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Everything posted by claydude14

  1. claydude14

    ultra-fascinating behind scenes info on...

    Fuck man, I was a fanboy back then and The Clone Saga is what got me into comics as a whole. I was even the Scarlet Spider for Halloween (and was him again this year thanks to some costume re-fitting). When it ended is when I got out of comics. This past weekend I picked up a Wizard for the hell of it, and today found myself at the comic shop. I'm glad they're going back to original numbering on all those books that got re-started. I'm try and start reading Amazing, complete the Gen-X series (why did it die?) and read some other books (randomly picked up The Flash 200-203, like what I've read so far). I'm gonna have to give this Clone Saga article a read...
  2. claydude14

    "Cat In Hat" Purrs to $40.1 Million

    No way Haunted Mansion will be #1, it should've come out a month ago.
  3. claydude14

    Angle Slam

    I don't go out to the streetcorner you work at and harass you, man. Leave my monkey alone Yeah, well I hope you admire my restraint in reference to your tacky and ridiculous organ grinder. What in the hell is this all aboot? Anywho, on the case of the Angle Slam, it's too bad they ruined it, it was one of the better newer finishers.
  4. claydude14

    Get ready, kids...........

    Well, I liked it when they did it with Spike/Molly since it had the feuding families. That was pretty cool, IMO.
  5. Is DDR Extreme worth importing? I've been playing Max2 like crazy for the past month, and love it. Seems like a much better mix than Max to me, but I really started to come into my own as a player with Max2, so perhaps I should go back and play Max now that I can do a lot better (highest passed was an 8 footer). Does Extreme have Boom Boom Dollar or Butterfly? Those are two of my arcade favorites but alas I don't have them for home. If not, could anyone recommend a Japanese mix that would have them?
  6. claydude14

    Hate to say I told you so...

    Uhh, let's claim it's because of the matches being from different brands, thus different officials have different outlooks on things. Yea, that's a logical way of explaining it.
  7. claydude14

    What "cena" thing do you like most

    In a high school soccer game in which I recently competed, an opposing player shoved one of my teammates, a sophmore. Being one of the vetran senior players, I ran over and told him to get away from my player. He said some stuff back, I said some stuff back, and as one of his teammates walked him away from the scene, I did "Word Life" and yelled it at him as well, spur of the moment without realizing it. This was right in front of our team's fans, so the wrestling fans popped for it. Fun times.
  8. claydude14

    10/23/2000 Benoit Raw Promo

    I'd mark out if something like that happened today.
  9. Then what kind is Jindrak wearing and where can I get it? I've seriously been looking for a suit like that to wear for my bands' gigs. edit: Ebay brought this up, 2 sizes too big, but now I know what I want. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...bayphotohosting
  10. claydude14

    Angle re-injures neck

    Unless the rumors of him main eventing XX are true, I think it's time to go. I'd love to see him come back and have a non-wrestling role after some significant time off.
  11. claydude14

    Why all the hate for Bob Holly

    How do you like me now?
  12. claydude14

    Shopzone's Latest

  13. claydude14

    Nowinski Update

    Nowinski's in ring was nothing I could ever get into, but I enjoyed his heel charisma and mic skills.
  14. claydude14

    Wrestlemania 2000 or No Mercy?

    Well after reading this thread I went and had some good 4-Player Rumbles in Revenge and No Mercy tonight. It was damn fun. No 4-Player experience in a wrestling game has come close yet.
  15. claydude14

    Are TNA making a video game?

    If TNA can get EA and in turn get the AKI engine, the game will sell based on that alone. It's the only reason I bought Def Jam Vendetta, and I know I'm not alone... and that's not even the true engine, it was arcarde-ed up a bit. <Crosses fingers for a new generation AKI wrestling game in the States>
  16. claydude14

    AT WM, Lesnar should face...

    But the matches have been good. However, I'd only be up for sitting through their feud leading to the match again if their was a new element... say, someone like Bret Hart?
  17. claydude14


    Is Matt Morgan from Tough Enough II? I swear I remember a big guy leaving due to injury and hearing the offered him a contract anyways. Anyhow, I think he has the potential to become somewhat like Taker', a hoss who can work when he has the right opponent and is motivated. He has a good look.
  18. claydude14

    Shopzone's Latest

    When the hell are they going to release a new Eddy shirt?!
  19. claydude14

    Wrestlemania 2000 or No Mercy?

    Argh, this topic reminds how awesome those games were. Why the FUCK did THQ turn to Yukes for the Gamecube games? And are there any Japanese Wrestling games for Cube still using the No Mercy engine? Def Jam Vendetta is good, but not the same.
  20. claydude14

    Survivor Series will be great!

    "I guess, unlike you, certain people aren't able to see SD before it airs or perhaps they don't want to read any spoilers" Umm...
  21. claydude14

    Benoit: Push to the Gold 2003

    In addition to all the evidence of a Benoit push, we have the Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain commercial, where Brock's main foe in the commercial is Chris Benoit. That's a little random, no?
  22. claydude14

    The location of SummerSlam 2004 is...

    Summerslam in Toronto? Rock on, by then the fast ferry between Rochester and Toronto should be complete, so it would be no problem getting up there.
  23. claydude14

    Batista's lookalike

    I can see it.
  24. claydude14

    the jericho/trish angle

    I don't feel like wading through 15 page of this... I got through 7 and it's too much for me. How did a physics major or whatever he claims to be even get his application/storyline ideas read? The past few times WWE has posted job openings on that one job site, it has said that experience in writing television required.
  25. claydude14

    HHH & Stephanie wedding, this Saturday

    I think we should set up a fund and send Stephanie and Paul an Xbox and Linkin Park's new CD for wedding gifts. That way, the holy trinity of ULTIMATE would be together: HHH-deeXboX!1!!!!11-andOMG LINKIN PArK!!!11!!!