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Everything posted by claydude14

  1. claydude14

    My WWE Theme Collection

    Does anyone have Kerwin White's theme?
  2. claydude14

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Trips doesn't work Tuesdays...
  3. claydude14

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    The only thing I want is Venis to Smackdown! for a push. If Rey goes, that's bullshit, if they break up Kendrick/London it BS, but Venis to Smackdown with a push makes up for all else. I know he can get over.
  4. claydude14

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    I only wish that they would just do that and end it now.
  5. claydude14

    OAO 6/14 Impact Thread

    The opening 8 man tag was pretty fun, good to see Doug Basham back on national TV. Rick Stiener looked decent too.
  6. claydude14

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I think I'm gonna watch IMPACT tonight for the first time in... I don't even remember. Anyone else remember when there were actually weekly Impact threads that could go a page or two? Man TNA has really fallen off. I don't even read the spoilers anymore.
  7. claydude14

    Mr. McMahon "dead" - Now for the "whodunit" angle.

    RAW jumped the shark.
  8. claydude14

    Sid Vicious update

    If they were about to give Goldust a main event heel run, why not Sid?
  9. claydude14

    Sid Vicious update

    How old is Batista?
  10. claydude14

    SmackDown Spoilers for 6/8

    The way in which Boogey was squashed leads me to believe he's getting drafted elsewhere.
  11. claydude14

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Wee Man Vs. Hornswoggle!
  12. claydude14

    Tomko - TNA's Batista?

    Not to sound crazy, but Albert actually deserves better. And he needs to come in as the Great Bernard, and play up his Japan run rather than his WWE run.
  13. claydude14

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I hold Summerslam 04 close to my heart.
  14. claydude14

    WWE Roster Breakdown

    I started a Smackdown! drinking game with some drinking friends a month ago, and now everybody is hooked on the Smackdown! brand. I've tried watching RAW with the same group, and it just doesn't get over the same.
  15. claydude14

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    That picture; harwise, physique wise and trunk wise is a Flair replica (going by my Legends series action figure at least). Don't pay attention to the face.
  16. claydude14

    Mr. Kennedy Severely Injures His Triceps

    It's ok, he makes up for it with his on-screen prescense (re: ECW One Night Stand II Rey Vs. Sabu)
  17. claydude14

    Mr. Kennedy Severely Injures His Triceps

    Watch some of Kennedy's promo work in OVW. He's much more than him saying his name twice. I hate to bring up the Rock comparisons (and I'm not saying he's "the next Rock") but he has the same cocky heel appeal to him that he can get over as a face with annoying heel antics. And I can see it happening. Austin has even said in interviews that he sees him as a guy he could work a money match against in a couple of years. And not to mention the other news-story on Kennedy, MVP and Cade/Murdoch watching old school tapes. Kennedy has a passion for the business, has a great charisma to him and I feel like he could definitly be the next break out star. On an Austin or Rock or Hogan level, probably not due to the enviornment of the product, but Kennedy can be huge if booked properly and allowed to let his personal charisma carry him (unlike the way in which Cena has been shoved down people's throats as 'the next big thing').
  18. claydude14

    Mr. Kennedy Severely Injures His Triceps

    The whole situation may have worked out better for Kennedy than if he never got injured.
  19. claydude14

    The Undertaker tears his bicep.

    Nope, see; by this logic the IC title, European title, original US title and Hardcore title's lineages are all within the World Heavyweight Championship. Just becauset the IC title was reintroduced doesn't give it it's old lineage by this logic; just as the WHC would start with HHH and US championship start with Eddie Gurrero. God I hate lineage disscussions too. Some titles unifying are agreed upon, others not, yadda yadda yadd blah blah blah. We're best off accepting whatever WWE does.
  20. claydude14

    The OAO Pokemon Thread

    You should be able to use your wireless router.
  21. claydude14

    The OAO Pokemon Thread

    I got Pearl, but no Wifi til I'm back home from college in 2 weeks.
  22. claydude14

    DS Lite - The Thread

    Anyone else getting Diamond or Pearl on Sunday?
  23. claydude14

    DS Lite took a toliet bath...

    I've heard of people modding systems that have special screws like this, and instead of buying the expensive screw driver tool they just heat some plastic (like the end of a bic pen) and stick it in the screw til it cools then unscrew it. Not sure if this would work in this case.
  24. claydude14

    DS Lite took a toliet bath...

    Call Nintendo up. Fixing it might be cheaper than replacing it.
  25. claydude14

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    This shit warrants it's own thread in General Wrestling, it's clogging up this thread.