    Here's the story, from gamespot.com Davilex announces Miami Vice Davilex Games announces that it will release a game inspired by the '80s TV show Miami Vice for the PC, PS2, and Xbox toward the end of this year. Davilex Games has today announced that it will release Miami Vice for the PC, PlayStation 2, and Xbox toward the end of this year. The game, which is inspired by the '80s TV show of the same name, is currently in development at UK-based Atomic Planet Entertainment (APE). "We are really excited to be working on Miami Vice and with Davilex," said APE development director Jason Falcus. "Davilex has acquired a fantastic license and shares our vision of creating a top-quality game which does it justice. We are very pleased to be working with them on what we hope will be a long-term development partnership." "We are thrilled to have acquired the Miami Vice license and to have signed a solid development partner like Atomic Planet Entertainment," added Rogier Avis, CEO of Davilex Games. "Making a game based on Miami Vice has been talked about a lot, and I am proud Davilex will be publishing this highly anticipated title." Miami Vice will be a third-person action game in which players engage in dangerous raids and gunfights in Miami nightclubs and warehouses as they attempt to bring down Calderon's narcotics empire. We'll bring you more information on the game as soon as it becomes available. By Justin Calvert, GameSpot
  16. Well to be fair it wasn't like those guys wrestled long enough for people to remember their finishers.
  17. EdwardKnoxII

    Wrestlers Upset Over Coach/Vince/Ross Fiasco

    Dude don't you remember Judy never happened. She was erased from history. You know like Katie Vick and WCW.
  18. EdwardKnoxII

    Vince McMahon Upset About WMXX Leaks

    Hell a lot of times Vince walks like he just took a dump in his pants.
  19. EdwardKnoxII

    Britney Spears marries Jason Alexander

  20. Here's a bad finisher, The Worm. I mean first Scotty gives the guy a shitty bulldog and the gives him a halfassed chop and that's enough to beat the guy? Whatever.
  21. EdwardKnoxII

    Whoa! Chyna's new look

    Is that really her skin? At first I thought that it was make up cause her skin is REALLY pale looking.
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    Who wants to recap the last 5 months?

    ONLY if it's Stone Cold doing the forcing. Cause that's just the way he is.
  23. WWE Still Worried About Angle's Health Despite bold words from Angle, future remains in question... Despite a recent WWE.com article where Kurt Angle stated how physically strong he feels, many backstage remain very concerned about his future. The feeling is that right when Angle starts to feel good, he again starts to push himself to do tough spots and thus makes things worse. WWE management feels that Angle does not use good judgement when it comes to taking care of himself. WWE management has been constantly telling wrestlers to cut out high spots and instead sell emotion and storylines in the ring. WWE is encouraging Angle to listen to this new policy and be an example for the rest of the talent, rather than not listen and try to continue doing tough suplexes and dangerous bumps. Credit: Pro-Wrestling Torch Newsletter
  24. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE news from the Torch

    Credit The Torch.