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Everything posted by claydude14

  1. claydude14

    second week in a row

    Not to mention give them their money's worth since they're wasting air time on Tough Enough.
  2. claydude14

    Donkey Konga

    Ive played a few times with friends drunkenly. As a DDR fan but having not played any other bemani (or speficially drum bemani as it appears most have in this thread) I enjoyed it a lot. If I wasn't broke as a joke I'd pick it up. 4 Player bongos is great drunk playing though.
  3. claydude14

    Favorite Animated shows

    3 South was great. I just remember the episode where the fat character kept seeing some kid who looked like him and he kept calling him an asshole. Clone High was also fucking great. All of it. You can find the series on torrent sites.
  4. claydude14

    WWE News & Notes from the 10/11 Observer

    Steroids? They can be injected in the ass.
  5. claydude14

    Bossman passes away

    RIP Big Boss Man Go give God, Tha Big Boss Slam. Watch out for Big Show's Dad; Since you stole his body; If he knows the Alley-oop, Then you'll be real sorry. Use your night stick on Angels Then feed them some dogs, Win the hardcore title, By pinning Crash with logs. Say hi to Al Wilson. RIP
  6. claydude14

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    Yea, the thought crossed my mind last week when he was one of the agents to come out after the baby killer was done with her.
  7. claydude14

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    Na I think it's just the most ridiculous thing ever. Me and a few buds watched that stoned out our minds, ridiculous. We kept rewinding and shit, hillarious(ly bad).
  8. claydude14

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    Is it wrong that I've memorized Heidenrich's poem?
  9. claydude14

    Twisted Idea for Taker/JBL at No Mercy

    I'm expecting Chuck Norris to be named special enforcer for this match, and he will kick the teeth out of any heels that try and interfere.
  10. claydude14

    2004 Departure Thread

  11. claydude14

    Heidenreich/Cole bit from SD

    I loved Tazz Vs. JR; except the wrong guy went over at Summerslam (King). Damn they had so many places where they coulda pulled the trigger on a Tazz push (obviously, inVasion comes to mind) but they just buried him instead. Ah well, at least this way he doesn't need to go under for neck surgery.
  12. claydude14

    2004 Departure Thread

    I think the jokes were that he could not be eliminated and thus would win the Royal Rumble.
  13. claydude14

    SummerSlam DVD pulled off shelves

    Or you could take it back to where you bought it. If it's being pulled of shelves I'm sure retailers are aware of the problem and wouldn't have any problem refunding your money or exchanging the DVD once the fixed ones are out.
  14. claydude14

    2004 Departure Thread

    Didn't Vince keep Lesnar under contract, only a freezing type deal? So he wouldn't go wrestle in Japan or anything.
  15. claydude14

    ITunes to be investigated

    Whats that roughly in American?
  16. claydude14

    Jamie Noble released from WWE

    When the spoiler is something as groundbreaking as the returns of Vis and Gangrel you know you can't avoid it. I wasn't gonna read the spoilers either, but my friend IMed me about their returns and it was too late for my eyes. There are people that like to watch Smackdown without knowing what's going to happen. Anyhow, this sucks. I enjoyed watching Noble's work but I don't get TNA and won't want to buy anything just to see him (like a DVD) so this is too bad.
  17. claydude14

    Simon Dean

    I still got the Simon Dean stuff
  18. claydude14

    Cheapie DVDs at Wal-Mart

    Sweet, I love that bin. I'll have to check it out.
  19. Yea I saw some at Wal Mart as recently as Sunday.
  20. claydude14

    The Underquaker!

    I might buy Underquaker just so I can be that guy who actually bought it 10 years from now.
  21. claydude14

    Roster Update for WWE Day of Reckoning

    Please tell me there's continuous Royal Rumbles where you become the next person out instead of just being eliminated for good like the past two Cube games. The Royal Rumble modes on Mania 2000 and No Mercy still are the best multi-player wrestling experiences I have. How hard would it freaking be to do?
  22. claydude14

    Wrestlers that need new theme music

    Whatever happened to HBCade? Maybe he's growing his hair out.
  23. claydude14

    WWF/E Theme Songs

    Rush's Summer Time Blues didnt get me excited for Summerslam at all. It didn't pump you up at all. It was just sort've annoying. Why'd they use that?
  24. My original NES still works, and breathing on it helps
  25. I bought one of these for the pure novelty of it last year at my mall from an Arabian man in one of those randomy placed vendor stands, of course it doesn't work any more. Mine was a Famicom clone made to look like an Xbox. I was under the impression all this kind've crap was made in Hong Kong and Tawain etc. where piracy is huge.