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Everything posted by claydude14

  1. claydude14

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I'm probably gonna be the only one who cares about the Orlando Jordan shit, but it's great. He was the U.S champion for a pretty long time, and had beat Cena to win it. He got unnecessarly squashed in the Benoit feud after they had a solid match at the Bash, and I feared for the worst when JBL walked out on him in a tag match a few weeks ago. I'm glad to see that he's being his own man and getting things done. He can be credible again if they play up the US title reign and the Cena defeat (no need to mention the cabinet interference). Also, does this mean he is going to be face? I'm not so sure about that, unless his character stays the same cocky brash OJ I love.
  2. claydude14

    TNA Spoilers from Orlando

    So the crowd shit on people dressing up as Stings but loved when Christian got dressed as Jarrett? I hate the Orlando crowd. I also hate when wrestlers imitate one another like this, it's pretty played out; plus Christian just did it two weeks ago.
  3. claydude14

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I think TNA just has the rights to the NWA World and Tag Titles til like 2012 or something.
  4. claydude14

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I knew if only because I'm the resident Bashams mark (though mainly Doug). I think Danny had all of one HeAT appearence since being sent to RAW where he was Damaja I think. I don't ever see him in OVW results like Doug was for a while.
  5. claydude14

    where has this lot gone?

    Goldust was on RAW before Taboo Tuesday, Ahmed got fat and had a brief WCW run, Gangrel was on Smackdown! last year with Viscera to help JBL against Taker.
  6. claydude14

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Definitly should help wrestling, that's how I watch RAW, Smackdown! and IMPACT each week.
  7. claydude14

    Guiltiest Pleasure of 2005

    I mentioned this in the Best of 2005 by accident, but Cena and Trademarc's You Can't See Me is my guilty pleasure of the year. I hate the man's on screen character tons, but the CD is a favorite spin of mine.
  8. claydude14

    Mario Kart DS

    Added all your friend codes.
  9. claydude14

    Mario Kart DS

    23-66 right now... been more on the winning side lately.
  10. claydude14

    Mario Kart DS

    My DS is charging right now then I'll go through and add everyone who's posted their friend code. I use a Smackdown! logo for my decal actually, I found it on some old AC site.
  11. claydude14

    Better wrestler poll #2

    I like Sonjay for his gimmick spots, but that's about it. I voted for Roode.
  12. claydude14

    Kane Movie Starts This Saturday!

    I'm so seeing this opening night... is it wrong to admit I'm thinking about seeing whatever that movie is this weekend just for the trailor?
  13. claydude14

    The Best Album of 2005.

    Sufjan's Illinois Kanye's Late Registration Common's Be Jeezy's Thug Motivation Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! was good too. Cena's You Can't See Me is my guilty pleasure of the year.
  14. claydude14

    Who came up with that gimmick/angle?

    Well if he went to "The U" the self absorbed athlete probably was an extension of him somewhat.
  15. claydude14

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I don't think so. It's on every WWE DVD. I have it memorized now... Body's have been broken. How do you learn to fall of a 20 foot ladder? etc. Man I hate that promo.
  16. claydude14

    Kurt Angle vs. Christopher Daniels

    Already made my points in the TNA folder's topic. Daniels>Angle at this point in time.
  17. claydude14

    Byte This - Cole/Tazz segment

    There is a new video feature on WWE.com that is being hosted by Tazz and Michael Cole. The video feature is called "Talkin' Smack" and it will debut on Thursday afternoon. Tazz and Cole plan to "shoot from the hip" and it looks like it will be controversial. source - WWE.com http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/talkingsmack Interesting for now at least...
  18. claydude14

    Christy Hemme is

    Christy was a WWE fan before the Diva Search, right? If so, perhaps she was trying to break up the Paul/Steph relationship as a favor to us. I commend her.
  19. claydude14

    Man cries at a Wrestling Convention

    Dave needs a weekly column somewhere.
  20. claydude14

    Better wrestler poll

    Good idea! And let's start it in the TNA folder of this very unbiased board. I'm sure we'll come to a respectable conclusion. Ok, I'd say at LEAST 75% of the TNA folder also follows WWE. Just because we also watch and post about TNA, we are gonna be biased? I know your "unbiased" line was sarcastic, but I'm sure a lot of us are unbiased when it comes to WWE/TNA. WWE has one style right now. One. From cruserweights to divas to midcard to main eventers, there is one WWE style for a match. TNA at least allows different styles. You have the main event WWE stlye, then you have the X division style. Some fall inbetween. Daniels hasn't really worked a main event style match in TNA, mostly X stuff, but he also works ROH and idependent dates. He has proved he can work different styles. Angle hasn't; even if it's because he's always only been allowed one style. 2005 Daniels > 2005 Angle, but again if we look from 2000 on, Angle has definitly had the better run.
  21. claydude14

    Man cries at a Wrestling Convention

    Haha, I want to go to an indy show just to yell this.
  22. TNA should get the American Dragon and push him in the X Division. Have him be the guy to beat Joe after a very lengthy X reign.
  23. claydude14

    Better wrestler poll

    Daniels is way better right now. Angle is oustanding in WWE, no doubt, but that's in WWE style matches. Daniels has proved solid in multiple styles of matches. I think Kurt is insane enough that he could push himself to learn more than WWE style even at his growing age and decreasing physical shape, but hasn't been allowed to.
  24. claydude14

    OAO 12/17 Impact Thread

    Two one-hour shows, even based on the time slots they have now (Sat and the midnight Mon replay) could equal out to the 90 minute medium we all seem to want. Both Mon and Sat would have to briefly recap the show before it, which will take so much time, however compared to a straight up replay we get more faces on TV each week. I think that could be the most realistic at this point and best option we could get.
  25. claydude14

    Tammy Sytch Butt Pics!

    Thread delivers based on title, that's as far as I want to comment. A little bizarre if you ask me.