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Everything posted by claydude14

  1. I hope her dress is a hybrid of Kane's outfit or old outfit... red and black scheme. That actually has the potential to look kinda cool, so of course they won't do it.
  2. Many backstage believe that Triple H pushed for Randy Orton's quick face turn following his World Title win at Summerslam as a way of trying to ensure his run will be a failure. The thinking is that Triple H figures Orton will not be able to handle being a face and WWE will then have no choice but to put the World Title back on The Game. Credit: 411mania.com
  3. They could give Orton the old instrumental version of Evolution... I liked that one better anyways.
  4. There's a hair studio I always pass called Batisti's Hair Salon, but of course I refer to it as Batista's.
  5. claydude14

    Undertaker vs JBL 2

    Ay come on now save day kinda stuff fore da Hardcore Discussion dis is da peacful forum eh? plz thx.
  6. claydude14

    Undertaker vs JBL 2

    Start the wave.
  7. claydude14

    I hate Toronto

    The focus of the show is HHH. HHH=#1 heel. Feuding with HHH does not make you the #1 face on RAW.
  8. Man, I was Anti-Angle before being Anti-Angle was popular. Back when HHHate was really big, I had a an Anti-Angle sig that I have brought back, and a HHHaters Haters pic in my sig. What a dick.
  9. claydude14

    I hate Toronto

    No, he's not. Benoit was/is the #1 face on RAW, until perhaps Orton turns or Michaels returns.
  10. claydude14

    I hate Toronto

    What did Tazz do? I was doing the wave, err I was in the crowd so obviously we couldn't hear the announcers. And yea, I went to the Jays-Orioles game earlier in the day and we did the wave there too. Toronto just loves the wave. Was it disrespectful to the baseball game? No. The Jays lost after blowing a 7-1 lead, so the game wasn't entertaining. JBL-Taker wasn't entertaining either, so the wave came out.
  11. claydude14

    I hate Toronto

    I just got back from Summerslam, and the crowd was just as bizarre live. I'm from Rochester NY. For the first two matches, I could understand the Dudleys and Kane getting cheered since they are obviously the much bigger stars in the mathces, at least in casual fans eyes. Edge getting booed wasn't random, as he's been playing the tweener. A random fan and I were discussing Edge on the way in and he was telling me he wouldn't be suprised to see Edge turn during the match. I don't know if it came off on TV, but we also chanted "We want Christian." Gurrero Vs. Angle came off pretty bad live, to me at least, as the first 10 minutes just seemed like constant ankle lock for no reason. Seeing as Angle is the internet's darling boy, and Toronto is (or tries to be) a smart crowd, I didn't have a problem with the crowd going back and forth, as I was too. HHH v. Eugune was when I realized after seeing the same groups of peopel starting the heel cheering each time before the whole crowd jumped on the bandwagon (I'm not saying I'm not guilty of some chants either, but those were the Borings and This match sucks during JBL-Taker). It was absurd how Eugene was beeing booed, for pretty much no reason. We tried to cheer for him anyways, but most of the crowd was against him from the start, and again maybe only because HHH is a name and Eugene isn't. Now Undertaker-JBL... we didn't shit on it immediately. Then the wave started and it was much more entertaining so we did that for like a minute or two straight, whole arena full out. It was good times. Then we start to watch the match again and it's nothing but a big man match, so we start the boring chants and what not. And yea, we weren't just gonna give JBL heat so that WWE thought he was a good heel champion, because most of the crowd did not feel that way. Bradshaw should never have been made champion. I agree that some stability for the belt could be good, but stability on Bradshaw isn't necessarly the kind of stability it needs. Anyhow, best part of the match prolly didn't make the PPV, a fan started running down to the ring and tears his shirt off (so I thought it was Heinderich) and he hops on the limo and dances and runs from security. Of course we all noticed the big cut in the top of the limo, although I couldn't tell it was a cut from where we were, just looked like a line. Boy how I wish the fan had fell in the limo and ruined the spot planned for later. Oh and when we were booing as Taker left, it wasn't to make him come back. We were booing the match in general, and most groaned when we thought he took it otherwise. But of course, the bump was planned so he would have went back either way.Diva Dodgeball was booed for obvious reasons. The main event, of course they start chanting you screwed Bret, and my friend and bro join in until I called them out on it and said it was ridiculous that the fans were still dwelling on it 7 years later, even after Bret doesn't care anymore. I was hoping Earl would ring the bell while Orton had Benoit in the shooter just to piss of the crowd. The crowd was definitly into the match by the end, and also definitly into Orton. He posed with the belt forever after the show went off the air, and the crowd was eating him up. In concluslion a very interesting crowd to be a part of live, although I definitly agree that half the shit (esp. Eugene-HHH) seemed like the crowd was just trying to be "that crowd that is so crazy they cheer the heel!" compared to cheering/acting that way because they actually liked the heel. But alas, I need sleep.
  12. claydude14

    Late night talk show shakeup coming..

    I just emailed the show at CBS.com, suggesting myself as the replacement.
  13. Yea but see the reason VHS declined is because DVD is such a hot commodity, cheaper, collectible etc. Switching all of America to HD I don't think will be as easy, as I don't think most people buy new TVs all too often, as there's no need. A TV lasts a long time with most average families not seeing any reason to buy a new one. I think realistically we'll see dual-broadcasting of NTSC and HD for a while now, as buying new TVs to replace all the ones Americans have that aren't HD would just be too expensive; and there's simply no need for a new TV in most people's homes.
  14. claydude14

    Paul E On Live Wire

    I remember watching this episode as a mark and having no idea what was going on. I was in the 4th grade, and ususally watched Livewire because I couldn't always stay up for RAW. I remember there was no RAW after the epic Summerslam 95, and had to watch the Sat. morning recap show (don't think it was Livewire at this point) to find out if my hero Diesel had defeated the evil King Mabel.
  15. claydude14

    Serious Moments You Found Funny

    Speaking of Vader and Guerrilla Monsoon, the segment where Vader attacks then President Monsoon was just too hillarious to me and my brothers. That must have been early 96 after Vader debuted in the Rumble (I'm going off shady memories but I think that's right.) Vader was just laying chops on the helpless Monsoon, and then Vaderbombs him. The scene of helpless old man being brutally attacked was repeatedly re-inacted in our living room.
  16. I got an email today telling me that they released more seats, so I snagged some $55 ones in 301 row 4 seats 12-17
  17. claydude14

    The year's half over

    Throw my hat towards Kanye and Modest Mouse. I'm anticipating the new Cake in September though.
  18. claydude14

    Piper wants back in

    I grew up on New Generation Vince-JR-King, so I prefer three man commentary teams.
  19. claydude14

    The End of SD! Usefulness

    They could feud Face-Face like Taker and Austin did going into Summerslam 98.
  20. Bash at the Beach 98' Eddy V. Chavo, Chavo is crazy. He has PePe.
  21. claydude14

    Roanoke House Show July 25th

    Nunzios double booked too. I bet Nunzio/Funkai is cut.
  22. claydude14

    I Love the 90's

    This is way too early. The true children of the 90s haven't made it anywhere to be a celebrity who gets to comment on the 90s. All the child stars from the 90s didnt experience the real 90s childhood, so if they're on there it still won't be good enough for me. I consider myself a child of the 90s, since I was born in 1985, thus I was between the ages of 5 and 15 for the 90s, so that's about the ripe age to at least know a little about every fad and what not. From Turtles to Power Rangers to pro wrestling to Pokemon.
  23. I feel bad about how far Smackdown! has fallen from watchable, as it used to be the better show, so obviously you know it's more capabale then it's showing. I feel bad for the roster members at Smackdown, seeing thier brand become the definite #2 brand. I feel bad for Eddy, who's first title reign most of us are tuning out of.... if they ever made Smackdown 'good again,' they could blame it on Eddy.
  24. claydude14

    Sting says he'd like to work for wwe

    I'd say Smackdown could use him, but then he'd have to be heel, and that probably wouldn't fit very well.
  25. claydude14

    Smackdown Spoilers...

    Remember that time after Test gained immunity for a year after Suvivor Series and they found him in his locker room playing Xbox instead of getting out to the ring? I wish that had become his gimmick. "You cant fire me, so I'll play Xbox"