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Everything posted by EdwardKnoxII

  1. EdwardKnoxII

    Britney Spears marries Jason Alexander

    I wonder if the guy will get any alimony from Britney.
  2. EdwardKnoxII

    This Day in History Thread

    Hell in Nashville, TN a Smackdown show is coming this Monday. I bet I could get some good tickets for cheap but, I really don't care.
  3. EdwardKnoxII

    Britney Spears marries Jason Alexander

  4. http://www.eonline.com/News/Items/0,1,13203,00.html
  5. News from behind the scenes of RAW... - Shawn Michaels is now being invited to many of the RAW management meetings since his position as a veteran wrestler is respected. - Mick Foley came up with the current "hardcore coward" angle he is involved in with Randy Orton. It is somewhat similar to an angle he did back in ECW where he refused to do hardcore moves because "the fans didn't appreciate it." - Morale was high backstage last night likely due to the fact that everyone just got off a nice holiday break. Credit: 1wrestling.com
  6. EdwardKnoxII

    Backstage RAW Notes: HBK, Foley, Morale

    That and the fact that Ken Shamrock was, you know, OVER with the fans.
  7. McMahon Still High On Brock/Goldberg WMXX Match Plus the latest on who Triple H will face... Despite Goldberg's backstage tantrum at Armageddon a few weeks ago, word is that Vince McMahon still really wants a Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar WrestleMania XX match. However, it may not be Champion vs. Champion as originally thought. Instead, the winner of the Royal Rumble will likely face Triple H. One interesting thing is that Triple H may face someone from the Smackdown brand, which has lead to speculation that his opponent will be Kurt Angle, John Cena, Chris Benoit, or even Eddie Guerrero. Credit: Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter
  8. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...us/dog_attack_6
  9. EdwardKnoxII

    Off Year at Box Office

    Cody Banks 2 will star Hannah Spearritt from S Club 7. http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hv&id=18085...=501182&intl=us Synopsis: A rogue CIA agent (and Cody’s own trainer) has stolen a top secret mind-control device, and Cody has to go undercover in London to get it back. Posing as a student at an elite music boarding school, Cody has to keep other kids from discovering his true identity while infiltrating covert hideouts, tracking his target – and practicing the violin. With all-new gadgets, a wisecracking new handler (Anthony Anderson), and a hip British Secret Service counterpart (Hannah Spearrit), Cody has to fight the toughest enemy possible – the very man who taught him everything he knows.
  10. EdwardKnoxII

    WWE weekend show previews...

    Go Behind The Scenes Of WWE's Iraq Tour It's the first Confidential of 2004... Confidential preview for Jan. 3, 2003 Join us for the first Confidential of 2004 when we go behind the scenes of the recent tour of Iraq by the Superstars of SmackDown! It was an unforgettable tour and an incredible SmackDown! event -- see all of the highlights and reaction from the WWE Superstars at 11/10 CT on Spike TV!
  11. EdwardKnoxII

    Off Year at Box Office

    Really? Last I heard the studio execs were thinking about making a Dirty Dancing remake with J-Lo after she came out with her video were she was doing scenes from the movie.
  12. I guess it's because for along time the cast of Friends movies would always flop big time.
  13. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...id=519&ncid=716
  14. Well I didn't know about it either untill this past week when I was watching the E! True Hollywood Story on MWC and they updated the parts about what the cast has been doing since to show ended. IE it talked about 8 Simple Rules and Ritter dying, Dragnet ,etc.
  15. Now keep in mind I don't like the show at all but, she did win an Emmy for her guest spot on Friends. But, I guess you meant something that she's done that YOU have liked.
  16. EdwardKnoxII

    Off Year at Box Office

    Last I read Duff wasn't going to be in 2 because they're going to make the Cody Banks movies like Bond with a new leading lady each film.
  17. EdwardKnoxII

    Ole Anderson as a ref.

    I thought I'd post this to see if anyone else remembers this. Does anybody remember the time Ole Anderson worked as a ref for WCW in I think '91 or '92. Man talk about awful. This is how he went. When a wrestler would have someone for a pin. Ole would SLOWLY check one side to make sure the shoulder was down and then SLOWLY go to the other side to make sure it was down. And finally would SLOWLY start the count. Hell by the time Ole would start the count the wrestler had his man in the pin for a good 11 secs. Good thing Ole didn't last long as a ref.
  18. http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news/story.jsp.../20040101XSR303
  19. EdwardKnoxII

    Off Year at Box Office

    Oh I thought he meant from the 10 top list.
  20. EdwardKnoxII

    Off Year at Box Office

    Don't forget Elf and Bruce Almighty
  21. http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/ns/news/story....540.htm&sc=1402
  22. EdwardKnoxII

    Backstage RAW Notes: HBK, Foley, Morale

    Well in that case weed's really bad. Mainly cause I really hate Dude Love. He was funny at first but, got old REAL fast.
  23. EdwardKnoxII

    Backstage RAW Notes: HBK, Foley, Morale

    You know I can see Stevie and Dreamer talking to Mick to give him his confidence back but, NOT RVD. I could just see it now. RVD: Dude, I know you've lost your confidence so why don't you take a hit off of this good weed I've scored. DUDE.
  24. EdwardKnoxII

    Nash & Hall Could Unite In TNA

    Yes I know the news about Nash has been posted but, lets keep this one about the topic. ok Some interesting news items... - Kevin Nash's WWE contract expires today. It appears that WWE has offered him a role in the management team but he seems to be against it at this point. He is also considerign one last run as a tag team with Scott Hall, possibly in NWA: TNA or Japan. - Brock Lesnar had surgery on his knee and elbow a few weeks ago. The elbow has turned out to be more complicated than previously thought, so he will now have to sit out an extra week. He was originally expected to return next week. He is still expected to work the Royal Rumble against Bob Holly. Credit: 1wrestling.com Good, as long as Nash is out of the fed the better.
  25. EdwardKnoxII

    Anyone Listening to WoL?

    Well I will say that in the WWE Vince is alot to blame for steroid abuse. I mean look at the fed. Look at the people getting pushed like HHH, Brock, and all the hosses like A-Train, Morgan. And look at the shape of Vince himself. Hell if it wasn't for the steriod trial Vince still would have been pushing big guys trying to find the next Hogan. I'm not saying Vince goes up to the wrestlers and tells them to take roids to get a push but, if you look at the working environment and the people getting push he's sending a message that to get a push they need to get bigger and fast.