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Everything posted by claydude14

  1. claydude14

    One And Only Beg For A Pass For The No Mercy Webca

    So... when does the torrent for the PPVs ususally go up?
  2. claydude14

    One And Only Beg For A Pass For The No Mercy Webca

    This would be the first time in a while someone hasn't come through with a link. Not really a big deal though.
  3. claydude14

    One And Only Beg For A Pass For The No Mercy Webca

    The username/password are locked anyways guys. I went thru shopzone's main page and tryed logging in.
  4. claydude14

    One And Only Beg For A Pass For The No Mercy Webca

    Try getting us the stream once the ppv starts.
  5. claydude14

    One And Only Beg For A Pass For The No Mercy Webca

    See Clay. See Clay beg. Beg Clay beg.
  6. claydude14

    new releases for Oct. 7

    Be a Man is a solid (hillarious) album. The guy at Media Play who helped me find it told me that Hogan and Macho were brothers, and that Hogan lived in the Rochester NY area.
  7. claydude14

    Fuck the McMahon devil child

    If you're going to name a kid Ash, you better have the last name Ketchum.
  8. claydude14

    25 most overrated games of all time

    Since when is Gamespy looked at as a good video game site with meaningful articles?
  9. claydude14

    Gamecube now $99.99

    The day Nintendo stops making systems is the day Nintendo stops making games. They've said it over and over again. This is great news for the holiday season.
  10. claydude14

    HHH vs. Chris Jericho

    HHH was supposed to be KOTR 96' til the MSG Incident.
  11. claydude14

    Post A Login To The Webcast Here Please

    I *guess* I'd watch if someone gets a link, but I'm not gonna cry if I don't. I seriously just rembered it was tonight, and didn't even think anyone would've made this thread by now.
  12. Holy Shit this is awesome. I live in Scottsville, so this is not a far drive. I wasn't aware so many smarks lived within this area, that's a plus. Dany Williams... so you're a freshmen at FLCC? Have any classes with a kid in a wheel chair named Charlie Manaseri? That two wheeled terror used to wheel the halls of my high school, so keep a look out.
  13. claydude14

    Randy Savage throws down his mic in frustration

    What a bunch of fucking pricks. I've listened to Macho's tunes, and any fan of wrestling should be able to laugh at them but enjoy them at the same time. I personally will be buying his album and if he comes around, I'll see him too.
  14. claydude14

    Gamespot reviews Wrestlemania XIX

    God damn Revenge gets ass hard. I'm the level before last on the first world, and you have 10 minutes to get on top of this 20 foot high thing you must climb, all while 2 gaurds at a time (if you knock one off a new one replaces them) are battling you, making it damn near impossible to even get up there. And once you're up there, you meet a wrestler, and must throw him off. But of course the 2 gaurds come up too, so it's 3 on 1 in a narrow passage way, and it's just impossible.
  15. claydude14

    Gamespot reviews Wrestlemania XIX

    I'm playing revenge as Goldust, and suprisingly I like it alot. It'll hold me over till Viewtiful Joe as a beat em up. The actual wrestling is pretty good too. Had to get used to it after playing Def Jam for so long, but I like it.
  16. claydude14


    I thought Eddie was still considered Tweener? He sucked up to Vince in the parking lot.
  17. claydude14


    That's horrible. It means no Eddy-Angle *MAIN EVENT* at SS. Fuck!
  18. claydude14

    triple h face turn

    If they brought in Mike Sanders it could be like Natural Born Thrillers all over again. I liked them.
  19. claydude14

    Soul Calibur II

    Jesus Christ! An opinion is a fucking opinion! I own the PS2 to Cube adaptor (not because i prefer the ps2 controller but because it was a cheap soloution to a 4th controller) and I've played people using it in several games (Madden, THPS, SCII) and they have never had a distinct advangate because of the controller. And I wonder why there's not a cube to PS2 adaptor? Maybe because the PS2 owns so much of the market that there's a market for the thing.It really is absurd to call people fanboys when you try to preach opinion as fact. Makes you look like an ass too.
  20. claydude14

    Rob Conway's anti-American promo

    The best part of his Promo was the opening line. "I'm Rob Conway." He said it so... I don't know how to describe it, but I marked. The man can cut a decent promo, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't agree with most of what he said. And yes, I'm American.
  21. claydude14


    My Summerslam party was the exact opposite. We hate Goldberg and the hate grew more and more as he eliminated three guys in a row. Him breaking the glass to go after HHH was lame. Plexiglass my ass. Goldberg gets injured when he punches regular glass, imagine what plexiglass would have done to him. It came to a point where everyone was marking for HHH hardcore, and we all cheered and jumped up and down when Fuck Goldberg jobbed. He broke it with a hard kick and knocked a big chunk out of it. There were no real jagged edges everywhere and it didn't shatter into a million peices. It was pretty cool, IMO. Hate the guy or not, you have to be able to get into the emootion of things from time to time, and if you couldn't put aside your bias for one second, why even watch? I watch for moments like what that could have been. We got into the emotion of things, just in the opposite way most here did.
  22. claydude14


    My Summerslam party was the exact opposite. We hate Goldberg and the hate grew more and more as he eliminated three guys in a row. Him breaking the glass to go after HHH was lame. Plexiglass my ass. Goldberg gets injured when he punches regular glass, imagine what plexiglass would have done to him. It came to a point where everyone was marking for HHH hardcore, and we all cheered and jumped up and down when Fuck Goldberg jobbed.
  23. claydude14

    Games to Buy

    Nov. 17th- Mario Kart: Double Dash!
  24. claydude14

    Nintendo's E-Reader

    October 20th they are releasing a set to battle new trainers and pokemon compatable with Ruby/Saphire. On the same date, a set of cards featuring ALL NEW LEVELS for Mario Advance 4 (SMB3) will be released to go hand in hand with that game.