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Everything posted by Sandman9000

  1. Sandman9000


    It's funny. After doing damn near every thing possible to ensure that I wasn't gonna throw my life or career away in college, I turn around and damn near do it anyway. Wonderful.
  2. Sandman9000

    TNA News From 3/20 Torch

    CM Punk doesn't go the gym? I never knew that you can just get off the couch and go for 93:13 in the ring. Or when Samoa Joe talks about a workout in his live journal and says that he wished Punk was there, since Punk "could have pushed him even harder." That CM Punk. He's never worked out a day in his life, obviously.
  3. Sandman9000


    What the hell happened to my thread?
  4. Sandman9000

    The fighting game character tourney 2k4

    You bastard! You watched SF: The Movie! And it's "Viktor," BTW. Where the hell did all these Sagat fans come from? I blame Capcom vs. SNK 2. Hey, I'm down with the fuckin' Riot of the Blood, but I'm an old Sagat mark. Though I'm a bigger mark for Gouki. And I watched that movie twice. ::Shoots self in head, finds out that it's a Nerf ball, cries::
  5. Sandman9000

    Anglesault and CWM should make sweet, manly love.

    That I can do. ::Smacks the next person to post with a lighttube::
  6. Sandman9000

    OAO NCAA Tournament Picks Thread

    Xavier in the final four, Illinois in the elite eight, AIR FORCE in the sweet sixteen. There's your worse.
  7. Sandman9000

    The fighting game character tourney 2k4

    Victor Sagat.
  8. Sandman9000

    OAO NCAA Tournament Picks Thread

    Florida A&M d. Lehigh in the play-in game. And I'm 0-1. Whoooooo.
  9. Sandman9000


    Life in general is already a death match. Don't give yourself any more wounds than necessary. Meh. Chicks dig scars. Example: Corporal Robinson is married.
  10. Sandman9000

    Anglesault and CWM should make sweet, manly love.

    The sodomy laws got repealed. They're free to have wild, monkey sex whenever they want. Yes but it's illegal to have sex with a 12 year old thus why I'd go to jail. Do I need to draw a picture? We Want Sandman9000! (or whatever the number is in his name) I am NOT drawing a picture of that. Besides, there is no way that I could without making ten thousand RF jokes.
  11. Sandman9000

    Chris Benoit DVD !!!!!!!!

    I doubt they'll have any of his Japanese footage. And they'll need to put him breaking Sabu's neck, just for the whole Crippler thing.
  12. I still maintain that I am partially responsible for the death of that place. I'm the one who really made the transition from "parody" e-fed to "serious" e-fed. I'd say me more than Tony on that list, who never really did anything outside of organizing.
  13. Sandman9000

    The OAO PowerPB13 Sucks Thread

    That's the spirit.
  14. Sandman9000

    Fantasy NBA League?

    I don't think I can bomb my way out of the playoffs, but knowing my team, they'll find a way. If I stay in my current spot, my first round game is vs. Pogo the Monkey, and I crushed them 8-0 last week, so my chances are looking fairly decent right here. But with my team, I know better than to get my hopes up. And I need Speedy Claxton to hurry the fuck up and heal already.
  15. Sandman9000

    ROH 13/3

    If you visited any other boards, you'd realize that it's on like all of them, not just the CZW one. The ROH one, DVDR, SCU even has a post. Meh, first place I visited. I usually frequent this board and the fanboys board, I don't tend to hang around anywhere else.
  16. Sandman9000

    ROH 13/3

    On the CZW fanboys board, there's a rumor that RF is outside the Rexplex in the limo Teddy Hart brought to the show. Wouldn't surprise me, but even I don't think this is true.
  17. Sandman9000

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Yeah, I'm keeping two. J. O'Neal and Mike Finley, just to clarify.
  18. Sandman9000

    pick your poison

    Goddamn you sissies. You people act like you've never been stabbed in the eye with a fork before.
  19. Sandman9000


  20. ::Knees CWM in the junk and dares him to no-sell that::
  21. Sandman9000

    Stupid DVD Burner

    I've downloaded the platinum version of suprnova, but I can't register the damn thing. Every keygen and serial code thing that I've used won't get the sonofabitch to register, and I've tried nearly everything I can find. I don't know what I'm doing wrong with the regisration code to not get it to work.
  22. Sandman9000

    Stupid DVD Burner

    So, after the last thread on DVD burning I started, I got this program called DVD Decrypter, and it worked a couple of times. However, now it either does one of two things: Refuses to read my blank DVD's, or Says that parameters haven't been set and won't burn the DVD. I'm using DVD Decrypter because I can't crack DVD XCopy, and I don't know how this goes from working to not working. Any help?
  23. Sandy and I found it in one of the millions of OAOAST dram threads. I do what I can. ::Smacks CWM with a lighttube::
  24. Sandman9000

    Products you put over to everyone

    Crack cocaine.